I consider myself as a leech. Because I didn't give back enough.
Why aye man? You sent 149 & none of them are of "No Value" and have an almost 2:1 GAs_Won:GAs_Sent ratio, that isn't a definition of a leecher, at least in my books.
You won around 300 games from here & have around 2300+ games in your Steam a/c. I'd like to know how many games are you planning on removing from your Steam a/c since there'll be some that you had bought with your own money too?
Edit: I got 1 more thing I wanted to say but forgot earlier: I may be wrong about this but I don't remember if there's a SteamGifts rule about "playing every GA that you won". It says you have to activate every GA you won in the a/c that is associated with SteamGifts & not in an alt/nerf a/c. There are some groups that have those rules where you have to play the GAs, up to a certain extent, that you won as a member of the group, there are other rules for different groups too. I generally don't become a member of those groups even if they have lip-smacking, mouth-watering GAs, simply because I don't wanna get tied down by other's stipulations.
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145 more won then sent, some would consider that leeching, 1000-1500 games removed, probably alot that would be of the 300 won, big kick in the rear for whoever gifted to him.
Op should think about it too, alot are just unemployed as well and maybe even spent their last dime having gifted someone something.
You can also just hide a game, this is just a very heavy mental problem, or make another account (and give this one to a relative or friend that would be happy with it) and you got one account you are happy with till you get "cured".
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I know that, and most would probably do the same as you, won a few, but your case i find very extreme, out of 1000-1500 odds offcourse are many would be of the 300.
Giving this account to someone else (perhaps with someone you could family share so you still have access to those games you are still interested in) and start over is not an option? Better then throwing away so many games.
Or as Skibby said, try to seek help and perhaps let this account rest, give it to someone you can trust for all i care like a parent, change the password so you can't access it, and retrieve it back when you are ready.
If you want to permanently say goodbye, that is your right, but if you even think about just starting over after a year and who knows you don't run into the same issues again.
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Removing the games from your account is not a solution for your problem: if you can't even let them stay hidden, then you would eventually restore them to your account. Of course you would have lost access to this community by then.
Try putting them in a new categorie like "play only after everything else is finished". It may help you if they have a place on your timeline, even though you'll probably never reach this point. At least it would serve you as a reminder, if you stray in this direction again. And consider getting professional help: the games are not your problem, your problem is obsessing about them.
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I'm sure you play all your 7600 games, Lugum. ;P Why the need to feel like you're somehow better than him when you have almost 1000 games won on SG and over 7600 games in total? He made a mistake and he's showing regret, that's all that matters.
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Time will tell, i could be hit by a bus tommorow or live to be a 100 (7000 games would be like 1 1/2 year non stop 24/7), difference is i enter because i atleast have the intention of really playing everything, might not be right away, might not be tommorow, but i hope to be a 100, and i know 100% i would never get his "problem" and yes i feel the stress too of a backlog (i got 500 games installed), but i know i won't ever delete even 1 game, why? Because i am gamer and staying that way.
And i still have 200 more games sent then won, so if i delete my account, i would be 200 games in the minus on my own part.
You make some false assumptions that i feel somehow "better" i been bullied my whole school life, i am unemployed right now, even if i won 10 million tommorow i still would not feel any better then someone cleaning dishes.
Awhile ago someone that had like zero money, did surveys to get some money to buy food, and that person still gifted me a small game, i have those gifters in mind, he will easily be throwing away like $2000-$5000 worth of games.
And if it was just that, but someone suggested him to start over and try again, and he thinks about it, and that just boggles the mind more.
He did not make a mistake (and even then you got little mistakes and big mistakes), he created a situation, a mental illness for himself, one that can be easily solved in so many other ways then just deleting so many games
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Lugum, you are being an ass. You game the system more than anyone. You don't play all your wins. You give away trash. You farm things for points, coins, and pennies, and then you pick up good games for yourself. Someone else bought you a seriously over-the-top gaming rig.
You have your own difficulties, sure.
But how on earth do you feel like you can criticize this guy and say his choice is "a kick in the rear" to those whose giveaways he won? And to suggest that he gift his Steam account to someone else?! What an asinine suggestion. You're trying to make him feel guilty and then suggesting a solution that isn't even legal.
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Rich coming from one with very outspoken comments himself, and who probably got alot of blacklists from it.
No i did not play all my wins yet, there is only that much hours in a day, is there any written rule that we have to play our games right away or be punished? Have you played all yours?
I give away trash…in your eyes maybe, yes it are not AAA games but plenty of good games, i won alot of Gogo stuff too, $1 stuff, many that are even broken to play, will i still try them? Yeah.
I farm for points and what not? I am over 2 years at level 7, and what am i different from so many others here? Again, nonsense, many that did beat the system getting to level 10 and check your own profile, many games you given also that are 1-5p.
In fact i got 40-50 spare gogo keys, all 1p but i am not even find them worthy to give away, and i won't.
And what in godsname are you even talking crap about someone buying me a gaming rig? Someone borrowed me partially money for it, but i paid (most) off, and still running on an onboard graphic card till i can actually afford one, and besides that's not even any of your damn business, it's my family, not yours.
