Please provide your thinking or reasoning if possible.

4 years ago

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What do you follow?

View Results
Omnivore Diet
Vegetarian Diet
Vegan Diet

potato diet

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Eat what you want diet. I am satisfied with that :)

4 years ago

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in a ammount that none get unhealthy fat

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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Why'd you run away?

4 years ago

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cause english is not my first language and I'm insecure that I misread the comment

4 years ago

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I'm ovo-lacto-meat-vegetarian.

4 years ago

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Well, one reason for people going vegan is the horrible way we process meat... And I totally agree that it's animal cruelty how it happens.
But I do want to eat meat. So I try to stay clear of processed meats in supermarkets and instead I try to get meat from local farms or friends who keep animals. Same goes for eggs, milk etc. Of course convenience and money saving purposes do lead back to the mall to get the cheap processed food, but I try to do my part and eat such food less and less.

Overall I do eat everything and I'm not planning on going vegan or vegetarian. I enjoy food too much. But I will definitely try to use more of locally made products that dont involve the horrible conditions animals have to live through in huge farms.

4 years ago

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^^ so much this. Except I strictly do not eat any tortured animal.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

4 years ago

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Diet as in what you eat, not the colloquial term diet.

4 years ago

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I follow only Beer diet! XD

4 years ago

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Seefood diet. I see food and I eat it.

4 years ago

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I oppose the suffering and mass slaughter of plants so I only eat meat

4 years ago

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+1, don't support the senseless slaughter of vegetation. They have just as much right to be here as anyone else.

4 years ago

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it's simple.
If it doesn't hurt your health.
Let's stop the diet.(*p'Θ'q)

The issue of appearance is the imposition of values.

You should avoid wanting an unhealthy figure with someone who can understand each other, even if it is green or an octopus or gorilla.


4 years ago

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Well, let's just say: It's complicated.

I have a rare medical condition (refer to this). Because of that, I have to follow a strict low-protein diet.
Here are some things that contain a lot of protein: meat, fish, milk, eggs, cereal products (like bread, noodles, etc.), and many more.
That means, that I don't eat meat, therefore I'm at least a vegetarian. I also don't eat eggs, milk, or products made with eggs or milk, so that would qualify me as a vegan.
But on the other hand, I can eat small quantities of liver sausage or spread cheese, because typically I only use a small amount of that (which results in only a small amount of protein). But that means, I'm not a real vegetarian or vegan.

In German, I often joke that I'm an "Eingefleischter Veganer" (which is a pun meaning either a "die-hard vegan" or a "vegan with meat")

4 years ago

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You're in the mob and you ate some chinese herbal medicine to decrease your testosterone because you are gay??

4 years ago

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I should immediately stop telling people that my condition was featured in House MD :D

4 years ago

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I am vegan. I don't believe my momentary enjoyment is sufficient justification to inflict torture, mutilation, and death upon other sentient creatures.

4 years ago*

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Just slaughter them humanely then?

4 years ago

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They are tortured their entire lives and then needlessly killed at a young age. Can you imagine this type of life for your pet dog, and then killing it at the age of 1 and repeating the cycle billions of times? I can not countenance inflicting such horrors upon another being. I don't believe we have the ethical right to do this to animals, nor to needlessly kill them.

4 years ago

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Is that the case everywhere?

4 years ago

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Most everywhere, yes. 99% of US farmed animals live in factory farms, and about 95% of meat in the U.K. is factory farmed. If the world were to cut back on factory farmed meats, the price of meat would increase substantially and the world would have to eat a lot less meat. So switching to non-factory farmed meat is not a feasible route, it only makes you feel better. And in most cases animals still live in terrible conditions. If you ever go out to eat and eat meat, it's factory farmed.

Watch the second video I linked to. It shows UK farms.

I would urge you to look into it more. You seem both a curious and sympathetic person and you might find a vegan diet is more in line with your morality and health goals. That's why I changed. Just researched it a bunch and decided it fits with my morality, my health, and my consideration for the environment (factory farmed meat is extremely bad for climate change).

4 years ago*

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What about those sentient creatures (especially wild birds) that have to be killed to produce fruits and vegetables?

4 years ago

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For every pound of meat you have to farm pounds and pounds of plants to feed them. So if you care about those deaths you should go vegan to reduce them by huge margins.

4 years ago

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Because you totally feed cattle with apples and tomatoes, sure.

4 years ago

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They're fed more calorie dense foods, but the farms for them result in more wild birds dying because for every pound of meat you need multiple pounds of feed.

Take a look at this infographic

Also note that America gets only 32% of our calories from animal foods (meat, milk, eggs, etc). 68% is from plants.

Animal farms also cause pollution to our environment and contribute significantly to climate change.

4 years ago

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The plants cattle eat don't need any protection from birds or other animals.

