lol i cant believe that xD i have at least 1 flamer in almost every game. from 10 games there might only be 1 game with friendly ppl or ppl that dont dare to flame cuz they might not want to get banned again.
and the way they flame is almost disgusting >< totally ruins the fun. but well thats how mmos always are
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always the question.. which is better? league of legends or dota 2?
I've tried lol for a little bit but the community really sucks...
Dota 2 the only person who makes me sad are brazilian playesr (not all of them.. .but every time there's a scumbag in the team it's brazilian....)
and in teamplay games the huge difference in the fun factor is community, no?
what do u guys think?
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This, I find LoL more enjoyable due to having a lot of my friends playing it.
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leagues of legend is better u get more gold and more champins to choose from. in dota 2 u dont get a lot of gold and u die a lot too
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Do the staff go through every report made, or only check on people who had a number of reports? Because if a person is being a dick, the maximum amount of people being able to report him in 1 session is around 4. So he can be a dick for 1 session, and get away scot free
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it's probably X reports over the two weeks during which they are reviewed, I'm personally guessing its 10 or less needed to get banned though, but at least we can directly pm the staff on our side to get it looked into, on na.. kinda hard :s
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Both games have shitty communities. LoL is easier to pick up and more casual friendly, feels more like a game whereas dota is more of a sport, more dedicated to hardcore players. Since I don't give a shit for e-sports and play games to have fun, I prefer LoL.
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Icefrog was not involved in the creation of dota.
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Whether you play on NA, EUW, or EU Nordic & East, you will always get matched with retards, no exceptions. Fell from 1396 elo to 991 just by playing with noobs, kids, retards, feeders and leavers, and still, Riot doesn't move a fucking finger to get rid of these kind of people from the game. Guess they will go bankrupt after Dota 2 and other multiplayer games comes out, and I will be happy about it.
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i understand getting rid of feeders, leavers, etc. but "getting rid of noobs and retards"? seriously? because someone doesnt live up to your standards of the game, they shouldnt be allowed to play? come on man....and no offense, but 1396 is considered "noob" rating too =P
they wont go bankrupt because of this scenario that plays out 200 times a day - LoL player tries dota 2 once or twice, gets raped because LoL was their first moba, then goes straight back to LoL and talks crap about how bad DOTA sucks only because they suck at it.
(just for reference, i am a 1800'ish dota/hon player and i was a 2k LoL player season 1 but sold my account a week after i got into the DOTA 2 beta and havent touched the game since).
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In NA, the community sucks. Between a certain level bracket(level 1 - level 10, level 30), many people will complain about kill steals. There are many leavers, etc.
Luckily, I'm not in that Elo. Everyone in my solo queue is surprisingly very friendly (but I still just queue with friends)
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idk why people complain so much about the lol community. In normals, in my main account, teams arent retarded at all and are pretty nice people. I'd guess that my normal ELO is about what in ranked now is 1300~1500, the average. I've also leveled up a fair amount of smurfs and everytime I got to the same level of skill.
Ranked is a whole different world and I don't play it, mainly because I'm not the most versatile player around. But from what I've played in season 1, the first matches were much more important than what they should be, and coincidentally the ones in which you encounter the most assholes/feeders/trolls. So that can help to build up rage.
Ah, big detail, I play LoL (NA) at low traffic hours. That counts, sure as hell.
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Must say it really depends on your ELO level, I'm not that good so I usually get more than one afk/leaver/someon that really can't play; either way, the best way to avoid this is to get on a clan or get some friends to play premade games, Skype/Teamspeak/Ventillo helps a lot making the game more enjoyable :)
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Oh yeaaah, I meet a lot of people in LoL SEA who complains to the other team. The moment they find something unsatisfactory with their team, the first thing they do? Complain to the other team. Either that or they start calling you "dog" , "nood" , anything else you can think of.
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it'd be nice if there was some sort of tutorial in dota 2. getting raped in a genre of game i've never played before for a half hour is not in the slightest bit fun. not saying it should be dumbed down or made any less competitive, i just want to be able to not get a 1:25 kill death ratio
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here is a good guide for you -
also, i'd say only que player vs ai games until you feel comfortable enough with the game mechanics
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I know some people who cannot stand the community and although they like the game they just can't be bothered to deal with the people. Awhile ago I decided to just not care about winning or losing or who I play with. Not to be confused that I don't want to win and don't try, but if someone afk/quits or has high latency (been getting that one a lot on NA from Brazilian players...) or is a jerk I just go with it and try to do the best I can. I've only been playing normal though, so I assume the atmosphere is different in ranked and more competitive because it's one of those games that if you are good you can get some benefits which leads to a lot of people with delusions that they're good and everyone else sucks. Ah, MOBA games. :P
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As far as I've seen, and I've played around 220 matches or so, occasionally there are afkers or leavers, and the occasional rude idiots who only complain and don't do much themselves, but there are good players. I find I get a very good team 1 in every 4 matches, although 1 in every 2 matches are decent. The other half, there's usually somebody who doesn't do as well, or the other team just ends up being so much better than your team and you can't do anything =(
It also helps that I have a lot of friends who play LoL, and they're pretty decent, so I try to play with them so I end up having more fulfilling matches more often.
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How's the community in the other servers? I play in the SEA server, aka garena, and all I can say is, for every game you play, there would be at least one idiot in your team who either does something stupid or afk/leaves. Although it pains me to play with this people, the little amount of good players are what drives me to play.
So I would like to know, how is it in other servers? Is the community better? Or is it the same as SEA server?
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