Hitman 2 doesn't exist. Or, rather, it's a set of 3 perma-free episodes. Kinda hard to give those away effectively.
Hitman 2 should be removed from the giveaway list, but last I heard staff was "looking into it", so it's a bit muddled.
Suffice it to say that at least one staff member has been long aware of the CV/mis-titling issue.
Standard Edition is the paid "first expansion" or, more reasonably, the "base content" package.
Gold Edition is both of the expansions (or in more reasonable terms, base content + expansion content).
That's all we really need on the list, so it'd make sense to have all the existing Hitman 2 entries changed into SE ones.
That may use resources staff doesn't have access to, which may be part of the reason for the delay in their correcting the matter.
Edit: To be clear, this post is meant as a "+1" to yours. My ticket on the matter was posted on August 14th, after all. :P
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Not actually sure whether or not it was brought to discussion before, was just intending to note that staff was aware of the matter [via support tickets]. As I noted in my edit above, wasn't my intent to not support the thread. And yeah, eventually it should be updated properly. Just not sure when that'll be, since it seems staff has run into some kind of issue along the way.
Well, at least a Choice game isn't really as "exploitative" as others, as far as CV goes (rather, Monthly/Choice has always been pretty borderline on that). As I recall, there are other games that've had more exploitative circumstances that've run into similar delays on CV-listing, and it's a bit more annoying seeing users intentionally stockpile giveaways on those (in much the same manner of those who exploitate free games for a temporary level boost).
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Could see if knsys has a way of making SGT filter out users by specific giveaways made, I guess..
I mean, there's already the option to filter by game in library, and this seems easier to implement, assuming SG sends the data out.
Well, Positive Thoughts was created specifically to avoid problematic/exploitative/abusive users [and that before SGT was a thing], and we've quite a few users who support that ideal of positive interaction, so I mostly manage to avoid the drama that comes from public giveaways by focusing my giveaways there and on puzzle gibs. Moreover, SG now has groups which require gameplay or deletion-on-issue or which support similar stress-avoiding considerations, so that also helps the overall environment.
I'd never post a high demand game to public giveaways, though- just far too many past negative experiences there.
In fact, just looked through my early giveaways, it's impressive how many of the winners are perma-suspended now. :P
It can definitely get complicated, trying to gift in a way that's both accessible and avoidant of issues.
I think the important thing is to remember that there's no obligation to gift in any specific way. If you're feeling hesitation about a particular method, it may be worth considering changing the method to something that's more suitable to your outlook. After all, too much stress will just push you away from making giveaways, which means the community'll be the ones to lose out in the long run regardless, so not too much benefit to forcing oneself to public (especially low level public) giveaways if one feels disinclined towards such, under the premise of "giving back to the community". :P
And beyond that premise? Well, we do need some public gibs to keep the site flowing smoothly, but that doesn't mean any of the other methods are necessarily inherently any less meritorious. Maybe experiment with what's available, and just stick with whatever works best for you. ^.^
Of course, you may find that you favor public giveaways despite the issues, as some other users do.
The level system isn't perfect (there is even, for example, a handful of developer key exploiting level 10 users who are toxic or known for autojoining), but there's a pretty sharp drop in issues as you go through the early levels, with most severely problematic users cutting off by about level 6 (and somewhere in the level 3 to 5 range usually being decent enough for a typical giveaway).
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First I didn't understand like half of what you said, but after some google search I see that by SGT you meant sgtools.info and this "Positive Thoughts" is a group created by you. I don't know much about SGT now, I will have to read more about it (also your group or other such groups).
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So I'm seeing quite a few Hitman 2 giveaways now, which isn't that surprising since it is in the current Humble choice bundle. Therefore "Hitman 2 - Standard edition" has been added to the reduced value games (https://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games/search?q=hitman%202). But, the giveaways are for "Hitman 2" simply, which is not added to this reduced value list, and thus creating such a giveaway would give full CV points to the GA creator. So I think the simple "Hitman 2" version should also be added to this list, otherwise people could just get to level 3 instantly by buying a 13 $ bundle... (Also, on humble bundle if you view your keys, it only shows "Hitman 2" next to your key. )
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