Does it bother you to but put on a black list?
You will get blacklisted for making this thread.
People have plenty of reasons for blacklisting, many petty ones and many serious ones. Just forget about it. Some people blacklist folks who win their games so to give a chance to others, that may be your case.
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More black lists? ━(◯Δ◯∥)━ン
Ugh. The anxiety is gonna be the end of me.
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Yeah, I kinda figure that's the reason most of the time. I guess just not knowing is what really sticks with me. :/
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I used to set a black man as avatar and in 2 weeks 7 people blacklisted me (no joke)
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That is how the US and the world works, ethics a hard thing to get right.
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Did you try setting a white man and see how many whitelists you get?
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Was the avatar "normal" looking, a caricature, or something derogatory?
In other words, were they blacklisting you because they are racist or because they thought you are racist? ;-)
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So I set a black man as an avatar , normal looking, nothing funny or offensive, absolutely nothing, just a-black-man
Does that make me racist ?
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Does that make me racist ?
No, I was just asking in order to get clarification as to the details. The details are often important to understanding things.
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Concentrate on your whitelist and forget about your blacklist.
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People might have blacklisted you because they have had traumatic experience with cranberries, never really know why they do it.
Don't let it get to you. The only people who aren't on a blacklist aren't active on this site... ^^
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It bothers me a little bit, seeing as how my modus operandi is to be polite and reasonable with everyone, but I quickly get over it. The world is full of people, and there is no requirement for anyone to like me. If some don't like me---for whatever reason---that is their prerogative. I let them be and focus on those who enjoy my company. )
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Don't forget the unwritten rules of SteamGifts, which includes "blacklist anybody who starts a blacklist thread."
I didn't blacklist you for that, but I'm sure at least a couple people out there will.
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I kinda knew that was a risk I was running. It's a risk I was willing to take for the sake of a discussion.
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d...does this mean I'll get white-lists if I start a white-list thread?
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Well, at your impetus, I got curious and went and looked:
The whitelist-themed thread that I made some time back apparently gave me the single highest number of whitelists I've gotten at once, so.. yes, apparently, according to precedence. 😳
And thanks- going back and re-reading those positive replies to the thread was a nice distraction. :)
Of course, the forums were rampant with blacklist negativity at the time, including one very notable thread (from which I directly pulled all my thread's poll options from, satirizing the thread just by the simple act of substituting whitelist mention in place of the original blacklist references), and I think the positive response I got was mostly due to the fact that a good number of forum-goers were as exasperated with the situation as I was, and appreciated the attempt at a light-hearted dispersing of that negativity. The circumstances offered both an appreciative forum-goer outlook and a wealth of comedic resources to work with, so it may be a bit harder to get a similarly notable response now.
'course, in a broader sense, "Whitelist-for-whitelist" threads are technically whitelist threads, and those are pretty reliable sources of non-favorable response, so.. y'know, perhaps it's just safer to avoid list-based threads in general?
Ooh, or make a 'most delicious pies you've ever eaten' list thread! Noone could hate that!
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unless someone see's pie and gets reminded of math and triggered.
thank you for your research. not going make a whitelist thread unless I get bored and/or feel like damaging myself
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Low key made a whitelist thread the other day as a experiment and got added to like 20 more whitelists.
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Focus on the whitelists and the people who haven't blacklisted nor whitelisted you! Not everyone has to like you! :)
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You'll get blacklists for doing anything here - but most of the blacklisting will come from people who don't even make giveaways, and overall the chances of you ever missing out because of it are so slim that worrying about blacklistings is comparable to getting upset about meteors that might potentially land on your shed.
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Thankfully, I don't have a shed, so I'm able to sleep comfortably most nights. :P
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If you ever build a shed it will be a place of happiness such as you have not previously experienced - but when you are away from it you will never again know peace as you fear for its security...
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Past month, March, steamgifts has had a record in number of giveaways created, 111,572.
At the same time it has been 1,293 new discussions created. November 2016 had 1,288 discussions created, and if we want to see such a low number again we have to go until February 2012, with 998 discussions created.
About number of comments, it has been 375,464 new comments. Again, in November we had 349,270 comments, and if we want to see such a low number we have to go until Apriil 2012, with 353,590 comments.
What is happening? There are more giveaways than ever, but the number of new discussions and comments are being the lowest in steamgifts history :/
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Just don't bother, it's not worth it. I got myself blacklisted because I defended people with Swastikas etc. on their Steam profiles. I probably landed myself on more than 20 blacklists over a comment, on which I neither said what they do is good nor I ever agreed with their ideas. Yet, people are too eager to judge and hate when others have different opinions. We can't do much about that, can we?
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Honestly, I think I might want to start being a little more active on the boards lately. Like I mentioned earlier, I tend to be fairly quiet on this site.
