Game of Thrones sixth season has ended with epic scenes, now we wait 12 months.

8 years ago*

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You should probably tag this thread title with "GoT spoilers," as they are inevitable to follow. Some folks (like me) are working and can't watch until tomorrow.

8 years ago*

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Wrong thread for hate comments ;) Forgive me my bad joke.

8 years ago

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I didn't spoil anything.

8 years ago

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He's saying other users might in their replies.

8 years ago

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Well, it's not my problem if they do, why would he continue reading the comments when he sees this is a GoT related thread?

8 years ago

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Its like saying its not my problem if someone is starving.
Yes, it might not be your problem, but if a small effort on your part can prevent issues for someone else you should consider doing it.
If nothing else, it is the polite thing to do.

8 years ago

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If some dude keeps hitting himself in the head with a bat, should I step in and make some small effort to stop it?

8 years ago

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Yes, you could at least ask what is wrong or if he needs help.

8 years ago

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If some dude is eating McDonald's Big Macs every day 3 times a day, should I step in and make some small effort to stop that as well?

8 years ago

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Are you asking seriously or not?

If in your opinion somebody might need help, be it because of reason A or B, you should help him. If you think that this guy needs your help, you should do so as well, although it might turn out that you're in need instead - of a doctor.

It's really not that hard to determine whether somebody might be in need or not.

8 years ago

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If someone is stupid and they don't look at the clear signs or just keep doing whatever pleases them, there isn't much you can do. While helping people is a good thing, you can't help everybody and to say that you need to jump in and help everyone is just ignorant. You can't and in a lot of situations you won't.

In the situation with the thread title being Game of Thrones itself, it's pretty obvious that there will most likely be spoilers about the show if people are going to talk about the show. There is no need for a [spoiler] tag. That's like putting the "HOT" label on a mug of coffee. Its only there for liability reasons because people are stupid. There is no liability here so no need for a tag.

8 years ago

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I wasn't referring to this thread in any of my replies. I answered your question.

If some dude keeps hitting himself in the head with a bat, should I step in and make some small effort to stop it?

Whether you can or can't help is totally different thing which is out of your control. The question is if you should help the guy, and the answer is yes.

8 years ago

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Er.. Yes.
That would be the right thing to do.

8 years ago

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When someone hits himself with a bat, usually that happens because he didn't found other target.

So, don't touch unless you know how to defend yourself.

8 years ago

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I just got my mental health first aid certificate today. I am also gonna be a registered nurse by the end of this year, and mental health is where my interests lie. Im just telling you this so you know that I do have the background to talk about it.

Basically people don't self harm because they cannot find other people to harm. While I must say hitting yourself with a bat isn't something I would envision in a typical self harm scenario, I would still expect people to try and help the man. If it isn't safe then you ask other people to help or call 911 or equivalent in your country and ask for help. You don't just let someone suffer saying that it's got nothing to do with you and it's not your problem.

8 years ago

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"You don't just let someone suffer saying that it's got nothing to do with you and it's not your problem. "

You did not understand the world at all.
If something is wrong, then you HAVE to say "NOT MY PROBLEM LALALAL" asap and run away. After this it is essential to suppress the problem and to get it out of your active mind. And if anybody asks "Why didn't you help?" afterwards, it is your duty to say "What? I did not see anything."

8 years ago

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Can you see? I already made the all effort I can do, look at the title, and my original post contains no spoilers. I am not responsible for anyone getting spoiled.

8 years ago

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I think you misunderstand me. Your post is fine. You even changed the title to reflect that there might be potential spoilers, which is good. My post was just in response to your post saying it's not your problem. I was just pointing out that sometimes even when its not your problem, its good to fix things.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Noting the possibility of spoilers is important though. You don't want someone to wander into the thread and find out Hodor was killed without warning them.

8 years ago

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Have you seen the title?

8 years ago

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Since almost every is killed off sooner or later, not sure this is a real spoiler :-p

8 years ago

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at this point it's almost a bigger spoiler to say someone is still alive

8 years ago

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LOL! Truth!

8 years ago

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Hodor died? :(

8 years ago

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House Mormont remembers, North remembers.

The King in the North!

8 years ago

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White wolf.

8 years ago

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I'm pretty sure Lady Mormont could take Arya 1v1.. that little girl is a bad ass!!

8 years ago

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well I don't know much about her training military, seems she knows some of that, she is more a strong diplomat with an avid brain and a mouth like truck driver

8 years ago

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Isn't she just!

8 years ago

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So, it seems like now we have 2 White Wolves. Geralt and a certain bastard... Cool.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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I understand they set a lot of things up for the final season but... Season Six just gave me the worst case of blue balls...

8 years ago

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Arya Stark, Master Assassin! :D

8 years ago

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I knew it was her when she looked at Jaimie that way.

8 years ago

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Oh no, the poor TV watchers have to wait 12 months! The drudgery!

8 years ago*

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It's less than 10 months actually.

8 years ago

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Oh no², they will keep crying when they got spoiled by the books! The irony!

8 years ago

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I'd like to read the 7th book honestly.

8 years ago

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we know that feel bro

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I really liked this season finale. Im still hating what they did to Margaery though. She was so important last season and seemed like she had a good plan to get out of King's Landing. Besides that.. well.. KING IN THE NORTH ❤

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Yeah her ending seemed kind of abrupt...

