The last year or so, I've noticed a certain development here on SG: Exclusion.

As people have gotten the ability to limit their giveaways to whitelists, closed groups, and so on, it seems more and more people are getting excluded from joining said giveaways.
Now with black lists and maybe even worse, sgtools, more and more limitations to giveaways are seeping into this amazing site. And I don't understand it.

I get that people wants to limit access to leechers, and people ruining this site, instead of contributing to it, but it just seems things are getting out of hand. People getting blacklisted left and right for no apparent reason, people being excluded for making mistakes that they have already been reprimanded for by the actual admins of this site.
And yes, I made a mistake too 3 years ago when I misunderstood something. My mistake, I took the punishment and continued to contribute as much as I could.

I thought this site was about giving and having fun, not excluding left and right. I just find this tendency a bit sad, but maybe it's just me?

Some small gibs:

This is what SGtools gives you as options:

- Min/Max Steamgifts level
- Min/Max raw sent gifts value
- Min/Max real sent gifts value

- Min/Max raw won gifts value
- Min/Max real won gifts value

- Min/Max raw sent gifts value on Public/Private/Groups giveaways
- Min/Max real sent gifts value on Public/Private/Groups giveaways
- Min/Max raw won gifts value on Public/Private/Groups giveaways
- Min/Max real won gifts value on Public/Private/Groups giveaways

- Maximum number of entries (number of times the tool will give the url)

- Your suggestions / ideas.

- Sent games / Won games ratio factor
- Sent CV / Won CV ratio factor
- Sent Real CV / Won real CV ratio factor

- Whitelisted game since X days
9 years ago*

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Is exclusion via blacklists, sgtools, etc. getting out of hand?

View Results

So many posts in here, awesome to see people being active. Not trying to ignore anyone though, I will try and answer all I can, but it might take a little while :)

9 years ago*

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What is this strange habit of posting "reserved" on the first comment? What's that supposed to be good for?!?

9 years ago*

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Each post had a limited size. So posting reserved in first comment. Makes sure additionel info is right after opening post when you run out of space

9 years ago

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or right at the bottom of the last page (for SG++ add-on users)

9 years ago

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Haha, exactly. I'm using the reversed option. It's pretty annoying to have to scrolll down to the very last thing sometimes.

9 years ago

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I stopped using that feature because it made it harder for me to follow discussions.

9 years ago

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Thats anoying. Are they gonna Fix it?

9 years ago

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That's a feature actually, it helps us see the newest comment on top

9 years ago

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Now i get it. Thought it was some kind of a bug xd

9 years ago

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to reserve the post for for sometimes usefull Replys

9 years ago

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Like what for example?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Giveaway events like those Delta tends to hold that other users choose to contribute too. Reserve the first reply and then everyone else can link their giveaways in reply. As a result you have all the giveaways like together by one parent comment rather than potentially scattered across thousands of comnents/replies over 15-20+ pages.

9 years ago

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i don't know, it seems it's the new meme on sg.
i rarely see anything useful posted after X time on this reserved replies.

9 years ago

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Most people just update the OP, but that will not bump the thread. By reserving the first post, you can bump with important info, that isn't lost on the last page.

9 years ago

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How about this post?

9 years ago

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that makes sense, but most of the time those replies are wasted, like a "first!" reply on threads. :3

9 years ago

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I only did that once on a puzzle to bump the thread every few hours by replying to it. I think that was the original purpose of "reserved".

9 years ago

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I forgot to do it in my current event but I sometimes reserve the first comment for keydrops or information I want prominantly displayed without cluttering the original post because many people skip reading if they see a wall of text.

9 years ago

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I'm probably not registered here long enough to have a truly informed opinion, but as for now, I haven't experience it. Sure, there are some giveaways that I can't enter because my win ratio is to high... or to low XD. But it's fine and it give more chance to other people. As for blacklist... Sure, I think that some reasons (like writing "thank you" or not writing "thank you") are not solid to actually add someone to a blacklist, but everyone is their own judge. I add to blacklist people that I had issues with (in terms of giveaways) and that were giving away free games (and were aware of that and the fact that it's against the rules).

9 years ago

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Out of curiosity: Do you tell people when you blacklist them and why? I've seen a lot of people realizing they are on some random blacklist, not knowing why (I've tried that too btw).
For me blacklists are already a bit too much, but with the sgtools, it just feels like it's getting out of hand.

But that is kind of the point also. Is the ban from the admins not enough?

9 years ago

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I didn't tell that one person that I added for specific reasons, though I tried communicate with him/her and him (statistically most likely) wasn't interested in responding, even though he was online. For a pretty long time. I don't think I would go to someone and just be like: "you're on my blacklist, buddy", since I really don't feel like I'm using this too much. I don't write people that they're on my "whitelist" too, yet every single person that won my giveaway or that made a giveaway and I've won, who was friendly and didn't make any issues is on my whitelist.

9 years ago

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Sounds like you just use your blacklist for very specific people, when they did something unacceptable. I get that on certain occasions. That is not my problem. My problem is when people start to have huge blacklists for arbitrary reasons, and people don't know why.

9 years ago

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Sure, I understand it. And who knows, maybe I'm on some blacklist too and I'm not even aware of that. But in the end, I don't think this sort of people will listen to arguments like that. Everyone decide on his own what is or isn't acceptable for him. I know I wouldn't blacklist someone who didn't think after winning or something like that, but for someone else this may be perfectly solid reason.

9 years ago

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well yeah, most of us use blacklist in that way. Heck i was totally against using blacklist at all until a few weeks ago and even then, it takes something really special to end up there :P

9 years ago

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Bans obviously aren't enough or people wouldn't be taking the time to develop alternatives. Blacklist aren't new, we had them in the past there just generally easier to use now.

9 years ago

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IMO the admin bans are too short to really be yeah, not enough.

9 years ago

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can ppl tell when you blacklist?

9 years ago

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So, uhm, am I supposed to be happy if the winner is a kid who insults people without reason or spams referral link on the forum or is a scammer ?

9 years ago

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No, but is it not up to the admins to deal with such matters? If those are the only people you blacklist, then I kinda get it, sure. But a lot of people getting black listed on the forums these days, doesn't seem to fit in any of those categories.

9 years ago

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If we had a working support who actually deals with tickets while they are hot I'd say you're having a point here. But we do not have this kind of support sadly. So using the tools of exclusion is an option to protect oneself from rulebreakers.
I agree with you tho that a working support would be the better solution.

9 years ago

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So maybe SG should have more "low level" admins, with limited power, to just deal with the little stuff?

9 years ago

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We'd need to expand support to at least 10x the current number to do this effectively. And continuously keep adding more to counter burnout.

9 years ago

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Why not make a bot to do some?

9 years ago

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If this site would be profit orientated I'd say let's hire staff. Thankfully it's not, so I guess we gotta live with what we have, although it truly sucks.

Therefore I am happy for the blacklist feature as well as the new tools. It saves me a lot of work, checking every winner for multiple wins and not activated gifts. And believe me, there are so many. I have to reroll every second giveaway.

9 years ago

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and why would they. the contributor is the one paying his own money for the game he gives away. Who are you to tell him who he should and should not give it to, who he should and should not blacklist etc? Do you think that when you tell contributor "no, you cannot blacklist ppl A, B, C and D, you gotta send them games, give them chance to win your games - they will suddenly happily send their games to these people they clearly don't want to have anything to do with? No - more likely as they are forced to send games to such ppl they will quit giving altogether.

9 years ago

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if someone comes and calls me an idiot or worse i can't report them, but i can blacklist that user.

besides, even if i could report them, i wouldn't want to have any kind of contact with that person, so blacklists are very handy. :3

9 years ago

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Yeah I understand that. Not sure why people would want to be idiots though. But again, blacklisting a few people being awful makes sense, but when it starts spreading everywhere and for very arbitrary reasons, it's just a shame :(

9 years ago

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+1. beeing from Argentina 3rd world country, i can't give a lot...sometimes i feel excluded, but god.. We are excluded anyways here(in world) for beeing from South America. I can't give a lot like the others but i try to give when i have something. So i can't never enter exclusive gives groups, i don't have a lot people whitelisting me, anyways i always try to give more that what i win, so i only enters to gives that i would really play only,so i don't leech and got more wins than gives.Is like the gives of "refer a guy to win this game" i will never ever be refered by anyone, and i will never tell a friend to refer me. I prefer to be excluded in that way. I know im different, and i like that way. I don't want people saying "oh look that poor boy". Sometimes is better that way.

