Is 40 series too expensive?
According to Nvidia's own data you can't play A Plague Tale: Requiem and Resident Evil 4 Remake in highest settings with RT on in 1080p on the RTX 4060 Ti 8 GB model. If that's an indication of what's in store for future games I'd say "good night Vienna".
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I'm in same boat, hard to agree or disagree, as my games are mostly few years old AAA or indies, and only noticed couple times when game is running at limit (about 7.8GB, but at 60fps anyway)
sidenote: I play games at 4K where I can, otherwise 1440p as well
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Bought RTX 3060 12GB earlier (192-bit)... 4060 8GB (128-bit) seems way too overpriced
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4060 for $300 doesn't seem so bad. Cheaper than 2060 and 3060, same as 1060. The other ones are far too much though, every Nvidia card has shifted upwards in price. We went from a $300-700 range in 2017 (1060 to 1080 Ti) to a $300-1600 range in 2023 (4060 to 4090).
Also from the leaked specs it looks like 4060 Ti 16GB will be roughly equivalent to a 3070, which is pretty disappointing. Nvidia seem to be relying on DLSS3 fake frame generation to make the performance look a lot better than it is.
It's unfortunate AMD aren't going to compete on price. The rumoured price for 7600x is $300 and judging by the specs it might not even reach 3060 Ti perf level, not to mention it falling behind in ray-tracing and FSR vs DLSS. I really hope they have something in store and whip out another Ryzen situation for their GPUs.
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Swedish sallary are fairytales for many countries.)
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when everything cost double
Does it though? Not really the place for this discussion, so sorry OP, but I am curiously wondering. I visited Finland some month ago. And the prices where actually almost the same as we have in Baltics, while salary is twice as big (at least official average). So just wondering how it is in Sweden. Fuel, beer and stuff like that of course is a bit more expensive, but the difference is negligible. Tech products and food is basically the same price for as Ivanko elaborately put - fairytale salaries.
Beer was twice as expensive, coke and similar dirnks as well, fuel was around 2 EUR, in Baltics its around 1.50, Hotel was 130 eur per night with sauna and breakfast included right near a ski resort.... Same as Baltics for similar package and location... Everything else about the same or even cheaper... and way tastier (true to God, I am not lying)
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I mean no harm.)
Simply with our salaries of 150 Euros, I can only dream about the old GTX 1050ti to play ETS2 without lags.
But all Ukrainians now have one Top Dream.) We are infinitely grateful for All the help of Sweden and all countries for support this Ukraine Dream.)
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I mean no harm.
Ofc not. Didn't take it as such.
But everytime a tech product is listed as 399(dollar) - over here, we expect 599(euro).
Also our "high" salaries are tax cut by 33-40%
And going out for 1 glass of beer is 10$. Buying 1 kilo of ground beef is 14$
Sweden has never been a monetary paradise where everyone walks around spending for fun. It's a paycheck to paycheck kind of living. We do have free healthcare (yay) But buying tech.. You better be a high income taker, which I am not ^_^
I'll be using my 1060 for years to come.
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Games for ru is still 1/3 from EU prices.( So is it possible to go to other country and by cheaper or ask some one to send it?)
P.s. In Ukraine we have ground beef for $6-7.
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Upgraded to 1070 last year :D Ill be good thanks..
Prices are crazy though.
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Definitely. I remember I was putting together a workstation for my previous workplace around the time covid was active... Had to buy 3070 for almost 1k ............ But we needed it so had to buy anyway.. Current prices even seem almost decent :D
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Same (Zotac Mini), and I also plan on keeping it for a while. I'll play the newer stuff at 720p if need be. 😎
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I couldn't find better information for now
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Me too. People always only consider graphics, but good sound can be equally effective. What would Hellblade be without that amazing sound design. I'd argue sound is more important to that game's atmosphere than graphics by far.
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Meh, even a 4090 isn't powerful enough to really cope with full scene RT, it's very much a tech that's being pushed before its time. Give it five years, next console gen, etc. then likely it'll be beginning to live upto the hype.
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With DLSS and FG you easily get 100+fps. I'd say that's already very playable.
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Depends on the game.
Enable path tracing in Cyberpunk and even with DLSS3 + FG enabled on a 4090 you wont get a stable 60fps.
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Well, I get 100-120fps while running through the city at 3440*1440, and 107fps average in the benchmark (DLSS Quality, FG on). If you're talking about 4k, that will be a bit less, sure. But from what I've seen it should still be around 60 with DLSS Quality and probably very stable 60+ in Balanced, if I'm not mistaken.
