The last year or so, I've noticed a certain development here on SG: Exclusion.

As people have gotten the ability to limit their giveaways to whitelists, closed groups, and so on, it seems more and more people are getting excluded from joining said giveaways.
Now with black lists and maybe even worse, sgtools, more and more limitations to giveaways are seeping into this amazing site. And I don't understand it.

I get that people wants to limit access to leechers, and people ruining this site, instead of contributing to it, but it just seems things are getting out of hand. People getting blacklisted left and right for no apparent reason, people being excluded for making mistakes that they have already been reprimanded for by the actual admins of this site.
And yes, I made a mistake too 3 years ago when I misunderstood something. My mistake, I took the punishment and continued to contribute as much as I could.

I thought this site was about giving and having fun, not excluding left and right. I just find this tendency a bit sad, but maybe it's just me?

Some small gibs:

This is what SGtools gives you as options:

- Min/Max Steamgifts level
- Min/Max raw sent gifts value
- Min/Max real sent gifts value

- Min/Max raw won gifts value
- Min/Max real won gifts value

- Min/Max raw sent gifts value on Public/Private/Groups giveaways
- Min/Max real sent gifts value on Public/Private/Groups giveaways
- Min/Max raw won gifts value on Public/Private/Groups giveaways
- Min/Max real won gifts value on Public/Private/Groups giveaways

- Maximum number of entries (number of times the tool will give the url)

- Your suggestions / ideas.

- Sent games / Won games ratio factor
- Sent CV / Won CV ratio factor
- Sent Real CV / Won real CV ratio factor

- Whitelisted game since X days
8 years ago*

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Is exclusion via blacklists, sgtools, etc. getting out of hand?

View Results

Blacklists and SGTools are swords without hilts; there's no safe way to grasp them, and they cut both ways. But even a sword without a hilt is better than empty hands when one is surrounded by rule breakers, regifters and leeches.

8 years ago

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You make it sound like it's a war. Is that the point of this site? :S

8 years ago

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Of course not. I never use SGTools myself, but I think that it's the giveaway creator's choice to set requirements or not.
As far as blacklists are concerned, I think that blacklisting someone for being an utter ass is fine (if someone wins your giveaway, and then proceeds to abuse you, you SHOULD blacklist him) but it should not be used as a vigilante right.

8 years ago

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using it for certain reasons. But someone in here had like 700 people on his black list. If everyone did that, there would be nothing left.

8 years ago

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If everyone did that, there would be nothing left.

This implies you either think the majority of users on steamgifts are rule breakers, or that the majority of these 700 blacklisted were not rule breakers. Which one is it?

8 years ago

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Only sith lords deal in extremes ;)

But really it's a fallacy. Like I've mentioned plenty of times, people seem to blacklist for all kinds of arbitrary reasons, having nothing to do with rule breaking. You even see people blacklist people as a "right back at you" for being blacklisted. That is the issue I'm worried about.

8 years ago

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To be honest, I can see why people blacklist others because they blacklisted them. If you can't enter someones giveaways, I can see why you don't want them to enter yours either. I don't care about that and only use my blacklist for people that really deserve it (in my opinion), but I can see the point in it.

8 years ago

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there are way more than 700 rulebreakers on SG.

Also - there are few hundred thousands of registered users - and only 1000 slots on BL. Even if you use all your slots you can BL justr a small minority of users so it's hardly "nothing left"

8 years ago

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If you're talking about zelghadis, his are almost entirely rule-breakers ... maybe a few that are ridiculously rude in the forums. I'd chalk it up to him being more vigilant than the typical member.

8 years ago

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a grand total of 13 members being blacklisted simply for being an extremely offensive dick, ~100+ blacklisted for extremely low ratios (like 1:10 etc), all the rest - non-activators, regifters, reflinkers and other rulebreakers :>

8 years ago

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The drama has come faster than I expected, interesting thread you made here.