The only person that i always see that NEVER ever exluded anyone, is CG that makes gives for all class/level people.

9 years ago*

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That's what I try as well. Probably why I constantly have 300 points xD
Luckily I'm from Denmark, so I can only buy WW editions. So everyone can join, when I can give (unless censorshop in the country).

9 years ago

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If i buy from steam now i only got restricted gifts. :D. so GG in that way...The better of the best gifts i did was because i sell knifes of cs:go :p.

9 years ago

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Do you also get restricted gifts from the bundle sites?

9 years ago

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at least for now not. but i don't buy a lot of bundles...because you know...1 dollar=13$ thats what i pay
lets puts this example...lowest paycheck here 5000$pesos(maybe less and i don't win 5000 i win a lot lessssss). a game of 50$(dollars)= 50x13=650$... Thats is...a lot of money,at least for me.

9 years ago

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Yeah that's why these game regions exists to begin with. But if bundle games can be bought, they might be expensive, but enough to get to level 1 at least :)

9 years ago

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im lvl 7 xD

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Sure. Like I said, we are all in here to have fun and enjoy the community and gifts. Not being a dick is a very good start.
But what when people get black listed for having a different opinion? Or if they don't live up to some arbitrary rule? It's just a slippery slope.

But I generally agree with you though.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I certainly hope not. But since reasons aren't given at a blacklist, it's always impossible for the blacklisted to know in end. I get blacklisting can be somewhat deserved sometimes as well. But as things are now, there are no limits.

It's not just about that. I get that, but sometimes people get blacklisted without having broken any codified rules.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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"Trying to interact with people socially is hard!", you're saying? :P

Well, not sure anyone'd really argue that sentiment.

Learn to let go and focus on the people that you're able to get along with.
If you're unsatisfied with your circumstances, improve yourself as a person.
If doing that still leads to dominant negativity from those around you, find a new location that's more suitable for your mindset.

Approaching positive social interaction never struck me as being all that complicated. :)

Really, don't stress over what other people think, unless it directly affects you [which blacklisting is not, since it is not a present factor in your standard interactions].
It's arguably not even something you've a right to do :X

9 years ago

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Good to know, that means I am a dick ._.
And people saying thanks are dicks too, at least for some users here D:

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Idk who that guy is, but it's a good example if what I mean. Maybe he's a dick, but then other people star saying dickish things, and it all just turns into a clusterfrack of blacklists and suckiness. This is how the dark side wins. Not by using a death star, but by exclusion :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I know, but it just has a tendency of spreading like rings in the water. When people get offended/upset by someone, it's often not because of malice from the other part, rather by frustration, lack of understanding, miscommunication, etc. I don't know about that particular thread, so I can't comment on it, but it does sound nasty.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I know exactly who you're talking about and that's the reason why I blacklisted him. I don't blacklist for having a different opinion than mine, but that guy - he was just a real dick about basically everything. I don't know if linking his threads would count as 'calling out', so I'm not gonna.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Good old Conrad :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I've been blacklisted 50+ times for simply having a bad ratio, so OP still has a point. And yes, I also broke the rules when I first used the site which is almost a year ago and I've served all my suspensions. As I see it, rule breakers and rude people make up a great deal of all blacklists, but so do people who simply dislike you for anything and everything they don't like about you. I'm not joining the debate about whether its right or wrong, but the issue is definitely existent.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Actually if you sum up all factors people are blacklisting upon, you'll notice that it's not true.

Many people are blacklisting for bad ratio, while bad ratio is neither being a dick, nor breaking the rules. It's just that somebody is lucky or is participating in groups with more won than given (which means basically any group), yet people can't understand that, are jealous or just don't want to see such guy.

I'm not here to judge whether their arguments are right or not, I say that blacklisting for being a dick + breaking the rules in best scenario is maybe 50% of all blacklist reasons, and I'm not stating here only my opinion, but I'm rather operating on statistics ArchiBoT gave me when comparing many users with many blacklists and many different reasons. This topic actually interest me so I'm still trying to get some actual numbers.

Blacklist is basically free, so people don't stay for any second wondering what they're doing. If blacklisting was permanent and bi-directional without being able to lift, then people would think twice or maybe even 3 times before choosing to blacklist someone. It's somehow connected to the fact that if you're murdering someone, you think of consequences. But if you're Stalin or Hitler and you're not afraid of them, you just sign documents that are killing million of people.

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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That's the thing, I'm not stating my opinions based only on my case, because it's rather exception than a rule, I'm trying to state that based on all users that used my private tool, and those statistics, which would be more like discovering situation about ~20 unique SG users.

I know exactly the reason why people are blacklisting me.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Totally agreed.

Tool is not public, and I do not plan on doing so anytime soon, so sorry but I must refuse. I actually just want to forget about all that drama and toxicness that is caused by blacklisting, hence, Merry Christmas.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It's his/her giveaway and he/she should get what he/she asks since he/she spent literally money to give someone for free and does not violate the SteamGifts guidelines.
People were asking the good way, no one listened, sgtools happened.

As for the random blacklist, meh, bad luck

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9 years ago

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Sure people have the right, but should they use that to accomplish something that essentially goes against what this site was created for? Sometimes it just seems like people are more interested in the miniscule power they can hold on some random internet site, than actually focusing on the important things.

9 years ago

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The "important things" are not happening on this website.

9 years ago

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Being a nice person, that can spread happiness and generosity is important to me. It's not just limited to this site of course, but generally in life. So I get your point.

9 years ago

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Sometimes it just seems like people are more interested in the miniscule power they can hold on some random internet site, than actually focusing on the important things.

They want to focus on the important things so they don't want some random person to ruin their day so blacklist it is.

The site was created as a venue to create giveaways for free and that is true, you don't pay for anything to enter any giveaway. Creators have the option to limit the entry to their giveaway though. People are mad about it? I don't get why. They're not paying for anything but entering and using the site but the giveaway creators are. They've just decided on who the ones they want their giveaways to go to. Even government handouts has some qualifications to qualify for. Hell, if you're going to argue for charity, even charitable institutions have qualifications they consider.

People that usually hold the same opinion "people are more interested in the miniscule power" as you, not saying you, are mad that they can't get access to great giveaways because they don't qualify. "OMG I CAN'T BUY A BUGATTI BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE THE MEANS? THIS INJUSTICE!! THE RICH ARE HOLDING US HOSTAGE. FREE BUGATTIS FOR EVERYONE." It sounds absurd doesn't it? Because it is. People aren't entitled to anything since they're not paying for anything. People can demand from the government because they pay taxes. What do the people here pay that they can demand from giveaway creators?

9 years ago*

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Well I get CV reqs, and I even get private giveaways for the forum and certain steamgroups (although the groups has resulted in a lot of spam). But with white/black lists, ratios, and past history. It just seems to get a little out of hand is all. I'm not mad about it, maybe a little disappointed compared to how it used to be.

Nah I'm pretty liberal (not the American definition associated with the political party, but the proper definition). I don't mind people having more than me, they usually worked hard for it. I'm just saying, is the spirit of a giveaway site, really to set up a plethora of limitations, to exclude a lot of people?

9 years ago

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It only looks like that. Take into account that 4 years ago SG was a tiny village where everybody knew each other - that kept ppl in check as any bad apple found out quickly it has no friends. Now SG has grown to a metropolis and old methods of running things don't work anymore. If you want to have happy expirience you either protect yourself with things like sgtools or leave public space at all. And this exodus is happening. It was slowed down a little with introduction of blacklist, but it was not enough. sgtools give a hope that those ppl come back in the future to the public space.

9 years ago

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Was it's spirit defined or is this notion just coming from what you define it is? Steamgifts. It's still a site where you can do and get giveaways. In my opinion it is still living up to the spirit of a giveaway site limitations included. If you're going to argue for the word "gifts", "a thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present", then that still has limitations doesn't it? I mean I haven't received a present from you ever. ;)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

9 years ago

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If it was an issue and went against the sites purpose that badly it wouldn't have be implemented in the first place. Some might claim it was implemented because users wanted it but a donation option has been repeatedly requested and refused so that doesn't really hold up.

