So hi!

I am very new to the site. So here goes nothing I guess.

I wanted to level on the site, so I bought PUBG from G2A (Dont know if Im allowed to say that) and the winner got the cd key.
He activated it on steam and downloaded and installed it. But when he tried to play it, it said something about revoked. So now its only saying "Purchase".

So I contacted G2A, they told me to do a ticket to the Seller, so I did.

The seller told me that the winner needs to contact steam and send cdkey with a screenshot what happens etc.
Then I told him Steam cant do anything if its revoked? Cant you do anything about it?
Then he told me that he needs proof. So Im waiting for some answer from the winner.

I have no idea what I can do... Next time I will do a giveaway, I will not buy from G2A!

So, what should I do and what should I do in the future to prevent this? Just buy the game on steam as a gift?


7 years ago

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Buy games from Steam or trusted store - humblebundle, bundlestars, IG, gamesplanet, Win/Macgamestore, etc.
And the seller is just trying to get away, Steam-Valve doesn't give a single shit about having keys or not for a revoked content.

7 years ago

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So it will end with that I need to buy the game again I guess?

Thanks for the fast answer and the sites! :)

7 years ago

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Or have it deleted with a support ticket if you get permission by the winner.
Or live with the not received mark.

7 years ago

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Best would be if you could get it straight with the seller.
If that fails, you have 3 options:
1: buy the game for the winner
2: talk with the winner, and if they agree, you can submit a ticket to get the giveaway deleted
3: don't bother with the game, and take it as a not-received (likely with 3 or 5 days suspension)

7 years ago

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well, I will never ever do number 3. That is for sure.
I will try to get in touch with him tomorrow when Im at work, I guess thats his time he is online :P

7 years ago

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Hmm, I don't think one gets suspended for a "not recieved" feedback :) It affect the slots for giveaways one can create though, if I'm not mistaken.

7 years ago

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they won't be suspended (for this anyways). the case of fake/false giveaways doesn't apply in these situations at all. it's only when it was clearly created with false intentions (which is rather hard to prove except in GTA5 GAs).

7 years ago

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If the trader got tons of feedbacks, most likely he gonna provide other key or refund, if you gonna be able to obtain the proofs. I got problems with g2a keys only once when I bought keys from guy with10 feedbacks (or something like that).

7 years ago

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Only proof you could get is something like this.

Pretty sure Valve will not answer in any other way (well, maybe some automated bot responses).

If the person you bought it from doesn't have like 10000+ sales and 99+% positives, I'm afraid you're screwed.

7 years ago

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If I remember correctly he had that kind of sales and positives. But yeah... This is making me frustrated so I will probably just buy it on steam as a gift and add the winner :/

7 years ago

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so I will probably just buy it on steam as a gift and add the winner

make sure you are able to gift it to them first...what region are you and the winner from ? In case you know.
You can't gift through steam if the price difference is too high

7 years ago

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I dont know what region, but the key I bought was global.
I cant gift through steam if what price is to not alike?

7 years ago

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If you live in "cheap Steam" country you can't gift games to people from "expensive Steam" countries, and by "expensive" Steam looks for like $10 differences, you can only gift cd-keys.

7 years ago

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If the price you pay on steam is 5% lower than the price would be for the winner (I think thats the number...maybe 10%) can't send it as a gift to them...but as your profile states your from Sweden that probably won't be an issue.
There have been a lot of problems recently because users from the US couldn't gift to EU anymore

7 years ago

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Ooooh! I had no idea! So 100% site for cd keys is like humblebundle?

7 years ago

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all official resellers are fine...but humble bundle is a good choice xD

7 years ago

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Then there is small chance.

If winner has screenshot similar to the one I linked, make sure to censor the account's name and send it to G2A seller (along with the cd-key so he'll know which key is fucked). Who knows, maybe you'll be lucky.

If that won't help, you can try to write to G2A Support again, tell them seller doesn't want to replace the key even after you send him the screenshot from Steam.
But it will probably take a week or two and no results guarantee.

Final tip: if you bought it using paypal, you can get your money back, just chargeback the payment and write "didn't receive purchased product".

7 years ago

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Yeah! True, I dont really want to wait 2 weeks, my head cant take to wait that long. Ill talk to the winner and Ill try to get back the money and gift him the game on steam then.

Thank you for a helpful answer!

7 years ago

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Well I guess if he'll do it with Paypal he can say farewell fo G2A forever :-)

7 years ago

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Every duplicate key I've got so far on G2A was replaced by the seller. Just try to provide information to the seller as PsyKo described it. This doesn't mean that the seller will replace it for certain, but you should at least try.

