I have an important test in two weeks and while I did fine studying it in class and doing homework I can't get myself to review the material now. Any tips?

11 years ago*

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Don't, wing it.

Thats what I always do and I am amazing.

11 years ago

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That's how you get that high, right? :3

11 years ago

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I did it my whole life, now I'm getting the punishment. Don't do that ever!

11 years ago

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What this guy said, true story man, youll live to regret it. Unless of course you walk outside and get hit by a bus tomorrow then maybe not, just sayin.

11 years ago

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Unless I have no other choice,I won't. Being ready for upcoming event is something I deem important.

11 years ago

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Just get off your lazy ass and do it.

11 years ago

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The only thing stopping me from procrastinating in your situation would the final hours before the exam.
The pressure...

11 years ago

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This thread is just what I needed!

The problem in my case is that the pressure puts me in a sort of "fight or flight" mode where I become extremely paranoid, yet my learning capacity is augmented by the tension, and I run through a large of the material in a day!

However, since the portion is massive, I manage to cover about 70-75% and therefore my marks are not great! Part of me is glad that I manage last moment, yet that gives me another reason for procrastination! :(

11 years ago

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It's a bit how I am myself. I am glad I can keep this rhythm without having to study 24/7. Somehow I always manage. Truth, I don't get A+ in those cases. But I can live with a B.

11 years ago

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I always did that 1 day before the exam. Since I didn't slack off and already knew the (relatively easy)material I managed to get mostly A+,with some A and B later on the finals. I'm retaking math now,it's the only subject I failed,and I really don't think doing it now is a good idea.

11 years ago

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You know what? What I did with Math was getting someone to help me. An older guy who used to be a professor in college. My studying was pretty much two or more hours every week with him. By myself I couldn't. Later on when I got to college, I kinda got rid of Maths. Now I have Programming... And yeah, I am screwed.

11 years ago

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Unfortunately there is no one I can ask for help. No classmates available I can solve stuff together with,and trying find a private teacher to look at me solving stuff is kind of stupid(and requesting help wouldn't help - I need to figure out how to do those myself). I have no friends who learned this level of math..
So yeah,not really an option.

11 years ago

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Define "final hours". Some of my classmates use that for the last 8 or 12 hours before the exam and they don't do very well with finals.

11 years ago

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Around 36 hours worked for me.

11 years ago

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Just wait a bit, it will all resolve by itself.

11 years ago

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Do you want me to fail? :(

11 years ago

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Later, of course.

11 years ago

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You should wait until the last moment! Look: your productivity is a direct function of your skills and of your motivation. Your skills will likely stay the same during next two weeks, bu the level of your motivation will grow as the deadline approaches. So if you procrastinate until the last moment you will reach the peak of your productivity, therefore spending less time on the task.

11 years ago

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I'm not sure about OP, but this seems to work in my case. However, my task is so huge that it's insanity to spend less time on it, yet here I am.....the insane one! XD

11 years ago

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However,if I also use the day before that,I'll be more prepared in total. And if I use the week before that,I'll be much more prepared. It's about trying to learn even when the efficiency is low..

11 years ago

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I have found the solution years ago... it's easy 5 steps that everyone can make. I'll post details tomorrow.

11 years ago

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Turn off your PC and hit the books until after it is done.

11 years ago

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And ignore you guys for 2 weeks? I need my daily dose of cv complaints..
Seriously now,I don't think I'm desperate enough to shut myself off from everything. I only need to dedicate about 2 hours twice a day each day and I'll be good.

11 years ago

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So turn off your pc for 2 hours every day :p

11 years ago

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I can't control myself,I'd just turn it back on..

11 years ago

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That's my problem. Have someone you trust hide it from you and not give it back until you're done.

11 years ago

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Come on! You'll beat procrastination tomorrow...

11 years ago

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I said that yesterday.

11 years ago

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And you're one day closer to your goal. So pat yourself on the back and take a break.

11 years ago

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Except for the fact I didn't do anything to improve my knowledge of the test material yesterday. I haven't earned my break.

11 years ago

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stop reading this topic.

11 years ago

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But all those people took a minute of their time just to help me. It'd be rude of me to do so :<

11 years ago

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Get in a study group with at least one person who's more organised and motivated than you.

11 years ago

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Any advice for those procrastinators who prefer studying by themselves? Would be helpful in my own situation!

11 years ago

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None available. Everyone aside form me and 3 other guys in my class dropped(we were 30-ish at the start). 2 of them live outside my city and the other one seems to be busy.

11 years ago

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your avatar is awesome

11 years ago

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Procrastination is usually due to one of two things: rebellion, or avoidance.

  • If you are resisting doing it, whom are you rebelling against and why?
  • If you are avoiding doing it, what is the source of your anxiety?

Once you know the source of your procrastination, you simply have to address it. Find another way to confront the person you feel is pushing you into something, or explore the rationality of your fear. Either way, you should come to understand that your procrastination is a flawed response to what you are facing and you can choose a better, more productive one.

All of that is easier said than done, of course. Having others to support you makes it easier.

