Can anything be more terrifying than the graphics in modern trashware games, though?
I feel as if the current generation has it rougher than we ever did.
Also, muting the volume is an option in games. ~.^
Rather, it's one I'm very glad for, given the sound quality of a typical game. >.>
..that said, I still have some of those original Super Smash Bros stage songs stuck in the back of my head, so I'm clearly still not applying that option strictly enough. :P
While I've never had any troubles with fictional disturbances myself, I hear that Ecco the Dolphin was a troubling experience for many.
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i played that when i was 8 or so and ive never touched again after that part
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Mask salesman made the game scarier a lot more times.
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In ABZU when you have to avoid being hit/getting close to those triangles.I thought the game was supposed to be relaxing.
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Gears of war 1. There was 1 scene when you first use a weapon the hammer of dawn that even to this day freaks me out. I dont want to have to try jumping out of the way when i have a monster (searched it up its berserker) running full force at me, so I always hid in the corner where it couldnt see me while my step dad handled it all. When he got hit though it was all over trying to go pick him up when all it takes is one foot stepping on someone down to kill them
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Crazy Frog Racer 2. The character designs sometimes freaks me out
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The falling/threat of falling in The Story About My Uncle, and in Tiny and Big that really comes to my mindqq
Childhood one was the Starcraft cinematics, my cousin was playing. The hydralisk ambushing the poor templar, or the terran 'space base' cinematics gave me nightmares for weeks (Zerg being super creepy, and me not playing the game to see how really it is. So imagination ran amok)
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Ratchet & Clank 3
The last levels were kind of dark with a red tone. Back then I was a bit scared in this environment xD
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I still remember playing that for the first time ever on release at a friends house. That's probably where my jumpiness and anxiety came from, that fucking game. And then Doom came out... too many underpants needed to be checked.
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Haha yeah, I think it was the 'maze' layout of the levels. So you'd never know what was around the corner. And then of course Episode 3, I think, had the silent super soldiers. You'd turn around and there'd be one right there. Heart attack. I remember a few actual nightmares coming from playing that game too much.
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Shining Force 2 had a dying battery that occasionally wipes a save and the game tells me through the tutorial character, "Oops, your save was deleted." and it played the Zeon attack music at a louder volume, before I found out it was an actual music track.
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ocarina of time zombies, the screams still haunt me
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Drowning in Sonic definitely one, also the final level in Jet Set Radio scared me, for some reason. Still love the music from it though
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Does it count if it still scares me today?
Freelancer. Any area with low visibility. Especially if there are large objects you can crash into. And if I got the hull-damaging radiation zone warning at the same time, I'd freak out so much I couldn't keep my hands steady enough to drive myself out of there. And if I used the auto-pilot, it would keep crashing into things and spinning the camera around, which I'm surprised never gave me a heart attack.
Also, I was terrified of being near jump holes for some reason, especially having them behind me. Also, any system where flight paths take me close to the star, like one of the outcast systems. I'd always plot courses that steered well clear of it and took forever. Also, any time I had to fly near a planet and its invisible atmosphere of death.
Speaking of invisible atmospheres of death, those are also an issue for me in Rebel Galaxy, and in X3 with that one system where one of the jump gates is in the damn atmosphere!
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Also, when I played an early version of KSP and was just trying to see how high I could go before running out of fuel, I would speed up the game while my rocket slowly decelerated after running out of fuel. Then at some point it would start accelerating towards the planet REALLY FAST and because of the high speed I'd just see one frame every half second or so with the planet getting a lot closer on each one, and I'd scramble in panic to slow the game with the controls half-unresponsive.
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When I had the PS1 I was too scared to play Castlevania SOTN because of the death animation of those early big wolf enemies that caught into flames and started howling disappearing.
I went to play it later on on PSP and the only thing that scared me was what masterpiece I had almost missed! XD
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I didn't play anything scary when I was a kid... there was nothing like that on NES and SNES. However, I do remember feeling super tense when playing Half-Life in college.
... and one of my roommates would sneak up behind me and make me jump. I so hated that. ;)
EDIT : that feeling when you realize you misread the title. So... to answer your question : there hasn't been any. Period.
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Getting shot from undetected enemy in XCOM Terror From the Deep
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Sometimes even your soldier where scared, so it was like a double real/virtual scare
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Tomb Raider 2, in the Croft Manor when the fucking butler followed me everywhere and his voice. Holy fuck.
I was around 8.
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fun fact, you can lock him in the freezer
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I know it's not what you're asking but games like first Doom and Wolfenstein games scares me more then their recent games even today. Damn those 2D rooms!!
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None to be honest, but then... I don't think any of the games we had for the Sega at that time were scary. I never scared at anything cartoony or non-scary.
I get more freaked out by games nowadays to be honest, and that's because they've gotten more realistic. I hate gore and that kind of shit. Most people love it, but for me, it's definitely a deal breaker if the games got kill scenes that are too horrific.
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Lemmings 3D (yes, I'm serious)
I loved and hated the intro to that game. All the lemmings escaping from the computer gave my nightmares more than once.
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That's exactly the scene I was going to refer to, thanks) How old were you back then, if you don't mind me asking?
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I was older, almost a grown-up (at least it felt that way), 12 or maybe even 13, but this episode still scared me - in an incredibly fun way, that is)
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I was terrified of that "drowning" sound from Sonic. My poor little self had to get one of my older brothers to get me past some parts underwater lol.
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