Hello once again fellow steamgifters! I am on a hunt. My desktop is bland, I have only used stock wallpapers and themes from the beginning. I need new looks, but with the things I'm interested in, it's impossible to find "THE" right one because they are such popular subjects. I was wondering if some of you would be able to help me find some of the best backgrounds for subjects(games) I love! I figure that this thread can be used by not only me, but many others who want a great background.

If you have accepted my request, then I have a few specifications for you. I don't want my background to be majority solid color. I don't want a big black screen with a cool picture on it, I want a whole screen with an Awesome! Colorful! Vibrant! Good-Looking! Picture! PLEASE no NSFW, this is a family friendly thread(Sort of)My list is in order of subjects I want to find the best background of.

-----|-----1.Star Wars (The hardest, in my opinion) --- Lightsabers, and...well lightsabers. That's why we're all here, right? I want to find some of the greatest Star Wars backgrounds! The internet is cluttered with so many not good ones.

-----|-----2.Batman --- Who doesn't love Batman?! Best superhero of all time, and he bought it all! Has been my favorite from day one and would love to see him, and possibly some villains on my screen.

-----|-----3.Lord of the Rings --- Besides all the pessimists who explain the movie as "Nothing but walking", and those who ask why the eagles didn't just fly the ring to Mordor (Explanation found here) , everyone loves Lord of the Rings for its races such as dwarves, elves, hobbits, etc.

-----|-----4.Skyrim --- Thanks for Skyrim!! Let's face it, you're on Steamgifts, and on Steamgifts, that phrase is used so much you have to love Skyrim, or hate the death out of it! From slaying dragons to roaming an open-world adventure, everyone would love to hold the true power behind Fus-Do-Rah!

-----|-----5.Elder Scrolls --- If you're a true enthusiast, you are able to recognize that Morrowind, or I guess even Oblivion, has many more features than Skyrim! Many, including me, feel that the older Elder Scrolls, mainly Morrowind, are better than Skyrim. This one is HARD. Morrowind is old, it looks aweful (Aside from remake projects). I want a good- looking background

-----|-----6.Rome(Please read for specifics) --- Rome was an awesome place way back in the day...but I don't care. I want to see epic scenes of battle, free from blood and limbs tearing off(Sorry, no 300 scenes please), but still an epic battle scene. I want an epic scene that could be scene in Total War: Rome 2, but it has to look very good, preferably realistic.

-----|-----7.Starcraft 2 --- Nerds favorite game for over a century! At least that's how long it took to make a second in the franchise. With perfectionists like Blizzard, it's hard to go wrong, and with a great player-contributing arcade, it's doubly not wrong. I want the background to be as perfect as Blizzard tries to be.

-----|-----Free Round!!! --- I love a lot of other things, and I'm sure you do too. If you have an awesome, family friendly, rad (Yes, I said rad) background, you can still add it, but I ask if you add a random background to limit yourself to one. Thanks!

We have made it through the items. Many view this as pointless, but so are half the things you do in your life. Texting a person in the same room, shouting at a person next to you, plugging one ear when talking on the phone, reading a book, brushing your teeth, and trying to get EVERY single achievement in every game in your library. So why not? Thanks for your help, it's appreciated.

10 years ago*

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Simple wallpapers courtesy of imgur.

10 years ago

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for the free round discworld

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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I was using this as my wallpaper for a while. :P

10 years ago

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...nice haha

10 years ago

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you can sort for sfw, size...

10 years ago

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My favorite place for wallpapers is the NSF 4chan /wg/, you can find a lot of them on 4walled, and yes, walbasecc.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by theluttinator.