Jingoist bastards! xD
Seriously though, it wouldn't be much of an issue if it didn't coincide with The Ship and the super bundle from Amazon.
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but think about it, is it really exploited?
did people do something illegal to obtain them?
To make use of selfishly or unethically
is it really the same?
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wait wait wait...."giving away" keys is "selfish"...
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They are talking about the dlc keys that can be get on amazon for free, not the square enix bundle.
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The keys are obtained for free because there is a promotional code. So the 60 million people on the internet can all use it once. So once we reach that number, maybe they're exploited.
edit: in reality I know people are using it multiple times but COME ON, it's the internet. They planned this.
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well amazon hates sellers and will often close your account after 1 bad report/chargeback. i remember the scame wave on amazon where buyers would keep your item then charge back the payment (and get it in most cases). does that give some of you guys more justification now =P
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Im just saying... with all the ship, and Magicka dlc, the SG economy is kinda broken.
Our group requires min $100 to join. But at this rate, any leecher will be at $100 contrib. (obviously we look at what you give and make a determination on that rather then $100 being the beall endall)
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Yes I did. But I dont think 1x $1 giveaway is going to add me up to $100 is it?
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as was mentioned, its my (Im actually only an admin but close enough) group, we do pick who we want. Reliable giveaways etc.. theres tons out there like it. Ours is a learning process.
My concern was theres so many copies of the ship and if its worth $20 .. that means if someone requires 100$ for entry, they should now up it to $120 ..
However as you seem to have addressed already - which I didnt realize - if you dont get the full $20 then it likely wont affect anything.
Im only using my group as an example. Im sure others are seeing this. This is why the cork was put on bundles in the first place.
For the record. I dont care about people giving away bundles/keys/free items etc. (Ive entered tons of them myself)
I was just bringing a possible concern that others may not have considered.
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Did my comment make you unhappy? Are you hurting now inside :)
Oh internet. How easy is it to say things on a open form to attack people with no foreseeable consequences ...
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ty :)
I just see the SG economy .. bad choice of words perhaps .. going downhill. If everyone gives away copy of the ship.. for example, the $20 should equal zero..
I dunno..
I guess maybe if you paid real money for it then it can only be given away.. but then the mods would spend forever approving denying posts.
I guess SG has gotten too big. (yes I realize I havent been here long either)
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Well to the "3 seconds to find a working fake credit card number" - there is special algorithm that validates if credit card number is valid - you can check it out on wikipedia. They validate the numbers by Luhn algorithm so you can easily find out which card numbers are valid. Thanks to this algorithm anyone can create generator that generates "valid" card number.
Btw yes those should be considered exploited if it was up to me - you have to bypass security to get them. But you only get very few contrib value and everyone does this so i'd only punish those who do this a lot.
Edit: Ha ha.. I can't believe this stupidity.. I am giving links to WIKIPEDIA - encyclopedia made by ordinary people available to everyone containing well known facts - and you think i am so exploiting amazon and giving everyone tutorial how to do it too? Go f*** urself kids...
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I posted links on public content available for everyone for educational purposes only. I will remove the last one if you don't like it then..
I don't help anyone steal anything. You probably didn't understand a word... Those card numbers are fake non-existant.. They don't belong to anyone so you can't steal them.. I can't believe someone like you exists.. WTF?! That is algorithm that generates millions of possible card numbers. They ARE NOT valid and they don't belong to anyone. You can't steal them because they are just mathematically correct but doesn't mean anything. For example 370693535182368 is valid card number but if you would take all the cards on the world you wouldn't EVER find anyone with this credit card. And there is like millions of those numbers that are "correct credit card numbers" but they are not credit cards..
WTF man?! Turn on your brain.... I knew americans are dumb but this?! I can't believe this..
PS: And even if you hit the right number some credit card has (that is like infinitely improbable) you wouldn't be able to pay with that because you would need to know expiration date and some other id to make payment with it. Could you really believe that people that invented credit cards are just so dumb that they make it exploitable so easily? Use your brain man...
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And even if you hit the right number some credit card has (that is like infinitely improbable) you wouldn't be able to pay with that because you would need to know expiration date and some other id to make payment with it. Could you really believe that people that invented credit cards are just so dumb that they make it exploitable so easily? Use your brain man...
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No i am not. I am giving people link to wikipedia that speaks about Luhn algorithm. Luhn algorithm is fact known since credit cards were invited. You think Amazon's programmers are so stupid that you can exploit them with something that old? Use your brain man...
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You would still need a name and expiration date lol.
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other ways like ... ... ... ???
