That's where you went wrong you should find the link yourself, use steam id finder and then steamrep.
Also even if they have high rep the sort of unofficial rule is the person with the key goes first.
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You sure about this? Guideline has always been person with lower rep goes first.
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Three quarters of the idiots I deal with think otherwise. It's fine for them to scam you out of your items, but not for them to have to take the risk by giving you an unknown key XD
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Sounds like a scammer to me!
Seriously though, I almost always go first if I have lower rep and vice versa. Pretty much the only time I go first and have higher rep is if it's some bundle key I really don't care about.
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Well that is true, but these days it is so easy for people to join groups and to fake steam trade rep by boosting each other, I have been contacted by many shady people with high rep. Not to mention that 70% of traders don't even bother to leave any after a successful trade so I don't trust it at all.
The person with the gift can prove that they at least have the game, the person with the key can't prove anything and even if the person is genuine they might not even know that the key is invalid or region locked if they have traded it from someone else,the person with the gift has more risk, well that is how I and most people that I trade with see it.
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It's pretty easy to tell when people are just boosting each others rep....
I also don't have the experience that "70% of traders don't even bother to leave any." In fact, usually the first thing after a trade, my trading partner asks me to leave rep.
In my experience (100+ trades), I have not met anyone with fake rep on STrades, Reddit, or CAG. The only ones with fake rep are those that add you without posting in your threads. I never trust steam profile rep anyways.
"person with the key can't prove anything"
That's not true at all. I can prove via screenshot of purchase confirmation or picture of physical box with steamworks key.
"key is invalid or region locked if they have traded it from someone else"
If someone trades for keys to retrade they are just plain dumb. And it is completely their fault if the key turns out to not work.
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One word, impersonator. I don't know how did you manage to do 5 successful trades before you got scammed.
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I got scammed when I tried to win stuff here and then 3000 other people entered
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Someone scammed my Skyrim Key during a trade, it was still a brand new game when I fell for him. Still hate myself for this! :D
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Nah, he actually acted like "times are tough, I don't usually do this...". Sometimes I think of it as some sort of donation, it helps! :D
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That's usually how it happens. That's why going by reps alone is not a grand idea. Particularly if you've never seen them before.
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I got brand new account, no rep and Bioshock Infinite steamgift.
My game for your Killing Floor key? I can go first, I will chargeback the gift, so doesn't matter, I will scam you anyway.
And to be serious now, I made over 200 trades, mostly with keys and I never got scammed. Lower rep always go first, unless it's trade for cheap games, when I don't care.
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I've traded keys and I've had numerous people attempt to scam me but no one's actually succeeded (yet). You just have to be careful. it's really not that hard to do your due diligence and figure out if the person is a scammer. There are almost always many warning signs that should tell you that the person might not be trustworthy even if they don't have negative rep
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My scamming experience? well I scammed alot o- oh wait, shit, nothing, nothing.
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I had a known scammer add me asking if I'd trade a copy of Mirror's Edge to him. Told him all three copies were for giveaways on SteamGifts and that they weren't for trading.
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But I beat him with the truth.
Besides, I was in the middle of playing a game.
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At least it's an experience you can learn from. Don't trade first unless you're absolutely sure the person is trustable.
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It's your own fault. Don't trade for keys. If you do trade for keys then don't give them anything until after you've activated the key. $12 for Don't Starve is essentially nothing if you're playing the Steam Market. That's two sales worth of profit from mid-range TF2 items. Pay your $0.49 in and get TF2 premium if you don't already have it and start making Steam credit. You'll be better off that way than trading games.
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Indeed! I've made enough off of one item sale to afford the Deus Ex complete pack that I bought a while back when it was on sale. After Valve took out their fees, I ended up getting about 13$ from this hat that I got with my Scribblenauts game. Which is a great deal considering the fact that I was never going to use it.
And I made about five bucks profit off of a Genuine Sharp Dresser once.
Though it takes a bit of patience and skill, doing that is more than worth the rewards.
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Someone added me and asked to trade my CS Anthology for a WarZ key(back when it was taken off Steam). When I refused the trade, he confessed to wanting to scam me but apparently I was "Too nice for him to scam". LOLZ I even uploaded the pic onto Steam...
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Sorry man. That stinks. I had a guy try to scam me once. Offered me 6 TF2 keys for a Dungeons: Dark Lord key from the groupees bundle. (This was back when I had no idea about TF2 keys) I laughed and told him I would not go first and he disappeared.
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If he offered then it would be reasonable to assume he would go first.
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That's not the way it works at all. The person making the initial offer has no obligation to go first. If both parties care about who goes first then it should be determined by who has the least feedback with some consideration also given to whether it is keys or tradeables being given.
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Read that first statement wrong, thought he was trading game keys for game keys.
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No, just of the petty variety.
And you cheated a smaller corporation in the process.
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Scammed out of a Metro 2033 key, surprisingly. I know, I'm an idiot for thinking that I'd get something good out of it, but hey, crazier things have happened. Hell, I actually traded off a Metro key for another game I was interested in. Apparently, the guy I traded it with had missed every single one of the Facebook giveaways, and really wanted to play it.
And yeah, you definitely should check SteamRep and the trader's SteamTrades profiles before trading, just to be sure. I had a scammer friend me once, and I learned that they were a scammer before I even talked to them (they were offline at the time). Naturally, I blocked him.
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340 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by RePlayBe
I got scammed trading my Cubemen 2 for a Don't Starve key. It was like my fifth trade or something ever. I gave him it, and he didn't give me the key....I'm angry. I don't buy games as often, and I wanted a decent trade. I don't have a steady income.
What's your scamming experience?
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