9 years ago

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no - it was implemented, because BL were ok to use for years already - but they required support work with rerolls etc, so to remove work from support they got implemented in SGv2 :>

9 years ago

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I still remember your long list in pastebin @_@ Downside is that there's a limit to the blacklist now.

9 years ago

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Site is running so that people can create giveaways. How, what, when, to whom and the rest of the little details are up to the creator.

9 years ago

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On blacklists:
I kind of agree with you, and I try to keep my blacklist as small as possible(<5 people right now). However, that's just me, and everyone's free to use their blacklist how they wish.
P.S. Many sg users are extremely defensive about their ability to blacklist, and will become aggravated whenever anyone talks about it in a negative way. I can think of a couple people who will have probably already made a sarcastic post in this thread by the time I've finished typing this. If not, they'll be here soon. You may wish to prepare for a small shitstorm or two. :P

9 years ago*

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Heh yeah I might end up on a thousand blacklists for this. It's ok, I will have a Master's degree, if everything goes well in half a yeah, but that isn't the important part for me. I just want the "good old days", where people where in here to give games, share experiences and stories, making fun puzzles and posts about favourite music.

Maybe I would feel better if I could see who had blacklisted me, and it was mandatory to write a reason for it. It would still be excluding, but you would at least know why.

So far people have been very constructive in their posts, which I really appreciate.

9 years ago

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thx and bump

9 years ago

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Blacklisting is indeed something that's being used a lot. Sometimes it used for good reasons like being very rude or re-gifting sometimes it's just used because some users just like to blacklist for any reason they can think of. A lot of the blacklisting is the behind ones back kind and there's also a lot of giving back the favor kind of blacklisting. That last I can fully understand because if I find out that I'm blacklisted I return the favor in a nanosecond just to even the odds. But on the other hand if one drops the blacklist against me then I will also return the favor and drop the blacklist againt him/her.

The new SG tools giveaways I find very interesting and it has a lot of potential because of the new parameters one can set especially those that say that you can't have non activations of wins and you can't have multiple wins. Those are for me the two most essential requirements as they are some of the worst infraction someone can do on SG. Also with the new system of setting CV/Gifts parameters one can purge most leeches from ones giveaways. Also I hope that these kind of " parameters " will be in time available for the regular SG giveaways.

Everything one needs to know about SG, SG giveaways and SG rules one can easily find out by reading the FAQ, by googeling it (were in an age were Google and social media is more than abundant) or one can do it olskool style and ask SG support or other users/friends to avoid mistakes.

And lest not forget that most people don't like leeches, re-gifters, CV boosters, free games giveaways and such of that level.

9 years ago

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Yeah, I gotta be honest here. The first time I got blacklisted (that I know of), I responded with a blacklist back (b4b), but I thought about it, and thought I was being petty and childish, so I removed him again. I ended up talking to the guy about it, and found out a bad joke had upset him (which was not my intention), so I apologized and was removed (and all was well in the land of SG).

But that really hits on a point I think is important. It's like hate creating more hate, so it just sours up the entire community I feel.

Yeah, but it also means a lot of rules just to join (even more so than SG itself). I regifted a game 3+ years ago, because it was an online game I was going to play with a friend. Due to life getting in the way, he stopped playing, and then I won the game, so I thought I would give it to someone who would enjoy it. I didn't know about CV or anything of the sorts back then (did SG have CV back then?). Point is, I'm branded now, and will never be able to join any sgtools giveaways. As more and more giveaways on the forum will use this, I will also get more and more excluded from the SG forums in return. I made a mistake, and I got the suspension for it. Should I get excluded forever for it?

Most of those things are rule breaking on SG itself, resulting in suspension/banning. Should that not be enough?

9 years ago

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Trade for it and activate. It was bundled multiple time, should cost you peanuts.

You are not excluded for one mistake. You are for being in violation of the rule. It's like paying fine for parking on the emergency exit doesn't mean it's now ok to keep the car parked there.

9 years ago

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I will see if I can, thank you.

9 years ago

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which game was it? :o and yeah, i dont like that new sgtool mania either, because system doesnt really make a difference between a person that has had 1 unactivated giveaway 6 years ago and someone who doesnt activate any of his games but hey... right now its kind of in thing to do so people have to use to stay in the cool zone :=P

9 years ago

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yeah there are definitely some blacklist happy people here, but to be completely honest i could care less for those people and i always speak my mind even if im pretty much 100% positive its going to land me into a few of blacklists spots one way or another :P

9 years ago

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I think the present continuous tense is inappropriate here. Even when I got here, it was already out of hand, just back then in another way, since "levels" worked differently.

9 years ago

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Yeah, I joined 4 years ago. I don't remember if the site was invite only back then, but it was before bundle games existed.

9 years ago

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I don't like how so many people blacklist eachother for stupid reasons, but I do like the new SG tools that allow you to set criteria for entering like a certain real CV ratio or restricting people that don't activate their wins. There are so many leechers and in the past the only thing you could do was to keep increasing the level requirement, but that didn't work because there are still leechers and people not activating their games at level 3 and 4 (probably higher as well).

Leechers are allowed to leech if they want and there is nothing wrong with that, but the people making giveaways are allowed to put restrictions on the games they payed for if they only want to give games to other people that contribute. The current SG tools aren't perfect and it sucks if you have 1 unactivated win from a few years ago and now you can't enter certain giveaways, but this system is better than anything we have had before. I would personally like to see the new SG tools added directly into SG so that when you create a public giveaway you can put restrictions based on real CV.

Edit: When I said "people blacklist eachother for stupid reasons", I am talking about people blacklisting eachother for having a different opinion. That is why I try and not comment in threads like this one because there are a lot of irrational people that just decide to blacklist everyone that doesn't agree with them. I can't imagine how bad it would be if political threads were allowed on here.

9 years ago*

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But SG kinda already has those options. If people don't like leechers, they can just bump up the CV level. People not activating can just be reported.
But I get blacklisting people actively sabotaging this site. And I'm not against having the option per se. I just think things are getting a little out of hand.

9 years ago

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No, setting level higher only filters out ppl that give most problems: non-activations, not marking received, invalid e-mails, blocking friend requests, not to mention lack of manners.

9 years ago

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You can report someone for non activation/ multiple wins but if they've already served the suspension support favors them. That's why external tools are needed.

If you have a non activated win and you honestly want to fix it there's no reason you can't do so.

9 years ago

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Restricting the giveaways to higher levels doesn't really work. I did a level 3 giveaway recently and the guy got permanently banned because he didn't activate 16 of his 19 wins and he won the same game twice. I am only level 4, I don't want to have to create giveaways above my level.

Also, I don't want to have to restrict the giveaways to higher levels. I like the idea of being able to create giveaways for the lower levels while being able to weed out the people that have like 80 wins and 3 or 4 giveaways.

9 years ago

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When I create a giveaway and a generous person wins it I am happy. When a polite person wins my GA i am happy. When someone who has won 100 games and only gaveaway 4 wins, I am less happy. I'll still give it to them, but I prefer that my games go to people who contribute. I am glad there are tools I can use to ensure that my giveaways goes to someone that I will glad won my giveaway.

9 years ago

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Yeah me too. In my last train, one guy won who had the game on his wishlist. I like that, as I give away games for people to enjoy. I know there are greedy people out there, who only wants to leech. But I also know there are people who doesn't have any means to give. Either way a level 1 or 2 cv req would solve most of that I think.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thanks to SGTools I can finally create Level 0 giveaways without worrying about rule breakers. How is this bad? I created almost 40 Level 0 giveaways in the past couple of weeks. What encouraged me to go on this little initiative is SGTools new giveaway filters.

BTW, even rule breakers can fix their ways. Unactivated wins are very simple to fix - just buy the game or trade for it. Multiple wins are not much more complex to solve. See here.

Those who broke the rules should not expect to waste the time of giveaway creators (who have to reroll again and again) and Support (who has to go through these tickets) only because they can't be bothered to fix their past wrong doing. They should just sort things out, once and for all.

9 years ago

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So you use these tools to be able to give away games to those who has the least? At least that is somewhat noble, but also excludes anyone who giftet away an extra copy they might have gotten for free from a game (like the ibb obb friendship one).

Idk if it's a bug, but people who have gotten multiple wins, and asked for reroll on the extra win, can still be seen as multiple wins on sgtools. So they are excluded, even if they haven't done anything wrong.
I fear the same is the case with unactivated games ( I might be wrong?) But then the question begs; should people buy a game they can't play anyways (online only, no players), or should they spend their limited funds on games they want or games they can gift?

