is the script only work on currenlty joined giveaway? the green button doesn't appear on View: All page nvm, it already fetch from All, there's just no indicator when it's fetching, thanks for the script! :D
im using firefox 125.0.1 with tampermonkey 5.1.0
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No. It covers all the giveaways entered.
The green button only appears on the /entered page. The background script loads the data${page}&sort=all , so it includes all giveaways
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Works great. On another note, I didn't know I entered 44 GAs for The Evil Within lmao.
PS: Great job for creating this mate.
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You did it finally :)
Thanks for that, i'm already using it since you posted in the whale thread (you can't get enough stats).
I hope it will be useful to others.
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Feel free to use/change/whatever :)
I created a topic based on Swordoffury feedback... since indeed it could be useful for some members.
Also, others could provide feedback on how to improve it... my limited programming knowledge just wouldn't let me go too far,
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I gotta say, I was pretty confused why is it split into two scripts when both run on the same page. I'd understand if each was running in different tab or something. So I edited it to only use one script/file
Edit: i can't change that pastebin since i wasn't logged in, but replace ${heading} with ${heading.replaceAll('<','< ;').replaceAll('>','> ;')} , without the space before semicolon, because i changed textContent to innerHTML to be able to add new lines using <br>
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Thank you VERY much for the improvement.
It was split into 2 scripts because when I was trying to do in a single one, it would time out and not return any results... that was the way I found to fix it. (needless to say,. I added further changes afterwards).
You also improved the results display! do you mind if I substitute the link from the topic with your script?
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Sorry, i didn't reload page before editing my comment, so i didn't see the reply. Because I replaced textContent with innerHTML, if some game name contained < or > it could break the layout.
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I already made new one . Sorry for stealing your script like this. I changed it so you can click the button multiple times without having to reload the page.
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very similar its like you are inside my PC š¤£
// ==UserScript==
// @name Background Script - SteamGifts Giveaways
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Background script for retrieving and counting table column headings from SteamGifts Giveaways page
// @author Your Name
// @match
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// Console log to indicate that the background script is loaded
console.log('Background script loaded.');
// Create the button
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.textContent = 'Retrieve Column Headings'; = 'fixed'; = '10px'; = '10px';
// Create a div element to display the result
const resultDisplay = document.createElement('div');
resultDisplay.classList.add('page__outer-wrap','entrie-results'); = 'fixed'; = 'var(--SGSP-body-bg-color,#f0f2f5)'; = '34px'; = '50px'; = '9999'; = 'auto'; = '600px'; = '500px'; = '1px solid var(--SGSP-sidebar-bg-color,#d2d6e0)';
// Object to store the count of each table column heading across all pages
let headingsCount = {};
// Function to retrieve column headings from a page
async function retrieveColumnHeadings(page, endPage) {
// Hide result display initially
// Log to indicate which page's column headings are being retrieved
console.log(`Retrieving column headings for page ${page}.`);
// Update button text to indicate current page being processed
button.textContent = `Retrieving page ${page} of ${endPage}`;
// If all pages are processed, display the final result
if (page > endPage) {
console.log('All pages processed. Displaying result.');
const sortedHeadings = Object.entries(headingsCount)
.sort(([, countA], [, countB]) => countB - countA) // Sort entries by count in descending order
.map(([heading, count]) => `<li>${heading.replaceAll('<','<').replaceAll('>','>')} (Repeated ${count} times)</li>`) // Add line break after each entry
.join(''); // Join entries with line breaks
displayResult(`<div class="markdown"><ol>${sortedHeadings}</ol></div>`);
try {
// Fetch the page content
const response = await fetch(`${page}&sort=all`);
// If response is not ok, throw an error
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
// Parse HTML response
const parser = new DOMParser();
const doc = parser.parseFromString(await response.text(), 'text/html');
// Get all column headings
const columnHeadings = doc.querySelectorAll('.table__column__heading');
// Iterate through column headings and update count in headingsCount object
columnHeadings.forEach(heading => {
const text = heading.textContent.trim();
headingsCount[text] = (headingsCount[text] || 0) + 1;
// Continue retrieving column headings from the next page after a delay
setTimeout(() => {
retrieveColumnHeadings(page + 1, endPage);
}, 1000); // 1 second delay
} catch (error) {
// Log any errors during data retrieval
console.error('Error during data retrieval:', error);
// Function to display the result
function displayResult(result) {
button.textContent = 'Retrieve Column Headings';