I've no idea what that graph of yours is supposed to tell me or how it relates to the discussion.

Good for you. Or not, because almost half of those plant-based calories you get come from trans fats and those are like, 100 times worse for your health than animal ones. I guess I don't have to tell you about American obesity issues?

Pesticides, insecticides and chemical fertilizers used on plant farms cause way more damage to the environment. And please don't start about organic farms, because less than 2% of Earth population can afford organic foods.
Speaking of Earth population, please go tell the indigenous people of the North to stop eating meat. Eskimo, Chuckchi, Aleut etc. Their diet was so different for centuries so switching to plant-based diet will simply kill them. The same way as eating some of the foods they eat will kill a regular person living on a "normal" diet.

4 years ago

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Moving to a more whole-food plant-based diet is going to reduce your trans fat load compared to the standard omnivore diet. You could eat more trans-fats on a vegan diet, but just like any diet you must watch what you eat. I am oil-free (I use no oil in cooking and mostly avoid it in processed foods though not entirely) so I expect very near 0% of my calories are from trans fats. And 0% are from animal fats and animal proteins. The fact is people on a vegan diet have less cholesterol flowing through them, lower blood pressure, less cancer, less heart disease, and less diabetes. The overall outcome is very positive!

When you grow feed for animals, they use pesticides and chemical fertilizers. So if you want to reduce all of that, going vegan is a huge leap forward.

We don't need the whole earth to go vegan to make a difference. Every person that switches matters. I don't think we need to consider edge cases like indigenous northerners because they are a very small percent of the world's population. I'd be plenty happy if the rest of the world went vegan and they didn't.

4 years ago

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I did keto and that worked for me, keto could be done without meat but I wasn't looking into it, I never went above 25g carbs and tried my best to get my protein and fat based on /r/keto caluclator on sidebar. I had big motivation spike during that time and probably only because of that I was able to keep kcal around 1300 without any feeling of "wanting to stop", that was big caloric deficit for me and not really recommended by /r/keto, but there were also days when I went close to 1600 kcal and there were days when I was 1000 kcal but mostly around 1300, later, maybe 3 months into diet, I started light workout and intermittent fasting, first 16/8 IF after that just kinda naturally didn't feel hunger much so I moved ro 20/4 and from time to time one meal a day if I realy didn't feel much hungry and was busy doing some stuff. I lost 39 kg in 8 months, workout was just home workout, light on the ground, pushups, plank, leg raises, some sideways leg raises (no idea whats called), hollow rock, always around 15-20 minutes of workout, 4 to 5 days a week, anyway keto did it for me, from 117 kg to around 78, was 80 before I gained 37 kg due to depression and anxiety. I gained some weight now again, have 92kg atm, its not super bad but will have to diet when I get better as my mental health isnt really good too, just shitty year...

4 years ago

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Gotta eat big when you are working out. Eat big to get big.

4 years ago

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my plan wasnt to get big, just to lose weight and have some light workout for health, worked out good on end, but yeah if I was to gain weight and muscle, Id have just little above my kcal maintenace goal, and lot more protein.

Edit: Also, I know this thread wasnt for diet as dieting to lose weight, I made mistake because my native language and brain sometimes get conflict with word diet, on my languange it is similary written and pronounced but it exclusivly means as word to describe that you are dieting to lose I wrote first post in that way...and only then I realised it was just diet as lifestyle eating.

4 years ago*

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My diet is unrestricted by religion, philosophy or fashion.

4 years ago

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That's what you think, diet trends have been guided by these factors since long before you were born.

4 years ago

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Okay, perhaps I should have included some more words. In general, I don't voluntarily restrict my diet for my own religious or philosophical beliefs or fashion reasons. I am obviously subject to the rule of law, which has philosophical bases, and store availability of foodstuffs are subject to fashion. I suppose there are some food purchase exceptions such as not wanting to encourage the commercial harvesting of animals deemed threatened with extinction, but if I accidentally caught such a fish and believed it was too badly injured to be successfully released, I would not have a problem with eating it. I also purchase my coffee beans through a local roaster that pays a premium to growers for a premium product after building a relationship with them and providiing training and infrastructure. This is an ethics-based decision related to my diet but it doesn't restrict my diet, only the commercial supply chain.

4 years ago*

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Ayyy, I love buying whole coffee beans too. After switching to beans instant is just unbearable.

4 years ago

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Aww, yeah! Freshly ground coffee is magical - one of the great pleasures of life.
The other thing I like about buying beans from the local roaster is that I get them delivered the day after they are roasted, so they are always in good condition. My local supermarket doesn't have a very high turnover of whole coffee beans and I used to get frustrated when the ones they had on the shelf were months old, with the oils having come to the surface and gone rancid, smelling like an ashtray.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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Man why did you delete your comment? At least let me read it first.

