So I'm playing on a PVE server on Rust to get a feel for things, because I had just gotten it, and to play with friends without worrying about someone killing us for no reason other then just because they saw us, also to not worry too much about being raided because hitting structures damages you quite a bit. So we build a base, it gets slightly raided and we found how, a hole in our roof that couldn't be built over because of the weird way the triangular roof is set-up and was placed.

So we move away into a new base, because you can't tear down structures without pretty much dying, and fortify it much better with armored doors locked with code locks, tall wooden walls around the place, multiple doors just to enter, even more locked doors to get into any room, and locks on chests as well.

I decided I was going to get on for Christmas and grab some of our excess loot, such as extras we had stored away for trading, and was going to go door to door giving people gifts. I had actually found someone Christmas Eve who build part of their house and then went offline, and all their loot was there for the taking, so i finished their house and locked it up for them so that no one could loot them and left them a Merry Christmas sign.

What do I find when I log in Christmas Day? All my armored, code-locked doors have been broken, all chests looted. I travel base to base throughout the area, every base is the same, busted open and looted. Not a single item left on sleeping players or in chests. With the amount of useless items that were stored, such as multiple blueprints of weak things such as leather gloves, or 20+ first aid blueprints, I feel they didn't even take what they raided, I feel like they just tossed it out of the chests to get rid of the items rather then leave us anything at all.

So, that's my sob story, Anyone else have a story about them being raided or just a story from any game where other players have been you-know-whats?

To end this on a good note, I've bought a couple games during the winter sale for giveaways here. I always do 24 hour giveaways, so I thought I'd put the giveaways up the day after the sale ends, so If you don't end up grabbing the games by the time the winter sale is over you'll get another chance at them. :)

The games that will be given away are:
Blade Symphony + Soundtrack (Includes game and soundtrack)
Sakura Spirit
Iron Brigade
HOARD Complete Pack (Includes: HOARD, HOARD: Dynamite Roll!, HOARD: Flame-Broiled SANDwich)
ORION: Prelude
Nation Red

Merry Christmas!
or merry/happy whatever holiday you celebrate, unless you don't celebrate anything, then just good day/night to you!

9 years ago

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Have you been raided in Rust?

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Never played.

Whats the point of playing on a PVE Server? There is not a single threat by the environment.

9 years ago

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To get used to the game when you're new, or to casually play. Lots of things can lead to your death. glitches, wolves, bears, traps, drowning, falling, freezing, helicopters, The only thing PVE takes out is other players, which can still kill you in round-about ways, just not directly unless they too want to die.

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Nayrz.