Either way, it's good if people can fix their mistakes, but is the official SG punishment not enough?

9 years ago

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I had won a game twice, both ended about the same time, and I requested a reroll on the second. sgtools shows me as having no multiple wins now.

9 years ago

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Ok, that's good.

9 years ago

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but people who have gotten multiple wins, and asked for reroll on the extra win, can still be seen as multiple wins on sgtools

You only get multiple wins when you mark as received. If you didn't get it and marked anyway, it's an infraction against you and possibly the GA creator.

9 years ago

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Only a small minority of my Level 0 giveaways are limited to Level 0. The idea behind this is to reward specific group of users who wouldn't otherwise get very good odds at winning - users who bother to read (a tiny minority unfortunately), but don't have the means to give.

If you're aware of any bug with SGTools, you should report it. Knsys is very responsive to reports and usually fixes things very quickly.

People who have unactivated wins should buy or trade for these games, even if they have zero interest in them and even if the game is a dead MMO. The reason is that not doing so punishes giveaway creators and Support. You won about 20 games since your infraction. That means potentially 20 times that good contributors had to ask for a new winner, and 20 times Support had to handle their request. Have some respect to the people you won games from.

9 years ago

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Yeah I like the point of doing something for people who haven't won anything and can't afford to level up. That is very nice.

Well remember this dates back over 3 years. Reroll wasn't even allowed for such a thing back then afaik. I see your point, and I will try and fix it when I can. But this discussion really isn't about me being butthurt, but more of what we as a community wants with this site. If I get blacklisted by everyone, so be it, but I think the discussion of what we want this place to be is important. :)

9 years ago

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One always has a choice on SG if one doesn't want a game or doesn't like a game because of any reason the best thing to do then is to not enter that giveaway. And as Yirg said rule breakers do have the possibility and the choice, if they want it, for redemption by buying the game and activating it on said account and being in good stead again.

People on Steam that have a VAC, Game or trade ban don't have that possibility or choice. My point is for the worst of infractions on Steam there is no redemption possible but for the worst of infractions on SG there's redemption possible for those that choose so.

9 years ago

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I really do wish VAC would say which game people had been banned for. but VAC is usually given to cheaters who are malicious in sabotaging the gaming experience for other. Most people who get blacklisted or excluded in other ways, doesn't come off as that (for the most part at least).

9 years ago

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But if you couldn't play the game, then why did you enter for it in the first place. I don't really understand?

9 years ago

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Well giveaways have a time line. I joined because I wanted to play with him. It wasn't until I actually won it, that he had left it (and gaming in general). It was quite ambivalent to win only to find out, it was all in vain. I didn't know I broke any rules, I just wanted someone who wanted to play it, to have it. My mistake, but it was never malice.

9 years ago

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I understand, it happens, but unfortunately, you're in a very little minority. Most of the people that have unnactivated games or mutiples wins on their profiles are there because A; they haven't read the FAQ before starting to use the site or B; because they are knowingly breaking the rules. It's really unfortunate for you, but you're one in a couples thousand and most people including me don't want to take the chance to give a game and have it end up being regifted or in a trade post... For that reason the SGtool help us make GA for lower levels while being sure the winner won't be a regifter or such...

9 years ago

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Well the thing is people put effort and money into making their giveaways and they should be able to prevent whoever they want from taking part in them, sometimes it's for giving those who win less better chances, sometimes it's personal and sometimes they have some other reasons. But whatever their reasons are, I think addition of these tools like blacklist and sgtools is actually a good thing and lets people have more control over their gibs.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Yeah I get it's people's own choice, but where is the limit? Someone mentioned a religious homophobe in some thread. What if that guy made a giveaway excluding all gays? (ok a bit extreme example, but still).
I get super expensive games gets high CV reqs, and maybe even whitelists and so on, but even bundle games gets 3-6 different reqs. It just seems like it's a lot more about judging people and excluding them, than spreading joy.

9 years ago

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then it's his choice to do so. Honestly - if I was a gay or felt offended bu him I wouldn't like to have anything in common with this guy, yet alone try winning something from him.

9 years ago

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You can exclude all the gays you want but it's unenforceable. If a gay wins he has to give the game or get a not received. That's all there is too it.

9 years ago

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Blacklisting gay people = bigotry and homophobia.
Blacklisting bigots and homophobes = not wanting a dick to win.

9 years ago

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what is getting out of hand is the entitlement some people feel they have to enter any giveaway.

users should stop taking every single giveaway posted here for granted and start accepting that a blacklist isn't a penalty, but instead, NOT being blacklisted is a bonus.

i'm not gonna discuss what reasons are ok to blacklist, because that's 100% personal, and it should be kept as it is, without rules.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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And usually the ones who complain are the ones who want access to giveaways people make but can't.

9 years ago

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no gif? blacklisted (:


9 years ago

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there. even the show name matches the thread.

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9 years ago

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tbh when i first heard of that show, i really expected it to be some sort of indie miniseries based on steamgifts :o not to mention, when i opened its imdb page it said Drama so i was like <^o^>

not sure what to make out of that emote though. i just invented it but im sure ill figure it out

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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''' ¯\<^~^>/¯ '''
!!!! i think it actually looks like ... some sort of a cat now? well at least it does til you finish posting :D

edit 215: nvm i give up. now it just looks a bit ... retarded (:

9 years ago*

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lol, let me give you a "hand" :3 more like arm but it will work

9 years ago

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yeah that totally fixed it, i even added Sooths part so now it looks ... lets just say it looks.

9 years ago

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¯\<^~^>/¯ , I'd think, rather.

9 years ago

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yeah but you should have seen my 1st model, it totally looked like a cat! until formatting killed it :( i think ill go remake it and make a screenie of it, so you all can see im not going crazy ! it was a cat i swear

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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!!! cant get any more cattier than that ! even real cats dont look so .. cat.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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just look at it man... its a cat ffs ! (:

im even thinking of naming it soon, once i figure out how to make it appear in posts too (i suppose its a bit shy now or whatever?).

just keep on looking at it please... and if after 5 mins of doing so you still dont see a cat in there...

hmm maybe if i color it a bit ...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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yeah told ya alcohol is bad, poor spider :/

but yeah, i think its for the best if we give it a rest overnight. so tomorrow when you wake up, take another look at my pic and if you can still tell me its not a cat (but be honest with me please!) ... well in that case ill have no other choice but to give up (:

9 years ago

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Seriously, it's not the end of the world if you can't enter a GA.

9 years ago

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There is nothing to discuss, all reasons are ok. It's all about every individual person choice and conscience

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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+1; totally agreed, I don't really understand why people get mad when someone post a GA that they can't enter, because of level or whatever else. I mean someone spend money on a game, they should be entitled to decide who can enter it... Soon we'll start seeing thread of people whinning about not being accepted in a group, I think that's getting out of hand...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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holy $#((# thats brilliant :P no really, i cant remember when i had this much laugh just because of a gif on the internet :x it genuinely made me laugh and i almost fell off my chair >:< but thats really brilliantly spot on gif ♥

you really are one of top 75 gifers on sg ! ^;.;^

edit: and sooth was saying its not a cat... can you really believe it ? :/ i just checked it again, and if you move either your monitor or your head up and down it really looks like its moving a bit, doesnt it? its almost unreal how real it is.

9 years ago

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Doesn't look like a cat to me neither.

9 years ago

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hey :( but its ok i get it, you people are just jealous and thats all :/

9 years ago

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They are just blind.

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I'm not talking about entitlement, but what it is we as a community in here wants this place to be. If people wants to exclude everyone for everything, and make everything private, well that's their prerogative. But is it what we want in the community?

Blacklisting is an action specifically to prevent someone from something. How is it not a penalty?

Just one point, there are rules that apply to open giveaways (like no arbitrary rules). So not everything is fully up to people if they make them public :)

9 years ago

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but people are not excluding everyone from everything. People are excluding small portion of people from small portion of avaiable overall activity. If your classmate said "hey, I don't like you, you cannot come to my bday party" would you go to principal demanding that he forces the guy to invite you? I guess not. Does this guy not inviting you to his party means you can no longer go to school and socialize with other kids? no.