7 years ago

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Yes. I think the winner is from US or something cuz he is never online when I am :P

7 years ago

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You can leave offline messages in the chat window

7 years ago

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You got a stolen key (key bought with stolen credit card info) on G2A. Nothing new here, it happens all the time, especially with games like that. Don't expect a replacement, especially if the seller has tons of feedback.

7 years ago

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If you bought it with G2A shield it is easy to get your money back, if not then you're out of luck.

7 years ago

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I have bought from G2A many times. First time without G2A shield though -.-

7 years ago

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PUBG is probably the game that people sell the most bad keys of on G2A.

7 years ago

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well, that's a mistake

7 years ago

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Unless they've changed their policy, you can still get your money back. What the seller told you doesn't pass the sniff test, so it's likely he's just trying to buy time (knowing full well how slow Steam support is). Send copies of your communications to G2A and if the situation isn't resolved they should refund your money. The only meaningful difference in buying G2A Shield is that it expedites your tickets.

7 years ago

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That's not true at all. Shield is only for live support, standard support works the same. I've never used Shield, and all the times I got a key revoked, G2A gave me back the money.

7 years ago

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I had such situation (but it was bought for me, not for GA) and after that I try not to buy there and if yes only from very confirmed sellers with very big number of sold keys (but i guess I only bought one more time after this time).
I guess seller dont want to have problems and he counted that many ppl just accept small loss.

Any way it was small price, but I was so angry that I wrote to paypal and to G2A and to my surprise I got my money back from G2A with information that seller returned my money.

PS. I did not had shield in that case.

7 years ago

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I still guess that you need proof of it. So Ill just have to wait for the winner.

7 years ago

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Yes i made a screenshot of revoking. Dont know if winner made such screenshot.

7 years ago

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Just hope he did.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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And that is why G2A is cheaper than reputable sites.

7 years ago

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I bought Elder Scrolls Online from there, that was my first and last purchase. They key got revoked by Bethesda, fuck them (G2A)

7 years ago

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Next time I will do a giveaway, I will not buy from G2A!

That's a good plan. ;-)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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🎯 😎

7 years ago

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Don't buy keys second hand if you plan on giving them away because you never know if the previous owner(s) got it from legit sources. Even if the person you got it from was legit, it doesn't mean where they got it from was.

7 years ago

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Everything is second hand if I don't buy from Steam?

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago*

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That link is malfunctioned :)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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No, there are plenty of legit key resellers who get their keys directly from the developers/publishers (Humble Bundle and Bundle Stars for example).
G2A however is more like ebay and the keys are being sold by thousands of different people for a 'buy it now' price.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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seems you got bad luck, hope you can solve it with that proof the seller is demanding.

7 years ago

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It has already been said, but 95% of games on G2A should be fine but some are not....and with proof you do have a high chance of a refund.
I would just not recommend doing a giveaway/gifting (or reselling) a key from any illegitimate source.
Regarding Kinguin and G2A although they are both very similar I do prefer Kinguin they sometimes higher prices but not always and they have better customer services.

I am sorry if I offended anyone by saying a slightly positive comment about these sites but I do have quite a lot of experience dealing with both sites so it is fair to give my opinion.

7 years ago

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It happened to me with one of those HB Monthly games time ago and the guy had all his sales as positive. They refund me after several days. Money went to G2A wallet and activated G2A shield trial automatically...I hope you get your money back soon. It was a really small sum for me but after that I havent bought something there.

7 years ago

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I know it's too late now but never mention that you gave the key to somebody else when it comes to reclamations (gifting to friends / giveaways / selling). It's always you who tried to use the key and it turned out dupe / got revoked.
Even some "legitimate" Bundle sites like BundleStars are known to deny support when they find out you didn't use the key personally.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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If the winner didn't take a screenshot like this, tell him to do this:

  1. Go to
  3. Take a screenshot, it should look like the one in the attachment (it's from my own account, a revoked beta key from another game). As you can see, it shows the activation date and the revocation date. With that screenshot you'll get a refund in G2A.
View attached image.
7 years ago

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Thanks, that's good to know. I always assumed you're screwed when you forget to take a screenshot of the revocation alert.

7 years ago

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You're welcome. That screenshot is even better because it shows both dates, so G2A support can match them with the purchase date and/or the date of the support ticket.

7 years ago

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Indeed :)

7 years ago

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Thanks, it's really useful, wish I had known it earlier.

7 years ago

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good2know. ^^

7 years ago

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Every time I got a key revoked G2A support has asked me a screenshot of this. And every time I got a refund.

