Well, you probably right. It just seems really strange to me.
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Yeah, they probably awful, I didn't check the reviews before, next time I will. But there is a lot giveaways with trash games and if you don't like them — you can hide them or enter only giveaways from "wishlist" section. Also, those giveaways were for 0-level users. Never thought that newbies and lichers would be so picky.
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Of course, you decided to be "generous" all of a sudden and get two copies of the bundle to give away.
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You probably can't see because the Russian price was not changed, but they are currently selling for $999 and $499 US dollars which would be 64,255 and 32,095 Rub. The value you get here is calculated based off the US price. People think you are giving the games away to take advantage of the massive contributor value increase.
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Thanks for the explanation, hope they will fix it. Looks like it also affects RV as it was skyrocket for me too.
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Because it was posted here on the forums.
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He might do it just to be sure, that it was bugged. However, when there is too much salt in your body, you have to outlet it from time to time, right?
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Can you also find something from 10 years ago, please?
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Because it's easier and faster to just blacklist you then click that hide icon next to giveaway many times.
Not my case though - I like to hide trash one by one.
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It's not that the games are bad, or that Groupees is bad. (Although Groupees is pretty bad lately).
You're getting blacklists because people think you are taking advantage of the price of the games being RIDICULOUSLY INFLATED right now, so you get a lot more CV than is appropriate. Some people find that annoying.
EDIT: you don't seem to be aware of this "CV glitch", but just so you know -- some people are not going to believe that you didn't know. They will just assume that you did it on purpose to take advantage of the system temporarily.
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It costs 299 rub, how it's "RIDICULOUSLY INFLATED"?
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Oh, thanks for the info!
Well, I hope they will fix that, cause my RV (and CV, yes) busted for a few hundreds too.
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Yep, same here. Anyway, their games would, probably, be marked as "no value" on Steamgift in near future and pricing on Steam will be restored.
Probably I should create a support ticket then.
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publisher [..] Steam ignore list
One could also choose to report the publisher, as well. While it's hard to guess how Valve'll consider it, random, dramatic price inflations seem as though they'd reasonably fall under Valve's "no trolling Steam" requirement for games.
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On one hand, I think it's a bit silly to blacklist for the sheer fact of making giveaways (unless that's hentai, yeah - I don't blacklist for it, but I totally get those who do), on the other - it's really tempting sometimes to just click two buttons instead of hiding a long list of trash games.
Edit: I should have read the thread before writing; canis's version seems to be more plausible in this very case.
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I think some people just use the blacklist button because they don't want to individually hide "trash" games so they BL people who seem to consistently give away that kind of games. It's kind of counter-intuitive though because there is no limit to hidden games but there's a hard limit to blacklist.
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I notified support about this publisher, hope RV/CV ratio will be fixed. Thank you all for the answers!
I will keep this topic open a little more if someone would like to add something
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I wouldn't worry about being blacklisted. If you are giving games and leveling then it is more to their disadvantage than yours. Some of the reasons I have received for being blacklisted include:
The reasons are about as stupid as they can get. I don't worry because I have 10 times the whitelist and have been consistantly giving games away and leveling.
Happy gaming. Ignore the idiots.
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These seem to be very odd reasons indeed. "You're not doing enough group giveaways, BEGONE FROM MY SIGHT."
I take things way too seriously on the Internet sometimes, because when someone blacklists me I'm like " :( Someone doesn't like me? What did I do?"
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Solution would be to have a mod look at https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/WonderboxGames and change the CV of all the over price or all of there games to 0CV. It looks like the person behind this is using this to help someone CV farm on here.
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Yes, hope they will do it.
Well, I don't really care about someone levelling up unfair — CV system isn't perfect and there is always some way to abuse it. But this case also affects the "happy" winners in a really bad way: their received value can skyrocket in a moment and this may result in getting kicked from some groups that require good CV/RV ratio. Or they can be blacklisted as "leechers" even if they actually gave more than won.
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And they already done it!
"Hello AMKid,
Thanks for the report, we've marked these games as no value until the price is changed back to normal"
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And I loosed around 500$ CV in a last four months (probably some of those unbundled games became bundled or was given away for free). And my level dropped from 8 to 7.
I didn't see this part addressed, but FYI, you don't lose CV for games becoming bundled or free after you give them away. However, if a game's base (non-sale) price is lowered on Steam, you will lose CV.
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I'm sure that you can lose CV for the games that became bundled. It happened a few times before. And I've heard about it from other users quite a few times.
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redsweater is correct. If you have given away a game before it was bundled (or free) you will keep full Real CV even after that game gets added to the Bundle (or free) list.
If you want proof simply check my Real CV with SGTools. There's plenty of games (i.e. Sniper Elite or Mashed) in there that are on the Bundle list but still give me full CV because I gave them away before they were bundled.