9 years ago

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I'm not saying they are. What I'm saying is that I'm seeing a tendency of blacklisting getting more and more used for (seemingly) no good reason. And now turning to a second site just to join a semi public giveaway in the forums. I'm questioning the direction we are going in, not peoples right to do it.

9 years ago

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but what's a good reason?
what's good and reasonable for me might be stupid for others, and vice versa. :3

like: i don't blacklist for unactivated/multiple wins, calling out, posting referrals, etc. but i blacklist for being rude. some will consider my reasonining dumb while i think theirs is irrelevant.

there's no way to limit the use of blacklists and since the user base is getting bigger with time, more people will blacklist and get blacklisted.

9 years ago

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Sure it's completely subjective. But a good start would be to at least state the reasons for blacklisting someone. That way people have a chance to avoid blacklisting or to make up for it, if they didn't intend to break your rule.

But the point is, whether the community/forum will prosper if every giveaway turns into a minefield of arbitrary requirements and rules that will prevent you from joining a giveaway or get you blacklisted.

9 years ago

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Sure it's completely subjective. But a good start would be to at least state the reasons for blacklisting someone. That way people have a chance to avoid blacklisting or to make up for it, if they didn't intend to break your rule.

In many cases it's not a good idea to tell someone that they've been blacklisted and why, because it might result in a needless conflict in someone else's thread.

But the point is, whether the community/forum will prosper if every giveaway turns into a minefield of arbitrary requirements and rules that will prevent you from joining a giveaway or get you blacklisted.

Won't things like SGtools actually lower the amount of blacklists, as through it you can be reasonably sure that whoever joins fits your criteria, and thus you don't need to blacklist people?

9 years ago

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But is it what we want in the community?
I want the individual, non-injurious outlooks of the community to be respected and not continuously whined or complained about.

Blacklisting is an action specifically to prevent someone from something. How is it not a penalty?
Your entitlement is pretty exceptional.

9 years ago

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"I want the individual, non-injurious outlooks of the community to be respected"

You're already on my whitelist... so I'll just say I love you for that comment.

9 years ago

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Love is good :D

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9 years ago

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And that's fair. I appreciate your point of view, but I also think if everyone thought like that, that the community would end up toxic and fall apart in the end.

Actually its semantics, not entitlement.

9 years ago

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But is it what we want in the community?

the community i would like is an utopia where no one breaks rules and everyone is polite and nice to each other. :3
since people are greedy and some views are incompatible, the only way to make it bearable is to exclude individuals.

if being blacklisted is a penalty because someone can't enter a ga, then whitelists and groups are even worse since they allow a small portion of the user base to enter:

  • 1000-user blacklist: 1000 users can't enter (from ~800k registered)
  • 1000 whitelist: ONLY 1000 can enter

the only reason people keep whining about blacklists is because it feels like a personal attack.
id we had no blacklist, people would complain about whitelists and groups.
if we had no wl/group, people would complain about lvs.

each time people can't leech a ga, they will find a way to complain.

just to be clear, it might look like i'm attacking you but i'm just commenting on what you said, so don't take it personal :3

9 years ago

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How many people have actually maxed out their whitelist though? I can't think of anyone off the top of my head But yes, complaining is a fact of life

9 years ago

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At the current rate, I'll get there in a few months. My blacklist would take much longer to max out, especially now that SGTools helps me avoid rule breakers.

9 years ago

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Community has been long made of sub-communities like puzzle makers, discussion giveaways, groups and such. If people like to improve certain part, they are free to do so. Instead of demanding others to change their behavior, why not lead by example? Valisorie did so when she wanted people to create more high level giveaways. Positive actions are likely to work better than negative oriented discussion. These topics keep popping up time after time and I consider it unlikely that they will change people's behavior.

9 years ago

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Aaaand another +1.

Seriously, that's it.

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9 years ago

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I don't agree with this. A bonus is something that has to be consciously given. Not being on a blacklist is the default option and the reason someone is added is because they've done something that you disapprove of, which is more akin to a penalty than not.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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That time of the day already?

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9 years ago

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I don't want a drama or anything. I just want a constructive discussion about the direction SG is moving in. I respect peoples opinions, as long as they can argue properly for them.

9 years ago

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there's no discussion about blacklists, only drama :3

9 years ago

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Why can't we have more discussions about cookies, that's all I'm saying.

9 years ago

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Because people are too busy nomming them :D

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9 years ago

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Don't you even judge my dietary habits!


9 years ago

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You're not even the real Mullins! I've caught you, Muiiins!

9 years ago

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iii'm a doubllle agent :3

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Regarding blacklist: I actually won a GA, then couldn't view it because apparently I was added to the creator's blacklist. Still have no idea who made the giveaway, but they didn't send the key until the 7th day. I suppose they only sent it in the end so I couldn't mark it as not received. I don't think I've done anything to end up on a blacklist, but at the end of the day, it's no big deal - there are plenty of people on the site I'm on good terms with, I enjoy interacting with the community, and one blacklist (even one that I don't understand) isn't going to change my enjoyment of the site.

9 years ago

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Some people will blacklist you if you win one of their GA simply to give better chances to others to win from them, it's not that uncommon. Maybe that was the case for you.

9 years ago

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To both of you: But isn't that strange behaviour none the less?
If the giveaway is public, blacklisting people would have very little consequence on win chance. But I guess it's personal preference.

9 years ago

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Well some people would rather gift games to many different peoples and that's their way to ensure that the same person doesn't win more than once. I don't do it, but I can understand why somebody would want to do it.

9 years ago

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Yes, I find it strange. I also agree that it's a personal preference. Oh well.

9 years ago

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Ha, when I encountered my first "you've been blacklisted" restriction today, I thought that might be the case (since I'm generally a well-behaved and magnanimous bunny, aside from the psychotic episodes).

But, turns out I'd never won anything from that user. So, I decided to justify my exclusion by being a dick and blacklisting that user back, pointless as it is...

It would be nice if I could have made an annotation to my (tiny) blacklist to note that I was just doing it out of spite, so I could review it when I came to my senses and put it right again (I'm not organised enough to keep a text file with this info without losing it).

Point is, the whole exclusion thing is basically just people wanting to scratch their own itch, all very normal, and there's room for different folks doing things their own way within the framework of this marvellous community.

I hear of folks being unhappy with leechers, but my experience has been fairly positive; all of my giveaways (even though they're mostly bundle leftovers - I acknowledge things may get testier with higher value or more popular giveaways...) are unrestricted quickies, yet I've hardly ever had problems with level zeros forgetting to mark as received, or people re-gifting and claiming not received (in fact almost everyone is very quick to mark as received), and the couple of times it's happened it's just taken a little effort to sort it out, either with a polite reminder or via the support folks.

Maybe the sky isn't falling just yet...

9 years ago

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Hmm, that sort of makes sense. I am on steamgifts very, very often though, and literally as soon as space cat popped up I couldn't view the GA. I like to thank the people who I win from, and now that SG lets you put keys on the win page, I've found the best way to thank them for the game is just the GA itself, when they don't add you on steam etc. Ah well, like I said I'm not going to let it get to me.

9 years ago

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That's the best way to look at it, they are so many people on SG anyway that one blacklist hardly make a difference... I know of at least one person who put me on his blacklist, but that their choice, I don't worry about it, it's one blacklist against sooo many people who put me on their whitelist. I'd rather concentrate on the positive <3

9 years ago

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yeah, definitely. and there are so many nice people on here, I add people to my whitelist all the time tbh. (:

9 years ago

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The site is supposed to be about having fun. Nobody is going to give away games just to be miserable. But giving a game to someone who (as an actual example) wished you would die of cancer because you wouldn't trade them an expensive game for three trading cards isn't fun. There are people who exclude people for reasons that aren't especially admirable - but on the other hand a lot of exclusion isn't as random as some people believe (or pretend).

Where to draw the line and whether exclusion has gone too far are probably good topics for discussion. But so are issues such as entitlement and abuse that likely lead to a great deal of the exclusion. Personally I applaud positive steps such as the new SGTools that will likely give many people better alternatives and improved options.

9 years ago

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Well stated :)

9 years ago

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Exactly, that is why I made this topic, because I would like a discussion about this.

As for the cancer example, sure I get that a blacklisting can be justified in some examples, that is not what I'm commenting on, more that things sometimes feels like they are getting out of hand. People getting blacklisted not being dicks and not knowing why.

