Will Humble Bundle get your money today?
Not for me but maybe useful for those that can work or know how to work with this software. :X
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I do that too, pretty much with each, sometimes the games are better than they seem at first.I recently started getting monthly too, though I don't know how much of a good deal it is, but I missed some monthly bundles and really regretted that..
Anyway, I wasn't trying to sound like HB's attorney or something earlier xD, I just love games and am glad that I can get these at such low costs and at the same time support a good cause, the "choose where your money goes" feature is awesome. :)
Regarding the software bundle again.. well, it's.. meh, not something you'd expect or want if you're not interested in at least some of the stuff, but it's better having it than having nothing there.
I'm dragging this on too much, sorry. Sticking to the topic, I'll go with "not today" this time. :P
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Oh, cool. :)
I'm sometimes happy that I bought a monthly because I find good games, but until now I've never been as happy as I would've been if I found those games I really wanted that were given away in other months, but I keep hoping I'll get lucky and get at least one I really long for xD.
That reminds me, I should really reorder my wishlist by priority, it's so random at the moment..
did you just assume my gender :O
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+1 :) I might have gotten it for a dollar if it wasn't a 'light' version.
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5 dollars for a year, still a decent deal for me considering what I have to pay for everything else. So it is what it is.
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Well I was personally just about to spend 30 something dollars on a vpn for a year, so for me this is timely. All I use it for is some light torrenting for shows that aren't in my region/going to the website and watching it there.
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Hmm ... I wonder if it's really safe to use torrent like that? I mean, they say, they don't log anything,
but then again, we would have to trust them on that. And they probably still want your name and
address when you sign up for the service? I think it's still cool to watch some free stuff on hulu or
crackle, that's only available in the U.S. otherwise, but I'm not sure I'd trust any VPN service enough
to use torrents.
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I didn't give them my name. Or any other personal information other than a throwaway email account. Also, I'm downloading comedy shows.
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From the legal perspective it shouldn't matter if it's comedy shows, movies, or the latest HBO show, it's still copyright material
and when you download it via torrent you're technically also distributing it.
It's probably still better to grab it from some one-click-hoster, because that way you're just downloading and not spreading it.
That option should also work via vpn, right?
In any case, it's good to know they don't want any personal information when you register.
May I ask if you used a real throwaway mail like 10-minute-mail or something like gmail in case you need their support again?
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I have a junk mail account, I used that. If I need their support, I'll have it.
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damn, and i just got lastpass premium. tier 1 for me
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That's actually a great price for one year of BitDefender! The other stuff is a nice bonus.
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A bit tempted to get BTA for CyberGhost VPN, but low on money and not interested in anything else, so will skip :S
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+1, I'd not trust those idiots with my passwords ever again ...
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100% security is a myth on internet... however I'm still loyal to Lastpass because they handled their issues nicely.
I'm all down for any free open source Password manager that could pull lastpass feats like full browser extension and mobile app...I've briefly took a look on KeePass but it looks...rather old-school for me. Yeah I'm already spoiled to Lastpass convenience.
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Agreed. People are exaggerating as if nuclear warhead were launched.
If people didn't trust services after they were breached, nobody would use Steam, Sony, Yahoo etc.
In LP's case, its convenience (the service offered) and their handling the issue reassured me.
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Completly no, nothing useful here and the only steam key that they give was free once.
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Display fusion is worth every single cent if you have multiple monitors (and not running Windows 10). Other than that meh..
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On Windows 10 you can have taskbars on every monitor without additional software as far as I know, which in my opinion is the best feature of the software.
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I guess it depends on people, I have nveer been able to get used to having the taskbar on multiple monitors so I always keep that option turned off.
To me, the most useful features of DisplayFusion are the maximized window dragging, window snapping, the ability to use the scroll wheel in an unfocused window and the multi-monitor wallpaper management. (The latter is the reason I installed DF in the first place.)
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Yea thats why I said that it is in my opinion, I would go nuts without it.
the ability to use the scroll wheel in an unfocused window
I been using it for about 4 years and never knew that was a thing. Thank you so much :D
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The problem is that DisplayFusion has been cheaper on Steam on it's own so if you only want that then the BTA isn't worth it.
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It is actually around 30 cents cheaper in the bundle right now than for what it usually goes for on sale. It only went down to 6$ in June 2015 for a day.
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Display fusion is worth every single cent if you have multiple monitors
(and not running Windows 10)
Disagree with this. Personally I think it's still worth having on W10
I already have a Display fusion licence bought several years ago at full price and was it has been excellent value for money at full price
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Wow, this is ironic. I just uninstalled BitDefender because it basically made my machine crawl to a standstill. I was trying it out for about 2 weeks and all of a sudden the whole PC started crawling. Things only returned to normal once I removed BitDefender. Switched back to ZoneAlarm.
Back on this bundle. Acronis is pretty decent but why is the 1 year sub version? Acronis is pretty stable so there is no reason to pay yearly for it. Very seldom are features added that are "must haves".
The light version of Directory Opus isn't an explorer replacement, it's just an app that does some explorer stuff. You are better off with the lite version of Xplorer2 - http://zabkat.com/x2lite.htm
I will take a look at DisplayFusion but the rest of the stuff looks gimmicky.
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Bitdefender is by far the worse AV package I've ever had the displeasure of installing on my PC. And at the time i was coming from McAfee so I had very low expectations.
The only thing in this bundle I'd ever use is DisplayFusion... as I've actually been using it for many years, and I have purchased the Steam version over a year ago. (Prior to that I was using the free version.)
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I just want to throw my 2 cents. The Bitdefender Plus 2017 is an extremely solid program, it's worth the $15(for the year sub), plus you get all the other stuff free basically. I need to mention something very important though that's not listed on Humble Bundle and that it does NOT work on XP or Vista, so if you are using either of these OS, don't get it.
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Humble Lifehacker Software Bundle
3 tiers, 8 pieces of software in total!
Lowest BTA.... $6?
Bundle ends in 14 days!
Pay $1 for:
Pay more than the average price for:
Pay $15 for:
Tier 1: $1
Tier 2: BTA
Tier 3: $15
Let me know if there's any mistake or input for this chart. :p
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
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