I didn't used to snore that much, but I do consistently now. Part of it's because I'm way out of shape. In any case, snoring often gets worse, not better.
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Snoring is a major symptom of obstructive sleep apoea, which is basically sleep interrupted by aggressive snoring (and temporary stoppage of breathing).
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Jesus, that sounds horrible.
One of my ex-roomates 'stole' stuff. He didn't sell them or anything though, he just hid them. Funnily enough, there were 4 of us in the room, and this dude was targeting only two of us. That two doesn't include me. I ended up being a suspect and the two roomates he 'stole' from ended up rummaging through my stuff and made a mess of everything only to find nothing and realized that they'd been on to the wrong person. GG.
Came home to my wardrobe being turned into a shipwreck basically. I wasn't too cool with it but I mean.. can I blame really them? There were four people and two people had their stuff disappearing here and there, and with a very limited amount of possible suspects it came down to two. I was just a bit offended that they'd think I'd do it, although I understand their reasons fully so I just smiled and nodded along :(
But other than that my experiences have been pretty pleasant. Hopefully I won't bump into a chainsaw anytime soon because that'd drive me crazy.
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Thankfully they did! They told me about it right after I came home, they were just like, "Hey, so we kinda rummaged through your stuff, we're sorry, we can explain, don't be angry," so I really appreciated that. It was an invasion of privacy, but they didn't have much options, 'cause as you said, confrontations would lead nowhere since it's not like guilty people admit to their wrongdoing right away anyway.
The motive was apparently jealousy.. If you care to know the story, basically the thief and M (one of the dude he stole things from) used to be super close, and then S (the other dude he stole from) came along and started getting really close with M. The thief got angry because M & S did everything together like playing tennis, swimming, etc without him and felt like M had replaced him with S. So he started stealing things from M & S and hiding them as a revenge of some sort, while also slightly hoping M & S would accuse each other and start fighting. It backfired.
People can be very weird..
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They did! They rummaged through the thief's stuff after they found nothing in mine, and they found their things stuffed on the back of the thief's wardrobe, like under piles and piles of clothes and coats. If only they'd start with his stuff first and not mine..
Funnily enough though, it worked pretty well for him in the end. After he was forced to confess and explain his reasoning (jealousy) to M & S, M saw it as some sort of flattery, like "oh he wanted to be my friend so bad". M & S ended up including him in most of their activities now, they hung out together a lot, etc. It was a happy-ever-after sorta ending, albeit a very odd one.
Things like these sure keep households entertaining.
(Sorry I'm kinda filling your thread with my stories btw!)
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My dad did for decades, eventually he got this anti snoring device (covered by the healthcare insurance) it really helped.
But the one that snores has to want it, admit they have a problem but since they are the ones sleeping.
Else record it and show it to him.
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I'm using a CPAP myself, since 8 or 9 years. It changed my life, really. Maybe try to get your roomate read testimonials from people suffering sleep apnea ? In my case, every morning was a struggle, like if I went to bed an hour ago after getting wasted in a huge party. In the afternoon, I had every day a 30mn-to-2-hours time with my eyes closing themselves (pro tip: a 3 mn flash-sleep can help). It's not fun to start using a machine to sleep, but when you get used to it, it's wonderful. I'm not super-tired anymore, and I ended finding the CPAP very comfortable ! Last but not least: these machines are now small and produce a very very low noise level. Any boy/girlfriend or roomate will just love it :)
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I went for decades knowing I had apnea and not treating it because I'm a super stubborn guy about the weirdest crap. I didn't know how serious apnea can be nor and the impact it had on my life until I was over 40.
I finally got a CPAP and it has been life changing. I haven't snored in the last few years since I started using the CPAP, and I feel a lot more healthy and alert to boot.
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Bump and meow. I used to wait until my roommate fell asleep (wouldn't take long) then shoot him with a water pistol. he's be quiet for a bit, and I'd fall asleep before he started snoring again. It was our evening routine for months.
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I only had this for one night in hospital. My 'roommate' snored so loud that I plugged in my earbuds and turned music to max volume... bad thing I could still hear him ^^ Managed to sleep somehow and was really happy that I could leave hospital the next day.
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Yeah, definitely not worth it, but I was young and it was only for one night.