As for the entitlement. Well the point of a public giveaway is that everyone can join, within the CV reqs. Those are the rules of the site after all. Private giveaways are where you can exclude people and only invite the ones you want. But when you then make them specifically for the SG forum, and then start to go ballistic with requirements to the point of having to use an entirely different page, then it just starts to lose sense for me.

9 years ago

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I'm the first to admit that it sometimes feels like things are getting out of hand. But I'm not sure if that is actually the case. I've spotted at least one person in this thread complaining about being blacklisted repeatedly for a certain thing that seems quite minor when I know I have them blacklisted for a thing that is far worse (and I'm assuming that is what other people have them blacklisted for also). And I've seen someone else complaining about people blacklisting people for 'just anything' who has heavily criticised me for that - even though I felt unable to defend myself because of the rules on 'calling out' (I didn't feel I could mention the trade scamming without getting suspended).

Although I do know for a fact that at least a few people are blacklisting folks for spurious reasons, are things really getting out of hand or is a lot of the blacklist drama simply extremely disingenuous? It is easy to for someone to say they have been blacklisted for no reason and the sites rules defend them even if they have scammed a hundred people out of a GTA V gift and a dozen TF2 keys. That would be my first point of discussion.

The point of a public giveaway should be that anyone can join which would be lovely and is how I would like to do things. But my practical experience was pretty bad (up to and including people complaining that they didn't want games they had won because they were 'shit'). So I moved to trains in discussions which initially worked a lot better as people at least had to be paying attention to enter giveaways - but that just led to blacklist drama which included people wading in on behalf of the blacklisted without even knowing the whole story...

I'm not defending exclusion - I'm just saying that there are two sides to the coin, and people shouldn't consider the problem of exclusion without considering the reasons for exclusion. If people are 'going ballistic' with requirements for giveaways then there may well be reasons for that. And personally I know I'd like to blacklist a lot less people and have them clearly see why I don't want them to enter a giveaway via an automated system than the inefficiency of having a dozen people add me on Steam to ask me why and then call me and my mother rude words.

9 years ago*

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I don't understand the problem with this. This site is for people to give away games for nothing in return, so they should at least be able to set certain rules to make both sides happy. The person who wins the game and wanted it and the giver who knows he gave the game to a good person. But since this is the internet, and as it is usual on the internet, for every good person comes a bad one.

Therefore there is a need for things like sgtools with it's feature for setting rules to giveaways and blacklist on this site. Of cource there are people who misuse the tools (like there are always are people doing this, but they'll land on my blacklist because it's a bad thing to do), but the benefits are still greater than the drawbacks of that.

Only that way the chance to give the game to a good person can be raised, and that's what likely everybody wants, to see their games in good hands.

9 years ago

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and that's what likely everybody wants, to see their games in good hands.

9 years ago

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its a cat !

9 years ago

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You're saying everything went dont to shitter, because we now have these "new" ways of "excluding" people? Dang - you've been here for 4 years, so you should have known better, but let me enlighten you then, point by point taken from your OP:

  1. Whitelists - in SGv1 people would simply make a private GA and send it only to selected people from their friend list. There's nothing new here just made easier.
  2. Closed groups - group GAs have been around since I joined the site, over 3 years ago. There is nothing new nor excluding about them. Do you think that if there would be no group GAs people would donate all games they give in groups in public instead? No - because often the sole reason they buy the game in the first place is the group they want to give it away.
  3. Black Lists - these were avaiable in SGv1 as well - all you had to do was to get permission (just one time) to use BL from support and link it in your private/group GAs. Only thing that changed was implementation to the site of something that has already been around for a long time. And it helped stress out support - previously they had check BlackList and manually reroll, now there is no problem.
  4. SGTools - same as with BlackLists - you could use support approved rules in your private and group GAs in SGv1 and if winner didn't meet criteria (for example was leecher or regifter) won your GA you could reroll it. The only reason special rules got dropped was again - because it generated more support work. And SGT implementation of rules-checker is simply an answer to that - noting new - just easier implementation of something that has been around for a long time.
  5. People getting blacklisted for no apparent reason - there has never been any rules who you can and cannot blacklist. And it was the same in SGv1. You could always blacklist for whtever reason you like.

So like I said - there is nothing new. Heck if anything - blacklist hepled to bring big SG contributors back to public GAs. In SGv1 a lot of them switched to private-with-rules or group-only GAs because they had blacklisted ppl who broke the rules, who they didn't want to send games to and didn't want to risk being forced to if such a person would win their public GA. Since introduction of implemented BLs in SGv2 the amount of public GAs has skyrocket.

9 years ago

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I think with this you more or less just answered OP a "no, SG is not shifting there, it has ALWAYS been there"… Which is pretty much just confirms their suspicion/fear…

9 years ago

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but suspicion/fear of what? That not all GAs are avaiable to everyone? Like I said - it's always been like that, but there is NOTHING BAD with that. People buy games to make GAs for different reasons - if there were no reasons for them they could as well stop buying and gifting altogether.

9 years ago

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The way I see, OP wants to point out that the number of these restricted ones is… really overshadowing the non-restricted ones.

9 years ago

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Then he clearly see it wrong - there are hundreds of GAs created on SG on daily basis - I don't think even most BLed ppl on SG, like certain duck or "developer" are BLed by even 10% of GA creators, and surely not someone like OP.

9 years ago

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Blacklist is just part of that, there are also the ones you listed– after all, those are all restrictions.

9 years ago

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I simply do not get this common argument that people from free from all restrictions side have. That by making all giveaways only public and not allowing any kind of limiters to be used would result everybody being happy. I agree that such change would make everyone more equal in a sense. But I disagree that it would somehow increase the number of giveaways or make a big increase in number high demand games in public side. Those limited giveaways are created because people desire to do so. Removing that option to make such giveaways is likely to remove those giveaways altogether, not switch them to public.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Eh. If I really want to get into this, then the problem is not that not all GAs are public, the problem is that people got several tools to limit their giveaways to specific groups, sometimes very small groups, and it seems that the vast majority jumped to the chance immediately after discovering this. This is kind of an exclusionist/elitist attitude: sometimes in a very small scale, and in some cases (those less-than-dozen-member groups) on an astonishing scale. To the point where you have to almost search with a microscope for those over level 4 who actually make at least one seldom fully public GA from time to time instead of some restriction.
It's what I already said when blacklist was an issue: you give options to the users to exert some form of power over other users, and on some deep levels they are just unable to not use it, to not use this small power. They will give all kinds of reasons from totally valid to absolutely bullshit excuses, but very few, if any at all even consider to give up this power and practise some self-control.
And this also sets a very obvious precedence to any newcomer, who, especially when they join the forums, want to fit in, so they start to emulate this behaviour, and even if they had zero bad experience with fully public GAs, they start using groups, lists, invite onlies, and so on, because this is what they see as the norm here.

9 years ago

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It is not known how large share of the giveaways are public. There seems to be large number of public giveaways. Is that not enough for people? Also, discussions include quite many giveaways that are not public but available to everyone, in a sense.

It is also unknown how many new users change their behavior when seeing how others act. I do not think that the number is that high for two reasons. First is that small percentage of users even visit discussions. Second is that most of those non-public giveaways are hidden anyway so it is hard to know they exist. What most of the common users see on discussions are puzzles and trains. Both available to them.

While I agree that there is chance of old members affecting new ones, I do not agree on its impact level. The reason why many stop making public giveaways, according to their own words, is that they get burned way many too times. I would like to make more public ones but on personal experience they are likely to be unpleasent occurrences. Hence I do not make them that often and focus my resources elsewhere. Removing the ability to limit giveaways (i.e. forcing everyone to go public) does not make me make more public ones because it will not change the problems associated with those giveaways.

9 years ago

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I always hear complaints about public GAs, and I still wonder that either I'm way luckier or people are picky. I've sent almost half thousand keys in fully public GAs and had to reroll about 3-4 times and had to ask for the suspension of one non-activator. That's it. About 1% or less problematic users.

9 years ago

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Based on my experiences, I would estimate to have 3/4 chance of getting some level of problem in a public giveaway. Granted, perhaps not a large one like a reroll (have had those too though) but big enough to make me feel not wanting to make a giveaway.

9 years ago

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The only new thing is that both WL and BL are very heavily used right now, which wasn't the case in SGv1.

More like, back then people had to have real reason they stated in a giveaway description, now you can blacklist for something as silly as nickname or avatar.

