have you achieved nirvana?...its around the same time
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Do not ask users for payments or donations for any reason.
You used your warning coupon so better be careful from now on, it doesn't matter if you're joking or not
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NOT the best way to speak to a mod. Been nice knowing you. Say hi to Konrad for us.
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I'm not saying that they aren't. But to counter your argument, they do have the power to slap suspensions on people for their actions.
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Yeah, someone could fell offended/triggered, haha.
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You used your warning coupon
Read: I just gave you a free pass [despite the fact that we historically never give those]
so better be careful from now on,
Read: Just a friendly reminder
it doesn't matter if you're joking or not
Read: Site rules treat jokes and ambiguous comments on such topics the same way they do intentional ones, so do be careful.
I'd take sides quickly with anyone calling out a [person in power] for inappropriate conduct, but that's clearly not what's going on here. Likewise, while you can call out a moderator for inappropriate conduct or unprofessionalism (and there have been instances where they've certainly engaged in such in the past), "compatibility" and "(un)touchability" are solely based on what freedoms cg is willing to give his moderators, nothing more or less. In other words, a moderator is what cg dictates it is (and thankfully, he doesn't allow moderators to take action for personal reasons, and does allow us to backtalk them when they act inappropriately), not what you believe it should be, or expect it to be. Tempete is not only acting well within those boundaries, he's favoring you with far more graciousness than he's obligated to provide.
Generally, even if you find it suitable to disdain showing gratitude to everyone else doing something nice for you, it's a good idea to, at a bare minimum, offer that gratitude when those in power are the ones doing something on your behalf.
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just to get you on the right level... your rights in a privat forum are minimized to almost nothing...
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Thanks for reminding me why I stopped bothering giving warnings to directly go for the suspension instead, guess it's back to that.
There are reasons we have no tolerance for this, otherwise everyone could get away with "it was a joke bro". Moreover it could give the impression that it is allowed to do this
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I would be very happy when such a fast acting go with the Request New Winner tickets (2). 5 days ago now.. This should be go a bit quicker because the 7 days ticking down..... (yes i know its december... all have less time and many things to do... but the 7 days are fix and i can't change it...).
Normaly i am not make pressure... but maybe you or a other have a few moments in the next (2) days... :o)
And great was too when all the support tickets to the autojoiner users get a response (and bans/suspensions).... :o)
Thanks and have a good day
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It took me about 1600 entries and nine months on this site before I won my first game. Not saying it will take you that long necessarily, but it's best to temper your expectations to avoid disappointment. In the meantime, you can participate in the forums psst: there are invite only giveaways with better chances here and try to have fun!
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Just be a little bit active on the forum..
Man, you just registered yesterday and joined less than 100 giveaways so far lol..
I won 76 games out of over 26.000 Giveaways, all this here is FOR FREE, so don't expect to win immedeatly - just stay focused and wish yourself some good luck :P
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I consider myself lucky at 3 wins with over 2000 entries. You'll get there. The community here is really the reason why I come back not just the giveaways.
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There is on average 1000 entries on a public giveaway for a good game so the chance to win is very small, just keep entering and you will eventually win something. You can try to level up buy giving away non-free games so you can enter giveaways with less entries and higher chance. Joining groups is a good way too, you can try these two: Unlucky7 for people who win 7 or less games, Playing Appreciated for people who play the games they win within a month.
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The average wait time to win their first game can be at least a month. Give it time. You only just joined and haven't entered too many GA's yet.
As suggested, try joining the Unlucky 7 group. They should be able to help you win something.
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it depend xD if you apply only for some games like fallout 4 or things like that where you have 1 chance on 10'000 yeah keep entering and wish xD you could be lucky one day or so.
If you aim for some ,,, can't find the word "not so famous" game ( wich doesn't mean necessary not as good as famous ones ).
You can find some ga with less than 200entries.
I would say to be short they might be some miracle but the best way to win some is to participate again &again &again &again :D Don't lose hope it'll come one day :)
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Contribute - it's the whole point of this site - share games you aren't going to play and win games you will play
As you contribute more, your level increases and you'll be able to join GA's with better odds
Join groups that do GA's (check other user's group lists and join the open ones)
Read the forum for private GA's - puzzles, trains etc... The odds of winning these GA's is often better than public GA's
Be active and friendly - you will be able to join private groups once people know who you are - and if you're generous with contributions the likelihood of being able to join these groups increases.
Keep entering GAs....
Good luck and welcome to SG!
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Some people lack patience and get disappointed when they don't get their instant gratification. SG can be the epitome of the waiting game. I have some user friends here that haven't won in months.
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