Shameless Trade Plug!

So who plays, what's your primary vehicle? Just general world of tanks BSing, maybe joining a game together who knows!

I play Soviet Union, T-34, and T-34-85 Type T-34 primarily, but historically it's my favorite tank of all time.

8 years ago*

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What Nation do you play with as your main?

View Results
Soviet union (Russia)
United States
United Kingdom


8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm, but not an active player since years because of noobs, i feel 1vs15 in every battle i go in, i'm not a bad player you can find me with same nickname in wot but this game is not tolerable for long time, needed some break, thats why i got my acc muted and blocked for months, once they surprise me with permanent ban but the ticket did the job :D nowadays i'm muted until 3rd of september ;) conclusion is i hate wargaming, bunch of asshole idiots, i'm out, peace

ps.: answer to your question, my overall favorites are kv-1 and t110e4, next on the list is amx cdc :)

8 years ago*

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Agreed, but I still enjoy it. But matchmaking can get on my nerves fast lol

8 years ago

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Main nation changes, but stats say i play russia main

8 years ago

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that's cool we're all just a bunch of tomatoes

8 years ago

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I have played WOT on my Xbox 360 it was fun while it last, because my xbox got RROD, after that I haven't touch any WOT game.

8 years ago

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I tried it when it was still in beta, and it wasn't my cup of tea I need a keyboard and mouse for WoT

8 years ago

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I used to play it couple of years ago (Account created: 12.05.2011, oh it was back then!) on EU server, but haven't been playing much anymore. I started with Germany (TDs, the old tree, the turreted ones weren't available back then) and then moved to USSR and France. I even bought Type 59 just before it was taken off from the shop (really nice all around medium I'd say, even after the nerf of frontal armour).

You can check my profile from Wotlabs if you are interested, but I'm not playing much anymore :) WoT wasn't a bad game but the community was (maybe still is?) kind of hostile and as Lessmessino said; it really isn't fun to play with totally random teams since there aren't any balance except the tank tiers per team (and sometimes even those aren't in balance). I usually remember getting matches where other side gets run down by highly skilled players and then the accusations begin on the losing side :/

8 years ago

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Still does that, that's why I have chat muted and me and my brother play as a platoon. We got sick of whiny people. So, we decided we're an army of two. I remember the type 59 not playing wise, but getting my ass kicked by it.

8 years ago

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Used to play with it, got bored, once stopped an entire match so I could go for a smoke break. Then we all had a singalong together.

Played a large mix of Nations. Never bothered with Japan, China and France and Czech's weren't around when I stopped playing altogether.

8 years ago*

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Yeah the Czechs are newer less than a year I believe I only started back up after about a two year break about two months ago maybe three. It's fun but a lot of the old OP tanks are nerfed, and a lot of the old nerfed ones are now OP lol

8 years ago

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I liked the Hetzer. Hetzers are fun. Hetzers do one thing. They sit there and belch rounds downrange, making unarmored lighter vehicles ignite. If you shoot well, you can even ignite heavier targets. Downside is if you get shot from anywhere but the front you're probably going to have a bad day.

8 years ago

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True that man, my russian TD's are great frontal armor and I think If my crew farts the wrong way we'll blow off a side panel lol

8 years ago

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I just started playing on the PC version, but my highest tier is at 9 for the Xbox version(Centurion 7/1). My prized tank is the American T34. I always do well in that tank whether win or loss.

8 years ago

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See you're the first damn near positive comment about WoT I love the game personally, But I'm a huge WWII buff and tanks are always a pretty sight especially when they're pretty historically accurate :D you should add me, I'm either tweakweak or tweak_weak

8 years ago

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Added you about WoT by Steam

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Just recently got back to it after hmm.. was it year or two.. don't remember.

Don't think ill stick for too long. Gameplay is addictive, MM is just wrong if you're looking for enjoyable time. Nothing changed since closed beta there...

Its no fun when half enemy team is invincible to your efforts and can evaporate your face.

8 years ago

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MM is wrong depending on what you are or what you have to exploit which can kill it for some. But I personally now have three variations of the T-34, I have the T-34, the T-34-85, and the Chinese Type T-34, and they all play so different so i have to be on my toes on some dailies. Which is why i understand what you mean by addicting gameplay.

8 years ago

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I believe it is wrong to put single tier7 tiger heavy tank into battle full of t9 td's and heavies,

There is rift of difference between one tier, two is just silly. With exceptions as usual.

8 years ago

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Okay, I know your feelings then, I have a tier seven and i get nines sometimes if i play to late. which is absurd but i always feel utterly bad ass if i get a kill even if it was a scavenge.

8 years ago

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As far as i know MM was +/- 2 tiers from your current tank(tier )for heavy, med , TD tanks. Light tanks and arties had a bit different range. So, nothing wrong there...

I played this game for many years. I had Arround 20 000 battles. I quit in may 2014 because i couldnt stand "siemka" noobs anymore. Normal "random" matches were shit and the only thing that kept me playing for arround 6 months before i decided to quit were tank companies and clan wars.

I had all the tanks from USSR, USA, UK, Germany, France and some from japan and china side + other special - premium tanks who you could only get from clan wars and from events.

The last straw was when the account of my friend (some guy from Norway) got hacked. His tanks were sold, his silver/gold was gone (the hacked bought shells and sold them again untill there was no more money) and also all of his crew was gone with 5+ perks each. basicly 2-3 years of crew training was deleted.

After he told this to the support (EU support) they told him to basicly "fuck off". That he is trying to scam them for the refunds and that he did that to himself and they banned him. After that he contacted the NA support and after a month they unbanned him because they did find out it was really some other guy who was on his account . They only gave him arround 1/2 of sold tank worth in silver. They didnt returned arround 12k of gold and the crew.

Not to mention wargaming are also supporting botting - as long as you pay $$$ for it and for premium account for the account you are botting on.

8 years ago*

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"Veteran" here, been around for many, many years. Nowadays I just play when I feel like having a few matches.
Main vehicle is my beloved ISU-152. It may maneuver like a dinosaur in a tar pit but damn, I just love the punch that 152mm gun delivers. Only tier 8 tank I'm not afraid to take on a tier 10 with.
When it comes to normal tanks, I usually drive light tanks that can pack a punch. Nothing is more satisfying than outmaneuvering heavies or busting through the lines to chase down the arties.

Just to brag about my personal record, I managed to rack up 12 kills in one round with a T-29 heavy tank. That thing is a beast if you can keep it in hull-down. I'll just shamelessly leave the replay video here:

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I mained german tech tree for a long time and once I have researched every tank the tree had to offer I moved on to various others.

I enjoy the american heavies, British mediums and of course the russian biased meds and heavies

8 years ago

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i do agree that there is a Russian bias; it's a Russian game. But i get my ass handed to me more often than not by everything but tomatoes haha, I can destroy upwards of three tomatoes in a game with my tier V but you bring up one American TD or british Medium and i'll get my ass handed to me.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by tweakweak.