8 years ago

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Same. I wish Margaery and Loras didn't die.

8 years ago

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I'm kinda hoping Jaime will finally put a stop to Cersei's insanity.
Still can't believe she destroyed the whole quarter/sept with bloody Wild fire.

8 years ago

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the mad queen :)

8 years ago

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I was expecting another use of the wildfire since Tyrion used in battle of black waters.

8 years ago

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yeah, and The King in the North is actually Danerys's half-brother... interesting!

8 years ago

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Wouldn't he be Danny's nephew? Because Lyanna was raped by Danny's older brother

8 years ago

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I guess I don't know my GoT genealogy well enough!

8 years ago

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Such a satisfying episode Arya and Cersei bits especially
R+L=J confirmed

8 years ago

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Well that was intense and made me want the entire 7th season to be out right now. Fu waiting!

8 years ago

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rip kings landing

8 years ago

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Who shot J.R.?

Oh, sorry - wrong soap opera.

8 years ago

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Tommen really gave a new meaning to Kings Landing

In, all seriousness, Tommen's suicide was extraordinarily symbolic. Tommen was bullied by his brother until he died, at which point he took the throne. He was immediately being manipulated by Tywin. Shortly thereafter he was manipulated by Cersei, then he was manipulated by Marj and finally manipulated by the high sparrow. He never made a single play of his own free will, he was always a pawn for another player. Despite being controlled by Marj and the High Sparrow, he truly loved his wife, and loved his faith. In one fell swoop, his mother took everything he loved away from him. Tommen's suicide wasn't out of despair. It was his final move that he made of his own volition. Cersei loves her children more than anything and Tommen knew that. Cersei took everything from him, so he took everything from her. It was the first move he truly made on his own.

Also, Natalie Dormer in her hottest scene yet :)

RIP Dean-Charles Chapman The only person to die twice in Game of Thrones!

Not even Sean Bean Achieved that.

To the people who dont know he played Both Tommen and Martyn Lannister who Lord Karstark killed.

8 years ago

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This King's Landing joke is popping all over the internet.

Tommen really hammered home the point that sitting on the Iron Throne does not guarantee power. It was truly pathetic how easily he was manipulated. Eventually, he decided to put himself out of his misery.

8 years ago

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The look on Cersei's face when she knew Tommen died, she was like: "Oh well, I expected that, a little grief isn't bad, NOW THE THRONE IS MINE".

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago*

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well jumped of his own volition but same difference... and Cersei is definitely "mad" in the true sense of the word

8 years ago

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Does anyone else get the idea that Tyrion loves Daenerys?

When they are sitting together, Tyrion tells her that many men have loved her and many will do so in the future. He almost expects her to take the hint that he loves her, but she misses it completely leaving him embarassed for a moment. The way he looks at her when delivering that line seems to hint that as well.

8 years ago

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I've noticed that as well. Poor Tyrion, at least this time he didn't love a whore.

8 years ago

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No way imho

8 years ago

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No. It's no secret half of Essos wants to slip in those panties, I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it.

8 years ago

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He is loving that he finally gets to advise someone truly powerful that actually listens to him and frankly, who wouldn't fall for her?

8 years ago

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True. It's only that Tyrion has learned hard lessons about love too many times, so he should be the one man in Westeros that can resist her charms.

8 years ago

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Awesome episode, Rip David Bradley another awesome actor to leave the show. I bet Arya is going to kill Cersei next season.

8 years ago

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This episode is bullshit...I've been in King's Landing aka Dubrovnik today and I didn't see the explosion :P
Though I saw the filmset for a TV show called Knightfall.

Naah, I enjoyed this episode a lot, too bad we now have to wait nearly a year again.

8 years ago

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Why not a scene about the Brotherhood without banners?

8 years ago

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Because they're not that important in the show without LSH.

8 years ago

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Then why reintroduce them for a couple of scenes after so many seasons?

8 years ago

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Loved the episode, not as good as episode 9, but still great. I think Bran's power is a bit of a let down, but oh well. At least Jon might finally know who his mother was and who is (a Starkgaryen :D). I think King's Landing and the Lannisters are doomed. Like fuck, in that final scene Daenerys also has Martell and Tyrell ships. So that means she has those two, the Greyjoys, the Dothraki, the Second Sons, the Unsullied AND the three dragons on her side.

I think there's a chance Jaime will kill Cersei? I think he will finally realise just how evil she really is. She did exactly what he was preventing Aerys, "the Mad King", from doing. Which is burning the city centre to the ground and everyone with it... (RIP Margaery, you deserved way better :() And I have a feeling it's just going to go downhill from there... "the Mad Queen"?

Also, I keep hearing that there's only 13 episodes left? (next season has 7 episodes, last season has 6 episodes) which I hope is not the case, but it would be understandable. They can't really introduce many new characters this late into the story. Plus they're running out of source content? At least the episodes won't have much filler, and WILL be packed with action and drama.

8 years ago*

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I hate so much GoT fanbase, doing stupid theory instead of waiting and just watch as normal -nonvirgin- people do. Also, overrated piece of crap.

8 years ago

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I genuinely hate what they did to Margaery. It's understandable, but I still hate it.

I'm trying my best to find a new favorite character :/ Daenerys is cool of course, but I need more to hang on to.

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Meetrock.