Original Post

After going through a recent event where someone very close to me was feeling depressed and suicidal, thought I'd make some GA's to get a point across. If you are feeling this way, there is help, and people out there want to help. You're not alone and you are cared about. If you are not of this state of mind, realize that you could be the difference between them getting help, or doing the unthinkable. You will most likely never know how, who, or how many you helped, but that should make no difference. It just matters that you were there. Go and be the best you that you can be. If anyone out there needs someone, i accept all steam friend requests and will reply as soon as i see your message.
Try and keep the thread alive for a while so that more can see it. May i suggest pictures of cats? Anything really.

Well, I proposed to the love of my life . It's been a long two years, but we've come a long way. I was hoping to propose in the mountains after a hike, but the snow and rain has squashed those attempts quite expertly. No matter how things seem, there is hope. Thank you all for the support, and as always, you are never alone.

She Said YES!

WE just got married!

I'm going to be away for about a week, with limited internet access. Feel free to post GA's, but I might not get to them for a week.

To host a thread filled with generous giveaways was never my intention, but after over 2500 comments, over 2000 GA's to date, and countless outpourings of support from many members, it's here to stay.

I'm going to update this thread once again at least once a week, between Friday and Sundays.
Link to last page

If you choose to bump with a GA, especially a higher level, and wish for it to be featured on the active GA portion, I suggest a week or longer running length. It can sometimes be a number of days before I can edit this to add new GA's. It's also super helpful if it's in

`[Your Name Here](Profile URL)` | `[Your GA Here](Link to GA here)` | Date Ending

Format not required, but it would let me update the main post more, as it currently takes a while, which means less updates.

EDIT: Total number of GA's added to thread as of last update- 2075+
Note that this is likely much higher. From pages 54-94 of the archive, I assume all trains to contain only 3 games, while they are likely much higher in number.
GA log of past record

The following, continuously updated, users are the real VIP's of this thread. They have contributed to the development of this ever growing thread, either through exceptional giveaways, an exceptional amount of giveaways, or relentlessly bumping the topic, even when it is/was in a period of disarray, and I wanted to thank them for it, not to cheapen anybody else that has contributed, but to celebrate them for it. Treat them kindly.


Change log;
EDIT: An update and moving forward


GA Creator Game Ending Date
`[Your name here](profile URL)' '[Your GA here](GA URL)' Mon. Day, Year
igel2005 So Many Cubes April. 11th, 2017
ThePonz Soulless: Ray Of Hope Apr. 12, 2017
CSLocura Mahjong Deluxe 2: Astral Planes April 13, 2017
JenniferVanessa The SIlent Age April 20, 2017
Akylen Papo & Yo April. 25, 2017
8 years ago*

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7 years ago

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ChickenGrim | Small Flash Train | 2 Hours left!!!

7 years ago

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sorry too late 😟

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Bump! ^^

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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Bump !

7 years ago

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new thread

thanks for letting me take over, mouse ^^

7 years ago*

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Closed 7 years ago by DesertMouse1.