Sorry for not commenting before but I had some busy days and I couldn't read the forums.
Blaming the tools for what you think is a misuse is not a wise thing to do. People are not forced to use blacklists or sgtools to add some filters to their giveaways, but if they have the tools to do it they do. Why? because it's something that they want to use because it gives them more control to where their giveaways goes.

Alot of people was not pleased when they had to give their giveaways to serial not-activators that where already punished for some days for their old mistakes but they didn't care to clean them. I mean it's that difficult to have a clean profile? No, as alot of people already pointed to you.

Are sgtools or blacklists bad and toxic for the community? I don't think so, some people can now create low level giveaways without fearing rule breakers as their winners, before you could only reduce the chance of finding them with level requirements above 4. This will help the community to get public giveaways for lesser levels than before since the creators can control a little bit better the rule breakers.

Of course there will be giveaways with high requirements, but those would have existed either way so the only difference is that now maybe you'll see them, but before where out of your view.

TL/DR: A tool is a tool and better control can get more people to giveaways they previously couldn't enter.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

8 years ago

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Well hopefully this is more of an open discussion than drama. That is the point of the thread anyways.

I guess you are the one who made SGtools? Why did you feel it was necessary to make them?

My main issues is with the long list of rules on SG and the long list of rules on SGtools, where are we headed? Having to rely on a third party site, just to make a giveaway now, just seems draconian to me. But I agree with people that is hasn't necessarily gone too far yet, however what if this continues? I'm sure you will continue adding rules/limitations in SGtool? And what if more tools are created, so we need more than 1 third party site? Is that really desirable?

I've heard the argument of being able to include more low level users, and I kinda like that. The problem is if you exclude a lot more, and for reasons that cannot be contributed to malice of the excluded.

Like all tools, SGtools can be used to improve things maybe, but can also be used to ruin thing.

8 years ago

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I don't know why you're still keeping this thread up. It's easy to see from the replies that the higher level contributors, gives the most to the site, community, etc etc prefer the tools and restrictions. The mostly non speaking no are the rule breakers, leechers, and those who want to get into giveaways but can't. You've yet to find a big contributor that agrees that it's draconian as you say who isn't part of small giveaway groups.

No one's stopping you from becoming that guy though. Throw in more giveaways for everyone that doesn't have any restriction. No one's stopping you but right now you want to dictate how people want to do their giveaways and people will disagree with you because they want to do their giveaways their own way. You go into their house, you follow their rules.

You want to get SGtools banned? Ok but don't expect an influx of forum GAs and public ones. Instead expect the people who feel confident giving to the public again to shy away from here and go back to doing WL/group GAs. No one wants the hassle of re-rolling and reporting abusers every GA they do. I'm currently doing a couple of invite only no restriction GAs on the forums and a couple of mid level public GAs and I've already asked for a re-roll. I'm pretty sure if I go through my entrants I can find a lot more rule breakers. Tools only "punish" the bad part of the community. Blacklists are subjective.

8 years ago*

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SGtools is giving me more confidence to give "higher valued" games to lower leveled users. It moves the burden of checking that the winner is not someone who has broken rules away from me, and that means that I can make more giveaways.

As for blacklists, well, if I did not have a way of preventing people who made openly racist comments, rule breakers, and incredibly rude people from entering my GAs, I would probably just stick with group GAs. While I think it's nice to give something to someone, I don't want to give something to someone who says that people from region X, or from faith Y are bad people.

8 years ago

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"I thought this site was about giving and having fun, not excluding left and right"
Maybe excluding left and right is what makes the giving fun for some people...

