How's the community in the other servers? I play in the SEA server, aka garena, and all I can say is, for every game you play, there would be at least one idiot in your team who either does something stupid or afk/leaves. Although it pains me to play with this people, the little amount of good players are what drives me to play.

So I would like to know, how is it in other servers? Is the community better? Or is it the same as SEA server?

1 decade ago*

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I play with my friends on NA server. I play normal blinds for fun though... Honestly, I can't go for more than 2-3 games without reporting someone for either being AFK or just being a total douche. But then you get the teams that are totally awesome, working together and talking in a constructive manner. If it wasn't for playing with friends, I don't know if I would play much though, cuz pug after pug game gets kind of old (I usually pay with 1-2 friends at a time, so all my games have pugs still).

1 decade ago

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just lost a 1 hour match Y_Y so exhausting

1 decade ago

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LoL Community is horrible. -.- Just went a ranked match yesterday and a guy refused to play and went AFK when he didn't recieved his blue buff. I just can't believe people really do those kind of things.

1 decade ago

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0 idea! T_T

1 decade ago

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lol gotta love these comments. out of the 32+ million players on LoL, they see 1 or few people who are assholes = WHOLE COMMUNITY IS SOOOO BAD AND RUDE.

first off in ANY game, there are always bad players and assholes. If ur just starting off, ur more likely to see the bad players. Why? well because its the "low" part of the game, why would a good player be on that level.

Second.any game can be frustrating, just cuz u saw some guy be an asshole and do bad on 1 game doesnt mean he/she is like that all the time.

1 decade ago

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most online games with a little bit of competitivity are quite retarded in general. im not talking about small groups, 'inhouse' communities etc. if you think league of legends is bad, try dota 1-2. if you think dota1-2 is bad... try hon. if you think hon is bad... try bloodline champions.
for the later one i didnt play for quite some time, but it was really overkill. even by looking at a few pages of top teams you would see the most ridiculous and absurd racistic team names. since the matches are short there - all the cursing, rage and generally bad mood of an ordinary player of a normal lol/dota/hon match is kinda compressed into those few minutes.

what separates this genre from most others?
its completely teambased.
most of you probably played call of duty. lets be honest here - most people are complete douchebags over there, but it doesnt matter that much coz game is focused on individual performance (killstreaks). even in supposedly team game like counter strike you can kill the whole enemy team with right skill, some luck and quite a bit of fail from the enemy side.
team fortress 2, while obviously completely team game... is not played like one. everyone is for himself. unless the good old heavy+medic-combo comes in.. but thats the point - you dont need the whole team to play like a team to win. this is really not the case in league of legends (even more so than dota tbh) where lack of one player is most likely a suicide mission unless you are insanely fed with gold.

league of legends in game name: Sazabi (EuNe server)

can play any role, however recently started learning jungle, which seems a bit of a challenge since im doing it for the first time after 2k matches.
also i dont see a point in ranked mode since that just stresses the sensitive players even more resulting in even more frustrating matches. you go up, you go down, achieving nothing in general, but more headaches. lol

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Ruyan.