I really enjoy finding unconventional ways to play champions. Recently I've been playing a lot of mid-lane Shen and support Syndra.
As for new player tips, learn to last hit creeps well and don't be greedy. Also, try to play all the champions that are on free rotation each week. If you at least know how a champion works you'll stand a much better chance when you are up against them.
Also, Draven is really hard to play. I wouldn't be in any rush to get him if I were you.
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Thing about Draven is that after the nerfs, he's just lost his early game domination, so even then it's not as worthy to try as say......Caitlyn. Not so sure about him being hard to play though.
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So even Draven got nerfed? Thought it was just Darius, dang.
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First of all, this applies a lot more to games like Dota2: DON'T FEED, either the troll, or the enemy team (Joining coop vs AI matches will help a lot with this as you get the hang of the game)
This, just as any other MOBA/ARTS, can be extremely frustrating, or extremely rewarding. When you fail, you'll fail hard, and people will let you know of it, so having a thick skin will be necessary, otherwise you'll spend more time regretting the time spent with the game.
Look for high range champions to start playing with, but don't be afraid to try tanks or tanky DPS (Renekton comes to mind), these kind of character can soak up a crap ton of damage and still deal enough to be a threat. As for Supports, don't worry too much about warding, it's not really expected at the beginning, so feel free to try stuff like Sona, Soraka and the like. For something a bit more challenging (skillshot based) you can pick Blitzcrank, or Thresh (the latter being a bit more complex), both characters are extremely rewarding when you can land a skillshot, as it may very well grant your carry the kill.
You'll get the hang of it with some time, just remember this is probably the game with the friendliest learning curve, yet you never stop learning stuff about the game mechanics.
Me personally, i'm Gold II on ranked, and have around 1600 matches in normal (been since Season 1, alternating between Dota, this and Dota2), i don't like sticking with one single hero, so i'll take any position is required (be it jungle/top/mid/bot/support)
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I'm tough as nails, no worries there. I end up ignoring enemy banter in most games I play, silently cheering to myself when I do well haha.
I've watched a number of videos on Thresh and he seems to be mainly support and I love the idea of his class. Being able to pull in teammates with the lantern and enemies with his scythe is such an interesting combonation that leads you to being the center of the fight and a huge determining role on its outcome. Whether fleeing or chasing, Thresh seems to be a good pick for me, I just need to get used to the game's mechanics first.
Can you explain the top/mid/bot roles? Do they change based on how long the match runs?
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This is a bit of a generalization, but i hope it will help you:
-Top: usually a bruiser (deals damage and can soak damage), but depending on the lineup, they can send an straight tanker (shen, Renekton, Malaphite) or assasin (Zed, Pantheon, Jax) or a second ap caster (usually Vlad).
-Mid: AP casters, they build damage and damage (with a dash of defense as the situation requires it). Mid lane can usually break a game if its get countered hard (like sending a poor karthus against a Fizz). In this s3 they started sending ADs to mid (like Zed and Jayce pre-nerf). Mid lane casters usually gets the blue buff from the jungler. (so, be nice to your jungler). Also you need to get a ward, because you have 1 bush at each side, pick one side , ward it and use it as a safe zone.
-Bot Lane: 1 ADC and 1 support. The adc need to be ranged and build attack damage. The support is the ward btch for the next 30-40 mins, but also need to harass the enemy and keep your adc alive. If one of them goes in, the other also need to do the same. The support need to ward the river, to protect dragon (150 gold for each of you teamates) and to protect from ganks, depending on the side, you will also need to ward the tri-bush.
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Ward... last hit...don't overextend..position yourself well in ganks....don't feed...
every champion has their own advantages and disadvantages..
pick caitlyn if ur starting as ADC (long range), try to fill in for your team mates..you might have to do that a lot when you start ranked games
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Get Jarvan, he is an awesome jungler, his initiation is just brutal. You can skip warded areas with his Q+e Combo (wich also knock-up cc enemies). There is a reason why he gets banned in high Elo.