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I assumed we're talking about Cyberpunk, since that is the only modern AAA game with (almost) full path tracing. It's also the only game I'm aware of that brings the 4090 to its limits.So I wouldn't say it depends on the game, since there's really only one at the moment. ;)
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oh okay, but I thought FULL ray tracing wouldn't be that "buttersmooth" as you claimed above
EDIT: I checked at GamersNexus "Cyberpunk RT Overdrive Benchmarks, Image Quality, Path Tracing, & DLSS" video and seems that really RT with DLSS+FG can hit 100+ FPS avg (on 4K), yet I had no idea it had separate stuff for path tracing, which also seemed to handle 60+ avg fps (with same settings)
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on one hand it's not all about VRAM, but on another we definitely need it for technological advancements
I really hope that Nvidia's promised VRAM usage reduction software will benefit all - available to all (older Nvidia cards and also Red and Blue teams) plus most importantly easy implementation and great efficiency
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I'm barely managing with my RX570 4GB on low/mid settings in modern games - I could use an upgrade, but at those prices I'd probably just take the risk and buy used or wait some more. Not to mention that with how VRAM-hungry games are nowadays, buying a brand new card with 8GB feels a bit like asking for trouble.
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Still have my tireless rx 580 8GB. I've considered many mid range GPU over the years, from a possible 3060, to more recently RX6700XT
But even within this upcoming new generation, there is no mid range as impressive as Pascal and Polaris were.
These days some games, can't maintain 60fps, on a 580, mostly badly optimized
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If you're still in the return window send it back.
I paid about $550 for a 3060 12GB early last year, wasn't the card I wanted at all but it was all I could get from a real store instead of scalpers at the time (I refuse to buy from scalpers).
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Got a 6900XT to play on 1440p so...I'm set for quite some years.
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Yup, same mindset here, they basically say 8GB is worth 100$ which is bollocks
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the thing is.... RTX 4060 Ti is too weak to run most games on max 1080p anyway, so most of the games will not utilize 16gb. However, if the price difference was smaller you could go for future support
Like AMD 6000s series was crushed by Nvidia 3000 series on release, but after AMD gpu price drops they are better now at the current prices and more Vram :D
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Im sorry but saying "RTX 4060 Ti is too weak to run most games on max 1080p anyway" is just ridiculous, At 1440p, sure, but not at 1080p, maybe without few recent ones, its just to early to say what performance it offers. Still i agree that 100$ just for an extra 8GB of VRAM is bullshit.
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thats one (extreme) example and im sure you can find few more, but still its far from "most games"
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I was using AMD R9 380 2GB until recently, was playing indie games mainly so it wasn't big of a problem but I wanted to try some newer AAA titles also. Found good deal for a new RX 6800 XT and jump in performance was quite significant as you can imagine. :))
Still bottlenecked by CPU but looking forward into it. Was thinking about 7800X3D, 7700X or 13600KF.
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dang, that's upgrade, I remember when I went from GTX 650 to GTX 1660 Ti, which wasn't that impressive upgrade but still finally I could play all games without worrying about VRAM and better yet crank those settings to ultra
you thinking about 7700X as upgrade with your current mobo?
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Thanks for the the thread. I was hyped about this nvidia generation, but waaaay too expensive. 8GB is useless for a new card today
Don't worry about the blacklist. People will blacklist for multiple nonsensical reasons. Let me Whitelist you as compensation.
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I know why I have got about 30-40 from start of Ukraine-Russia war found some russian accounts who were among them
I went to see stats for appro. number, but also saw that it shows 1 blacklist and 0 whitelist for 20th Mar, now I have no idea if stats are adequate
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The announcement of the RTX 4060 Ti 16GB seems to have consequences as owners of a RTX 4070 who are still in a 30 day return window (e.g. Amazon) are starting to send back their cards allegedly.
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Don't buy a 8gb card.. minimum 10-16gb should bw your target. All Nvidia 8gb cards are struggling currently.. I was astonished to see my friends 3060ti getting beaten in Hogwarts legacy by Amd's 12gb card (forgot model) . What is more, texture were not working properly with 3060ti whereas amd card was doing fantastic job at highest settings. Nvidia always treating their customers bad. 3060ti should have 12gb or 16gb ram.
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EDIT: apparently some people just don't like me, have received 4 blacklists since creation of this thread
Fanbois still going with theirs wars
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161 Comments - Last post 55 minutes ago by BerkutS <- more informative page
Same as rumours said earlier
EDIT2: apparently some people just don't like me, have received 8 blacklists since creation of this thread
EDIT3: cheers EmeraldTablet for GamersNexus' video
seeing first benchmarks, even I have to admit that 4060 Ti is not even worth consideration for the performance it offers (maybe only if your GPU is end of life cycle) :P
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