The trailers are fantastic, and I've heard a lot of good things.

Although, I'd like to hear from you guys, is it any good?

Money is pretty tight right now, so just tell me your thoughts on the game.

12 years ago*

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if you can make it through the opening sequence yes, it's very good

12 years ago

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What should that mean? Opening sequence, you mean the tutorial? Too hard or just bad?

12 years ago

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Balls hard. Been improved since original launch though.

12 years ago

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I got the witcher 2 after the improvement. Apparently it was successful because I have no idea what people might have complained about.

12 years ago

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The first fighting was right as that siege tower hit the wall in the begining of the siege. You got thrown into combat "here are the buttons to attack and shit, now beat 20 of these full-plated armored knights" kinda of style. Not THAT hard, but kinda hard for people who played the Witcher 1 right before the Witcher 2, you kinda need time to adjust to the fighting mechanics.

12 years ago

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you also get to stare at a nice pair of boobs about 2 minutes in... which helps with the motivation

12 years ago

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^This x 2

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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If that was hard for you, I bet you haven't tried the first boss... that was hard. I had to change the difficulty to easy, after like 10 tries. Still feel bad about that ^.^

12 years ago

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Witcher 2 is awesome it's better than 1st one. Worth it...

12 years ago

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Just one word. YES

12 years ago

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Is it any good? IS IT ANY GOOD, you ask? FUCK YES, ITS AWESOME! Get it right now on GOG

12 years ago

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^ This reaction isn't an over-exaggeration.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Sadly, I bought it on steam and shortly after it was up on gog for the same price. I would have prefered the gog copy. D:

12 years ago

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You can still activate it on GoG and have a backup.

EDIT: Do it 'ere

12 years ago

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Wow, awesome! Thanks a lot. Activated on gog and all sadness is now gone. :D

12 years ago

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They offered retail buyers (like me :D) a license for the game on GOG if you provide your Game Key to them, I don't know if they do this for Steam copies, too though...

12 years ago

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It did work with my steam copy. Thanks!

12 years ago

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They did. They gave me a GOG copy and I got mine on steam

12 years ago

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Yes, you shoulda gotten it by now, it's been on 75% off many times xD next times it goes 75% off definitely get it

12 years ago

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I'll reiterate what everyone else is saying. YES, GET THE DAMN GAME

12 years ago

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It is honestly one of the best RPGs I've ever played in my life. GET IT NOW!!!!

12 years ago

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Read the book. The game is a disappointment... Good enough for people that didn't read it so yeah. I recommend it ;p

12 years ago

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Um.. What? The games have almost nothing to do with the books.

So yeah, go away.

12 years ago

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Except for, you know, having the exact same main character

12 years ago

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I think my IQ just dropped a bit when reading that.

12 years ago

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Every penny/cent/whatever currency you have.

12 years ago

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My mind played the tricks on me again. Glancing over your avatar I read "Every pony"

12 years ago

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How can you ever ask that?

12 years ago

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Just yes.

12 years ago

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Every. Single. Freaking. Cent.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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i donno is it really? everyone was saying the same thing about the first one and i was pretty let down. Maybe my expectations where too high but 1st one had boring combat and the dialogue was pretty cheesy. Forcefully put 20 hours into it and couldn't find a reason to push more hours since it wasn't really fun.

12 years ago

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The second one has vastly different combat, more action-oriented and abit stream-lined gameplay, but very fun. Also if you don't like long games, The Witcher 1's playthrough took me about 40-50 hours, whereas Witcher 2 was more like 25-35 hours BUT it has 2 distinctly different stories in Act 2 which pretty much force you into a second playthrough.

12 years ago

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This game is like polish national proud. Give it a try, I think U wont be disappointed.

12 years ago

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Worth buying if you haven't completed the first one yet?

12 years ago

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Yes, they are very different. If you didn't enjoy the first game because of the combat, it is hugely different and more action-oriented than in the first game, while still remaining tactical and quite challenging at times. There are only subtle (although amusing) notions from the first game in the second game's story, especially when you import a savegame but nothing compared to, say, the Mass Effect series, where you pretty much have to import a save game.

12 years ago

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I'll play devil's advocate here. I didn't enjoy the Witcher 2, or the Witcher for that matter, although the former is definitely a huge improvement over the first game.