Renekton: Great laning fase, great teamfight presence. Has an stun on his W, his ult makes him a great tank. Build a sunfire cape and you can wreck the enemy team in fights.
Shen:... what can i say, Get him, he is the default tank, his ult means you can save a teammate from certain death from across the map, also means that you can solo push towers and teleport to your team if the start a fight. Banned to detah in ranked.
Vayne is one of the Adc hyper carries of the game, if she gets a bit fed, you cant stop her, and with good positioning she can demolish alone the enemy team.
Oriana: player mostly for the ult, put the ball and you jungler and watch him dive, your ult will fck up the enemy possitioning. Just a friendly warning, she has a high high skill cap. With her, you either possition yourself right or you die.
Lux: Squishy as hell, but her ult has a brutal range, and at lvl 3, it will have a 30 something sec cooldown (with 40% cooldown)
Let me be the bad guy and criticize your champions:
1.- Yi: in team fights he usually get targeted first, one hard cc and he gets blow up, and believe me, they will target him.
2.- Ashe: Incredible initiation with her ult, but no escape mechanism, this usually means instadeath if the gets ganked.
3.- Tresh: op as hell, usualy baned to dead in ranked. As an alternative, get Blitzcrank.
4.- Riven: if you have the skill, go for it (used to be more op, but they nerfed her hp regen, used to be insane)
5.- Nocturne, awesome ganker, but can be a bit useless in teamfights, if he doesnt build some kind of defense, he gets obliterated the moment he dives in a teamfight.
6.- Draven: morello happened here, Nerfbat'd. Still can deal some brutal damage, but not as he used.
7.- Skarner: Fell out of favor with S3, i think he also got the nerfbat, and hard.
8.- Ahri: great assassin, also usually banned. A good player can counter her, but after lvl 6, you cant gank her if she has her ult up. Also, a bit dependent on the blue buff.
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Ashe is pretty much a must buy. She's really good at kiting, especially with a phage/furor boots. She's relatively easy to play and is a character everyone should own.
Yi is my favorite character in the game. I went from level 1 to level 30 with just Yi. He's good in the jungle and I've seen people taking him top lane, but I can't comment on that.
Thresh is a must have if you plan on maining/off-classing support. He's just useful as hell with most ADCs.
Personally, I really like Graves, Lucian, and Jinx. Graves is pretty uncomplicated, a badass with a shotgun that needs to get closer to deal maximum damage. Lucian is a great rush-down champion and is quite powerful if you can use his passive. Jinx is just fun and her ult is very satisfying.
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Ashe is very good for beginers so get her firsti would also recommend Caitlyn, she's a very easy and strong carry. Pantheon is another great choice for beginers, he can be played on any lane, he's very strong vs most mids and most tops. Volibear and renekton are also very good choices for top lane. For mid i'd reccomend getting annie, lux and/or swain, annie is very easy to get into and lux and swain are just great for outlaning and terrorizing your oponent. Also, idk if anyone said this above, but don't buy any runes until you hit tier 3(i think it was lvl 22 or something, i've been level 30 for 2 years now so my memory is a bit fuzzy on this), low level runes are a waste of IP.
P.S Nautilus is a fun and strong champ, he has a ton of harass and is very strong in a jungler or support role.
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First, my credentials. I've been playing LoL since beta, so I have some time with the game. I also play ranked at about Silver level, although I'm currently in Bronze (long story). To be succinct, there's not enough time or space to tell you everything you will want to know about LoL in a forum posting, but I'll try to hit the most important points.
1) LoL is the most fun when you get a team with a good attitude. Too bad that doesn't happen often in Single Queue. Learning how to handle your own teammates when they're being negative and critical will go a long way toward your enjoying the game. Your other option is to only play with people you know.
