Are you tired of chopping with the conventional knife?
Do you need a holiday?
Have you been blacklisted?
Have you had enough of those crazy diets?
Well, you're in luck...
I have no idea where I was going with that, so let's just get straight to it. :)
If you're just here for the train, then by all means, step right up.

For those who are willing to read my Monday morning drivel:
I decided to make this train because of the build up of guilt over the past while. I've won quite a number of games, most of which are bundled rejects, but still, they all count. I haven't made any in just over two months now, so it's been a long time coming.
While there's no excuse for my bad behaviour, there has been quite a lot going on this year.
For starters, I haven't had much time to take the time to create GAs, as I started new work at the end of last year, which has gone from busy to insane as the months went by. I started the year with 5 projects going reasonably well, when they were all taken away from me by the end of March and given new projects. After coming back from my leave in July, those projects too were taken away and I was given one new product to launch within the space of two months, which is crazy in my line of work and IT delivery schedule. What's more frustrating is that the projects I started the year off with were added to my list of deliverables, which affect my bonus at the end of the financial year. As it stands, I haven't delivered any products as yet, and I have had no indication from management how they'll resolve the issue of them having removed all my work and replaced with new products twice during the same period. They've made changes to the performance outputs, which means, as it stands, I'll not be entitled to any increase or bonus come year end. I'm grateful to have this job and doing reasonably well by normal standards, but it's just worrying in the current climate of the lack of job security when I'm trying everything I can to get as much work done as possible only for it to be removed on a whim due to some or other internal political struggles between executives and the likes.
This brings me onto my second point. Money has been tight all year. I have a feeling it might be that way for a while. I've recently started some work in my spare time, which is already at a minimum, and hopefully make some extra on the side with it. I've already done work for one client, but after showing them the work I did, they were very happy, but then dropped off the face of the earth when it was time to pay. It's worse given that I've had some history with the client, so I thought I could trust them to make the payment, even after they had accepted my quote before I started work, which in effect, wasted 3 weeks of my time in the end.
Thirdly, my gaming has gone from bare minimum to almost zero now. This as a result of my PC having shorted out at the beginning of the year, and slowly deteriorated as the months went on. My motherboard now only has two of the four working RAM ports, so I'm down to 4GB RAM, with a few HDDs having also to be plugged out. The worst of this happened just last week when my graphics card finally crashed, which now means I will have no real gaming for the foreseeable future. Given my circumstances above, I have no spare cash to pay for replacement of motherboard and my graphics card. Sigh.
Lastly, it's this. I proposed to my fiance about two years ago now. It's been a long time coming and a long road still ahead. As you'll no doubt have guessed, we're not in the best of positions to plan a wedding, and not actually sure we're going to do one at all. Our plan, for the moment, is to try and save a reasonable amount for us to go directly on a week-long honeymoon sometime next year, and get married wherever it is that we choose. This will save significantly on costs overall. In addition to that, she's still studying at this point, and has another two years to go still before we're more secure financially when she starts working. So there's light at the end of the tunnel. I'm happy we are in a position where she is able to study, and we're really fortunate that we are able to live off one salary for the time being. She recently found some work in filming concerts at a kindergarten and has promised to give me all the money she makes from the 5 shoots at the school she's assisting. She stated that she wanted to contribute some cashflow towards a replacement PC, and while the money she'll make will only cover a motherboard and RAM for now, that's a brilliant gesture on her behalf, and really am moved by it. :)

I was thinking of cancelling my HB Monthly to save on some costs, but I worked out that even if I did, it will take me more than five years to save enough for a decent replacement PC. I don't feel that it's worth it in the end, so have decided to keep that subscription, both so I can have a steady flow of a few games trickling in, and also have the opportunity now and again to give back to the SG community, which has been great to me over the years. I've thought on and off about removing myself from the forums, (stopping my entries to GAs and stop creating them too), but I feel like I'll be losing some part of me that has been enjoyable for quite some time, and with some really good people as well. I'm not really close with anyone here, although I do feel I enjoy a few chats and discussions with certain people, some of which have been the best interactions for some potentially heated debates, but has not ended that way. For this, I'm grateful, I truly am. Thanks SG.

Ooph, that was quite a bit to cover.
TL;DR - having some troubles, will continue to be part of SG, and big thanks.

Edit: Thanks all for your kind words and encouragement. Much appreciated. Apologies if I wasn't able to get to each and every one.

7 years ago*

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First Bump!

7 years ago

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Hope things take a turn for the better soon, tnx for the train.

7 years ago

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Thanks for reading. :)

7 years ago

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We all need to let some stuff off our chests sometimes.

7 years ago

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I wasn't expecting to write this much...didn't realise how much has piled up this year alone...still going strong.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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wall-of-text beump ;)

7 years ago

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No time to read now, have a bump in the meantime

7 years ago

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bookmark bump

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hope your PC hangs on a bit longer 🙂
Good luck with everything else and thanks for the ride! 👍


7 years ago

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Still able to watch some series and movies, but can't do high-end 1080p any longer.
Cross fingers it goes the distance.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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mondays suck

7 years ago

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Hehe...true that.

7 years ago

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Your situation kinda sucks and I hope everything will be ok in the end.
Thank you for the giveaways :)

7 years ago

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Thanks for the reply. :)

7 years ago

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No my thoughts are mine. And sometimes dark.

Seriously if money is low, get rid of the humble monthly, you got enough games to last a while.

7 years ago

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Yeah I know I have enough games, but I want to also be active in the community. Maybe I'll just downgrade to one or two weekly bundles.

7 years ago

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hope your troubles will somewhat turn into opportunity! :)

7 years ago

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вuмp 🚃

7 years ago

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Hopefully your computer woes are a thing of the past!

Is there a specific place you plan on taking your Honeymoon, or is the location still to be determined?

I do hope that you're able to find a job that will give you lots of hours, financial stability, and good benefits (which is a great thing to have nowadays!).

Take care, and have a great day!:)

7 years ago

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Thanks Shadowshiv. :)
No specific plan as yet for honeymoon location, just an idea to save on cost for now, while still making it memorable.
Exchange is rubbish, at x14 to the dollar. So have to find a place where currency is lower than ours to make it worthwhile and not penny pinch on honeymoon too.
Also, I'm happy with my job, just not happy with management and how they deal with things. But maybe it is time to move on. Just don't want to look like a floater that isn't committed.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks for the train! I'm sure your situation will get better soon!

7 years ago

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Thanks. :)

7 years ago

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You have almost as awesome girlfriend as me ;) Good luck with everything, buddy!

7 years ago

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Nice. Makes it all worthwhile in the end. Thanks. :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Ph03n1xSA.