Did you finish the game? How long did you play it?
I haven´t finished it yet but i understand why they say the game is good. It has great music, it has good mechanics in general except for some things like needing to remove al equipment from a body to be able to grab it, good story.
But the game is old and you can feel it when you play, but that is to expect it. Level design is good but has a lot of squares (engine limitation), animations are simple, voice acting is robotic until you get used and the game has the tendecy to throw you around from place to place. The AI, at least on normal is not very smart and tranquilizer darts on the crossbow is quite anoying (making the enemy run around for 5 minutes).
The game is not perfect in todays eyes but is still good. I also like DE: HR quite a lot but it has his weaknesis too.
I liked what i played so far, but it is an old game and you acn feel it.
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not finished but i have play ~2/4 of the game and ok i am not saying wasnt revolutianary for his years but the lining of the story is so slow that makes it boring
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+1 I played it through on one breath for two or three days in a row. Maybe OP would feel better if he'd try it some 5 years earlier (just like me).
I like the stealthy gameplay and some twists of plot. But in the endgame levels I felt like "Oh, when is it going to end?" IMO, it could be better, but things it did no one has made before. It may be not as neat and shiny as modern games, but it is indeed a milestone of game development history.
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you can be right maybe fancy fps got me the only thing i miss from older fps games is the unlimited inventory,local play split screen{only serious sam e has it} and you have all perks{is wasnt like choose 3 of them}
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well lost in traslation i thought he was born in 1999 if my profile says born 1999 is an error which i couldnt fix for a reason when i change it it change back to 1999
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That's mainly because this is not doom, so i don't blame you if you find it boring for having a story :).
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that the problem he try to make a good story and understandable that it make himself boring.Games story must be like fruits this means like fruits are at his best quality when they are not very old or new with the same way game story should not be very slow or fast.Also i said doom and quake because most of them will say things like "you like fps with HUD above your head,stray line stories etc etc"
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Age of the game is irrelevant, the player obviously needs to fulfill certain intellectual requirements to get through to it.
Deus ex is not supposed to be doom or quake and it is not supposed to deliver fastpaced, short and easy to understand story with lots of explosions. The game will even let you get through without killing anyone (almost).
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I've played 36 hours of it without finishing it and I think that it's an awesome game, one of my favourites. It's a beautiful blend between my two favorite genres. Of course the new one came ~10 years after the original one and it's been acclimatized for the new players.
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yes 3 hours because many of your kind play only 15 minutes and make decisions
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If that were the case, I highly doubt The Witcher would be nearly as popular as it is. I loved the series but when I first played the first one, it took me like 4-5 hours to finally learn everything and get into it. If you legitimately think a game has to suck you in at the first hour, I suspect you missed out on a lot of amazing games.
Also, I suspect you love all these modern AAA titles where they basically impress you with big explosions and drawn out cutscenes mixed with gameplay early on to be "exciting," despite the fact that you're basically playing an interactive movie at that point.
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Learning the mechancis of a game =|= getting sucked into it. A huge difference.
And yes, games are meant to be fun. So if you dont have fun in the first hour or so, why should you continue to play it? You surely play alot of games you dont even like...
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medal of honor warfighter first gameplay of 10 minutes you run away from crazy military russians for a unknown reason {firstly but afterwards it is explained from the story} also you see thinks to be destroyed so i kept playing the game.From this point and after i didnt like nothing else expept a chapter where you must escape from a warehouse of main enemie
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Pretty sure he was making fun of you somehow.
I'm assuming you have a lot of FPS games on your profile, but I'm too lazy to look.
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It's one of my favourites, and I only played it last year, so I don't just have nostalgia for it. It's notorious for having a slow beginning though. Get past the beginning and you should have a great time. Make sure you're actually using stealth though, as the game is WAY too hard without it. Try to go for a no-kill run too. That gives the game even more depth.
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no it wasnt hard and i used stealth A LOT also i like it the stealth mode and i will give it a try after the beginning and i will rewrite my opinion
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The Dragon Tooth sword is basically "push x to win" mode. It makes the game so easy. I liked using my police baton the entire game.
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I understand why many people don't like the game, but for some other, it's a really great game. I love RPG's, and I love FPS's. I also love stealth games, so, deus ex was a perfect combination for me. The gameplay its good (besides some bad hitboxes), the story is great, spent 31 hours playing it (the second time, the first was on a pirate version). 1.88€ was it? That's a steal for how good the game is.
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i got it free from the craft of rocks from a steam christmas or summer sale i dont remember
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The Nameless Mod is the answer for such thoughts! http://www.thenamelessmod.com
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Not all games are for all people; and that is okay.
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that some persons talks about something general when they are closes to only one gerne
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also there is no such a thing that all the games is not for everyone games are entertaiment and entertaiment is for everyone.If you want try to play the sophisticated person go solve a math problem not play games
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Entertainment is not for everyone - for example I can't find any entertainment in shooters, so I don't play them.
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What the fuck are you talking about?
He was saying that it's OK not to like a game that many other people love. We all have different tastes, it's what makes us different.
And you start moaning about the fact that he's open to non-AAA games?
Jeezy creezy
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Your´re wrong. There are a lot of ways to get entertainment. And people are different and like different things.
Movies, TV series, books... are entertainment as well.
And not all books/series/movies are for all the people.
Indie is not a genre.
His most played are Borderlands and Skyrim.
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The way you've written that sounds as if you just don't like RPG games (comparing it to Duke Nukem, Quake etc). Deus Ex is unique in so many ways, I can't even begin to describe how much I love the game. Warren Spector, the mastermind behind Thief, Deus Ex, and System Shock, is iconic in the RPG world. The gameplay, soundtrack, story, and characters all pulled me into the world of Deus Ex and I've been playing it on and off for 6-7 years now. For me, Deus Ex isn't just an FPS-RPG game, it's something more.
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wait what i didnt compared this games with the others you mentioned i was just said to prevent some people to say that you are straight line story boy or a call of duty-style games boy
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i aggree with the gameplay and soundtrack{catchy for his years} but seriously story and characters.....story for a virus{seriously how good this can be} and characters{there is no such emotion or something that make characters unique}
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Legitimate question: How old are you and what are some of your favorite games?
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19 and some of them i like is bioshock series,counter strike, some casuals such as mario series,some old platformers but the latest i had play and like is the dust an elysian tail,fighting games from bandai i have plenty others genres of games but i dont remember them all these now
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Why do you feel the need to use an achievement unlocker?
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That is good logic. With over 1 TB hard drives, surely the 800 mb of Deus Ex won't fill them up
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I played the above game and i found it boring i dont know why so love about it but i have one thought positive for this game "the beginning of te fps-rpg era" ,however i cannot appreciate it like doom or duke nukem or quake.I played and prequel and it is much better.Some people will say you are not old school boy and etc etc.I am an old school boy i have play more than enough of this kind of games and in my opinion this game could be the next-gen of 13 years before but i think is overated
EDIT:Do you think i must probably begin with the new one and then go for the deus ex and after the sequel probably this can help me be more familiar and make the game more enjoyable
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