
Mr. Bucket: hey}

a friend told me about your post

intrested in CS GO Keys


or Bioshock Triple Pack, 7 Days to Die GIFTS

Darksouls 2 CD-Key

Mr. Bucket: Dark souls 2 and another one and we have a deal

­ dakrsouls 2 + few cs go keys


Mr. Bucket: is the key legit?

yes lol

Mr. Bucket: how can i test it out?

­ you cant

how can i test your battlefield 4?


Mr. Bucket: is it region free?

Mr. Bucket: i have proof that it works

same here

because they are cd-keys

Mr. Bucket: region free?

but i have tons of rep


Mr. Bucket: good

Mr. Bucket: how many keys?

­right now i have 10 in INVENTORY

­ but let me see

a price for battlefield 4

­ 1 sec

Mr. Bucket: yeah

Mr. Bucket: dark souls II and 3 keys?

Mr. Bucket: is that okay?

Im okay

for what platform

is battlefield 4


Mr. Bucket: Origin

Mr. Bucket: is it okay?


­have to update it

wait a bit please ;p

Mr. Bucket: okay

Mr. Bucket: update it and we have a deal


­31 mb from 74

Mr. Bucket: the only thing is, activate it quick because in august 30th expires!

Mr. Bucket: okay no problem

what you mean?

i can't play with it only till 30 august?

Mr. Bucket: no

Mr. Bucket: xd

Mr. Bucket: it's forever

Mr. Bucket: but you have to redeem it quick!

Mr. Bucket: activate it

Mr. Bucket: dont fool around with it

­ i activate it next sec you give me it


Mr. Bucket: good

still updating


Mr. Bucket: no problem I'll wait

Mr. Bucket: how are we gonna do the steam trade?

Mr. Bucket: for the keys and such

how much rep you have on steamtrades?

­i didnt check, a friend told me about you

Mr. Bucket: none, this is my first trade, and I'm a little bit nervous

Mr. Bucket: you can trust me

Mr. Bucket: I know if I scam you I will be scarred for life in that page

Mr. Bucket: and i dont want that

Sorry but you can check my account

100% legit

and lots of rep ;p

Mr. Bucket: no problem I can trust you

but let me update it

1st ^^

Mr. Bucket: the only thing is it's my first trade and I dont want to be scam in the first one

­No worries

Mr. Bucket: do I have to give you something from steam to make the trade work?

ok it updated


only bf 4 key

Mr. Bucket: okay

Mr. Bucket: let's make the trade

Ok im ready

got it in copy-paste

Mr. Bucket: and the keys?

The keys we trade after all is okay

Mr. Bucket: okay

Mr. Bucket: you go first please


Mr. Bucket: i look at a lot of things in steamtrades

Mr. Bucket: all around scam

Mr. Bucket: that's why

Mr. Bucket: :/

Mr. Bucket: how are we gonna do this? I'll give you the key through here?

­yes ^^

Mr. Bucket: okay

Mr. Bucket: both at the same time :P

Mr. Bucket: 1

Mr. Bucket: 2


Mr. Bucket: how?

sorry i dont do like this


Mr. Bucket: CRMD-3BVU-N93H-DQ4V-9JUT

Mr. Bucket: there you go

Mr. Bucket: please

Mr. Bucket: dont scam me

i dont lol

­it's just loading the uplay

Mr. Bucket: uplay?


Mr. Bucket: can you give me dark souls II now?


wait i dont know what's wrong with it


Mr. Bucket: what's wrong?

Mr. Bucket: :/

the page for reeedem code dont load

Mr. Bucket: are you kidding me?

Just wait 1 minute

Mr. Bucket: i have the proof


Mr. Bucket: i can give you the e-mail

it loaded

Mr. Bucket: ooh

it was



Mr. Bucket: now dark souls II ?

Mr. Bucket: aah okay


is now Offline.

is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.

Mr. Bucket: it's invalid!

Mr. Bucket: hey ?

Mr. Bucket: :/

Mr. Bucket: can you give me the key?

Mr. Bucket: shit man

Mr. Bucket: you are a level 44 with lots of reps

Mr. Bucket: why do you have to scam me?

So that's how it is, why there's that kind of people in the world? I don't know. There edit out, a lesson. Now I know I dont have to trade with anyone xd

10 years ago*

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You deserved it for trying to trade a key you won here in the forums alleging you actually wanted to play the game and the key was for your personal use, not for trading.

Plus, you should've seen it coming lol

10 years ago

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All I can think about is the popular children's toy commercial.
"I'm Mr. bucket.
You put your balls in my mouth!
I'm Mr. Bucket.
I spit them right out!"

10 years ago

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I laughed way harder than I should have at that.

10 years ago

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It seems like people are proud to be scammed lol. If I was scammed I'd be ashamed that someone outsmarted me and I'd never make a thread about it.

10 years ago

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Seems like they expect sympathy. Or perhaps that, as well as users here giving them stuff to make up for all of the "pain" they went through. I don't even know.

10 years ago

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TBH you should've used a middleman.

10 years ago

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TBH you should've used a middleman.

10 years ago

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Wait, BF4 was free? Where? How? Haha

10 years ago

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I have tons of rep
100% legit
This is cleary a scam.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Giveaway keys are not for trade, if you don't know that you learn it with the hard way, some poor guys that can't buy the game had the option to get the game in that giveaway but with your contribution you denied them that day in paradise.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by NexceeD.