Hi, I used to use this website WAAAAYY back in the day and forgot about it, since then I bought quite a few Humble Bundles and other game keys that I don't need - after getting the 10 year anniversary email and it reminded me of the site I thought I'd come and unload them for people to actually enjoy.

I've seen there are some old discussions on certain bundles and/or keys being ROW but I can't find them for all bundles so I'm unsure if my older bundles are ROW or not - anyone know how I can tell? I'm from the UK if that helps since it seems most region locking is based on price paid/region of purchase.

Thanks in advance!

3 years ago

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All the old keys way back where row but now not so much check this persons discussion they usually post all the monthlies


just search for the month

3 years ago

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Thanks for the response, I actually have some bundles that pre-date that users posts - bundles from as far back as 2012 and their posts only go back 7 years and even then the older ones don't give the region of the keys.

Issue is I have so many keys for games and I don't want to do giveaways and then people win and then are unable to redeem the games - do you think I should just region lock the giveaways?

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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Honestly that is a relief! They had never mentioned region locking before on the Bundles themselves and it was only when I searched here to see if I could still do giveaways with them that I saw mention of some being region locked.

I've got nearly 300 game keys I don't need - some that I've actually bought since because I forgot they were in bundles I had already bought.

I was thinking of posting a game key from a bundle or two and if they can't redeem them just buying the winner the game so they don't lose out so I can determine if the region on the keys was locked but if it was based on the change that happened roughly 4 years ago so most anything older should be alright for now.

3 years ago

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What are those games? Maybe there is no regional sub/app for them. You can try to check them on https://steamdb.info.

3 years ago

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Hi, I've had a look on the site and I'm unsure how I'd check if they were region locked?

Some titles are indies and some are AAA titles a few examples are: Bioshock, Mafia 2, Dead Space 2, Wasteland 2, ARMA 2, Dragon Age Origins, Dreamcast Collection, Worms Armageddon and The Sims 3 (Origin code - side note any idea if they or UPlay keys are region locked?) to name a handful of the 'big hitters' I want to giveaway.

Looking at say Worms Armageddon (https://steamdb.info/app/217200/info/) where does it confirm if there is no regional lock?

3 years ago

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Superb! Thank you so much. I will ensure I check on a per key basis before hosting the giveaways.

3 years ago

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Worms Armageddon has no region lock for EU only so your key is WW

3 years ago

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although there is Bioshock EU CD key, but when you look inside, there is actually no EU lock only, so your key can still be used WW

3 years ago*

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Closed 3 years ago by cheesyfishface.