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You shouldn't care most people that blacklist you never even make a decent ga. Facts
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That simply isn't true. There is a certain clique on this site that if one of them blacklists you, they all blacklist you.
And most of them are high up on the level chart.
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I will have you know that I keep my public toots to a modest and inaudible level.
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No, you're not Hitler... just a supporter of his and Trump.... so obviously a racist, homophobe and xenophobe. LOL... wait... I also forgot ISLAMAPHOBE! And with that, I have the 4 pillars of liberalism covered. Have a great day ;)
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yeah.... damnit... I probably forgot about that one because of the patriarchy trying to shut me down!
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Don't worry about it. Half of the people who use this site are basically worthless anyway (level 0's who also do not participate in discussions). Of course, the people blacklisting you for your comments are the people who are actually worthwhile members but choose to anonymous virtue signal through a blacklist. Then you have other people who have discussions, agree to disagree, and respect you for having an opinion that differs from theirs.... but in my experience that percentage is extremely low. I suppose that is a sign of the times - that differences in ideology must be ignored or better yet silenced... while we huddle together and promote our unchecked idiocy. I guess I am just older than most of the people here since I see challenging ideas as a fundamental communal responsibility to ensure intellectual growth.
I expect maybe 10 anonymous virtue signal blacklists from people who disagree with my comment. <3
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This comment is actually surprisingly reassuring. Thanks.
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Put you on my whitelist, to be at least a tiny white dot in the sea of blacklists you'll probably be added to.
I can relate to what you say, just ignore that random negativity and look at the positivity. And don't be sad. I love you <3
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Haha, thanks. I did get added to a handful of lists, black and white, from this thread. In this case though, I can at least feel comfortable about know why I was black listed.
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At first I avoided mentioning sensible topics, participating in controversial discussions, and I was reluctant to state my personal opinion. At some point you'll reach the "I don't give a shit anymore" threshold. I know I did. And now I post what I want, when I want. Sure, I'll stay away from trouble as much as I can, as always... but I don't let blacklists hinder my personal opinion.
The worse is when you know someone on the forum and they say something you disagree with... in general, if it were anyone else, I'd probably speak up and tell them what's my opinion on the topic. But then it feels awkward and I don't want them to think I'm trying to be an asshole, so I end up not saying anything at all. :P
Point is, don't let blacklists bother you. You'll get a few, mostly from people you don't even know, so who cares. Just carry on doing what you do. ^^
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I strive to attain the levels on no fucks given that you have mastered.
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At least you were blacklisted for personal opinion, or maybe you won a GA and the giver don't want you to win from him again, personal rules are cool.
I got blacklisted by a group because i argued with it's admin about a term that i didn't understood. After that I got k/b from the group and a lot of BL just appeared over here.
NP by the way, and for real the only thing that makes me sad is because all BR admins that I meet till now were kinda stupid.
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Looking at your stats they're simply elitist assholes if they've blacklisted you.
Just be glad you don't ruffle feathers. I (apparently) do and I'm up to 60 Blacklists (no idea why)
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I pretty rarely put anyone on my blacklist. It has to be something pretty harsh or directed at me for me to do so.
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I only blacklist people who really fuck up.
Puzzle Cheaters, Rule Breakers, Scumbag Devs who revoke keys after giving them out, AngryErpel (entire thread about that guy), etc.
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If it bothers you that much, but you still want to see your whitelist, there's a script that can hide your blacklist stats. (Just scroll down to "Other" or ctrl+F "blacklist stats".)
I recently gained my first blacklist, I think from creating a GA for my first ever re-roll. Maybe because they think I'm calling someone out or making light of a serious thing? Or maybe for being the type of gifter that re-rolls? Idk. Not much I can do about it though it does bother me a bit, because it makes me sad and makes me wonder what I did. Soooo I hid the stats. :P
For all I know, they blacklisted me because I use SGTools which would lower their chances of winning if they have an infraction, in which case, sucks for them lol.
Don't let it bother you too much :) It's really hard to tell with people.
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It doesn't really suck for them. That's the problem with you SGTools users is that you assume everyone that wants you not to use it has an infraction. I hate when persons use SGTools (I don't blacklist, but it does lower my opinion on them and gets them into my brain's "Elitist" category.) but I'm able to enter their giveaways, I don't have an infraction. It's very easy to believe there's more persons like me, but that will ACTUALLY blacklist elitists for using SGTools that don't have infractions either.
Some persons (like myself) just aren't a fan of when others go out of their way (Such as using laggy off-site methods) just to exclude others on a website that exists to propagate the spirit of giving something away. For me it would be a different story if the owners of Steamgifts actually approved of it enough to add all the features to Steamgifts itself. Because then it would be a part of the encouraged experience. But a year or more has passed and they don't look like they're going to.
