Please be honest. It's anonym to vote. ;)

3 weeks ago

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Please be honest!

View Results
All of them!
I play some of my wins!
I rarely play my wins!
I'm just a collector, this +1 is beautiful!
I just idle for the trading cards -> profit!
I never touch my wins and I don't care about them!

I have played all of them. Some I didn't complete neither plan to because I didn't like them, kind of like to at least play the won game as a thank you to the GA creator.


11% percent won't play (tried but will not finish them)
2% unfinished (liked them and will eventually play them again to beat them)
77% beaten
11% completed

3 weeks ago*

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According to BLAEO, i have played around 35% of my wins game, and completed 10% of them.

3 weeks ago*

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i used to play some. nowadays i'm kind of a leecher, won beautiful games, but hardly ever touched. i know, it's not good but i won't change my behavior anytime soon.

life is hard by itself, and a Spacecat is almost enough to enjoy life the easy way again :D

3 weeks ago

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I would have liked an option for "most of them". Clearly, the intention is to play them all because there is no point or reason to enter a giveaway if I am not interested in playing the game.

That said, one of my wins has issues with the achievements and I hope it will be sorted out at one point. Otherwise, it will remain a weak point in my line up T_T:

3 weeks ago

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Just out of curiosity, you have "Baba is You" categorized as "never played", but you have 106 hours of playtime ... ?

3 weeks ago

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Ah, that's mostly my own mental loops. I leave all games inside my "Never played" categories until I make a BLAEO report on them. And I only report them after I have completed them, meaning having obtained all achievements. The only exceptions are when I am sure I can't get all achievements because they are either broken or clearly outside my skill level.

For Baba is You, I ran into a wall with one specific level three years ago and it remained there until recently. I am currently playing again and made good progress in the last two weeks.. If I solve my current walls, it will transfer to completed most likely in the near future.

3 weeks ago

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I voted for 'some' too. At the beginning of my SG career I just joined every possible giveaway. But rarely played the wins. That changed some time ago and now I only join giveaway when game looks promising to me, and I want to play it. Still need to start playing my old wins though, soonish I hope. :)

3 weeks ago*

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That0s what we all should do!

3 weeks ago

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I have way many unplayed now, cause I were lucky recently. But it will probably take time before I play them due to moving, I can't even reach my laptop now. Hope everything will settle down before Dragon Age Veilguard release

3 weeks ago

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I'm trying, okay?!

3 weeks ago

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every single one
forgot the website to check steam games played stats but mine was over 85%

3 weeks ago*

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View attached image.
3 weeks ago

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played or attempted to play everything ive won here.
the % of non played games are TONS of free games ive added to my steam account and not yet touched.
some of them are dead online games that can never be played

3 weeks ago

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Yes it takes some time because of job and other things but i always play them.

3 weeks ago

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Aim to play them all, current status 25/59 games 100%ed.

3 weeks ago*

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I'm positively surprised at the poll results! I know the PoP / PAGYWOSG / BLAEO folks who play their wins, but I thought the majority of SG isn't like that.

But I guess those people who don't play their wins also don't care about honestly voting in polls like this.

I think I spend around 50% of my gaming time playing SG wins and I've had a lot of fun with some of them! (although there have been some boring ones too)

3 weeks ago

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I imagine a lot of those people probably don't bother with discussions at all to vote in the first place.

3 weeks ago

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I’m guilty of not playing enough of them.
Gaming has taken a backseat for most of the last 12 months, as I haven't had much time to play… More important things have taken their place.
I guess I should stop entering giveaways 🤷🏻‍♀️

3 weeks ago

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You should do what doesn't stress you. If you think you'll get to them, and enjoy playing, then join giveaways. We all have times where life jumps up and prevents our hobbies or playtime. Usually it settles back down, or we can find a way to carve a smidge of time to get back to what we enjoy.

3 weeks ago

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Yeah you’re right, I should leave.

3 weeks ago

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If you do, it'll likely still be here when you feel like it's a thing worth spending time on. Do what you need. Hope you get some downtime, whether it's spent here or elsewhere.

3 weeks ago

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I played some but intend to play all of them before dying, I hope. I go by release date what means that some of them are far away.

Regarding completion, only if I enjoy it. Voted some as it's the real scenario right now.