8 years ago

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That's just sad :(

8 years ago

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Isn't that normal for a gifting process? You buy a gift for people you like so the process of gifting is normally limited and the rest ist "excluded". It is actually more of rewarding process and including more people than in real life. So the choice of word is really irritating. Also the creators are the people who keep the site running. Their rights shouldactually be prioritised before the receivers.
Also blacklists and SGtools are completely blown out of proportion. If you consider the number of active users and take the few vocals ones using the sgtools or having a noteworthy blacklist you will notice that those numbers are probably below 1 % and there is no excluding left and right. You could argue that the majority of the giveaways are created by only 1-5 % of people which use those exclusion tools. But if that would be the case the community should ask itself why it is that way. There may be reasons.

And once again I don't think the phrasing is fair. Especially SGtools is something people use to include more people than before without resorting to much harsher conditions.

8 years ago

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I guess that's semantics. I still very much think there's a difference between actively including people (whitelist, group, etc), and actively excluding people (blacklists, oddly specific sgtools reqs).

Like all tools, it can be used for good (I guess), but also for bad things. I mean just look at all the features it carries. It's pretty insane.

8 years ago

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Just took a look at my blacklist and there's 5 ppl in it. As far as I remember, one of those was ranting about SteamGifts on the forums and insulting everyone, the other 4 probably were one of those making fake gibs.
I wonder if there's any way to find out how many blacklists I'm in. Since I whitelist everyone who I win a game from (sorry if this sentence doesn't make sense, english is not my first language), I realized that I've been blacklisted by many of those so I can't win 2 giveaways from them.

8 years ago

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Archibot can if I'm not mistaken - SG itself doesn't have the option to check for blacklists.

8 years ago

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will check that, thanks for the info!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Well that explains why I couldn't fint it lol. thx anyways. Not that I'm worried about blacklists, just got curious.

8 years ago

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Instead of blaming people utilizing these tools, blame the leechers and cheats. Or blame admin / mods for not doing more to prevent it.

8 years ago

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How would you like to solve the issue then?

8 years ago

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If someone managed to put forth a better solution, then we would not need SGtools or a blacklist.

8 years ago

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btw:where is the SG admin ?

8 years ago

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that would be cg

8 years ago

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Yes,i know but how about a statement or something like "work in progress" info ?

8 years ago

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He's only replied about CV levels before. No mention about these tools and blacklist. A legitimate thread needs to be made about implementing tools on the site that is not buried under someone's drama thread if you really want discussion for it. Then we'll still have to wait and see if he takes notice.

8 years ago

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And back again on the same trade....

Ok yeah ,everyone's right. It's not the guns that kill people it's the poeple who kill people. Don't blame it on me, blame it on the boogie..!

I wrote more than I should but deleted in since either written or not I'll be/am blacklisted anyway since "they" just like to exclude poeple from their GA's they don't know and have the "right" just to blacklist anyone they want without even reasoning....
It could be that there was a good idea about blacklisting but I think that it's really abused atm. Come on, give me one good reason and please explain me how you can actually fill your blacklist? Do you hate people that much? or is it just paranoia that some " non activator" could win your GA. Even among the "givers" there are acc's with multiple acc's even knowing it's not alowed! If you'r that paranoid that "everyone on a free community" can enter your GA's just don't go public! Just do group only, with your "chosen few".

Either way, the new sgtools is even more fun...
Just like it's on my point of view... I've got a multiple win of a game "kinda" by mistake (told it to some before won't explain it again since you'll blacklist me anyway 'couse of "rule breaking" even if it's by mistake)
Since I can't remove a multiple win which happened almost a year ago it means that I'm actually falling out of all the GA's made over sgtools.
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

8 years ago

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I do not understand the underlying fear (yes, using that word on purpose) some people here have against blacklists. So strong that it hinders their ability to act. Do people actually long so much to enter giveaways that they would rather remain silent in a fear that might get blacklisted by few members? Question is directed in general, not to just you Elrinda.

So you are advocating using groups. Lets play a little scenario here. I want to make a giveaway to generous people e.g. ratio of 2:1 here. Right now there are two common methods to this.