2) You will learn your own play-style and which champions you prefer over time. Until then, try every champion who is free that week by playing in Co-op versus AI. Co-op versus AI is also a good place to build the basic skills you will need to succeed in the game. These basic skills include: last-hitting; trading; zoning; map-control; team-fighting; lane roles; closing out the game.
3) There are some basic "champion roles" that you can learn which will allow you play "everything." These are: the long-range AD carry; the AP carry; the AD bruiser; the tank; the jungler; the support. A good place to begin understanding and playing these roles is to learn five champions that embody these roles. I recommend you start with Jebus McAzn's 5 Champs You Should Know How To Play. You can also use Mobafire's guides to help you learn each champion in depth.
4) Once you've learned the basic skills of the game, you're ready to master them. I highly recommend the LeagueCraft 101 series on YouTube for improving your game. Even if you're not interested in competing on a professional level, it can improve your game tremendously. It's pretty advanced, so I recommend you wait until you're familiar with the game and its common terms before you watch it. (See #2.)
5) Another thing you will want to learn after you've got the basics of the game down is that champions can be played "outside" their usual role. A great YouTube series for this is Breaking the Meta, and the games are also pretty entertaining to watch.
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Yi and Ashe are great for starting players. Thresh is indeed slightly OP, but he requires a strong team behind him to be useful.
ATM, Ahri is one the most strong mid laners in the game (getting heavily nerfed next patch).
Nautilus is not seen very often...
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I'm giving into my friends's peer pressure to try out League of Legends. I started watching every showcase for every champion and understand the three or four main roles, have a basic understanding of the different phases as the match progresses (the beginning being the laming phase), and have little knowledge of the upgrade paths/tomes/buffs.
Any tips for someone who's never played a Moba game besides Awesomenauts?
My line up of characters that I might unlock/buy if I like it is Ashe, Master Yi, Thresh, Riven, Nocturne, Draven, Skarner, Ahri, and Nautilus.
Based on posts, I've limited my list a bit. Still no mention of Nautilus from anyone, not sure if that's a bad sign.
is a nice DPS class from what I've seen. She keeps range on enemies and her frost arrows are great for support or just finishing off a fleeing enemy. Her ULT is pretty neat being able to fly across the map and provide precision assistance from anywhere provided you're a good enough shot. I figure being a high damage support role would be best to get better suited for LoL as a new player.
Master Yi
is heavily offensive with a tactical tank ability if you choose to use Meditate to tank instead of just straight up healing. His special moves look cool and are actually useful, his ULT gives his basic attack a major burst of power and speed, making quick work of crowds since most of his swings hit multiple enemies. Master Yi seems like the more aggressive type of character I'm used to.
is OP, to put it simply. He gains armor by collecting the souls of fallen enemies, those not only just being the champions but also minions who drop souls on death. His pull is pretty good, he's a fantastic support role on top of being offensively capable and being able to take a number of hits. His ULT slows down a group of swarming enemies, making it either a quick job for your team to finish them up or allowing your team to flee if out matched.
I like her character design, she's a good chase type of character and has a good damage output. Her ULT looks cool and does a nice chunk of damage to her enemies. I might pick her up if Master Yi doesn't do it for me, otherwise I'd likely switch Riven's and Ahri's place in line seeing as Ahri also has chase potential.
has some pretty awesome abilities, I like the concept of shooting out shadows and using them to sneak up on enemies with a movement boost. His ULT causes decreased awareness on the map and allows him to teleport to any enemy on the map.
might be moved up earlier because she has some serious potential. The passive buildup of magic power and the spirit ball thing make a great combo with her pull 'charm' and her dash which acts as a great means of escape AND chase. That's right, her dash deals pretty good damage and can be cast up to three times in succession before the cooldowns come in. And she looks cool. Gotta make it look cool.
would be the only tank class I'd really want at this point. He's not much for dealing massive damage on his own, but he does have a great AoE and a... it's not a pull but you pull yourself to the enemy. It's great for finishing off fleeing enemies. His ULT is a chasing mine charge, what's not to love?
What characters do you play with and why?
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