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It strange because some games (Leviathan: The Last Day of Decade, SPORE, Pathologic Classic HD, Call of Duty®: Ghosts etc.) was full CV, but now they marked as "bundled" while others is not. Also, SGTools marks games from Groupees' "Sometimes, Tuesday - Strategic Impact" as "Full Value", but they give 0,15 or 0 CV
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I don't know about those specific examples but the Bundle list is done manually so it takes a bit to add the games when a new Bundle is released.
Some people try to take advantage of that by rushing to make giveaways (from brand new bundles) and get full CV before the list gets updated, not knowing those gibs will be marked as bundled retroactively. (I'm not implying that's what you did. It's just one possible explanation.)
Another reason for games to be retroactively marked as bundled would be if Support missed some old regional discount (over 95% off) or if a game is available for cheap on key reselling sites. Those deals from shady sites often go unnoticed for a long time until someone points them out to support and they get retroactively bundled.
There's probably more reasons why a game gets retroactively bundled but those are the first ones that come to mind ;)
And yeah, SGTools is not always completely accurate (same problem as with the bundle list) but it still gives a pretty good general idea of CV distribution and in this case proves that Bundled status is linked to a date. (= I can have the same game as both, bundled and not bundled on my list just like Sniper Elite)
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Assuming good faith here...3 of those 4 games, except Spore, were bundled months or years before your giveaways. (Your Spore giveaways were right after an 85% Steam sale.) If they were not marked as bundled when you gave them away, then that's a severe flaw in the management of the bundle list. However, getting them from a Steam sale at 85% or 90% off would result in reduced CV, once they get marked as bundled, even if they weren't already marked as bundled.
I will admit, though, that I don't understand what sale triggered CoD Ghosts being marked as bundled. I suspect either a package I didn't see, Amazon sale, or G2A shenanigans. But that was months before your giveaway.
And yes, I see SGTools showing a higher CV for you. But SGTools is a third party, and not inherently reliable. They must be missing some CV alterations in their database, but I'm not inclined to track it down from amongst your 357 giveaways.
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Well, maybe some of those games (except COD Ghosts and Spore) was bundled, it was a long time ago and I can be mistaken, but I was buying them from the Steam and I don't remember them marked as reduced value/no value on Steamgifts at the moment. Anyway, it doesn't explain losing around 500 CV. There is, probably, some other games which value was reduced retroactively for some reason.
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And, yes, SGTools shows that my level is 9 and CV is about 3000$, while on SG it's 8 and ~2000$
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If you haven't done so already please file a Support ticket in the "Other" cathegory so support can put the game on the No CV list.
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Sometimes I can't really blame my consolero buddies for occasionally ripping on Steam.
Too few to prove anything?
You're preaching to the choir buddy :D
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Admins already solved this problem with CV/RV abuse:
"Hello AMKid,
Thanks for the report, we've marked these games as no value until the price is changed back to normal"
UPD: It looks like Steam publisher Wonderbox Games is trying to abuse CV/RV system on Steamgifts. They increased prices on most of their games in USA region up to $999.00, but people from other regions can't see that, because it's regional prices still significantly lower (it costs less than 5$ in Russia for example).
Check their Wonderbox MEGA Bundle pack for example:
Some of these game was in old bundles, some of them are on sale now like Groupees' "Sometimes, Tuesday - Strategic Impact". So, it cloud bust your RV and CV unexpectedly even if you won/gaveaway some of these game in the past.
I notified support about this publisher, hope RV/CV ratio will be fixed. Thank you all for the answers!
I will keep this topic open a little more if someone would like to add something
Original post:
"So, here's the thing...
I'm using this site for almost three years. I've given away enough games — mostly from Fanatical and Humble bundles or Humble Monthly but sometimes unbundled games with full value too. And mostly it was good or at least ok games — not some Digital Homicide kind of "games". Lately, I didn't have much money to spare, so my giveaways became less frequent and expensive. And I loosed around 500$ CV in a last four months (probably some of those unbundled games became bundled or was given away for free). And my level dropped from 8 to 7.
To get back to level 8 again I needed only 10-15 CV. So, I've decided to give away all the unused keys I still have (and that was more than enough). But I've also spotted many giveaways with games from Groupees' "Sometimes, Tuesday - Strategic Impact" bundle. It was pretty cheap I still have ~6 USD on my debit card — so, I thought: "Why not?" and decided to give it a shot. I bought a few of them to gave them to the community. And that was a f*cking mistake as I soon realized.
Before I've started these giveaways I've been whitelisted by 112 people and blacklisted by 13 people (half of them — users that I've blacklisted first cause they were acting like jerks). Only 13 blacklists for 33 months. But after I've given away those Groupees games I was blacklisted 5 times within an hour.
So, is there any reason why people hate those Groupees bundles so much? I've never used this site before. Are the notoriously known or something? Or is it just because those games aren't so good?"
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