You always need 2 IDs.. Usually it's expiration date and some 3 digits on back of the credit card.. Or on amazon it's exp. date and owner's name. You can't exploit it. Live with it. I am no hacker. I am no exploiter. This is just something well known and noone ever exploited it for so long. But now everyone will exploit it because i linked some wikipedia sh*t that contains so many hacking tutorials... Seems legit
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tl;dr: It would took you like 9 886 683 398 years to get one correct combination of credit card number and expiration date for sure. And you still wouldn't have credit card owner's name.
Long story:
Ok you got 16 numbers and every each number can have 10 diff values - that's
10^16 = 10 000 000 000 000 000 possibilities
Let's suppose only every tenth is correct credit card number. We have 1 000 000 000 000 000. And You have to give amazon expiration date - that is month (12 possibilities) and year (amazon's case = 26 possibilities). That is 1 000 000 000 000 000 12 26 = 312 000 000 000 000 000 possibilities.
Lets suppose i can try 1000 credit card numbers in one second. It would have took me 9 893 455 098.93455 years to get ONE CORRECT credit card number and expiration date for sure. And still i don't have owner's name.
Yes. Low chance is not no chance.. But it's pretty close. Human race would die faster than you found one correct credit card i guess..
EDIT: I didn't included leap years in my calculation so with leap years it would took you like 9 886 683 397.97703 years. Sorry about that..
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Lol gotta love all the 12 year olds who think you can just 'crack' a credit card number by brute force :P
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just cause its readily available does not mean most people know of it. as for how they can be use you can figure it out but they are all highly illegal.
p.s. back to why post it if its useless to the topic at hand? your just trying to be clever in a unhelpful way.
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There is nothing illegal in any mine or his posts nor wikipedia pages i linked to.
and i am not the one who started the discussion aboout exploiting amazon and sh*t.. My initial post wasn't OT since i commented on and quoted part of OP's post AND said i think those keys should be considered exploited. (and they shoudln't be considered exploited because of luhn algorithm but because of creating many accounts on amazon to get DLCs for free)
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As it's been already said in another thread, there are few banks that allow to create infinite amount of credit card numbers in few seconds almost for free. Fully legal, so no need to search any "generators". I use it too, but for me 1 per 3 months is enough, as I don't buy in suspicious places.
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Except people are NOT only using it once. Thats where the exploit comes in. Your only allowed one use of the code per user, thus it is an exploit.
This is the same issue that occurred with the other exploited keys. "Shadowgrounds" and "Puzzle Agent" etc. People were able to obtain mass amounts of free content, and essentially profit from it by posting it here.
1 giveaway per user is fine in my opinion. Several though? Several is an exploit. THere are VERY MANY users that are "Gifting" several copies. That involves creating several accounts and generating several Credit Cards. Somehow, i don't think that is out of the kindness of their hearts.
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One of my best friends lives in the states. She bought a shitload of Magicka DLC, applied the code to the purchase, got one of them for free with the code, paid for the rest with her credit card, then kept what she needed for herself and gave a few to me to give away.
This may sound crazy but maybe people have several copies because they actually bought several copies.
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Very true. But isn't this the case with every exploited game? Sure, people can buy them legit. If its exploitable though, people will exploit it. Its a sad truth, but exploiters ruin it for everybody.
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Actually, that's not quite right. You're only allowed one use per credit card. My account has a dozen credit cards since I used to use a lot of pre-paid debit cards before I got my own. It doesn't even make you input the code again if you just use different credit card info. I got a few Magicka DLCs with one account. It's like Amazon didn't even care to make it un-exploitable.
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Well, if dlc keys from Amazon should be considered exploited just because people gifting them are not from the USA, then for the love of God, let's suspend all the users outside the USA that gave away Amazon keys of Batman 1/2, Just Cause 1/2, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Deus Ex HR and so on...
/sarcasm on/ Those bastards, lying that they are from USA and spending their dirty foreign money on gifts for all of us... /sarcasm off/
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I wish I'd bothered making a US account. I am too honest.
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People making 10 different amazon accounts and using the coupon to get free dlcs in all of them.
That is a exploit.
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Ah well is there any proof that people here are doing that or is it just being bitched about because it's POSSIBLE? Hell I have at least 10 friends who would never use this code and have Amazon accounts, I could get them to use it right now and give me all the codes. Is that considered an Exploit? People need to settle down some lol. Personally I used mine for Saints Row DLC which I gave to a friend who has the game but I'm in no way upset about other people sharing them on here.
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I get things from Amazon all the time and I didnt't get a $2 credit. what theheck?