7 years ago

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I spilled my cup of tea reading this, but it was worth it ;)

7 years ago

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What? Why? :D

7 years ago

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This was a useful bit of info that I didn't know of, so I went "ahaa.." and it happened ;D

7 years ago

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I'm pretty sure things will be resolved, glad you want to contribute to our community :)

7 years ago

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Well I tried... First giveaway and this happens. I talked to the winner yesterday and if it's not resolved until to.orrow night I'll buy it on steam as a gift and gift him the game then. He lives in England and I live in Sweden so shoudlnt be any problems to gift I hope.

7 years ago

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Do you own the game?
If not simply take a screenshot of your game list and key activations (with no pubg of course) and submit to g2a.
If you do own it get said screenshots from the winner/anybody else who doesn't own the game.
bing bang new key/refund

7 years ago

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I hope you sort this out, you'll have to persuade the winner to cooperate with you.
That is why you don't trust G2A, it's like an accident waiting to happen.

7 years ago

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G2A? But he didnt bought the key from G2A. If you buy something on ebay from another seller and got scammed, you will not say its the fault of ebay.

7 years ago

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Dude, they are letting their website to be the den of thieves and there's no real penalty to it, they've been doing it for so long. if you are the market, I think it's fair to provide protection to your customers, but no, they are asking you to pay for the protection that should be yours by right. haven't you tried subscribing to their guard that automatically charges you per month? now, have you tried to cancel it? it is very scammy! they won't let you off the hook that easily. and there's 7 or 8 questions if you really want to unsub to the guard. and they hide the button so small so you would miss it and be subscribed again, you want me to keep going? yes, there's a lot of fishy going on. Why would I trust a company like that. they are being hated for a reason.
now have you heard of the developers that beg their customers to pirate their game instead? because selling their key from stolen credit card causes them a lot of pain. not only they earned nothing, they also need to work hard to sort this thing out.
ebay on the other hand, you can fix this quickly because ebay do not condone these things. if you get scammed on ebay, ebay or paypal can charge it back to you and they don't ask you to pay it.

7 years ago*

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You really think I would read the whole text? O.o Shorten it to two or three sentences.

7 years ago

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what can I do? there's just too much wrong stuff with g2a, it wasn't my intention to explain it that long it turned out like that before I realized. just read afew. if you don't want it, just leave it. if reading is not your hobby, fine.

7 years ago

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back in the 'old days' people could read more than 8-10 sentences without their brain imploding. I read it. It took me seconds. And made sense. Sorry you have such a short attention span.

Death to tl;dr - rather it should be something like 'durrr my brein hurtz'

7 years ago

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Im not here to read a book. I have enough at home.

7 years ago

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The winner and I have talked. He understands that Im doing everything that I can do to try to fix this. And as I said before or maybe on the giveaway, if its not fixed tomorrow Ill buy the game as a gift on steam and gift him it. And Ill try to make a refund through g2a (not the seller) or just directly to paypal.

7 years ago

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Good for you!

7 years ago

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Solution ... dont buy shit from G2a ... simple

7 years ago

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I have bought a lot of things from G2A, but the keys always worked. But I would not buy something from there just to give it away later. There is a chance, that it might not work. So I advise buying there only for friends.

7 years ago

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I've bought a few games from G2A and so far (I got these maybe a year or more ago) haven't had any issues of keys being revoked... I mainly used G2A to get cheap dlc for this game I play, if I didn't want to wait till the steam summer/winter sales.

Nowadays I mainly used G2A as a pricing point for when I trade extra games, since normally G2A is I think the cheapest offer so I always see what the price is on there, then go according to that (might change it a big higher or whatnot)

7 years ago

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Sounds like G2A's legendary service. Steam can't do anything because you didn't purchase it from them. G2A won't do anything because it's from someone they have no control over.

7 years ago

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Putting aside concerns over safety and efficiency, the very business model of gray-market key reselling which G2A, Kinguin, and many other websites are based on, is quite a plight on the gaming industry as a whole. These practices hurt developpers, don't give much to consumers, and are basically a giant cash cow for those willing to ~exploit poorer countries' prices. I would strongly advise buying from legit websites (there are many, and I mean come on, Humblebundle, Steam sales, etc., it's not like PC games cost that much to begin with if you're a bit mindful). If you're looking for people who know more about the subject, TotalBiscuit or Jim Sterling are probably good places to start, I've seen them link some very insightful videos and articles - in addition to their own, already quite intelligent, commentaries.

7 years ago

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Thank you for the information! Will certainly think twice next giveaway.

7 years ago

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So. I haven't heard anything from the seller after sending him the picture from the winner. So today I buy the game as a gift on steam and gift the winner it. And I'll try to get a refund on the other cdkey from G2A. Either from g2a or PayPal.

Thank you everyone for the help! This will make me think twice in the future.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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He must be a scammer, don't forget to post a negative rating and/or review in his profile, it hurts them a lot.

7 years ago

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