Will you buy any of the new PlayStation releases?
it can't run PS4 exclusives! surely the main reason a PC gamer buys a console is the exclusives. extra pay for online is a joke for steam users!
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You know how Steam does sales? Turns out that isn't exclusive to Steam, you utter fool. If you are going to complain, at least don't make up what you complain about.
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PSN flash sales (happens once a month) have included a number of sales focuses on $1 games. I don't know what they have included for PS4 during those sales though, I only bought PS3 games at the time. Didn't have a PS4, still don't, though my current flatmate had one I could use. Shame I'm moving in a couple of weeks.
Used games are also something you can get after a bit of time, I've saved quite a bit that way. While I'm not sure on Overwatch (I don't play such games so never checked the price), I got my copy of Bloodborne about 80% off the retail price. :P
Sales are good on more than just Steam.
I don't care if people prefer their PC, I have a problem with people acting like everything else is terrible, expensive and other 'reasons' that don't actually match the truth.
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I've looked into buying consoles many times, and the problem is always the same: there's no market for it where I live. Games are expensive, and the offer is very small, even for first-hand games, let alone used.
Dunno about PSN sales though. Will look into that.
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Get a US PSN (or another) account and import games from the UK or other EU markets when there are good sales. That's what I did for a while, but really haven't even turned on the console for a long while already. PC is where I have everything, console is where I have a few other extras.
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Indeed, I can understand the issue with lack of physical games in your area. There is still importing as an option, and using multiple accounts from different regions on a single system. A PAL account, a US account and possibly a Japanese account. PS3 had one region locked game you would need to avoid (Persona 4 fighting game), not aware of any on the PS4 though.
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Isn't that the antithesis of the console experience though? There are few exclusives I would go through all that hassle for, and they don't justify the price of the console.
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I play games to have fun. Sometimes the games I want to play aren't available here. Cheap is preferred, which is why I'll buy on good PSN sales or used, but I'll spend extra for the right games. Got some US stuff imported late last year, and got some PS2 and Gamecube games to be coming soon (delayed until after I've moved, so I can give an address)
Also, I tend to get my consoles later. I got my PS3 after the PS4 came out, for example. The last system I bought when there wasn't a nicer (and more expensive) version out was the original PS2 I bought back in 2003. And even that was used. :P
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flash sales only happen in the "US", in the EU we don't get flash sales. right now in the Psn EU store lego batman 3 for 13 euro, injustice for 15 euro, dark souls 2 for 15 euro, transformers devastation for 13 euro; all of these games are more expensive in the PC and you are getting an inferior edition that is not compatible with forward consoles; the only game that had an ok price was wolfenstein which was 8 euro (2 euro cheaper then in steam)
I have no interest in used games as they don't directly support the DEVs (which is the only reason i buy games, if my money isn't going to the devs i'd probably pirate it).
In the EU it's really hard to get games with higher discount than 60%, most games in the PSN also have a higher base price (10-20 euros more expensive then the PC version), we also don't have a black friday; in the EU consoles are MUCH more expensive then having a PC.
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Correction, Flash sales on happen on the US PSN store, which anyone can use simply by making a US account. The only problem then is adding credit to the account, though Amazon US sells gift cards without adding their own cut to the price. I really do recommend making a US account for their sales.
Also, god damn, your prices suck since I can get them significantly cheaper here in New Zealand, I paid NZ$18 / US$13 for DS2, and Injustice had been lower as well though I bought that so long ago that I forget the price other than it being cheap enough to own on two systems. Rather than those being an issue with Sony, I'd say they are an issue with whoever is setting the prices there.
As for used games, I tend to do it for titles that otherwise keep their price 'new', or aren't on PSN in the first place. I share accounts with my youngest brother, so PSN purchases help him.
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"anyone can use simply by making a US account. "
Sony really should say this when we create a PSN account. the truth is is that i created the EU account to use PS+, took me 2-3 years to find the above, but after that i didn't want to waste the Ps+ games and what i had bought.
"As for used games, I tend to do it for titles that otherwise aren't on PSN in the first place". This is a good reason that i forgot!! my fault.
Sony and microsoft also ofefr much worse "services" over here, the only apps i can have on PS3 are netflix, spotify and one more app i don't remember. Portugal netflix has a much much smaller selection then the US version but we still pay the "same" (assuming 1USD=1euro which wasn't true for quite a while)
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Microsoft gaming services sucked **** down here unfortunately. I had a 360 for several years and never saw a single digital sale in all that time in my region. Sony is a lot better. :)
I have Netflix, which I pay NZ$16 for with their highest tier, which I think might convert to less than the US highest tier price, but I'm sure we are missing stuff as well. Doesn't bother me though, I only have it for family, since mum still pays everything by going into the bank and doing deposits for her bills, which Netflix doesn't accept. :P
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Lies! PSN has had some awesome sales over the years I've been using it. Not much to the level of the constant Steam bundles, since only the recent Capcom PSN bundle has happened, but regular sales have had plenty of great deals. The $1 flash sales are awesome, and even regular sales have had games discounted up to 80% off.
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I have both PAL and US accounts for my games (and a JP account, but that has only a single game). I've found good sales on both stores, so I'll buy games on both of those.
Disc copies can be had cheaper though, if you are willing to hunt around. I'd never deny that. Used sales are awesome if you have decent stores around. :)
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I'm still waiting for those great sales for GTA V, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Far Cry Primal, and those old EA Games like Dead Space that never go down $5 even 10+ years later.
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GTA V is one of the few games that hasn't had a good sale on Steam.