Last time before that i treated myself on something (also a pc was around 2010 or something) yeah i found i deserved this pc i worked for.
Let someone else enjoy your games (or atleast take care of his account for the time being) instead of just throwing them away by deleting them, yeah i am the idiot suggesting that…Selling is illegal, not passing it on to someone.
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Selling is illegal, not passing it on to someone
Incorrect. You're not allowed to transfer your Steam account.
Your Account, including any information pertaining to it (e.g.: contact information, billing information, Account history and Subscriptions, etc.), is strictly personal. You may therefore not sell or charge others for the right to use your Account, or otherwise transfer your Account, nor may you sell, charge others for the right to use, or transfer any Subscriptions other than if and as expressly permitted by this Agreement (including any Subscription Terms or Rules of Use) or as otherwise specifically permitted by Valve.
From the Steam subscriber agreement.
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I thought i read something different on passing it on when someone was deceased on this forum but maybe i am wrong.
But you got illegal selling drugs on the street, ruining lifes of many people, or someone loses interest or passes on and you give them to your children, would anyone really know or even really get slammed for in jail over it? i don't think so and i still find that very different then kiddies trying to dump some free shit on accounts and try sell them for a few hundred bucks on ebay.
Like people redeeming cheaply gotten games through a VPN, isn't really supped to happen either but people still do it.
But this crap is coming back to me atm, i am hearing next thursday there will be already results and i just need some peace atm.
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I quoted you the Steam subscriber agreement, the thing you agreed to when you signed up for a Steam account. No matter how you decide to excuse yourself from them (since it all looks like "since they did wrong, I can, too!"), rules are rules. The illegal sale of drugs has nothing to do with this discussion, nor does anything else you've mentioned.
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You won't go to jail passing on your steam account illegally to a family member, a friend, for whatever reason, because that would be a first, illegal as in selling drugs you certainly will, that's the BIG DIFFERENCE, especially the "crime" is not as comparable.
Would it be moral? That you could debate. Noone complains if you bought stuff and pass it on, but since we "rent" (while many still think we actually buy and own them) it makes it different somehow?, but unless that first person actually goes to jail for having passed on an account (not talking about selling them on ebay, i find that should be handled as criminal just as those selling roms) then that legal mumbo jumbo actually means something.
I thought here i just read some having stated when someone passed on steam would kinda allow it to be passed on, maybe i got it wrong, maybe not, who knows? I can't be bothered to search the forum for it right now.
And that last piece has everything to do with just leaving me respectfully alone at the moment.
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And that last piece has everything to do with just leaving me respectfully alone at the moment.
Oddly, your personal issues haven't prevented you from replying not only to the OP, but also to me and others in this very thread (and numerous others over the past three days). My sincere apologies if my pointing out your fallacy has emotionally disturbed you in some way.
Anyway, the point (since you're obviously not so emotionally distraught that you can't reply): You suggested the OP do something strictly against Valve's TOS while claiming moral high ground (aka SG's TOS - as well as your own "morality") yourself.
To address your edit (s):
Noone complains if you bought stuff and pass it on, but since we "rent" (while many still think we actually buy and own them) it makes it different somehow?
Yes, it makes it VERY different. You're not legally allowed to give away what you do not own. I'm not sure how that isn't clear to you. (Hence my implication that you like to sidestep rules you don't agree with. Case in point - you seem to believe it's okay to give away what you have said yourself you do not own)
find that should be handled as criminal just as those selling roms
It doesn't matter what you "find" (aka believe). What matters is reality - and in both cases, selling and transferring, you're in violation of Steam's Subscriber agreement and subject to the same punishment - having the account banned. If one is illegal, they both are - obviously you're not allowed to sell or give away what you do not own. Which is more wrong isn't what's being debated here - you're claiming one is "okay", but the other is not.
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Because yesterday it was unknown when the tests would be, now today i heared when, and i heared my dad said some words that made me scared and again aware of the situation, and i don't even need to explain my bloody reasons to you when someday i might feel better and on other days not, we all have them.
Goth started with the term illegal, there are actually whole discussions over it that some say it's legal and some say not (probably maybe that discussion happened here too).
Against the rules or really illegal it's just bickering over words there, maybe it's just against the rules. I also said as an option for someone to just take care of his account till he gets helped, and there is also nothing wrong with that.
What i find more immoral yeah is having him getting so many games deleted, and coming back to do it all over again, not so much in letting someone atleast still enjoy the games, really such an immoral thing to do..
Again i thought steam was kind to and allowed somewhat the passing on of steam accounts in certain situations, again i don't know if that was true or not, probably was not then you are right, and we can just drop it okay?
I thought since you replied, i would atleast was allowed to give one reply back and then hoped you would had some respect in just leaving me alone, but i guess you don't.
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I thought since you replied, i would atleast was allowed to give one reply back and then hoped you would had some respect in just leaving me alone, but i guess you don't.
Ah, so because you've had a bad day (or few days), only people of your choosing should be allowed to reply to your comments on the forums (regardless of their content), while you're free to reply to whatever you like with whatever you like.
Makes perfect sense. :D
EDIT: And no, I've completely skipped over your personal issues, as they still have no bearing whatsoever on this discussion.