11 years ago

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I know it's a flawed response,I know what I should be doing,and I know the time I have to do it is limited. While the environment around me isn't very supporting,it never was,and I always managed to still do what I have to do. The only thing that I think might make me anxious is not being able to solve the questions. From what I did try though,I'm doing fine,and in this particular case there's a guide on how to solve each question in case you can't figure it out yourself.

When I think about it,I'm not sure why I'm procrastinating. Usually when I did,it was because I believed I could study everything later and still do good. I was mostly right I consider my grades good. What bothers my is that I know this won't work this time and that I have to start now.

11 years ago

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Perhaps you're afraid of trying because you're afraid you'll "mess up" and the results will not be perfect? Why do you feel you have to be perfect? Which person will reject you if you're not perfect? (This is the exact same problem I have when I'm procrastinating.)

You've already seen that your fear of not being able to solve the questions is illogical because you've answered some already, and you have the guide to help. Even if you only answer two-thirds of the questions, that's still a passing grade (usually). You could try telling yourself, "The others weren't that difficult, so I'll just try the next one. If it's too difficult, I'll skip it."

11 years ago

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I almost never aim for perfect - I aim for what I think I'm capable of and is a result I'd be satisfied with. I don't think I will score perfect and I'm not aiming to. Realistically,I'm aiming for 70-80%. I think that my parents would my disappointed if I don't get somewhere around that score,but I would be more disappointed of myself for not achieving what I wanted to,and blame myself for not doing enough. I'm not sure about what kind of feedback I get from the questions though - I feel motivated to do more when I manage to solve them and want to leave when I try and can't come up with anything. I do look in the guide,but I feel like I've already failed and lose the will to continue.

11 years ago

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Work with a partner from your class.

11 years ago

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Can't. We were a class of about 30 at start,but about 20 left in favor of an easier class and 6 of those who did stick through stopped coming to lessons. Including me,we're 4 students in class - but two live in another city and one is working on almost every day to very late hours.

11 years ago

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Having an environment which isn't supportive of you kills motivation. But in the end, you're studying for yourself. It seems like you know that yet you come to find support in here.

We friendly steamgifters might be more supportive but deep down you know, that all we can do is help you with... ta-dam procrastinating!
Be radical and close this topic. If you need to snap out of it for a while,take a walk, find your center and try not to find relief in guilty pleasure. That just adds up to the stress and that way you'll never really get into it.

11 years ago

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I'll agree that it killed my motivation many times. There isn't anything I can do about it though. I didn't come here to get that motivation back - that already happens with time,as I realise that the test is drawing closer; I come here to find a figure why is it I can't just study like I'm used to. Such a strong urge to procrastinate never attacked me before.

11 years ago

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Remember: procrastination is avoidance, and avoidance is tied to anxiety. It's up to you to figure out the details of what's in your head, but try to find away around the problem in the meantime. Separate the task into tiny steps that you can do.

11 years ago

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I tried and it half works - I finished about 30% of what I told myself I'd do today this morning. I can't achieve my own milestones,and it's depressing. I'm starting to get anxious but that only makes me want to not touch the material ever again.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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I tried and failed too many times. I don't think it will help if I try again.

11 years ago

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I end up giving up. It's better than staring in front of the papers while watching the clock ticking.

11 years ago

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This. Exactly what goes in my head every time.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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get your shit together and get shit done !

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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It's not reading,it's math. I never found cramming in subjects like math or physics to be very successful.

11 years ago

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Math for me has always been easy. Never have to study it, always get my work done right in class and leave my books there. I have a 100% in Trig/College Algebra right now.

11 years ago

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It works if your teacher teaches the material. Mine didn't,so after I failed I went to a private school. I did the homework,but I can't help it - after studying in 3 months what I was supposed to in 2 years,my mind is overloaded and I don't feel up to the level I need to be yet.

11 years ago

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I feel you. I always end up studying at the last minute, promise myself to start studying earlier next time and do it all over again -.-

All I can think of is mastering some will power to stay away from the PC for a few hours a day. Two week is quite a long time. Try to put aside a few hours a day and will yourself to move away from the PC and hit the books. If that doesn't help, take out a calendar and mark your exam date. Put it near your PC or somewhere where you can easily see it.

E: And since it's math, maybe look for videos or animations which shows you how to do whatever you are supposed to be studying? I have found, if you are good at something in maths, it's quite fun to do it.

11 years ago

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If it were as easy as putting things aside. I guess I suffer from the same as the OP. I can't focus.

11 years ago

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I know how to solve most questions,and I've got material covering it if I forget anything. I'm not good enough at it for it to be fun,but I'm not bad enough either for it to suck hard. It's a fair challenge,but I don't feel great when I succeed.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

11 years ago

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immature comment

11 years ago

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Going to a library might help with focusing on just studying. At least, it helps me since there is nothing else to do there so I don't get distracted with other things every few minutes. Making a schedule that includes a few hours there daily, will help, as long as you actually do it and don't postpone that.

You can even ask classmates or friends if they want to tag along, even if you are not studying for the same subject.