Apart from that, agreed with everything you said.

9 years ago

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Correction: custom rules had to be posted on description to be valid reason for reroll (and BL was a custom rule). I could however silently blacklist anybody for anything and never tell what the reason was.

9 years ago

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actually you could not directly said why someone got BLed - even on your BL which you were keeping on pastebin or google docs or wherever - it was considered calling out. And you could BL for any reason same as you can now. But yeah - less people used it, because it was pain in the arse to do ;p Using your BlackList required not only approvakl from support but tghen rerolling (aka waiting smetimes days for ticket reply) each time someone BLed won. A lot of ppl were not using BLs because it was taking a lot of time to use.

As for WL usage - I wouldn't be soi sure - I was getting links to private GAs almost every day or everry two days. Now I see new WL GA every day so I don't see a big difference.

9 years ago

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nice, i heard about the old blacklist system but didn't know why some people kept a pastebin with usernames :3

9 years ago

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Old system had it's....perks....

9 years ago

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like what? waiting 6 days for reroll while now person cannot enter in 1st place?
I miss custom rules, but I surely don't miss old blacklist system :>

9 years ago

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Pastebin lists for finding cookies. It wouldn't work now, community has grown too big and 2 years back, only those feeling real need had BL

Don't start me on custom rules, they could be done in a way that would not put much strain on support, heck, with careful rollout in phases it could even work for publics

9 years ago

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erm - it would not - each time I made a PRIVATE no CV GA with rules and just posted on forum 1/3 entries at least didn't follow them. And we're talking forum - and you say public where there are 5 times more entries?

9 years ago

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The way to make it work is add new type of GA: ga with special rules and two more permissions for users: to enter and to create. If someone is caught on not following rules, this right is revoked for 3months - 6months - permanently.
Rolling this out for everyone would create avalanche of tickets, so it would have to be done in steps. Ie first for private GA, users with levels 4+ and no stains on profile. Limited range of allowed rules. And expanded with time. After few months there should be next to none tickets concerning not following custom rules. As a bonus no more BL drama and reroll request for already suspended users

9 years ago

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wouldn't work - you forget the fact that vast majority of rulebreakers doesn't get caught - you already have to activate won gifts, and so what? quite often you see person having 5+ wins b4 he get's caught. Why? because we don't have enough support to deal with issues we already have - and you propose something that will push even more load of work on them.

9 years ago

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That changes, more and more of my reroll requests ends in "denied, suspension already served"

9 years ago

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and even if you do this in "waves" - 1st thing - at begginig everyone will just switch to private GAs where these rules exist. And when it goes to public ones? The stress will never get smaller - new users register all the time. The don't read rules nor GA descriptions. So even with just new users the tickets will never stop.

9 years ago

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Perhaps L0 public will never be possible, maybe even not forum L0. It's a matter of setting minimum requirements for special rules GAs to balance gains in number of widely available GAs and number of extra tickets.

It's just a base idea that I think has chance to work, if details are worked out and if it's rolled out in phases

9 years ago

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sorry but I don't see chance for it to work. L0/L1/L2 who cares - you can earn L1 with anything. L2-3 with basically anything if you're living in cheap region like russia - few cards and you're done. L4-5? Don't people already restrict their GAs to such levels just to avoid majority of rulebreakers? So your proposition doesn't change anything besides introducing MASSIVE work for support.

9 years ago

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Ok, lets see the numbers. There is like 3k active forum users - L0 gas for new AAA titles get around 1k entries . Let's make it 6k. 2/3 doesn't read. This leaves 4k, this is more or less number of total generated tickets spread over 3-6 months. Repeat offenders would be maybe 10% (that's imo high guess), so another 400 - but they will be locked out for next 6months. That's it. Initial strain is big, but not massive. After that I'd guess it would generate about the same number of tickets as reroll requests

9 years ago

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1k in public new AAA GAs for lvl 0? please... 1 2 and 3 (last for lvl 1, bvut still massive). Lvl 0 GAs get 14k entries - hardly 1k. Maybe you will see 1-2k if it's flash 1h long GA not in peak hours. 1/3 of entrants don't read description in private forum GAs, in public - at least 2/3 (according to one experiment even more - creator wrote description "comment or get BlackListed - he got 70-80 comment out of 900+ entries) - so it can even go to 10%. so 14000 entries = 126000 tickets for support to handle. From just ONE GA!!

Custom rules got dropped because support guys were too busy to handle them. And they were only in private GAs from very small % of users who ever requested using them. so how many was there per day? Maybe few tens? And you propose system that can generate 10000+ tickets per single GA, not per day saying "it's gonna be ok, in time there's gonna be less tickets" - no, there's not gonna be "in time" because support will getr overwhelmed with initial wave and will never get passed it not to mention continued support of such a system.

9 years ago

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Those nubers are for the forum. I know that stats for public are 10x bigger and worse in the reading department.

Yes it won't work if you open it for all at once, because of big numbers. There would have to be some initial conditions tied to GA to keep the numbers in check, and lowered in time to the point where number of tickets stays manageable.

Yes, they were busy with tickets - but how many of them were generated for repeated offenders? I bet nearly all of them - that was real problem, and main reason that support disliked it so much. Not the raw number but pointless work.

9 years ago

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still, if private only and like you said - 1000+ entries - it still means hundreds of tickets generated per ONE GA. Each report has to be validated so ppl don't exploit just reporting ppl they don't like - it's still way too much for support to solve. And before they get to guy let's say nr 567, because they only checked 200 tickets from a SINGLE GA so far, this guy entered 10 other GAs in the meantime. so did guys 212, 347, 523 and so on - and you still have repeated offenders and tickets stochpiling. I mean really - I don't see how you expect this to work - it's hundreds of possible tickets per GA, each has to be checked by hand, there are hundreds of private GAs on forum if we count trains. And we have 11 Support members in total, and they do it in their free time - it's simply not possible to pull what you propose EVEN WITH PRIVATE GAs only not to mention later transition to public (even if somehow we manage to block all ppl from private gibs, the moment we transit to publics like you suggested - there will be 10-20 times as many ppl who never entered forum GA and never got reported suddeenly getting reported. And then we have thousands of tickets per GA to solve for 11 support members.

9 years ago

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That are valid points but can be dealt with - first what comes to mind, one caught is removed from all GAs.

Hardest part is initial wave of tickets and I try to adress that by Early Access phase. Not everyone is allowed to enter and not everyone can use the rules in the beginnig. In that phase it's also possible to require from creators to report at max XX users from single GA/per week. When there is next to none of new rulebrakers, requirements to participate would be lowered and the cycle repeats. It will take time, put extra work on support and creators but at the same time be manageable.

Bigger picture is, tickets would change only category, not the raw number. Jatan once wrote somewhere that most of ppl is suspended once. Getting slapped for not following custom rules would cut down non-activators/regifters numbers significantly, and what comes after that - reroll request for already suspended users.

9 years ago

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I still believe that won't work, but all we can do is to guess. But don't ability to only report XX users max defeat the purpose? let's say you can only report 50 uisers per GA - but 650 users broke the rules - what's the purpose then? Most of rulebreakers are getting away. So either we get too many tickets or not enough reports avaiable to enforce the change.

9 years ago

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Haha, yes. But I'd rather have this kind of discussion (who knows, maybe it'll give some ideas to management) than talk about "important" stuff like "why mah cvah dropped" :)

Sure, it's not nice feeling when they escape punishment, but this is the cost to be paid for the change. At the same time, those 50 suspended are 50 less to deal with next week (I assume something like 1month long revocation of right to enter rules GAs and 2day suspension to show it's a serious matter). In time everyone gets what they deserved. Only condition that ahs to be met is more reports than new rulebreaking users.

It's also possible to relax no calling out rule for the time of EA and allow creators to reply with comment "better read description or face suspension". I bet there would be more ideas that would shift work from support side to the creator if it was widely discussed and there was a real chance to bring custom rules back.

9 years ago

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yeah, but let me tell this again. We had a grand total of 11 Support members atm. Aside of their usual work how many tickets (especially like these - which each require actual work - cannot be done with a quick look, gotta check custom rules, check if each of reported broke them etc). How many additional tickets could a single support handle per day? 10-20 maybe (again - these require more time than simple "non-activation")with 11 support it would mean 110-220 tickets per day. If we allow 50 tickets per GA like you suggested - it means handling 2-4 GAS per day. And even considering private GAs we get tens and sometimes hundreds of these per day. One event can generate few hundreds GAs. With our current suport power it could never be enforced.