1) I'll create a Steam group and post a recruitment topic on the discussions. People who see it can apply by posting. I'll check applications one by one, send invite on Steam. I make a group giveaway, let it run. Winner gets gift and everyone is happy.

2) I'll make a filter using SGTools, create a private giveaway and be done with the giveaway. Winner gets gift and everyone is happy.

Now think for a moment the difference between these two. The first option requires heavy amount of manual work for the contributor. Why not go for option two? It becomes even more so when slight changes are made. What about creating a new giveaway for 3:1 ratio? Another group? Another recruitment phase?

8 years ago*

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As to clarify the status. I'm not afraid to be blacklisted! Since I too am blacklisting poeple with reasons like "they've blacklisted me wether I didn't say thanks after a win or any other reason like not liking my avatar or I know them from other forums and just couldn't get along with them. Regarding blacklisting I for myself at least woud like to know why I've been blacklisted. Is it something I said, done or because of a multiple win?

As of sgtools, I never said that it should be removed. Yes it has it's flows and good points. I'm just saying that as of my point of view Yes I made a mistake (ok here it is, I even had a non activated GA from 2 years ago about Fortix! fixed that issue) I'm searching for a resolve so I can remove the multiple win mistake " I made once" not taking in count that the system has still a flaw in DLC's so I as a " trying to be a good coommunity boy" what's the chance for me to enter a sgtools GA if I've been given a sentence for life? (at least not until it's removed?)

8 years ago

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"I'm searching for a resolve so I can remove the multiple win mistake"
Buy the game (or trade for it, it's less than 1 TF2 key for a gift-copy) and ask the creator who's not banned to reroll or cancel the giveaway.

8 years ago

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Will try, thanks for the headsup

8 years ago

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I think the "fear" is that everyone can get blacklisted for any arbitrary reason at any point. They won't even know they've been blacklisted or why. So when trying to enter a random giveaway, people might see they are blacklisted and be completely perplexed by it.

What people don't seem to realize is, that for a lot of people, this isn't about the giveaway itself, but the feeling of exclusion and not knowing why. I can't speak for anyone of course, but it seems to be a theme none the less.

8 years ago

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The same goes with me, can't say actually anything about other people. But on my case it's not about "fear" it's actually that it's bothers me. As I said the part which I don't like is not to be able to enter a specific giveaway, it's that I don't know what I'm accused of.

8 years ago

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I also can be blacklisted by literally anyone for literally any reason and yet I don't care about at all. I behave like a normal person, comment as I find appropiate and fitting without feeling the pressure, and if I make a mistake, I apologize. No offense mate because I'm sure some people feel that they are short on something that could be the reason for a blacklist, but I think you're projecting the "fear" to the whole community while the majority don't give a flying damn about one person's blacklist. Should we also tremble in fear for going outside, in case of a car runs over us? I guess no, we go out, while we have a lot more to lose there than a few giveaways.

8 years ago

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I only came across one GA I couldn't enter because I was blacklisted. I asked the person very politely why he blacklisted me, so I could work on that. He didn't remember it though and it still kind of bothers me, since I won't know at all what I could've done wrong. That's just the worst feeling. Knowing that you might have hurt someone, but don't know how. I just hate that.

8 years ago

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Blacklists happen, and anyone is free to limit entry to whatever they're giving away for whatever arbitrary reason. I've been blacklisted by some, whitelisted by others, and in no particular list for the vast majority of SG users.

I enter for the games I'm interested in playing and ignore the giveaways I can't join. Worrying about blacklists, ratios, or anything else is going to cause you stress that could easily be avoided if you simply stopped caring about all the drama. With thousands of giveaways running at all time, why spend any energy worrying about the handful of them you can't join?

If you're annoyed about being left out for a mistake you made 3 years ago, then why don't you just fix it? It's not like it would be a hard thing to do. Your view is that you took the punishment already, for others all they see is that you made no effort to correct the situation in the span of all those years.

8 years ago

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