I hope you can persuade him to go to the doctor. Will help both of you and also will improve his health. 12 hours of sleep is definitely too long. Except you're below 5 years :P
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Could be worse. My girlfriend snores like a steam engine and I can't exactly tell her to go sleep in the couch (unless I want her to go Lucius on me).
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Whenever my fiance starts snoring I just hit him and pretend I'm still asleep, he usually stops XD
That's my favourite trick :P Luckily, she doesn't snore all the time.
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My dad snores just as bad and I've had the missfortune of having to sleep in the same room as him for most of my vacations when I was younger. (either I fall asleep before him or I don't sleep at all) So I can relate.. Anyhow, your friend really should go see the doctors, even if he thinks it's not worth the time.
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Well, you shouldn't have to keep living like this. I've been in his position as well when the building i was living in got sold. I also lived with a girlfriend and her boyfriend. They never asked rent or any money at all but i realised it was so i could save up and find a place of my own. I will always be gratefull for letting me crash there. You have to make him realize this isn't a permanent solution. You could offer him help in finding something. Im sure he would appreciate that, and if not, you can assume he's taking advantage. No sane person would be comfortable living in someones living room if there was another way.
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Yeah, i was lucky enough to have a room to my own and even then i sometimes felt like i didn't have enough privacy. The fact that he's not troubled by the situation is kinda worrisome. It could mean he's not actively looking for a solution and just taking the ride as is. It could also mean he doesn't see a solution short term but he has to realise some people even have less than him and still make it happen. Its great that you're doing it but don't let housing him become a problem. You said it's a good friend so you wouldn't want to lose that friendship after it all explodes. Confrontation is never easy but if he's a friend, i'm sure he'll understand it as well :) Anyway, i do wish you all good luck in finding a solution and i hope for everyone involved this story finishes with a happy ending :)
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That can be an extremely difficult situation to deal with.
What can help a great deal is if a third party can help him get proper perspective on the situation. Do you have a mutual friend, who you could talk to, who could then spend some time with him, and suggest he might need to be a bit more considerate, and he just might be taking advantage of your good nature in a way that could permanently harm your friendship...
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Put a lollipop in his nose (preferably his butt) everytime he starts snoring. Tell him that you'll do this every time he starts snoring until he moves out. Keep the lollipops. If he doesn't stop or move out, start putting the used lollipops on his mouth.
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Did you try recording him while he sleeps and showing to him later?
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I've NEVER had a roommate that didn't wear me out within at most a year or so.
They're either stealing shit, eating your food (I guess that's still stealing), moving some other person in, buying an unwanted (by you) pet, losing their gig and not being able to pay, asking to borrow money/anything else and never returning it, smoking in the house, breaking something of yours, changing some agreement that was made before you moved in, deciding to bail with no notice/time to replace them, hanging out and never leaving the house except when they HAVE to, making a huge mess in some common area then ignoring it until you either clean it up, freak out, or threaten to kill them, decide to try becoming a.. drunk,meth head, stoner etc and practicing their craft in the house...
Gee have I missed anything? Probably.
Best part is? Almost every one of my roommates were females! Thankfully I'm living alone now, which can be a little boring sometimes, but so much better than having a roommate!
... snoring I guess has never been an issue for me as at least I've never had to share a bedroom.
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Agreed. I never have roommates in my entire life because one or more of those reasons. Except family like bro or sis, but that's not the same case.
And in the next five or six months, when I move to my own personal house, I'll never have to worry about that again. xD
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Well I don't really hate any of them at this point with the exception of one perhaps, a couple I keep in casual contact with (at best) I think 3 years or so is my worlds record. It just seems like no matter how well you get along at first, after a while you're butting heads.
I'm wondering if the past couple didn't just want to unload him though, most times all the landlords want is some extra money, which he's been paying you. He really needs to figure something else out though before he does burn through everyone. There are roommate finding sites etc (dunno if you have "craigslist" where you are)
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besides the other options that i have no say ..
ill stick to the trying to help with the snoring part
have you tried getting him those strips that keep the nose open to reduce snoring?
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no idea, but it never hurts to try, then atleast one problem could be fixed.
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When i went in erasmus some years ago we were a group of five and there were a room of 2 and other of 3. I just went to the room of 2, while my best friend went to the other room because i just can't stand people that snore. It's really difficult for me to sleep when there is noise so my friends understand that. It's a very bad disease that people tend to overlook (my father is an example) but they really should check a doctor to start the treatment :/
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