Rather generic gameplay but fantastic story.
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I found the Walking Dead rather boring, not that much you could influence. And the one i wanted to save got a random head shot. Just wanted to finish the game after that point without caring much for anything anymore.
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+1. The Walking Dead has one of the best stories I've ever seen in a game. And, as long as you're receptive to the emotional impacts, The Walking Dead will hit you like a ton of bricks at fairly regular intervals. Trying to explain what it was like to a friend that had played ME1 & 2 I said "Imagine a game, that is built on making choices... But like every 3rd choice you make is as powerful as having to choose between Ash and Kaidan" which seemed to make sense to him finally.
tl;dr - The Walking Dead has a fantastic story!
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I have never much liked most of the adventure games, starting with trying the original Myst when it was new as a kid. I could just never get into them. So I avoided The Walking Dead for a fair while, until I'd heard so much about it I just HAD to try it, and it popped up in the TellTale HB. As soon as I started it up, I was instantly hooked by it. But, I'm not ashamed to admit, I actually had to space the episodes out, playing one every day or two, because (perhaps because I'm the father of a 5 year old girl myself) the emotional impact of the game actually caused me to need to take breaks. I'm only mildly ashamed to admit that The Walking Dead is one of only a couple games I can ever remember playing that actually managed to bring me to tears.
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Although I watched a playthrough, I can say I still got the same experience. The choices didn't really affect me that much. It may be the cause of my lack of emotions, or rather that the story events weren't massively impacting.
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Spec Ops has a great story, really shocking moments, but sadly the gameplay is only decent.
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You have to assemble the pieces or Dark Souls' storyline yourself, I'm playing it a lot these days and I'm really enjoying it. It has a unique world and ambience.
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Should you ever get it on PC, only use a controller. The keyboard controls are very unintuitive.
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DEUS EX! One of my favorite games. You have to be very into sci-fi in things, but regardless of the fantastic story, you'll love the gameplay too.
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EVen after playing the game? lol Regardless of real life human augmentations, I thought they were great in the story, and are definitely an interesting topic.
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Human augmentation is a great topic, if you talk it over with people who are capable of understanding the concept. I found the game really intriguing since it emphasized the reactions of the world towards human augmentation and the fact that they were weaponizable. ( Plus, the gameplay was really good. )
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Well, if you liked the ending to ME3 (sigh). Then you'll probably enjoy Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The story line is good, though it'd better if you've played the games that came before. Someone already mentioned Bastion, and that's another good game with a good story line. Spec Ops: The Line isn't bad, if you like shooters, same with most of the newish military games (BF3/4, CoD, MoH, etc) They have good, involved story arcs.
If you're looking for something a little more silly, Saints Row 3/4 has a good story line. Same with Fallout 3 or New Vegas.
Titan Quest, Torchlight 1 and 2 are also good, if you like Diablo clones. (Though, arguably, Torchlight 2 was what Diablo 3 should have been, just with worse graphics)
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When I first saw the game, I thought to myself, oh great, a Gears of War clone, because we need more third person cover based shooters... I was surprised by how well the story was written throughout the game. I don't think it was a particularly great game, but it did have a surprisingly good story.
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Yup. I'm a sucker for robot stories, but whatever, I loved the game. Pretty fun, and a pretty great story with fun characters.
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I find Darksiders storyline more then ok (at least for me)...
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Spec Ops
Mafia 1\2
The Walking Dead
Deus Ex
Dragon Age Origins
Alan Wake
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I find its story better than ACII, Portal, The Walking Dead and a lot of other "awesome plot games" I keep reading about here ;)
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Do know that it got 5.9 User Score at Metacritic?
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Besides being the first game to use Uplay, it used to require a constant internet connection to play. People were furious.
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Well, they didn't remove the DRM, but they did add an offline mode. It was also less optimized than the first game I believe. I can run the first game smoothly on max settings, but the second one lags even on the lowest. My PC is crap, but I've tried both games on max settings and AC2 actually looks worse than AC. To make things weirder, if you look at the Steam store fronts of both games, the recommended system requirements for AC2 are the same as the minimum system requirements for AC.
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You're mixing things. uPlay (which didn't even exist when AC2 launched. Well, it was called a different way) is one thing, the DRM used in AC 2 and other games (that was patched out for most of them) is another different thing. The DRM was built into the game in a way that certain game logic was run on the Ubisoft's servers, so if you lose your internet connection or have a data transfer error the game would just quit.
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"Uplay is a digital distribution, digital rights management, multiplayer and communications service created by Ubisoft to provide an experience similar to the achievements/trophies offered by various other game companies.
With the release of Assassin's Creed II in 2009, Ubisoft launched the Uplay network, which is activated either in-game or via the Uplay website.
When it was initially launched, the Windows version of Uplay required players to maintain a constant connection to the internet to play Uplay-enabled games. Uplay games would not start without an active internet connection, and losing the connection during gameplay would halt the game, sending users back to their last checkpoint or save depending on the specific game. Some games, such as Assassin's Creed II, were later patched to save the player's exact location prior to disconnect and return them to that location when an internet connection was re-established.
The always-on requirement was quietly lifted for existing Uplay games towards the end of 2010, being changed to a single validation on game launch."
Check Wikipedia if you don't believe me.
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I haven't played a good game in awhile, and the summer break is ending soon. That being said, I'd like to play a good game before going back to college and work. So please, if you could tell me of a game with a really good storyline, please do. ( For the record, I really enjoyed the Mass Effect Trilogy, even with the original ending; Mention: The game has to be available on PC )
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