9 years ago

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Yeah, but with that logic no change could be ever made. I call it false. Just because simplest method of introducing changes (switch it on and let it run) would need 10x more support members, it doesn't mean it's the only method. I'm showing possible way of working around limitation of not enough support members.

Critical assumption made is most of once suspended users actually reads rules and is not suspended again (for the same or different infractio). That's what I read once and will stick to it until corrected . This means that the real and only problem is initial amount of tickets generated when new rules are introduced. After that period, total number of report tickets (for all kinds of infractions) will get back to normal levels or even decreases slightly.

Actual number of phases, it's lengts and other limitations (ie what custom rules are allowed) of Early Access depend on numbers that can be only obtained via analysis of suspensions database and what number of extra tickets support is willing to take per week to have some feature implemented.

9 years ago

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I believe it to be opposite - while the change is needed and can be done in many aspects of this site I simply think that change you're proposing is wrong not that any change is wrong ;p My logic is that if we're to introduce any change it should be change that lowers the stress on support, not increase it. Like BlackLists got changed to being implemented on the site. If we're to propose any innovation - it should be system-level innovations not innovations that require human-staff to manage them. Because these can simpkly get out of hand. Community is growing fast - even if you come up with some system that could be barely manageable these days (I still believe your proposition could not) - in 3,6,9,12 months it could become useless again because we got another few thousands of active users.

9 years ago

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Edit: Apparently the ever-respectable Mullins already gave a concise version of this :P
Edit2: Added reading

Without adding concrete examples of negative circumstances or of desired reconsideration or changes, it only sounds as though you're whining over being excluded without any legitimate premise for that sentiment.
That isn't to say that such an understanding is correct, simply that your thread serves no purpose right now except to agitate.

Who exactly would you like to see not-excluded, with what premises, and by what users?

You don't list any real details, other than a vague sentiment that the site is becoming too exclusive.
My experiences run to the contrary, with the exception of users that are outright nasty in behavior or have a dominantly one-sided win ratio.
Given the social contract implicit in the site, and within society as a whole, negative reactions to such are an easily intuited response.

If you're pointing toward less firm considerations, such as blacklisting for not saying thank you, that's up to the individuals involved, and all signs thus far suggest it's a carryover from their real world approach to things, not a weird emergent behavior from the site alone. And we should respect their right to approach things as they deem best [up to the point that it's injurious toward others].

As far as the 'I made a mistake once, don't keep hating on me', that's utter nonsense, for two reasons:
Firstly, it's a topic that gets brought up on a regular basis, everyone is too familiar with it for a vague sentiment to hold any weight or respect. If you have something firm, or personal, to offer, then please, feel free to detail such.
Second, it's darn easy to remove negative marks- just fix the mistake, and there's no lingering record of it for people to negatively judge you for.

You're really not giving a good impression of yourself, between the vagueness and the implied unwillingness to own up to and resolve your mistakes properly.

You may want to consider rephrasing your post, a bit. :P

9 years ago*

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Well it's not my intention of coming on as "whining". The only reason I mentioned my mistake, is that people are smart enough to figure it out, so I wanted to be proactive about it, before someone would derail the discussion, with something like that.

This isn't about me. It isn't about people's right to have a blacklist. This discussion is about what direction this community is heading in and why. That is an important purpose in my mind, so I very much disagree that it is without purpose.

I'm not here to define rules or dictate what people can or cannot do. Simply to have a discussion about what this community is about and what it isn't. If the community wants a thousand ways to limit their giveaways to exclude people for whatever reason, then that is the decision of the community. I would just like to know why people want things to move in the direction it is, and ask if people are seeing this as an issue or not.

That being said, let me ask you then. Some people have stated they react seeing a blacklist with repaying the favour. If most people starting doing that, and most of the blacklistings happened because of arbitrary reasons not stated, not codified anywhere; what consequences do you think that would have?

The reason for the "vagueness" is because this isn't about me, but e general discussion about what we want this community to be.

Do you often think the worst of people, like you do me?

9 years ago

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It's necessary because of badly implemented rules of the site. There are users that are breaking rules over and over and they are still able to use the site and win free games from contributors. I don't want a guy that regifted/traded four different games in the past to win my contributions. If SG didn't gave me option to exclude people like that, I would already left the site.

9 years ago

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So a big part of the problem is that the existing rules are not enforced? Because those people should have probably been banned then (problem solved?)

9 years ago

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I'm not sure if blacklisting and exclusing are getting out of hand or if Blacklisters and people complaining about blacklisting are just the vocal minority.
For example I recently had a big blacklist amnesty and went from ~150 people on my blacklist to 25 and I've heard a lot of people say they do not use their blacklist at all.

9 years ago

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It's always the exact same people..
I mean, not only doing the griping, but doing negative behaviors [regifting, bigotry, massively rude entitlement, etc]. It's to the point that I very rarely need to add new blacklists*, since every person that gives a reason for it, has already been on there for months.

*Other than temporary extremely-poor-ratio blacklisting of people who've won from me- but as has been mentioned so many times, it's a filter, not a punishment. There's no reason people SHOULDN'T blacklist for things like that o.O;

9 years ago

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But that sounds like specific people for specific reasons. Not just arbitrarily blacklisting people or setting up a plethora of requirements. I get that point. And if it's just a few people being awful, then I get it. That is not the issue I describe in the OP though.

9 years ago

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ofc they are a vocal minority ;) noone will make a topic saying "hey I was able to enter this GA for game XYZ because I was not blacklisted and I am so happy" and then right away another topic "hey I was able to enter this GA for game ABC because I was not blacklisted and I am so happy" and then "hey I was able to enter this GA for game ZYX because I was not blacklisted and I am so happy" and so on. But someone see he cannot enter a single GA because he has bad ratio and he will immediatelly create topic "hey I wasn't able to enter this GA for game XYZ because I was blacklisted and I am so angry now! blacklists are not fair!".

Also - look how many topics/comment you see saying "I'm blacklisted and cannot enter" - quite a lot, eh? Now compare it to something that is basically the same, but not from blacklisted ppl, who ofc not all but majority did something to deserve blacklist - did you ever see whiny topic "I cannot enter this GA because I'm not whitelisted?" :>

9 years ago

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I complety agree. I even wouldn't reply to those "ask to be whitelisted" if you're interested in the game I'm currently giving away in a WL-GA threads because it would feel like begging to me. If I didn't have contact with somebody and thus they had no opportunity to see my inherent awesomeness ;) (some might even have had the opportunity but disagree anyway) I don't have to be on their whitelist. Maybe I get to know them later, maybe I don't. My backlog is big enough as it is so I don't need to participate in every single GA.

9 years ago*

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Interesting. I would like to know how you got up to such a high number, and why you chose to remove most of then again, if you would like to elaborate? :)

9 years ago

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I used to blacklist people for giving away free games from promotions because I don't appreciate people trying to cheat CV but I realized that's a fight I'm not going to win because there are just too many of them and most of them will never be able to enter any of my nicer GAs anyway because they don't contribute to this site unless it was something they got for free. After I decided blacklisting all those people isn't worth my time I figured it would be unfair to punish previous offenders while all the future ones go unpunished and unblacklisted everybody who was on my BL for that reason.

I also realized I had one user on my Blacklist who started out by giving away 3 copies of a free game but has since then given over 1000 legit gifts in less than a year. So I thought if some people actutally CAN change (and if it's just 1 in 100) the others might deserve the benefit of the doubt as well.

9 years ago

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If an incident of past rule-breaking is a not activated win, one could just obtain that game (pretty cheaply from trading if it's old) and activate it. That way your profile wouldn't stand out on sgtools.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

9 years ago

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It's just a sort of 'porter syndrome': some people just revel with every little bit of power over other people

9 years ago

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It feels like it sometimes. I haven't heard of that term before, I will look it up. Thanks for letting me know.

9 years ago

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More reading especially concerning entitled people like the person has consistently proven to be in threads like this.

9 years ago

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I doubt that's a real term, I've just tried to translate how this situation jokingly called in Russian language :) You know, like when you have some business in some building, but there's sitting a porter, who is jumping out of his pants trying to reject you, and utterly enjoying his power.

9 years ago

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That's it. The seduction of power.

9 years ago

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