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If you actually bothered to read anything (did you even bothered to read that link i posted? Doubt it), i was fine yesterday and the days before and now i am scared, anxious and all for my sick dad and i don't really want to go into bullshit discussions and arguements like this with anyone today, because you are now just simply trying to piss me off and really you can now go to hell.
And you still go on but most of all simply just can't find it a reason for you to drop it but you always had that moral superiority of wanting that right, and the last word. Not to mention doublesided and fickle (dropping this supposed bomb shell on this site and then was afraid for someone else, so you dropped it) but that was a situation from the past you just rather forgot too and convientely didn't want to talk about anymore afterwards.
You just simply don't have respect or regards to anyone (that isn't close to you) how they feel, period.
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And you still go on
You won't get the irony of your own words.
You just simply don't have respect or regards to anyone how they feel, period.
Oh for fuck's sake, I quoted you the Steam Subscriber Agreement. Oh no, I'm such a terrible person for that! If anything, you're the one being disrespectful here, thinking you can "shut people up" with your personal issues, while prancing around spewing whatever you like at them.
Grow up.
Edit: Oh wait, I forgot to cry "bully!" or "victim!". Oh well, next time. ;)
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Am i the only one here telling him it's so stupid and that kick it is to gifters he just deleted so many games? No.
For the third time (since i am guessing some things just don't come across with you or you just simply read what you want to read) i thought there was some leniency from steam in certain situations, for the third time, maybe i had that wrong, but you just need to continue as always and always to make your last comment and get your right, you didnt't have to.
And yeah i go on because of our past, and i still got my opinion on you about back then (and prob vice versa) and why i am in this case with you will go on and not just swallow it.
You could have made your point, after my flawed one and it could have been it, but no not for you, and now you are going further with me telling people to "shut up", i asked kindly to leave me alone for today (like i can control bad news) already at comment one.
I hope you or your family never gets cancer and live in that fear but in ways if it did then you might learn to maybe not act like such a jerk (i hope).
I rather be me not "grown up" (maybe i am emotional right now yes, can you blame me?) then a thoughtless jerk like you are.
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And you're the most hypocrit and moral superior feeling one, are we done now?
If there ever will be an award thing here again, let's nominate eachother for it okay.
Boy you sure love your edits too to add some punches, it's action reaction with me, you started with this "grow up" so i tell you you are a thoughtless jerk, same line of "kid level insulting", you tell me i am the most ironic person here, so you get a comment like my last one.
Just don't turn this into me starting these petty insult thing and getting baited, you were the one that started, i got baited (and yes i just should have just let your last say about an hour ago). If i won't let me bait you then just drop it here.
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Well maybe i read or remember it wrong back then what i thought, and knowing steam support you'd probably not going to ever get that answer back, how long ago did you ask? (you could try mailing gabe personally, someone got an answer from him some months ago. https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/VAZak/how-gabe-newell-saved-my-account). :p
Unless you pass it on to someone and they gonna post here in theory if you would, offcourse the chances of them finding out would be slim and only something weird would be noticable if your account is 120 years old.
But if you said they would look into it, then i think they should just come with a clear answer because eventually many will face this thing, and just a clear answer from them would help, and well personally i still find we should be able to put these things in a will, and it's not just steam, GOG too (although it being drm free noone can really check on you) and other platforms like this.
Also what alot keep forgetting if steam will be there in 50 years or not, there is a bigger threat that half of our games just won't be able to run then away, unless someone comes up with a windows emulator/wrapper or something like we got dosbox for dos games.
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Yeah seems unlikely to sitll get an answer or their whole legal department is bending over it. :p
Apparently it's public (as said in that thread) dunno if it's this one gaben@valvesoftware.com (never hurts to try with the right subject header might get his attention).
But if your kids don't have an account and suppose something would have happened to you, worse thing that could happen, if it was found out only that account would get locked (which according to steam should not exist anymore then anyway) and they have to start an account on their own.
Well in the States everything gets sued over, in Europe alot less.
And thank you, i really appreciate it.
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Way to miss the point.
Here, I'll just quote myself for you:
Anyway, the point (since you're obviously not so emotionally distraught that you can't reply): You suggested the OP do something strictly against Valve's TOS while claiming moral high ground (aka SG's TOS - as well as your own "morality") yourself
Edit: Legality has nothing to do with anything. It's the pot calling the kettle black.
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Once more:
Anyway, the point (since you're obviously not so emotionally distraught that you can't reply): You suggested the OP do something strictly against Valve's TOS while claiming moral high ground (aka SG's TOS - as well as your own "morality") yourself
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Ah, the old "selective reading" routine. I'm familiar with this one from you.
I was being perfectly respectful and polite, even (relatively so) after he began slinging childish insults at me and bringing up completely unrelated matters. I'm going to hazard a guess and say you'll find some reason to claim he wasn't "insulting" or that my calling him "ironic" was far more harsh than the things he said. Fortunately, though, I'm a grown man and those things don't bother me in the slightest.
When you reply or comment on the forums, you don't get to decide who does or doesn't get to reply, and cry "harassment" when they reply to your own reply. That's not at all how it works. You don't get to scream "harassment" whenever someone says something you don't like.
