I want to enter giveaways for Orion: Dino Horde, but I guess its free for the next 6 days for everyone so its in my library, but I don't own the game. Steamgifts says it exists in my account because of this. What can i do?

11 years ago*

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:((((((((((( same here, HULP!!!

11 years ago

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This is a known issue with free weekends and guest passes. All that can be done is for the user to remove any game content they may have on their computer and resync their SteamGifts account. It can take up to two weeks for Steam to update the user's library to reflect they do not own the game, however. Sadly, this is a problem on Steam's end and we can't change it.

To prevent this happening in the future, manually sync your account mid-week, like Tuesday or Wednesday. This will reset the 7-day sync to work on the day of the week you last synced, so it won't sync on the weekend unless you do it manually.

11 years ago

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Nothing to be done about it. Maybe the admins could intentionally introduce that glitch, the one that occasionally makes some games show up even if you own them. Only "fix" I can think of for the issue.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by LilaGeist.