Sweet Jesus on a stick, this is seriously weird. Never had it happen before.

Any of you get the same thing?

Edit: it went away a few minutes ago.

It started like this:

Then it transformed into this:

And finally this, but with weird colours like in the gif before:

After the last phase, it slowly started moving "to the sides" and disappeared entirely.

8 years ago*

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When I squint my eyes I always see that... stuff.
Didn't know it was a thing.

8 years ago

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That's different. This is your whole vision with eyes wide open going crazy, without using drugs*

* I did inhale some nasal spray earlier, gotta look at the leaflet inside the box

Edit: the leaflet says "loss of vision 1:10000 - 1:1000". Also "nosebleeds more often than 1:10". I think I won't be using the spray any longer.

8 years ago*

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Oh, okay, then I never experienced that. I have headaches and migranes a lot, but this never occured to me.
Never read the leaflets tho. You can die from basically everything if you take those too seriously.

8 years ago

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An eye floater, perhaps?

8 years ago

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I have many of those, I guess that's another thing.

8 years ago

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I have those after sneezing really hard or generally being sick, but don't you see that stuff when you squint your eyes in a specific way?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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yeah, i sometimes get the white aura, then a migraine.
super fun.

8 years ago

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I never had this, nor did I have a migraine. Now I'm scared I'll get one :/

8 years ago

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Migraine is the worst, I have it all the time. i take 3 different medicaments to get it under control.

8 years ago

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I read that as Scintillating Skooma.
I' myself out now...

8 years ago

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Thanks for Skyrim!

8 years ago

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It sounds sexier than it actually is... :[

8 years ago

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Wow, I had the exact same symptoms yesterday. A headache and a weird flickering white/black "spot" in my vision looking like some kind of a "worm". Didn't know this had a name. :P

8 years ago

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Sometimes you can actually learn new things on the internet!

I didn't know the name, either, I thought it was "visual migraine" (of which I read something many years back). Went to the Wikipedia page, barely managed to read it due to psychedelic triangles in my vision, and realized it's "scintillating scotoma".

8 years ago

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I have negative scotoma when i get strong headaches not sure if best translation.
I basically lose part of my vision like pic related.

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8 years ago*

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I often experience those or other similar visual disturbances - sometimes along with other "Aura symptoms" before a seizure occurs (I think that wikipedia page rather... lacking, but enough to give an idea).
Do keep in mind that those symtpoms are not necessarily related to seizures (as others pointed out it might just be a migraine) or even go away by themselves without causing anything else. Also, one can experience seizures without necessarily being epileptic - and most seizures are not the movie-like generalized tonic-clonic kind of seizures. As a matter of fact one can experience a seizure whilst staying perfectly still while sitting and have others nearby even talking to him not realising what's going on.
Last but not least, if you're really concerned over this, do not use the internet to self-diagnose (or even to ask others at that) and go see a doctor instead. At any rate I'd go see a doctor regardless if it's the first time you've experienced this and it happens again, because as with most symptoms that could mean nothing or something very serious... well, it could be nothing or something very serious.

8 years ago

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I have chronic severe migraines ... but I never get that ... I just get pain and occasionally pass out. D:

8 years ago

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I have exactly the same symptoms since my childhood. When I was around 20 I went to a doctor (opthalmologist) who told me that they are symptoms of chronic migrains related usually with stress. He just advised me to simply avoid stress as there is no treatment for this, apart from some anti-stress pills.
It still happens during periods I have a lot of work to do, but over the years the headaches after the symptoms are almost gone.

Long story short, don't worry about it

8 years ago

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I have that, it's very annoying. I can't read or focus cos everything is moving. Afterwards I get a headache, elevated temps and it feels like the hangover from hell. Mine doesn't seem to be stress related but more like a visual trigger. I once had 2 spells in a row, ugh.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Everybody's having those nearly simultaneously?


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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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