resultDisplay.innerHTML = result;
button.disabled = false;
// Create the button for copying the result
const copyButton = document.createElement('button');
copyButton.textContent = 'Copy Result';
copyButton.classList.add('page__heading__button--blue'); = '4px'; = '1px solid'; // border = '5px 15px'; // Padding around the text = 'bold'; // Bold text = 'pointer'; // Pointer cursor on hover = 'absolute'; = '5px'; = '5px';
// Click event handler for the copy button
copyButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Remove <div>, <ol>, and <li> tags
const cleanedHtml = result.replace(/<div[^>]*>|<\/div>|<ol[^>]*>|<\/ol>|<li[^>]*>/g, '');
// Preserve line breaks
const cleanedText = cleanedHtml.replace(/<\/li>/g, '\n');
// Copy cleaned text to clipboard
.then(() => {
alert('Result copied to clipboard!');
.catch(err => {
console.error('Failed to copy result: ', err);
// Click event handler for the button
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
headingsCount = {};
console.log('Button clicked. Initiating data retrieval.');
const endPage = parseInt(prompt('Enter the end page number:'), 10);
if (isNaN(endPage) || endPage < 1) {
alert('Invalid end page number. Please enter a valid number.');
button.disabled = true; // Disable the button to prevent multiple clicks
// Start retrieving column headings from the first page
retrieveColumnHeadings(1, endPage);
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Cool. It looks better with the SG styles and the error handling is also nice. Just a small "error" is that you don't clear headingsCount on button click, so if you run it multiple times it keeps adding up.
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Hey there, nice script!
I changed
// @match
// @match*
so that it'll work on
Even though i just noticed it doesn't make a difference, lol, I assumed it'd read from the current page with infinite scrolling, not request from pages itself.
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Quite the list, i'll only paste those above 100 entries here :D
Sid Meier's CivilizationĀ® V (30P) (Repeated 240 times)
Evoland 2 (20P) (Repeated 226 times)
Plantera (3P) (Repeated 217 times)
Pony Island (5P) (Repeated 205 times)
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan (15P) (Repeated 195 times)
Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden (15P) (Repeated 180 times)
Poker Night at the Inventory (5P) (Repeated 180 times)
Puzzle Agent (5P) (Repeated 172 times)
Puzzle Agent 2 (5P) (Repeated 165 times)
Tomb Raider (15P) (Repeated 164 times)
Skullgirls 2nd Encore (25P) (Repeated 162 times)
Project Druid - 2D Labyrinth Explorer- (2P) (Repeated 160 times)
Witch's Pranks: Frog's Fortune Collector's Edition (7P) (Repeated 156 times)
Dreamscapes: The Sandman - Premium Edition (7P) (Repeated 152 times)
7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover (10P) (Repeated 150 times)
PAYDAY 2 (10P) (Repeated 148 times)
Duke Nukem Forever (20P) (Repeated 144 times)
Luxor 2 HD (10P) (Repeated 142 times)
Little Farm (10P) (Repeated 142 times)
140 (5P) (Repeated 141 times)
Sea Legends: Phantasmal Light Collector's Edition (7P) (Repeated 137 times)
Anna's Quest (20P) (Repeated 136 times)
7 Wonders: Magical Mystery Tour (7P) (Repeated 136 times)
Discovery! A Seek and Find Adventure (10P) (Repeated 133 times)
Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink (15P) (Repeated 131 times)
7 Wonders of the Ancient World (7P) (Repeated 126 times)
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart (10P) (Repeated 125 times)
Luxor: Quest for the Afterlife (10P) (Repeated 124 times)
A New Beginning - Final Cut (10P) (Repeated 122 times)
Luxor: Amun Rising HD (10P) (Repeated 122 times)
Balloon Blowout (1P) (Repeated 121 times)
7 Wonders II (10P) (Repeated 121 times)
Bayla Bunny (2P) (Repeated 120 times)
Luxor HD (10P) (Repeated 119 times)
Glowfish (10P) (Repeated 119 times)
Midnight Mysteries: Salem Witch Trials (10P) (Repeated 117 times)
Luxor: 5th Passage (10P) (Repeated 116 times)
The Last Tinkerā¢: City of Colors (20P) (Repeated 113 times)
The Tower Of Elements (2P) (Repeated 113 times)
Ultimate Word Search 2: Letter Boxed (1P) (Repeated 113 times)
Calcu-Late (2P) (Repeated 113 times)
Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (10P) (Repeated 108 times)
Dreamscapes: Nightmare's Heir - Premium Edition (7P) (Repeated 107 times)
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943 (5P) (Repeated 106 times)
Purrfect Date - Visual Novel/Dating Simulator (10P) (Repeated 106 times)
9 Clues: The Secret of Serpent Creek (15P) (Repeated 106 times)
Zombie Bowl-o-Rama (10P) (Repeated 104 times)
Luxor 3 (10P) (Repeated 103 times)
Kitty Cat: Jigsaw Puzzles (1P) (Repeated 102 times)
$1 Ride (2P) (Repeated 101 times)
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Giveaways with the same game but different number of copies are treated as different entries:
Spriter Pro (50P) (Repeated 99 times)
Spriter Pro (2 Copies) (50P) (Repeated 23 times)
Spriter Pro (3 Copies) (50P) (Repeated 17 times)
Spriter Pro (5 Copies) (50P) (Repeated 6 times)
Spriter Pro (4 Copies) (50P) (Repeated 3 times)
My fix for the script (based on the latest script by missingtexture)
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Thanks for the fix. I also thought about this problem, but didn't implement it yet. I thought i'd extract appid from .table_image_thumbnail (because there are some games with the same name) and use that as the key for the counter, but some games (or bundles) don't have thumbnail so it wouldn't always work.