Don't start checking out other books while there. Doesn't end well.
11 years ago

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Knowing myself,I'll get there a hour late,solve a question and start reading other books. It could work if I was a part of a group,it'd motivate me to get in time and actually study,but none of my friends took this class and all 3 of my classmates are not realistic choices(2 are from another city,1 is busy almost all the time). It's a good suggestion but not something I can do :<

11 years ago

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Calvin knows best

I had the same problem but then i found real reason is i got distracted at home.When i tried the study after half an hour i opened my computer and playing games.ıt is like my computer whispers to me like a ring in the lotr. So i study in the library or a cafe(starbucks for example) with friends if possible because with friends studing would be less boring.

It worked for me i hope it does for you too(if you have same problem since tht was my postponing reason ;)

11 years ago

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Cafes are usually too messy and loud for me to be in. Not to mention pricey,but I think I could spare some cash if I thought it'd help. There's no one I can study with.

11 years ago

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There is always a quiet bakery (or is it pastry whatever)or cafe present.I can't study in loud and crowd places neither. (My preciouss calling me can't resist nooooo).

11 years ago

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None of the bakeries I know of have a place to sit down. I think you mean those places which serve drinks and light food,but like I said,they are always noisy in my area.

11 years ago

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In order to "beat" procrastination one must Organize and Realize that postponement of study is only detrimental.
Deep breathing is beneficial and vegetables and fruits are required, also make sure you drink enough water and eat early, in order for hunger to not distract you.
Also try to study in the most silent room possible, which usually is the bathroom if you study in your home.
If you usually start the computer in the morning and while doing the usual activity online you forget about study, then consider not starting the computer in the morning, it's not the end of the world without it on.
Also observe your compulsive behaviours and the mere observing will help to stop them, like shaking legs in a repetitive movement and biting nails and scratching on the facehead.
Set up clock alarms in a organized way to wake up early and to sleep early and block all phone calls, but from really really important persons. For starters you can use a text to speech software (for example Expressivo) to transform your study material in audio and listen only until it gets you into a open learning mode.

11 years ago

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I know nothing good comes out of procrastinating in the end. The hours in which my home is quiet are limited,and my family doesn't really seem to care too much about that. The bathroom doesn't have any desk or something I can put the material on. And since it's mostly solving questions I don't think hearing the questions aloud would be very beneficial. I don't think I have many compulsive behaviours,or at least I'm not aware of them.
I'll try to control my sleep better though. Thanks.

11 years ago

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Hello there. I just tried this - just do anything other than study; like one playthrough of Dragon Age or watching your favourite movie until you don't feel doing it anymore. The idea is to overflood your fun-receptor part of the brain until it can't go no more, and then your brain will automatically crave for something intellectual - that is studying.

I got osce on Thursday. Every minute passing I regret more not quitting the course when I had the chance.

11 years ago

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I've get a massive backlog of fun games I picked up,I wouldn't finish playing all of them in a month.

11 years ago

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Start with Skyrim perhaps? You don't need to finish it, just play till you drop.

11 years ago

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Doesn't run well,my gpu is dying.

11 years ago

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I don't think this is applicable to everyone, for me it'd be a recipe for disaster.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Try to get like a specifical hour to study it and make it a routine and eventually u gonna get into it, dont try to do it all at once, study by parts and it will be more easy and better for you :3.

11 years ago

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I can't get myself to even study one bit:|

11 years ago

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Take the initiative, put the PC or the TV away and try to study just a lil everyday and eventually u gonna take it like a routine :3 is the only way that i can at least, for my part i like to do homework or study while i watch stream and stuff,but i take the headphones off or else i can't focus :3... u should try getting a confortable place on the one that u can study and stuff or try to find the best way that u think u can study :3 by my part i feel that i like to procastinate a lot of stuff but when i mentally propose something i do it with time so later i dont to be running or anything, u should to the same ... Good luck at your test :)

11 years ago

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You can't. You just wait till the day before the exam and panic.
At least that's how I do it..

11 years ago

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But I want to pass this one.

11 years ago

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think about the regret and may be guilt you'll feel if you don't study and fail the test

11 years ago

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Now I feel horrible,not motivated:|

11 years ago

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In my opinion procrastination is the road to genius. From my experience (I'm a procrastinator by nature but far from a genius unfortunately) leaving to the last moment the solution of a problem will only help you grasp different possibilities and be creative.

To solve a problem by not worrying too much or consciously working on it is the best way to achieve results in the long run. I've finished a Phd and am working in scientific research using this approach, together with focused hard work.

On the other hand, the school system is only interested in quantifiable immediate results and the solution to problems is usually standardized so you only have the option to work hard in order to have good results.

My point is that beating procrastination for immediate goals is OK but in the end you will be better off using it to your advantage. You will learn a lot more and assimilate things better if you are on the right mindset and forcing yourself to do something you hate is rarely the proper mindset.

Good luck on your test.

11 years ago

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I agree with this mindset in general,but this test is really close,and I just can't get myself to work hard.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by xKomachi.