Because it might turn out to be shit. I'd rather wait until it's released, played, and reviewed.
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You have clearly never played one of their games before.
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Pretty sure that's what people said about Dragon Age II. And Watchdogs. And Spore. Etc.
Don't get me wrong, CD Projekt RED has a good, albeit limited and buggy, track record, but it by no means ensures that the third game will be as good as everyone thinks.
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Their other two games weren't as hyped up as this one. They're an indie team. This might go to their head. They're also doing something they haven't done. They're trying to do something that isn't easy. It can easily become a flop. Let's look at Watch_Dogs, BF4, Aliens CM. All those were really hyped (like this game) all made by studios who are known to have great games (like this one). Look how they turned out. I'll be waiting until review copies are sent out and reviewed. If it turns out to be a good game I'll pre-order it a couple days before the release date on GoG since their pre-order bonuses are really good.
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No, but GOG version will have bonuses not available in any other digital version
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Bonuses like what? This seems very much antithetical to CPR's attitude towards game design / release / DLC.
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Preorder bonuses are against everything CD Projekt Red stands for. Once you buy one of their games you get everything else for it free. This is why they are the best and one of the only "for the gamers" developers.
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You get the soundtrack for free, extra wallpaper, early beta access to their witcher board game and D&D Neverwinter nights diamond edition for free. Nothing to do with DLC you just get a nice discount and these things. You also directly support the developer.
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Dude you are on a steam game giveaway site, and you have 316 games on steam, are you seriously asking me that question? It's not like we are talking about drm free vs some limited activations bullcrap drm... + I like hunting achievements in games I care about, is there something wrong with that?
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I think you are mistaken. We hated intrusive and inconvenient DRM locked games. I didn't care if some game required a CD key activation or whatever. I cared about SecuROM, StarForce, TAGES, and other sources of extremely limiting and inconvenient DRM, which quite possibly are rootkits and other forms of malware.
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No, but they were raised with that mentality. Most people here not listening to 50s music can't be blamed for that either, can they?
Different eras means different trends and mannerism.
But yeah, there's actually nothing good or positive about DRM and the only argument, that it's supposed to stop piracy is being proven wrong every single day. Especially when a game appears on every lousy torrent tracker days before official release. DRM is just a desperate attempt to take control of a system, that cannot be controlled. At least for now.
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Never understood the point of pre-ordering. I'll wait until the game is released, will try the pirated version (if no demo) to see how my PC handles it and how the game is itself and then buy it. But the price is pretty good really. Anyway it's almost a year away.
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I want to buy the game but I'm afraid that will not run on my PC perfectly, as it will be a very hard game.
Then you noticed that it was add another The Witcher?
I would like to know more
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I didn't even know there still was the original store page. (Enhanced Edition here)
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my bank acc has less than £1 and i havent played either of the current witcher games i have on steam/gog so extremely easily is how i can avoud pre-ordering it, ill buy it at some point on principle as i like that cd projekts approach to dlc is everyone gets its free no matter when they buy the game, such behavious is to be rewarded and i do intend to play the soon to be trilogy one day :)
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This is probably going to the 2nd game I'm going to preorder in my life. I have massive respect for CPR as they do not include DRM and money-sucking DLCs unlike cocksucker ubisoft, EA and bunch of other publishers. I never buy Ubi and EA games and go to kickass if something looks too interesting. CPR on the other hand is in the right path. I can't find a reason why TW3 is not going to be at least a GOTY contender if not goty. They are like indie, puts all their heart and soul into their game. And there will be no fucking paid DLC in Witcher 3 like always. Anyways, it's too soon to preorder. I'll preorder 1 month before release.
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CPR doesn't charge for DLCs, however they did have DRM. I believe the retail version of Witcher 2 had SecuROM and the first game had DRM before being patched out by the enhanced edition.
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"they do not include DRM" implies that they never had DRM ever. I'm just refuting that claim.
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In gog is way more cheap that on steam
for me
regional prices suck c:
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I would pre-order this right now, but I think I want the Collector's Edition. The only problem with that is I also want the extended soundtrack, comic, and additional artwork you get with the GOG version. Plus the GOG version gets you a free game
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32 EUR on GoG*
10% per each Witchcraft registered on your GoG library (if you have it on steam just copy SN and get your free GoG copy)
"Gamers who are paying in EUR, GBP, and AUD are generally charged more for the games that they buy than gamers in the US. We don't see much sense in that, so we've come up with a solution that lets us treat everyone in those regions more fairly (without giving our legal team a heart attack). For The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt pre-orders will make up the difference out of our own pocket by providing users with a mix of $9.99 and $5.99 game codes. "
Oh and let's not forget all bonus things on GoG... eg Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition...
buying on Steam? no thank you I'm not mad...
But for me physical > digital, I'm considering collector edition but still wondering PS4 or PC... but I would have to buy either PS4 or good PC... hmm...
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... yawn... each age has its own silly people(and not people too):
B.O.R.I.N.G BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING, you my boy are boring as hell... and I don't care about your empty slogans that let you feel even slightly better than you really are. In fact... most of times I hear things like this... the guy sitting behind screen proves to be ugly, fat nerd who is far from being "master" in any category… but I’m not saying that’s exactly you… mkay? I just want to tell you that mumbo jumbo like this is pathetic.
So my boy, let me choose whatever I want, mkay? Be it PS4 or PC… I will still feel like the real winner here. :*
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The only thing keeping me from pre-ordering is the amount of DLC the game will be getting... and that I would have to pay for separately...
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I did not. Damn, that's awesome. But then why is there Hunter and other editions of the previous games? Do those already include the DLC or have exclusive paid content?
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Woah, what an amount of replies. (Sorry, got confused with the Hunter edition of another game, but yeah, was refering to the Enhanced ver.)
Guess I will pre-order when I can :)
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yes their 'normal' games got upgraded to enhanced edition. and everyone who owns the game would get it for free :P thats why people like witched devs so much :o)
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AFAIK, they released all DLCs (or extras) for free, till now. Might change, of course, but CD Projekt Red are pretty cool with stuff like these...
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all the witcher series didnt had DLC, i dont think is in the policy of cd project red to get money by DLC
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This, with Dark Souls 2 and Bioshock Infinite, don't have to think twice to pre-order it, got it.
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You can find it for <20€ from traders
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38€ on Steam, 34€ on GOG.
For this price HOW CAN YOU NOT PRE-ORDER IT!?!?
EDIT: they fixed the price on Steam, now it's 43,99€
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