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I just updated my to include some ideas from kivan's ( and SquishedPotatoe's ( scripts.
I also turned the list items into links to steam store if the app ID is available. But because of the links, the Steam Web Integration extension which I also use started changing the overflow from 'auto' to 'visible' so i had to add MutationObserver to change it back (or at least I didn't figure out other solution yet)
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Oh I see what its doing , you will need to use
document.styleSheets[0].insertRule(".entries-results { overflow: auto!important }");
Also you might want a little more max width some games are very long
Example: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot Adventure
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Many thanks. I tried adding !important, which didn't work, but I didn't know about the insertRule function.
Comment has been collapsed. changed the output into a table if you don't mind
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Hey there! The results do look neater with the table template.
On my screen, I have a bit of trouble to follow what number corresponds to each game, though...
I tried to add the cell borders ( ).
Although it does make it easier to follow, it does not look as good... allow me to give you extra headache with the question: Would you have an idea how to improve it?
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how about make it a zebra stripes instead of adding border?
// Add styles for zebra stripes (odd and even rows) = `
border-collapse: collapse;
width: 100%;
table.innerHTML = `
tr:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: #f2f2f2; /* Light gray color for odd rows */
tr:nth-child(even) {
background-color: white; /* White color for even rows */
edit: updated
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Huh, some pretty wild results.
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (40P) (Repeated 344 times)
Lost Castle / 失č½åå ” (10P) (Repeated 309 times)
Silence (20P) (Repeated 303 times)
The Sexy Brutale (20P) (Repeated 297 times)
AER Memories of Old (15P) (Repeated 278 times)
Subterrain (17P) (Repeated 260 times)
Gas Guzzlers Extreme (25P) (Repeated 247 times)
Human Resource Machine (15P) (Repeated 241 times)
The Last Door - Collector's Edition (10P) (Repeated 233 times)
Kingdom Rush - Tower Defense (10P) (Repeated 228 times)
Undertale (10P) (Repeated 223 times)
Aarklash: Legacy (16P) (Repeated 213 times)
Niffelheim (20P) (Repeated 211 times)
Crawl (15P) (Repeated 206 times)
Offworld Trading Company (30P) (Repeated 199 times)
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! (10P) (Repeated 195 times)
observer_ (30P) (Repeated 194 times)
Caveblazers (10P) (Repeated 193 times)
Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered (15P) (Repeated 190 times)
Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You (10P) (Repeated 187 times)
SUPERHOT (25P) (Repeated 186 times)
This Is the Police (15P) (Repeated 185 times)
Hollow Knight (15P) (Repeated 185 times)
Galactic Civilizations III (40P) (Repeated 184 times)
Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock (10P) (Repeated 182 times)
Armello (25P) (Repeated 182 times)
BioShock Infinite (30P) (Repeated 180 times)
The Town of Light (19P) (Repeated 180 times)
Lakeview Cabin Collection (10P) (Repeated 178 times)
Levelhead: Platformer Maker (20P) (Repeated 176 times)
Serial Cleaner (15P) (Repeated 175 times)
Styx: Master of Shadows (20P) (Repeated 171 times)
I actually wouldn't care that much about some of these games. They are/were just too common. ^_^
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See? It would have been a shame that your work was ignored. Great work here.
Thanks to you and all the contributors,I have a new cool tool and I love it
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I find it interesting that of the top 15 games I entered the most giveaways for I already own 10 nowadays.