4 years ago

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That wasn't me, by the way. I think it was probably somebody else telling me I was wrong. I didn't see it.

4 years ago

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A prediabetes omnivore diet for me. As in: eat whatever I like (except for sweets and fastfood), check my blood sugar and don't eat that stuff again if my blood sugar is too high as a result. Basically it's an empirical diet. But I've been slacking a lot since covid story started.

4 years ago

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You have the beetus?

4 years ago

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Fortunately not (yet?), just prediabetes so far - basically meaning that yes, I've got to be very careful with my health, otherwise it's type 2 diabetes for me.

4 years ago

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im a vagitarian.

4 years ago

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I'm interested. Please send information to my email.

4 years ago

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look for my recipes in the next vagitarian monthly. i explain why Filipino vagitarian dishes are so much tastier then the asian dishes. lol

nice ratio, WL4u

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Seefood diet!!

4 years ago

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You see food and you eat it?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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If it is digestible, it goes down the hole.

4 years ago

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Show me your hole.

4 years ago

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carnivore diet!

Meat is tasty! We can't be sure how long other than human meat is available...

4 years ago

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the cuter it looks, the better it tastes!

4 years ago

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Carnivore diet is the healthiest :)

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

4 years ago

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Omnivore but I hope that i'll consume less red meat in the future without turning to vegetarian.

4 years ago

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less red meat in the future


4 years ago

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I think we eat too much meat, more than what we need. At least this is the way in my country.

4 years ago

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We don't need any, so we definitely eat more than we need. In my country we eat a lot of meat. We also get a lot of colon cancer, diabetes, and heart disease as a result.

4 years ago

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im an omnivore

if god didn't want us to eat meat then he wouldn't have put kfc on this planet for us to eat yeehaw

4 years ago

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I jokingly call my diet a "meat and potatoes" diet. Essentially, I eat meat and carbs (high protein, high carbs), but don't eat too many fruits and veggies. My doctor has done my physical and bloodwork every year, and I have had no issues. I mostly avoid the veggies and high-sugar foods (cake, cookies, candy, etc.) since they make me tired if not sick with my high metabolism. Other things I avoid:

  • Caffeine: Gives me a migraine even with a little
  • Alcohol: Personal choice, plus does not mix well with one of my prescriptions
  • Artificial sweeteners, e.g. Stevia, Aspartame, Xylitol, etc.: Affects my psychologically, plus makes me feel sick
  • Peanuts: Allergic (sort of, it's more of an intolerance)
4 years ago

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All the things you avoid are unhealthy, good job!

4 years ago

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I'm like 95% vegetarian. But... chorizo, man. Chorizo. :D

4 years ago

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There is only one diet: eat less.

4 years ago

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Depression diet: skip meals without noticing, whatever's at hand will do, it's hard to be hungry when you're sleeping half the time and all the exercise you do is walking the dog anyway so who needs food.
I'm going to therapy, no need to put me in a watchlist or something.

4 years ago

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+1 (just replace ways of getting exercise & dog walking with contracting Corona, and now casually trying to do the house and trying to make other household members participate when everyone got even lazier during Covid and is arguing about getting anything done + stretching my back and neck that hurts me from stress and lack of sleep & crippling depression)
It's the most miraculous diet ever, I am 2 sizes down from what I was and clothes I ordered 1-2 months ago are now too big.
I can now fit in tight jeans/clothes I wore in high school. Now trying to gain my weight back.
If this Covid extends any further I'll be skin & bones in 2-3 months. Runway/Angie anorexic style. Never in my life have I thought I'd get accidental anorexia. Wish I felt more energetic though, they always say those that eat healthy are slim are full of energy. Not quite working for me. :/

4 years ago*

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I think I went as low as 71 kg at one point this year, now I'm back at 74 kg (which I guess is normal for a 180 cm man). I was at almost 81 kg in late 2018 so my weight has been fluctuating a lot the last couple of years.

4 years ago

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How much do you reckon you were vefore the pandemic? I was around 70 or even more a few years ago too when Uni obligations were taking a tool on me (bit chubbier)
I haven't weighted myself in years but judging by how tin I am in face and figure I'd say I lost between 20-25 kg since Corona started. I think I am 45-50 kg atm. Skipped meals, days without eating at all etc. I am barely able to eat now after so much time despite trying to lol.
I finally have my perfect jawline back, but look like Helena Bohman Carter in any darker Burton movie -half her age though.

4 years ago

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I remember I was bouncing between 74 and 76 late last year so I don't think the pandemic caused it but rather just added extra stress on top. What actually recked my mental state was the sudden death of my best friend about a year ago and then my grandma died a few months ago and that pushed me into an even deeper depression.
Catching dengue during the quarantine also screwed with my health and sanity.

4 years ago

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