TLDR: If you feel I'm harassing someone, go through the proper channels and file a damned support ticket.
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Yeah and we can be familiar with your selectiveness on other parts.
You were the one starting with grow up, so i gave you a similar reaction in response, only thing i said first was go to hell if you can't respect my wish when i kindly asked for rest and while i am worrying anxiously about a family member, again drop it or i will ask support to step in, this is getting ridiculous.
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TLDR: If you feel I'm harassing someone, go through the proper channels and file a damned support ticket.
I didn't give him any hate. Neither of you are worth anywhere near that much effort. Now run along and play victim elsewhere. Have a nice and pleasant day!^^
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Is it? So with you it's just trying making a point across over and over and okay, but with someone else it's suddenly harassment and bothersome to you? And i was the most ironic person on steamgifts.
I told her you are not worth it and i hope we all just leave it here, i also requested to op to just shut this down as i think whoever wanted to say goodbye could have, and he got many suggestions on what he could do and comments above he didn't want any fighting over it either, else i will go to support.
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I know exactly what she is referring to too, just when you and i were still at one point civil and talked privately and said things. You know with your supposed stance about standing up to bullies while in fact you are at times one.
You started shit a couple of hours ago just going on and on when i asked being left alone and you didn't respected it.
She understood me what i actually meant and stood up for me, but then you turned on her and i not letting you continue a thing like with me so i stand up for her (as you would with mully), i could care less about you and me anymore.
As i said i want to actually drop this shit as it's not worth my time and especially energy.
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I don't know, you make valid points but maybe not a kick in the rear for as many gifters as you might think. I'm not rich and the money I've spent on giveaways isn't insignificant and I'd like the games I gift to be played and I don't really get the game collector mentality and I think this place would probably be better if some people didn't enter every giveaway they could - but at the end of the day I accept that many of my giveaways are falling into bottomless pits and carry on anyway for my own reasons that are important to me personally.
If somebody deleted a game they won I wouldn't see that much difference from them winning it and never playing it and I'd consider it far from the worst thing that happens around here. And then there are all the people that only make giveaways for CV and don't care what happens as long as people mark as received and so on and so forth...
I don't fully see the sense in what the OP is doing but I think a large part of what they are doing is because they are clearly stressed - likely in general as well as with steam and steam gifts. And I can only see a lot of comments here only making them more stressed.
I stopped entering giveaways a year ago myself over stress here so I can certainly sympathise. And although I'm far from a perfect user and in no position to preach I do think this site would likely be a lot better of more people started focusing on their own behaviour rather than other peoples - and it would absolutely be better if certain people stopped speaking for everybody else.
Sorry for picking a relatively random point in this discussion and rambling at length...
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difference is i enter because i atleast have the intention of really playing everything
That's a trap way of thinking that's caused by the rush of winning, if you were realistic and completely honest with yourself you'd realize you're not going to play a lot of those games, it'd take way too much time. When you have that many games it's because of collection purposes and/or gambler's/winner's rush. It's a common thing and I'm not being judgmental here, just honest and straight forward.
You make some false assumptions that i feel somehow "better"
Sorry if I was unclear - my point wasn't that you think you're better, but that your way of handling SG (and playing your won games) is better. You also don't exactly weaken the point by repeating the fact that you've sent more games than him. So what? You've also won more and have a bigger library of games. At least he's being honest with himself and realizes he's not going to get the time to play all those games. 294/149 isn't leeching when he has no 0 value games sent. We have people with incredibly generous ratios on here, so naturally we'll also get people with ratios like these.
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It's not a trap (maybe for some) again 7000 games will be about 1 1/2 year 24/7 non stop, if you barely got other hobbies, it's very doable in a lifetime, if not for me, if i get kids they can easily play some on my account, if you manage a respectable age.
Yes it's also for collecting, but as a part of preservation too, i experienced many games from barely 10 years ago that aren't available anymore (be it legal or illegal) try simon the sorcerer 4 and 5 and gobliins 4),
But it's not a main focus to win, that is to play them, collecting/preserving on a second place. I bought Prey, Spiderman and Clive Barker's Jericho on kinguin, then it's collecting/preserving, but on my own dime.
Should people be limited to an amount or wins then? And i still don't feel like a leech or whatever as someone else is commenting, and giving away crap games, i can't afford much better, but atleast i don't just give away $1 viva bundles to farm.
I am not really getting your point about him having 0 value game sent. Gifts Won 294 ($3,301.30) /Gifts Sent 149 ($1,823.53)
Or me owning and won more (Games that i won't let disappear while a majority of his 300 just goes poof, up in smoke) while the rest of my 6600 games i got gifted, free or having done a shitload of surveys, plus i won 1000 but gave away just as much the same, i don't really see why having 1000 games myself or 10000 make it any different?
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It's not a trap (maybe for some) again 7000 games will be about 1 1/2 year 24/7 non stop
I'm not saying you should play all your games, that's your choice, but as someone who's actually trying to beat most of his games in his Steam library (and I deliberately have a very low amount of around 200) I agree completely with LeetPete. First of all I don't know where you got that time, but HLTB would seem to disagree with you, your actual time (simply finishing the story of all your games and nothing else) is 4 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, 5 days and 13 hours. Assuming you'd play 12 hours every single day that would still add up to 9 years, since sleep, food and drinking is an actual thing you need to survive. And that's not including all the other games you'll continue to add to your library, increasing that time. Again if you're collecting games that's fine, everyone should do what makes them happy, but claiming that you'll play them all...
