It looks like it's the image for all "gaming" petitions :D
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As a Kiwi that likes gifting, it sucks. Now I can't gift for ****, and I also can't get gifts for games I want that are unavailable here.
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technically you can gift to your friend on your Friend list, you can't keep the item in your inventory. if you want to gift game on steamgift, then buy your key on either humble bundle or bundle star. then you will be able to gift it. not only steam exist.
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Too many games are Steam exclusive with no possibility of key purchases. And no, I can't gift to friends because of regional prices. The only game I got to gift this sale was to someone in Canada. Most of Europe and the United States are right out for me, outside of the games from the occasional publisher that will increase game prices by 50% or more in smaller countries (and for some reason, they aren't companies I'm willing to give money to).
Inventory was also nice since I've often bought games for myself and stuck them in inventory. I've later decided I'm not going to play most of them and used them for giveaways. That is no longer an option.
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No. Only if they are in the same region and the price difference is non-existent.
Basically, the changes fucked everyone from: South America, Australia, Canada, Vietnam, and some places in eastern Europe. Being particularly harsh for any country which doesn't have regional pricing, but still faces the bullshit regional restrictions.
It also negatively impacts everyone who likes to buy games ahead of time and distribute them at their leisure, i.e. people using this site, and everyone who would have gotten gifts from friends from the cheaper countries.
Yeah, people don't have to use Steam. that's not the point.
I can't see how fewer options and higher prices, is a change good for consumers.
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Probably should have made, gotten it trending, and gathered support for the boycott during a time that actually mattered... like during the steam summer sale.
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"This is not just petition, we have a way, how to get the goal. "
But it looks like "just a petition". (Also you should link the petition and not the signiture site:
The name of the creator of the petition is not even viewable.
Why should this petition work but not the old ones?
Like this or this:
And like others claimed, after we all spend all our hard earned money on steam, this is a bit late ;)
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Yeah, I did an error with link, wrong Ctrl+C. :(
I used Cnahge and don't recommend this. Because Change divide on regions. For example, Russian users don't find these petitions. Also, watch the date. It's insiders. They just will close the petition after some time.
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Maybe just downvote Valve games? Its helped with Paradox and Take-Two)
Its just a fun suggestion, dont take it too serious
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Doubt they will ever return to the gaming business for that to matter
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Sure, lets just wait for after the sale...but man will i be pissed, after i buy these games ofc!
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valve is giving a fuck on those petitions...
you think like they wouldnt make money if a few will boykott them
even people who sign in will still buy
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@m0j Nah the people who buy those game should research the game or even look a littlebit of gameplay before buying the game. they just buy impulsively and ask for refund because it wasn't their kind of game.... technically its the customers fault, i never had a problem with any game i bought because i took the time to look at some review of the game or look on youtube to see if the game is my type of game if not then i don't buy. we are just spoiled and buy for no reason. steam is not the problem here.
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In comparison to the amount of people that use Steam, and the low prices during the sale, that's not a lot. Most games don't have demos, so they're probably just testing those games out.
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petitions are for politic, not economy
over 13 millions users are always during the same time online
and you think it will something happen when a few hundred sign in and 99% of them still buying there?
even when 1 million boycott, before the gifting restriction the russian gifters sold stuff for under 10 euro what cost normally 60 euro in west europe
they are making money, they dont care about your petition
and you dont know if its from valve or the publishers
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Mhhh, how do you know that valce leaves a big amount of money with that?
They for sure will have looked at the numbers of sold items (and how they where bought) from previous sales and decided upon that what they will make.
or do you really think they would have restricted the gifting that way if they would lose money with that?
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Because history repeats, situation like with autentification (Before I knew active exchangers and was too, used market, now many leave that, ucliding me). I spent on gifts more money than for myself, often didn't buy nothig for myself, because friend sent a gifts to me. This sale I spent nothing, many friends too. I like send gifts in the rights time (Birthday, Holidays). I could use gifts as prizes for events and know other people with big community. Valve has deprived this feature. "Send later" feature is madness, for masochist.
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then buy the prize on bundlestar/humble bundle etc. like there isn't only steam on this planet. by removing the gifting feature help alot of the indie company, because resellers makes money on their back. which for me i don't approve. (i hate resellers)
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You didn't understand. Did you buy a gifts for several friends before? I did.
I have several friends with suddenly different dates of Birthdays. Earlier I could by one step buy many gifts and send to Birthdays. Today I can't. Now I must find a dates of each Birthdays and set up individually for each. This is madness and waste of time. I need a time for more usefull things than purchases in Steam.
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They might bring it back if people started boycotting sites and people who were reselling gifts instead, they were the reason Valve had to change gifting system after all. ¯\(ツ)/¯
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There were over 125 million active steam accounts in 2015... so you'd have to get at least a couple of million people who normally spend money on Steam to stop doing that in order to even be noticeable on Valve's balance sheets. Good luck...
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That doesnt matter.... over 125 million active accounts in 2015.... 2013 it was only 65 million
so you can roughly say in 2017 we have ~175-200 million....even if 50-75 million are non-active or multiaccounts
100million vs lets say 5.000-10.000 people and re-seller who are really pissed because of the change....thats fucking nothing
0,005-0,01% .... and it must be said that the majority can still gift as always
I assert that at least 90%+ Have their friends in the same country where they live and even if not it does not make much sense to send your Russian friend for example game if you sit in the EU .... I wouldnt do it^^
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I was tempted to buy at least 1 game on summer sale but I didn't. It will be inevitable at some point
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I'm sorry, but online petitions are a waste of time. Get together a petition with 5,000 signatures and most companies will not even register, or at most will ignore it. If you can get the same number of people to hand write letters addressed to the company's head office, complaining about the issue, you will get noticed.
It all comes down to how much people want something. Most really can't be arsed when it comes to taking any sor t of meaningful action.
These petitions are worthless, since any joker can take 30 seconds to tap their keyboard/mouse a few times. It takes a whole lot more effort and motivation to do something tangible, and a deluge of mail at head office would certainly spark some sort of a reaction, even if it's simply anger at a bunch of wingnuts wasting staff time and getting over-excited about some aspect or other of your business.
I don't mean to be a dick. I do, however, despair at the recent trend for online petitions as a lazy and ineffectual way of feeling like you're making a difference and saying your piece. What happened to good old bra burning and chaining yourself to fences to make your point?
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How many petitions was signed by you? I signed about 100 for 3 years. 20 has got positive result, others I didn't check. Your words sounds like you surrendered before it started. Yeah, you told about good idea with letters. Here works one man. He can't do all in one moment. But if you want to do your words not only words, welcome, I'll support you.
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8,477 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by crez3088
Maybe you know that Valve has presented a new (gift) system. Briefly: gifts doesn't exist anymore. There are many people who didn't accept these changes. Only on the news page more 2500 negative comments.
That has came by reason to inform and unite people for the joint goal. We are not just waiting Valve's answer. We suggest the way how to get the goal. And anybody may participate in this, if you are patiented and perseveranced enough. You may find more information (manifest, our groups, supporters, opinions and e.t.c.) by using a hashtag #ValveBoycott4Gifts
Watch the manifest:
Official Valve's post:
Important update!
If you has told about #ValveBoycott4Gifts in your groups, tell me about that and group will be added in supporters list.
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