I was terrified of that "drowning" sound from Sonic. My poor little self had to get one of my older brothers to get me past some parts underwater lol.


6 years ago

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I have a very vivid memory of the game Lady Bug on colecovision playing a scary song when you died and scaring the crap out of me as a kid when the lights were off but I can't seem to find a video to corroborate that. Maybe it was a different game, or maybe I'm going senile already :)

EDIT: Also totally understand the Sonic thing. That drowning theme will get the blood pumping!

6 years ago

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This is a bit strange but when Kid Icarus was released (NES) I was always afraid that I would get turned into an eggplant in my dreams.

6 years ago

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Max Payne! The weird dream levels where you had to follow the sound of your dead baby's cries scarred me for life.

6 years ago

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I was hiding behind the sofa ^^

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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damn memory - what was that game?

6 years ago

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SkiFree, if I remember correctly.

6 years ago

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this doesnt apply to your question because it was indeed a horror game but i still got my hands on shadow man for the n64 and was terrified of the shadow world and couldnt pass this mummy guy who is wobbling his hands around. this guy right here: https://youtu.be/dCa2UdjhQ88?t=1593

6 years ago

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It did not scare me, but it made me nervous every time I came back for my Dahaka in POP Warrior Whitin

6 years ago

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Goosebumps: Escape from Horrorland
Clock Tower 3
Nightmare Ned

6 years ago

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The first Prince of Persia of 1989. I was about 3 or 4 years old when my father had it installed on a Windows 98. Watching the main character falling on spikes or the first enemy with a sword was horrible to me. Was literally the first game I ever had contact and the most terrifying.

6 years ago

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I was about the same age, the deaths felt really brutal. I wasn't afraid of enemies, though, as much as of traps - the fencing wasn't so difficult and at least you didn't die instantly

6 years ago

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Yeah, the fencing and the whole game today seems like nothing to me, but at the time when I had no sense of nothing in my life that was really scary to me. Despite my age, I can remember everything clearly, 'cause it struck me a lot, mainly a part where the character fall into a trap/fake floor on the spikes.

6 years ago

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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the part where you had to escape the Slytherin common room without getting caught frightened me.

6 years ago

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hahaha xD

6 years ago

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The creepy humanoids from the end of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.

6 years ago

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Zelda Wind Waker. I couldn't handle finding big octos.

6 years ago

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Not really a horror game but playing as a marine in Alien vs predator back in the days sure was worse than most horror games to date.

6 years ago

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I think it still counts as a very scary game

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Not young, and not really a non-scary game, but the sound of spiders walking in a DDO (Dungeons & Dragons Online) quest when you are wearing headphones is still creepy. :)

6 years ago

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walking around the woods on GTA San Andreas was pretty spooky

6 years ago

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Resident Evil 2, was too afraid to play myself, had someone else play for me

6 years ago

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Standing on last pixel in super mario bros.

6 years ago

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King's Quest 4 -- the cave with the 3 old witches, where one of the witches tries to get you. I always assumed she was trying to throw me into that boiling cauldron, the game never showed it / hinted at it (even after getting caught), yet I was still completely certain of it and terrified. :P I had thought KQ4 would be an "easy", "girly" game with birdsongs and ridiculous princes riding around on unicorns or something -- but honestly, some of the stuff in that game was way scarier than in any of the previous KQ games that pretty much just had mild and slightly humorous "fairy tale horror", imo.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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There was the video game adaptation of Peter Jackson's King Kong movie from 2005. Every time I played the canyon level, it terrified me with millipedes that came out of nowhere to ambush you, and the bats hanging over the rickety boards suspended over an instant death pit.

6 years ago

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There was also a Sherlock Holmes game with mummies and a creepy Watson that used to pop out of nowhere.

6 years ago

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6 years ago*

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The second one had me freaking out.
But it was the first game I was talking about. Nope. Nooope.

6 years ago

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Thief series is not scary in general BUT when I was in Shalebridge cradle in Deadly Shadows! Whoa. Scary like hell, escpecially when that one door on the roof was knocking by itself ... wtf?

6 years ago*

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i think it was harry potter 1 , was a bit creepy

6 years ago

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When I was 5 years old or so, after playing Felix The Cat I'd had creepy game-style nightmare with weird Felix, smth like creepy-pastes of internet-era. So I was so afraid and just throw out cartridge next morning.

6 years ago

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