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I had that estimate from an article from about maybe 2 years ago, when i only had like 4000-5000 games and i really believed it said something like 1 1/2 - 2 years.
But there are different sites that will tell you different times, as i posted about one of those sites on this forum and some mentioned other sites with different times, and it won't count all games the same some rpgs takes hours and some $1 stuff can take 20 minutes, will you go for all achievements? or don't care. Will you have kids, a wife, etc that will play when you are away? There are so many factors, as work, kids (they can also cost time), other hobbies.
And 9 years when you can have another 60 years (hopefully) i think i can claim that.
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From my personal experience HLTB is pretty on point(ish) about it's time (I sometimes go over the proposed time though). Assuming you had 5000 games at the time and 1 1/2 years is around 500 days, you'd still have to complete 10 games per day, which averages at 2,4 hours per game which is extremely low even when you include short games.
Like you said if you had 5000 games two years ago and you have 7000 now we can assume you amass around 1000 games per year, you'll have around 67000 games in 60 years. Which would take what? Around 95 years, assuming you finish 700 games per year (which is already an optimistic point of view). So your theory only makes sense if you stop gathering games which I'm assuming you won't do.
Again, I'm not here to tell you what to do, nor am I judging you, you're free to believe whatever you want as you're free to do as you please. It's your life and you should do whatever makes you the most happy. But statistically your theory isn't viable and I've already gone beyond realistic expectations of how many free time you'd have since I assume you'll have a job again at some point and perhaps even a family.
Edit: the time I presented was only beating your games, not collecting things or going for achievements, which would drastically increase that time.
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My account is 10 years old but started using steam about 4-5 years ago maybe? Yes since then i always gathered that amount of games of 500-1000 a year, but that speed won't keep up for atleast the time being (as i need to be careful with my money), and i pretty much doubt there would be 67000 games in 60 years and hoping there will be some quality control...
How many bundles lately aren't people telling everytime that they are not good or not even games (books) or just repeats? The good bundles we had are a thing from the past, but also the more you have the more you bound up having repeats. Most games i gotten through bundles (Tremorgames bought theirs for people to get) i am not going to keep buying that many games at full prices or even on some minor sales on steam.
And really most of those numbers for the last year really got added up by go go bundles (1 bundle can already have 36 games), games that don't take hours to spend, and ah so many that are even broken you can't play them but you sometimes get them extra too for like 40 cents for the few games you do want.
Even assuming steam will still exist too then (and if they truely let us still find a way to download all games like they claimed).
And i could still be run over by a bus tommorow, i try to live by the day, carpe diem, there is only that much extend in which we can control the future.
And no i honestly appreciate anyone's view just the same, and that's how it should be taken, nothing else, not needs for others to attack eachother over it or feeling attacked.
But maybe i should have worded it better too, that while i try to/finish/play as many as i can from my whole collection, i would definitely for sure will try each and every won game (can't say finish because some are broken or forever in early access or so many that i would want to play now but promise achievements so i wait (i mean else then you got to play a game twice), because i do feel i owe that, if i don't get around to some of the games i got myself, then i would have been my own dime, my own loss.
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Only time will tell how bundles and Steam will evolve, it only makes sense that Steam sales and bundles got worse over time since companies always try to squeeze out as much money out of customers while giving as little as possible. Still I don't see Steam and bundles going anywhere in the future unless something revolutionary happens. Though it's likely Steam will be replaced by a better system at some point if they continue to care so little.
The point isn't so much about how many games you add or what platform you use, the point was you'll continue adding games which will continue to increase that time. As long as you add more than you have time to play it's impossible to catch up. I used to be like that too, and it took several years to become more selective and even let things that really seemed interesting go, because I know I won't have the time to play them all. And I want to cut down on my gaming and focus more on other things. But I'm not here to convince you on anything, you do what you feel is right, just saying it's not very realistic that you'll play all those games which is fine.
i try to live by the day, carpe diem
That's a good way to live I think.
And no i honestly appreciate anyone's view just the same, and that's how it should be taken, nothing else, not needs for others to attack eachother over it or feeling attacked.
I feel the same about my comments, they are simply my opinion.
Personally I try to finish all my SG wins simply because I think it's the right thing to do and I'm very selective about games I enter GA's for. But I know there's also a lot of crappy games and I've certainly given away my share of crappy games that I don't expect anyone to play. I think people only care if it's a decent game they're giving away and it doesn't get played, or that's at least the way I feel. But as I said I'm not here to judge I know there are plenty of people on this site that don't play or even intend to play the majority of games they win, I don't approve of such behavior but I won't let it get to me either.
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Yeah i remember the massive chirping from vacations in places as Greece and Turkey.
I am not living in a city like Amsterdam (thankfully), but still very compact build here.
Just found out i have a flat tire though on my bike (cost 40 euro to repair since it needs a special tool).
Cheers. :)
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This is hardly a relevant point since they were all sent when no value giveaways weren't a thing.