IMHO once you've played an open-world RPG on the caliber of the Elder Scrolls series, the Witcher games pale in comparison. The environments, while extremely beautiful, are static and flat, the combat is very repetitive and the alchemy/potion system feels more like a chore than a joy to play. The thing that the Witcher DOES do very well however is the story and how it intertwines with your choices. That's hands down the most interesting aspect of the Witcher games.

At 75% off the game IS a steal, but if you have a choice and haven't played Morrowind, Oblivion, or Skyrim, I'd choose any of those over the Witcher any day. Plus, each of the The Elder Scrolls games have incredible mods that add immense replay value (I've modded for all three games and enjoyed participating in the community greatly). Just my 2 cents.

12 years ago

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wow! that's better put then any of the comments combined.

12 years ago

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Of course its not Skyrim or Morrowind... they dont even compare, its like saying DA:O is a bad game because its not open world... its an RPG and TES gets our expectations so high they shouldnt even be in the same genre... They are story driven RPGs that might get somewhat boring if they dragged on forever like The Elder Scrolls... it pushes you somewhat to get though the game while throwing some awesome stuff to do along the way...

12 years ago

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This was the kind of reply I was looking for.

Thank you. (:

12 years ago

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Actually its a matter of preference.
Witcher 2 and F:NV are my favorite recent rpg's. As for Skyrim - I stopped playing it after visiting first city (3-4h ingame), since I found it very repetitive and a bit boring (especially after playing oblivion years ago):)
I wouldnt compare those two games, skyrim is more like MORPG, where witcher 2 is more like fallout 2.

As for strong sides of witcher imho:
-has great side stories and a nice main story
-rich and belivable world
-rememberable npc's
-one of best engines
-so-so combat system (personal preference)

12 years ago

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My turn.

I like Morrowind and Skyrim as much as anyone, more than most in fact, since I've been playing them since Daggerfall.

But the Witcher 2 is first and foremost an RPG, while the TES games are open world amusement parks.

They can 'not' be compared.
Yet The Witcher 2 is in my eyes the superior game. It may not be as 'entertaining' as lootgrinding and messing about in skyrim is, or even have the same replay value.
But it is the better game. And if anyone were to ask me "which should I choose to play?", I would always say Witcher 2. It's like asking "should I watch Predator or District 9?", I would always say D9.

Because when all is said and done, if you can take something with you beyond the medium, it was worth the effort to watch/view/play/listen/read. And The Witcher 2 tries and succeeds at this.

So yes, get the Witcher 2 :)

12 years ago

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But the thing is, in Elder Scrolls games, you have a huge ass world with nothing extremely interesting to do, while in the Witcher the world might not be all that huge, but the quests are expertly crafted and hooking. (Sidequests included)

Nitpicking on the combat of W2 when it's going up against the Elder Scrolls series? What?
Witcher games require some sort of finesse. ES games? Ew.

The only thing Elder Scrolls games have on the Witcher, is the huge world to explore.

12 years ago

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everyone has a different opinion. i find the original witcher game to be much better than the second, and as for open world games like skyrim, well... those things are great as exploration games, but they arent so great when it comes to characterisations and story... witcher, on the other hand, and to a lesser degree, witcher 2, are great on characters and story, but just cant be compared to exploration type games, because they just arent the same type of game. Play skyrim for an open world exploration game, play witcher 1 and 2 for fantastic characters and story. Personally, just my opinion naturally, i loved the first witcher game more than the second. No other game i've played has been as satisfying when it comes to atmosphere and world creation.. nothing in skyrim has been so emotive to me as walking through the slums or the swamp in the original witcher game.

now im not saying skyrim is bad, i love the game.. just saying you cant compare the two, they offer completely different experiences, and each one has its own strengths and failings, and dispite its lack of open world exploration, i find the witcher franchise to deliver a fantastic experience well worth the purchase.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Quick answer: Yes

Slightly longer answer: Most definitely, it was an excellent game with some issues at release. By now with the Enhanced Edition, it's even more so. The first Witcher game wasn't bad, but there's no comparison between the two - Witcher 2 is MUCH better. One thing that might be of particular value to you when shopping for a game is the fact that it also has great replay value, the entire second chapter (out of 3) is completely different depending on choices made in the first chapter for example.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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If you want a great plot , characters, atmosphere and meaningful choices then try the Witcher games and start with the first one.

And if you want a boring sandbox try a Bethesda game.


12 years ago

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What a stupid question. Witcher 2 is worth every cent. Buy it without thinkig.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Exollio.