Very nice script, it made the process of finding out my most entered GAs much easier, although it took pretty long to go through 1700 pages :P
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Decided to remove games I already have. Kinda unfortunate that I ended up buying most of them even after joining so many giveaways for those.
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This got me curious, so I had to try it too. :) Some of the numbers got me quite surprised. xD
Two games made it over 300 entries:
Eight games got over 200 entries:
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When there was a "Game you entered the most" discussion, I too got curious and started checking the entry count of the won game individually in the entered GA page. Obviously I had to exclude games I entered but didn't win because there was no easier way to check the stats. This script makes it easier now. Thanks for the great work.
The top 5 easiest/luckiest wins for me were:
The top 5 most entered game that I won are:
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added a copy button like SquishedPotatoe's script
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Thanks, it worked
Note that, when you try to obtain a range, you need to add a space before and after the - for the copy to be done
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Indeed, it worked this time.
Weird. It clearly happened only on range records, separate ones worked fine!
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Would anyone be interested in me making a modification to have an additional column to count by number of entries? Not sure how hard that would be, but I can take a crack at it.
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Not sure what you mean. That for each game it would sum not only your entries but also all entries, so you would see your "total chance"?
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Sort of. Let's say I enter one giveaway with 3 copies.
Entry count: 1
Copy count: 3
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Patch Quest 56
Hot Brass 41
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf 40
Calico 36
Lords and Villeins 35
Arcade Paradise 34
Rebel Galaxy Outlaw 34
Golf Gang 30
Aces & Adventures 28
Arcade Spirits 28
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones 28
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? 26
A Plague Tale: Innocence 25
A Juggler's Tale 25
well not bad. its only 200 pages
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New update to add headers to the columns and add a sort option based on number of copies in entered giveaways:
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It's a you, Mario!
Writing just to let you know I did not manage to implement your changes to the latest script version (that was ironically posted after yours).
I am leaving a link to yours in the description, though.
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Hey meneldur,
I also made an attempt to reconcile the two scripts, but I ran into an issue where Firefox is not giving permissions for clipboard access via Javascript executed through an extension. If I make any headway, I will post below.
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I made a few changes and improvements to lav29's latest script
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I should edit that its the second part that is needed
document.styleSheets[0].insertRule(".entries-results { overflow: auto!important }");
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When I sit on my pc I will edit the description to add this version as the newest one.
Greatmastermario did a change on the script but my knowledge is not enough to incorporate on your script,.since so many things changed (for the better!). I will leave a link to his as a fork.
Thanks for all the work!
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Hey kivan,
I tried incorporating your script edits into mine, but I am running into a problem where Firefox is not allowing me to give permission for clipboard access. Not sure if that was tested or not.
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That gave some really interesting results:
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We currently have a fork on the ongoing versions
Hopefully tomorrow I have time to (try to) merge them
I am not updating the discussion description meanwhile :)
Also, thanks for all the hard work!
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Thank you bump
just found out about this cool userscript!
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16,725 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by Kenruyoh
33 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by lext
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29,712 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by Kingsajz
389 Comments - Last post 48 minutes ago by SerenaM
Edit: A yearly edition is available. Do you want to know how you did throughout the whole of 2024?
Here is the modified script :)
Hopefully, I did don't forget anyone on the author list
Edit: The script has been drastically improved by other members!! I am cleaning up the description so it is a bit more objective.
Swordoffury suggested I create a discussion on its own for the script since it would have more visibility and members with some programming know-how could help improve it.
We often have discussions with the topic of "what you are trying to win" or "what game you have entered most giveaways", but SG itself doesn't provide us a tool to easily check on that.
So it is up to us unoccupied users to improve our experience with extra tools! :)
The latest script version counts only the year of 2024 on click. It can be found at
In the previous version, you have to set the number of pages to scan, it can be found here:
How to use it:
You can also manually modify the 2024 script to scan back for full years, as described by ngoclong19 here:
There is a 1-second delay between fetching each page result. You can open the console on your browser to check the progress or just wait for the results to be displayed.
Thanks to:
missingtexture - massive overall, fusing 2 scripts into one, improving result display and more
SquishedPotatoe - for result display improvements leading to a SG style.
kivan - for detecting an issue with giveaways of multiple copies, improved sorting, grouped entries table and several improvements.
lav29 - for further results display improvements.
greatmastermario- for the fork with the sortng by number of copies and added headers to the column
ngoclong19 - Further fixes, improvements and maintenance :)
PS - I might take a while to further fix / give feedback... Hopefully by Monday I will be back on my schedule.
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