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Just don't hesitate to ask for help if the time comes, even if you might at first feel ashamed or whatever - everyone hits rock bottom one way or another sooner or later and nobody should be afraid of admitting that, but be proud of the fact that they faced their hardships head-on and draw strength from this courage, to eventually overcome every obstacle in their way. There are always people around offering their support, whatever your problems might be. As I said, good luck and try to keep your head up high.
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Having nightmares about playing video games is definitely not ordinary thing, in that case i think brake from video games all together is wiser choice then deleting most of your library. I also have issue with reducing my backlog and want to slap my self each time i return back to playing some games i know already through and through. But thankfully there are great groups likePlay or Pay, where somebody else can challenge you to play some games from your library each month. Did you thought maybe about lending your account to some close family member ? I bet they would love it and it seems like more reasonable solution then just deleting the games. Deleting them from account just seems to me like incredible waste, when categorizing works just fine too, i have category with games i wont play so i simply dont expand that category in steam, one line of text in library with name of that category isnt that distracting. Whatever you choose, i wish you good luck and joyful dreams.
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Looks kinda pointless for me, you know, it's not you but your avatar that's being recognized or more likely unnoticed by most people here.
And trying to face the music in your real life has nothing to do with deleting the games you won, which happen to be not to your taste. Even if it's not that much of a delight for you if it's not in real life, good luck is still good luck. Why not just keep the games, and lead a balanced life where playing games is no more than a refreshment. It is not the 'redundant' games but your mindset, the tendency to overthink, that's causing you all the uneasiness. Simply turn your life around into a winning streak with results. Once you no longer deem yourself some sort of a loser, you won't feel this way anymore. And you can always redress the balance or make up for this feeling of regret later by giving out more games than you won before if you manage to improve your finances.
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Öncelikle yeni işinizde başarılar dilerim. Kazanılan oyunları oynama konusunda benim önerim: Her oyuna bir saat verin, o bir saat sonunda devam etmek içinizden gelmiyorsa bilgisayarınızdan (ve zihninizden) kaldırın. Buna ek olarak bir de %50 achievement sınırı koyabilirsiniz. Bir saat geçmişse ve daha sonraki sürede oyunun %50 achievement'ını elde etmişseniz oyun bitmiştir. Yukarıda biri steam hesabınızı ödünç verin demiş. Bence de silmekten daha mantıklı bir seçenek. Beğenmediğiniz küçük indie oyunları severek oynayacak birileri çevrenizde olabilir.
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Mesajı görünce birden noluyoruz dedim anlamadım, jeton geç düştü :D
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There are multiple solutions to your problem which do not involve deleting games from your Steam account. However, if you do feel that it is absolutely necessary to delete them, you only have 300 wins on SteamGifts. You could simply send a list of the games you plan to delete to Support so that we know why they are missing. (I would probably make a category of "To Be Deleted" in Steam and then take a screenshot of it.)
As for removing your SG account, I see no reason for that. There are many people on this site who no longer enter giveaways because we simply have too many games already.
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All in all, take you time and decide the games you want to remove. Talk with support, come out with a solution and certainly hope you stay a SG member even just by chatting! See you around.
Best Wishes, Cruse~
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Except that the first step is proving rightful ownership....
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Users are suspended for inactivated wins. We did see people before that were suspended, and then wrote they removed games. They need to restore all games to unlock their account.
Removing games is a way to take a break from SG without removing account. And you can recover them via Steam support later on. Not something I'd do, but it's not impossible. Still it will lead to perma suspension. But writing support ticket about it before, will make it easier to unlock your account later on. As we clearly know why so many wins were missing.
There was thread not long ago (before removing accounts was possible) from user that removed all their wins to force support to perma suspend them. They could also simply ask to be perma suspended. But they chose another way.
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No, at least that's not how I understand it. The support ticket won't get you around being suspended, but if you later file a request to be unsuspended, it will make things easier for support to track why you did it in the first place and therefore heighten the chance of you getting your wish of your account being restored fulfilled (mind that you have to restore all the games you previously removed beforehand though).
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As I understood it, he offered OP the possibility instead of deleting the game and having his account suspended, to remove the games with Support's approval, so that support knows why the games were removed and he doesn't gets suspended. Because if he gets suspended either way, what's the point of notifying support beforehand? He can just do it as he planned, and when he decides to return do all the "restore games & unsuspend from SteamGifts" procedure...
He also wrote: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/aspld/farewell-steamgifts-citizens#JM7c5x5
Which again leads me to believe that you only need to prove you already own the games, and get permission from support to remove them...
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Generally speaking, if a person opens a support ticket beforehand, with a list of wins he plans to delete (and proves they already exist in his account), he might be given permission to delete them. When it is noticed that a particular win is missing, the Support member handling it should be looking for evidence that it may actually have been activated and should see that it has been. If there is anything overlooked, or if a mistake is made, providing evidence of (prior) ownership should be sufficient to lift any related suspension.
Please note that each case is handled individually in accordance with circumstance, and that permission should be obtained from Support. For the sake of simplicity, it is easier to just hide your wins in your library. Uninstalled games take up no space, and if you can't see them, they are effectively "gone."