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Honestly, it's the first time I've actually done an SGTools-entry giveaway, and I felt it would be ironic to have to re-roll on a GA celebrating that I had to request a re-roll, and it was a purely personal maybe selfish cause that would be less work and also I wanted peace of mind which maybe you can call elitist decision.
When I was writing my previous comment, I was honestly trying to think of why anyone would blacklist for the use of SGTools-only entry and that was the only reason I could think of. It seems that I am wrong, thank you for enlightening me. :)
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insert the usual statement here
"its about giving to people who follow the rules of the site to prevent exploiters from gaining profit from a persons generosity"
SGT = mostly for preventing rule breakers from entering GA's if used as a SGT protected GA
or as a means to check winners in a public/non-protected invite only GA
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I don't recall asking why anyone uses SGTools...what prompted this explanation that you call "usual" that is actually the first time I have been told it in my over-a-year anti-SGTools stance?
An explanation which doesn't make much sense, btw, since SGtools cannot detect a person's intentions and therefore cannot stop someone that wants to regiftt/sell/or do something against the rules with that gift.
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sorry ill try re-wording it
Some persons (like myself) just aren't a fan of when others go out of their way (Such as using laggy off-site methods) just to exclude others on a website that exists to propagate the spirit of giving something away
so what i said was that others would also like to be in the spirit of giving something away, just not to those that dont possibly deserve it because they had already proven to have trampled over someone elses generosity by not following simple rules. these rules helps ensure that gifts are not just re-gifted/sold/traded away via making sure they are activated on the account connected to SG ; Not trying to win multiple copies of a game on SG . rule break checking.
so sgt is not suppose to detect possible intentions but to automatically exclude those who have already broken the rules and havnt tried fixing them (if rule break check is in place)
(also it helps prevent leaking)
PS exclusion is part of Steamgifts
since nearly the beginning with moderator-approved blacklists and custom rules+handmade blacklists to weed out and exclude those who didnt do things the way the GA creator wanted in SGV1
now we have exclusion with integrated white/black list in this SGV2
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So then that's where the disagreement emerges. I (in another thread when asked) stated that I am not the law on steamgifts, support is. With this mentality, you have users deciding to be the law by excluding those that have already likely served their punishment for their typically one-time offenses. At that point there's nothing to discuss because on one side you have persons like me who think you do the crime you do the time and that's it problem solved. And persons on the other side who say you mess up once whether intentional or accidental and you deserve permanent exclusion from this activity you made a mistake in because regular punishment is not enough. It's just two clashing ideologies. So neither of us have any chance at making the other "see" something here.
As for your P.S. just read my original comment again. "For me it would be a different story if the owners of Steamgifts actually approved of it enough to add all the features to Steamgifts itself.". If it's a part the website's experience then I can deal with it. But it's the "go out of their way (Such as using laggy off-site methods) just to exclude others" part that I cannot agree with. To go out of your way and find other more drastic methods to exclude those you don't want than those already provided is elitist in nature and something I could never agree with.
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the marks are not permanent, they can be cleared if they actively fix it , ive even tried telling some this information once they were cleared of their suspension because people can make mistakes
example non-activated win, they can buy another copy and activate it on thier account to clear that mark
for multi win, they can buy a copy and give it to one of the gifters and then asking for them to delete the GA, thus removing the multiple winnings + returning was was taken from the original gifter
users detected by SGT may or MAY NOT have served a suspension for the infractions detected, SGT is just a tool to make checking easier, its not an automated report system. so you still have to send a ticket to support and they are the ones who suspend if nothing was done or tell you that their sentence was served but thanks you for checking.
YOU are the one who thinks we are talking in absolutes.
SGT is a tool, it can be used for simple rule break checking or even specific entrant bottlenecks if the creator wants to be advanced with custom rule flags
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I am not talking in absolutes because I never said any of what you just said before that ironically absolute accusation wasn't true (And meanwhile I did even state that all of what we were both saying were our opinions. Opinions, which are the exact opposite of absolutes seeing as how they're naturally fluid things). To state that I did is putting words in my mouth. Please don't do that. I don't like when persons do that. Just use what I said, no need to make any extra up just because I don't agree with you or whatever reason have you for doing that.
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Aw, thanks. ^_^
I returned the gesture, though most of the giveaways I make are public so it probably doesn't mean as much. But it's much appreciated in any event.
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So, I'm relatively quiet on this site. I visit regularly but I don't comment much. I giveaway some games and I frequently enter public giveaways. I also try really hard to follow the rules and not ruffle any feathers. Despite this, I still find myself on some black lists. Now, I'm not judging anyone for that. Everyone's black/white list is their own prerogative. Maybe they have some very specific rules for how they decide who gets put on that list. Maybe it's just random. Maybe I got suuuper drunk and called their mother a hamster and I just forgot. I don't know. Still, I feel sad when I find myself on a black list. I never intended to agitate anyone.
What do you guys thing?
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