It's my birthday today, 21 years! can you believe it?? i most certainly can't, seems yesterday i started going to school, this morning i rode my first bike and a few moments ago i got my driving licence!
anyway I've decided to make you guys a giveaway! =D
i chose the first GA i won, Mirror's edge! i hope enough guys didn't buy the origin bundle, or have grown bored of seeing it in the list of gas. Hope you enjoy it!!


also special links for extra enjoyment

let's keep this up in the forums, to give everyone a chance of participating, what have been your best birthdays?
mine was a couple of years back, 3 to be precise, on my 18th, passed with a couple of friends, the girl i liked, and quite the amount of food and drinks, I had a blast.

10 years ago*

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Happy birthday!

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Bartimaeus93.