(Edit: Official policy regarding the deletion of wins from a user's account is currently under review.)
P.S.(Removing wins from your library will not go down well with SGT.)
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Hey, I'm pretty sure I remember you, ptsfthfll You used to have a Jack Nicholson avatar from About Schmidt, right? We were in one of the same proto-communities together where all the cool people used to hang out, before all these young punks showed up and trashed the place, eh?? You know, back when SteamGifts 1.0 was chill! Any whippersnappers happening to read this and scratching your heads about what I could be on about, get off my lawn, youn' uns! :D
First of all, I'd like to say that I hate the word "leech". Or to be precise, I hate how casually it is thrown about here by seemingly everyone and how indelible the term has become in this place. To be even more precise, it's less the word itself that bothers me so much, but rather the accusatory and sanctimonious connotations implied and inherent in its usage. In essence, it's just poor form to be using the word on a giveaway site, I think. More problematic is when someone internalises it in the manner you have to label not only the conduct of others, but as a descriptor of their own conduct, no doubt due to the dubious conventions that rule this community. This isn't something that should happen. It goes against the very spirit of this site (or what it once was or should be, perhaps), and it is absolutely unhealthy for the soul.
So I would like to encourage you to not be so hard on yourself because of some kind of expected standard that has become a defacto form of malicious consensus terrorism here. It's simply not worth it to punish yourself and beat yourself up in this manner. Please don't. I seem to remember you contributed to the community in more and diverse ways than can be measured by a simple ratio of incomplete digits or some calculation of a golden ideal that some script spat out that we should all supposedly strive to measure up to. That's bullshit. Fuck that shit, seriously.
If you think it would give you solace, however, and if you feel there is no other way, then by all means consider deleting your account and starting fresh, as has been suggested above. But only do it if you think it's the right thing for you, not because some know-it-all punks with a calculator and script say you should. That's not what SteamGifts is about. Whatever you do, I wish you best of luck and that you are not discouraged by the evil gossip of small minds. I say we have fun here like we used to, buddy!
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I'm glad you found a solution that works for you! And I know what you mean, I would also like to give more, but we do what we can :) Yeah, times were different back when we were younger. I would also maybe use months worth of pocket money to save up for that one game and play nothing else for months. How things have changed. So I get where you are coming from. My solution was just to try to go with the flow of things and not get too stressed about it. God knows we have enough of that in our lives, right? Easier said than done, I know!
I'm glad you remember me too. It's nice to see a familiar face/username from "the old days" heh. And I'm definitely not a celebrity of any kind here, though, haha. I've hardly been active the last few years anyway. I just happened to have joined when the site was quite young just like you and others and somehow stuck around :)
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Nothing wrong with wanting to 100% complete games.
All you need to do is decide what day you will use X number of hours to play games, and ONLY play during those times.
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I don't think people will mind if you don't play the game you won. Sure, if they're a gem and they wanted to gift it for a generous act maybe they could be a little upset, but usually people will trade games they're not interested in or won't activate on their account.
Myself I gave away a lot of games I didn't care about, and I don't care if people are playing them. I'm ok even if they use it for farming cards, whatever makes them happy makes me happy too. Just the feeling of making someone say "yay I won a game, nice" is enough.
For games I liked that I gave away let's take one for example. I love skullgirls, and I gave it away some times, but even if people don't play it it's ok, maybe they will or maybe not, the importan thing is that someone won that from me.
For the other things I saw you already found a solution on comments so I won't bother.
Also if someone won a game from me and you're the beatiful girl reading this, if you played it nice if you don't it's nice too.
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i'm obviously definitely with you 100%, who cares? I mean, I make gifts to --gift-- games of any kind, bundled or (whitelisted 9 times over 10 xD) non-bundled/"great" ones, but that's a gift.
I mean, I have a life, a job, a partner, it would be really sad if people passed their lives as adults on any kind of website checking everything and getting upset.
I agree on every word, I just want to make people happy with little gifts and to express my gratitude to my whitelist with all the best gifts I can make but for sure I would never spend hours of my day to check if the winner plays or not or whatever else, I mean, I'm an adult with my responsibilities and I really don't find anything useful in spending days on a computer living an unrealistic life. It's ok to spend time in a healthy way on every passion one has, but not in such a weird way.. it's great what you said - making people happy it's enough, even if it's due to a small giveaway :) That should be the spirit, healthy and happy!
+1 for everything else, that has been already answered. Wish to ptsfthfll all the best in his life <3
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I agree. I gift games because people enjoy receiving them, and that makes me happy. You could call that selfish, but most people think of it as being a giving person.
P.S.(I don't recall ever having checked one of my winners to see if they actually played their win.)
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in my view, this is the right thing to do.. although of course everyone is free to do what he wishes, but this website is based on making giveaways, i.e.: gifting games, giving them away for free.. so it's great that one can choose, depending on the game quality or whatever else, to limit the access to a whitelist, groups, levels+ if he wants that that particular game can be entered only by few people.. but the core is to make people happy (and receive happiness and gratitude back!)! :') that goes in the same way when I win something, I'm extremely happy and thankful and that's the right spirit.. if you make of any kind of "online activity" your priority it's more likely that you'll end up spending more time online than in real life, so let's take it easy and with a smile making people happy :)
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I'm about in your same situation.