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To person complaining about my giveaways, I got the keys from someone in a trade in a trade. He got them from curse or facebook etc which was region free I believe. As for us citizens only redeeming the dlcs, no. Amazon has a credit card delay of a few hours and expiration date is only used to check if card is valid. Looking at other forums, it seems that as long as u say u live in us, code works. Amazon does ban anyone who makes more than 20+ accounts in one hour though
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So what you're saying is that you traded "something" for 32 copies of the same FREE DLC just so you could gift here?
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Hahaha! This laugable yarn has all the credibility of a Justin Bieber death metal album.
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and you really think that the 50 copies were all legit ..? He asked his 50x ff friends to get codes for him and they bothered? I guess it's possible. None of my friends would bother with such lameness though.
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+1 (it's only unfair if other people can do it and I can't!)
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Perhaps it wasn't clear that the comment was directed toward the general mentality of people who take advantage of the contributor system yet become upset when it's apparent others are doing the same. Sorry for all the subtext.
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Yes, obviously reading is an issue for them (which makes it amazing that they can know what you're talking about without being able to read) just like spelling a word as simple as "you're" is an issue for you.
At least you're an honest hypocrite.
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Lol really dude? You gave away 4 pages of DLC that you got FOR FREE netting you $30 of contributor status.
I'm pretty sure that Facebook promo was also one per customer, should you be considered an exploiter too?
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Right, sorry. You TRADED for 50 of them from someone else who CLEARLY exploited it. Well that makes it fine then right?
Why would you trade anything for 50 copies of a FREE DLC?
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In my opinion, yes. You hurt Amazon that way. Tony is a nice guy trying his best to create these great deals of the week. As an apology for the deal of the week being sold out and giving Supreme Commander 1, he creates a $2 giftcode and soon to be 25% off as a "sorry for the inconvenience." If we had some spoiler tags I'd call myself a liar in the same sentence. They make money off the people that are buying $5 Live codes, $50 game purchases, etc etc. It's a good/evil thing when releasing a code for a specific dollar value off. Could have easily solved it with "min $10 item." Going back to my mixed words, use it once? Who cares. Use it more than once? Welp
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A situation I explained in a different reply to someone - one of my best friends lives in the states. She bought a shitload of Magicka DLC, applied the code to the purchase, got one of them for free with the code, paid for the rest with her credit card, then kept what she needed for herself and gave a few to me to give away.
This may sound crazy but maybe people have several copies because they actually bought several copies.
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When we need screenshots of orders to give things away here, it's a sad day.
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For me thay could even add that any <5$ DLC doesn't cound for contribution value cos nowadays there are a bunch of DLCs that people could get for free somewhere and the list wlll just keep getting bigger and bigger everyday. It wont really hurt contributors (the real ones).
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dear OP, this isnt clearly an exploit as Amazon offered the discount code as an excuse for running out of the keys to other games. I can have several CCs (yes, I have 3 at the moment) and if Amazon doesnt mind, its all good and ok...
also, I would like to ask everyone to report you for creating giveaway of exploited Premium Card Pack - you created 31 of those and you could have only obtained 1 per Facebook account!!!
also, please close this stupid thread before people find out how dumb you are...
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Which have been most likely exploited, how would one get 50 of it?
So you took advantage yourself. And now you complain about a sale and call it exploited. You are stupid as fuck.
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Yes it's actually an Exploit, but not an Amazon Exploid, it's a SteamGifts Contributor points exploid. They are giving away codes that they obtained for free and they are gaining Contributor points. I hope the moderators do something about this.
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So you accuse all contributors on sg of credit card fraud? That's the way to go... exactly this behaviour is the reason why I didn't give my extra copy of CiV 5 on sg away.
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No, i'm not accusing all contributors of credit card fraud... where the hell did i even say that i accused someone of CREDIT CARD FRAUD ? I'm accusing people that exploid free keys like the 2$ free dlc on amazon or the free The Ship to get contributor points. You CAN'T abuse CiV 5 becouse you actually paid for Xcom and it was a present. It was going to be a CONTRIBUTOR points ( not CREDIT CARD read carefully ) fraud if you could abuse this to get 100 copys of CiV 5 in a non intended way (just like people got 30+ games on Origin) and then give them away for contributor points.
Next time read more carefully what i actually wrote.
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Are the amazon dlc keys considered exploited? This is fairly close to the same situation with blood bowl le, since i know a lot of ppl here are not from the us. Also, im sure, but have no way of proving, that a lot of ppl are spam making accounts and using fake credit card numbers to get stuff. It takes 3 seconds to find a working fake credit card number and there are probably tons of people spamming dlcs giveaways right now, so is steamgifts gonna put a cap on these dlcs or are they gonna be considered exploited?
Also.... to people thinking they are original, read all the way before commenting.
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