3 weeks ago

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I strive to play every win and I will eventually play them all, so my answer is "All of them!".
Actual stats are as follows

  • 7% never played (4/57) / 10% unfinished (6/57) / 76% beaten (43/57) / 7% completed (4/57)

I was lucky enough in many ways not grab too many wins :)

  • My first win was a relevantly bad game (Painkiller: Recurring Evil) that made me think "why the F do I need this anyway?"
  • I found a local active community of SG users quite early on and saw how people were stressed about their winnings (lack of time and even lack of desire to play many of them).
  • I don't care about amount of games in my library, I don't want to have anything I won't play
  • I also discovered quite early on the play-centric groups (like PlayingMetter, PlayingApreciated and some othres) and liked the philosophy that they "promote". So I got a boost of "not sure you will play that - don't touch that".
  • BLAEO (Backlog Assassins Extraordinaire) also made me a more reasonable in my appetite for games and at least somehow allow me to stick to a diet (I can't cope anyway) :)
3 weeks ago*

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I won a few games I regret, sometimes a game looks better then it really is...
Outside of that I only join games I really think I will enjoy and plan on playing them all.
According to BLAEO I completed 41%, beaten 2% and unfinished 14% so yeah still low numbers but one day I will complete almost all of them!

3 weeks ago

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Probably almost every one of us have such wins. Also, when a game is bad, it's bad. Though sometimes a thought may occur, like "someone else could have enjoyed this game", but that's okay too. It's most likely 99% of the wins on this site are untouched. People who play their wins are a minority and you can be proud about it. ^^

3 weeks ago

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Yeah my first win is a game that never got finished and is now removed from Steam, very sad!
My 2nd win I think of a sort of copy from a different game from what I read later so also not fully great...
Those things happen, also didn't do enough research back in the day and just joined stuff, I think many here made that mistake at first, even later on I have a few wins I regret, mostly games that not many would actually play let alone enjoy but oh well, now I am stuck with them :(

I just see no need to have games I won't enjoy, in your house you also usually keep stuff you don't even like to have, unless it's needed for something more important, so why would I want that in my game library?

3 weeks ago

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We'll have to live with those games until we leave SG, I'm not happy about it either. :(
There is a multiplayer game on my very first wins that I haven't played and it doesn't even exist anymore. I even have some wins that I thought I would enjoy but I didn't. At least they're refundable when we buy them.

Well, only entering the giveaways I'm 99% sure that I'll enjoy reduces those chances very much. :)

3 weeks ago

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I am so picky now, that often enough I see 0 giveaways and that also explains why my last win was May 2022 and the one before that was December 2020, I don't join much and win even less, it's sad but again, games I won't think I will enjoy are wasted on me and even though high chance the winner won't even play it, I still rather not clog my library with stuff I won't ever play and let people waste a 'good' key on me.

3 weeks ago

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I'm trying to ! I may be late for some of them, but I'll play all eventually !

3 weeks ago

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Way less than I did in the past. One reason being that I buy much more than I used to while also winning far fewer games. And the bought games pretty much always have a greater appeal.

3 weeks ago

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I feel you! It is like on one hand you have a Clunky Hero you won a year ago, and Monster Boy And The Cursed Kingdom, God of War, Cat Quest III, Tomb Raider (and other ~17 games you bought during summer sale) on the other... It is really hard to push your self to play a game that you thought should be fun, but you made a mistake in your judgments - it is not as good as you thought... When you have all these games...

3 weeks ago

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thanks to Playing Appreciated, Play or Pay and PAGYWOSG i do play some of my wins, i wish i had time for more. i have around 15% of my wins played with more than 25% achievements earned and around 10% of my wins completed 100%. you can check these stats in everyones profile using this userscript.

3 weeks ago

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Though I'm a bit behind because I've been busy lately (+ playing a non-win game atm), I only enter giveaways of games that look like I actually might enjoy them. I plan on at least trying them all. Gotta trudge through my huge backlog, and SG wins will be the place to start. Both because I feel bad for not playing them yet, but also because it makes deciding easier lol

Out of 7 won games, I beat two, play one here and there, waiting for friends to be free to play another, and just haven't gotten to the remaining 3 yet.

3 weeks ago

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I usualy use a random picker, any game in my library can be at least tried.

3 weeks ago*

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Since I started using SG "for real" (posting on forum etc.), I also started to check out the games I've won. Since then I just collected them.
But sadly, now I don't have much time on my hands, so every new game I get, stretches my massive backlog...

3 weeks ago

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52 games:
77% completed (40 games)
8% beaten (4 games)
8% unfinished (4 games)
8% never played (4 games)

3 weeks ago*

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Some of them, mostly the more interesting one get some priority. I blame my ever growing backlog for never being able to do that. :D

3 weeks ago

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At first no, then yes, now no again, but I'm also not entering and thus not winning.

3 weeks ago

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I voted: I play some of my wins!
My stats took a bit of a hit last year, but I'm back to working on my wins.

Right now I have playtime in 78 games (67,2%) with 70 (60.3%) of those having more than 5 hours and 34 (29.3%) with more than 10 hours.
Average percentage of achievements is 78.2%, percentage of games with at least 1 achievement is 58.9%
In 51 games I have gotten more than 25% of the cheevos and in 30 it's 100%.
All according to the "Do You Even Play, Bro?" script.

Some of these stats are a bit skewed, because ssome wins are DLC.

3 weeks ago

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