I'm a collector, and I am since when I was a kid. I have thousands of pc games in retail versions, before Steam even existed, and literally tens (or even hundreds) of thousands console and old computer games either for emulators (cartridge/tape/floppy/cd/dvd images) or for physical machines (cartridges/tapes/floppies/cds...).
When Steam came out and then bundles were invented, I basically purchased every super-cheap game on sale and every bundle, started my adventure here and won my fair share of games, and gave away what I could (I'm still collecting keys to giveaway, for when I'll actually have some free time to do so).
At a certain point I realized I was just collecting too much crap that I wouldn't be able to play. My life in this world is getting shorter every day, and I have to rewrite my list of priorities every so years, and playing all those games would be literally impossible anyway.
So I just accepted it. I have to accept I will not be able to play all those games, because the time needed is much longer than my time left here, and because in the meanwhile more games will get released, but more importantly, because there's things more important than games to live for.
I have other hobbies and stuff I like to do, and gaming is only one of the many, so I really don't want that one single hobby will take over all of the others, and even more one that is so silly. I love games and computers and I'm a coder, so I'm not taking that lightly when I say it's silly. You may call gaming your life if making them is your job, but playing them should always be considered as a hobby because it's only entertainment, a way to pause your life for a while to take a break, but then you have to go back to it and live it, because this is your only chance, we don't have 3 lives or infinite respawns.
So now I just buy bundles with games that I'm interested in, games which I think I may want to play sometimes in the future, and join GAs of games of the same kind here. I know I won't be able to play them all still, but I like having a choice, because being forced to play a game you don't like because you don't have anything else in your library is even worse.
Additionally, if I start a game and I don't really like it, I'll just abandon it. I'm a completionist too (yeah I know, the worst kind ever: collector+completionist) so it's hard for me to take such decision, but if you force yourself doing it, it will get easier the next time. Just check your priorities and act with logic: you will not be able to play everything, and there's more important things to spend your time into.
I'm not saying this is the best way to handle things, but it was my way and it worked for me.
Everyone makes mistakes. Hiding your mistakes under a blanket will not erase them, while accepting them as part of your life and learning from them will make you a better person. These are also very minimal mistakes: you didn't hurt anyone and didn't make anything that made anyone's life worse.
You entered GAs of games you don't really want to play? Whatever, keep them around to remind you to not do it again, and now just enter GAs of games you're interested about. You're not sure if you'll ever have time to play them? Who cares, but if you really care so much, just don't enter them from now on.
You've purchased too many games and you will not be able to play them all? It happens, whatever. Learn from it and move on. You also don't HAVE to play them all, they're there for when you're ready, if you ever will, or you may change your tastes and they'll serve no purpose for you anymore, whatever, maybe your wife, sons or nephews will play them. Things like these happens all the time in real life, you buy something because it was cheap but then, 10 years after, you find it in a drawer and wonder why you did purchase it, and then a week later you suddenly have a use for it.
Anyway, I have a feeling you're just suffering from a minor depression, because of the changes you've had in your life, which stressed you (and which would stress anyone), and because of gaming becoming an obsession rather than a relaxing moment. It happens more often than people may believe, only that most people just can't detect it because they never experienced it (or they didn't know it was one), and because while you're depressed you see things in a different way, without even noticing.
I've had a depression like 15 years ago and I can now recognize them, and realized I have like 2 minor depressions/year (they often happens at the change of seasons, like between summer and autumn, and between spring to summer, or winter to spring), which I successfully treat by myself. A lot of people experience them, but they just consider them to be part of life or just a bad moment, and sometimes they worsen into a serious depression, so it's better to treat it when it's not so bad. Ask your doctor for direction, just to be sure (it's usually diagnosed and treated by psychiatrists).
It may also need some life restructuring, to avoid gaming (or anything else) to become an obsession again, but the psychiatrist will help about that too. Don't be afraid, in today's world, this is a really common illness, which has basically a 100% treating success rate.
In short, when you see things more serious than they really are like you are doing right now (if you notice, every reply here kinda tells you that), and you fail to see an easy solution other than a destructive one like you are doing now, that can be a good sign of a depression. It's the half-empty/half-full glass thing: if you're depressed you see a situation worse than it really is.
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i just read the thread and saw a lot of very technical answers about deleting, removing, hiding, restoring, banning.
i think the core of your problem is that you're stessed, but you are stressed by a hobby and by your interpretation of the rules of a website. (should anybody be stressed by something like that?)
my advice (and i know i'm nobody to send advices) is to step down from your whole hobby for a while.
i mean give to gaming a much lower priority and give higher priorities to other hobbies.
hobbies come and go, sometimes you are just tired of one, you suspend it and years later you take it with renew enthusiasm. maybe it is the case.
log off from steam and from sg, without worrying about achievements, completionism, collections, forums and whatnot.
open a book, watch a movie, call a friend, go out for a coffe, speak about you worries. pretty sure you already do some of them, but maybe not enough.
if this advice doesn't apply to you, pretty fine to jump over my post.
anyway wish you good luck.
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