Rise of the tomb raider is/was cheap in the windows store.
Far cry primal was cheap in uplay.
While both haven't had a good sale in steam, i doubt PSN (eu version) has made it much cheaper (the base price is bigegr in PSN)
Most old EA games have been bundled or are very cheap; The base game is cheaper on steam then PSN.
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We are talking about steam, no one likes other platforms -.-
And that's exactly my point, the GOOD games never get a good sale.
Dead Space was in a bundle 3 years ago... and doesn't seem to be on a bundle anytime soon.
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First, neither dead space nor far cry primal receive any discount during PSN summer sale here you can check here. If you wanted to buy those games without sale they are cheaper on PC; that said dead space was 2,49 euro on the last summer sale.
second GTA V was with less discount on PSN then steam because of only having bundles with the shark cards while in steam you could buy the base game (thanks to the internet complains on PC).
thirdly Rise of the tomb raider can't be bought on PSN. So "technically" PC is cheaper.
Aldo don't be a weird person and say:
the GOOD games never get a good sale.
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I don't care about PSN sales, I'm talking about steam Sales.
Steam is good for pc, we get good discounts in some games but IS NOT PARADISE.
Plus just because you don't agree with my opinion doesn't make me a weird person. :)
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the comment you answered was comparing prices from PSn to steam. If you live in europe PSN does NOT have good enough sales when compared to steam/uplay/gog/origin, etc. So i thought you were talking about that.
Steam is PARADISE since it's much cheaper then any other platform outside of PC, PSN and xbox live until the advent of steam barely had any sales (most being 20-50%), even today PSN and xbox live will rarely go below the 60% discount while steam regurly goes to -75% discount AND the base game price is lower on steam then PSN/XBOXlive.
Plus just because you don't agree with my opinion doesn't make me a weird person
It makes you a weird person because you are hyperboling/lying about something to make your point across, I actually like most games you mentioned but having a dead space sale a few months ago and knowing most games on steam get heavy sales then saying
the GOOD games never get a good sale.
Makes you feel like an hypocrite, first you say there aren't any good sales and use dead space as an example when it was in a bundle and had a sale a few months ago when it didn't had any sale in PSN. We both know far cry primal will also have a good sale in a future because of the way far cry 3/4 are decreasing in price.
The only game you mention that can kinda support your argument is GTA V but it's just 1 game out of thousands that have good sales on steam, so either you are saying GTA V is the only good game on steam or you are just being ignorant to make your point across. Even slitherine games have SALES on steam; mate you heard that right! slitherine having sales and bundles.
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This is my last comment to you, Dead Space at $2.50 is NOT a good sale, it was in the Humble Origin Bundle Tier 1, the most the game should cost by now is $1, is an 8 year old game.
You wrote: " Can I get a few EA games for 1 buck for Ps4?" neither you can on PC.
Think of me as a weird person, even if you haven't noticed I don't care.
And btw you were talking about Release price not 3-4 years later price.
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This is my last comment to you
I guess i stepped on your toes, sorry for speaking the truth.
my mistake on
Can I get a few EA games for 1 buck for Ps4?
I should have wrote: "Could i get a few EA games for 1 buck for PS4?"; my point is there are "NO" bundles for PS4 (in europe), Delta like the intelligent person he is got the meaning and correctly defended that the US prices are far better the european and in this respect he is correct. My lie is because i don't pratice english enough not because my "point is a lie" like your are: if your comment wasn't a lie and hyperbolic you would have just linked a PSN/xbox live blog with the sale price and the isthereanydeal site to compare prices in those games, The reason you didn't do that was because you KNOW that are being hyperbolic.
That said ,mate, your comments don't make much sense
those old EA Games like Dead Space that never go down $5 even 10+ years later.
[they just did in steam in the few months]
And btw you were talking about Release price not 3-4 years later price.
[yet in the comment above you said they don't decrease in price for 10+ years]
I don't get you at all, I would ask you to reword your argument because i'm confused as fuck but since you said it was the last comment i guess i can't expect more.
I don't get if you are saying that PSN sales are better then steam sales or are saying steam doesn't have "good enough sales"; both of which are arguments that aren't true in Europe.
But i'd give you the benefit of the doubt and maybe you actually are talking about something else and i'm just missing the point.
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It might be getting to the point where I'll pick up a cheap PS4. My PC is my primary gaming machine, it would be ONLY for the worthwhile PS4 exclusives. I don't really care about the Pro as my PC is already a better machine. But hey, new models mean price drops on the old. It would be nice to play Uncharted 4
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I'll inevitably have to get one because of KH3 so might as well get the pro if the performance is more stable, still underwhelmed by it though. Wish it was a universal 1080p/60 device instead of an upscaled 4k/30 for most games that aren't cod.
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they have stated that if the devs wanted they can go for 1080p60. the only requirements the devs have are that the games can not be lower then 1080P resolution.
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I'll do the upgrade eventually. Don't see myself doing 4K gaming nor VR anytime soon so there is no need for me to get it atm. That and my current PS4 has P.T. and I'm never letting it go.
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lol no, that money is better served on PC upgrades or savings for a new rig.
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With extra hardware that will cost as much as the console itself.
So PC gets VR hardware for free? I had no idea! :-p
But seriously, your argument doesn't really make sense, considering that PSVR is cheaper than its PC counterparts. Oculus and Vive already stagnate, Playstation VR should help getting VR more attention.
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Of course, my argument wasn't related to the price of the VR equipment, but to the hardware that will run it.
With a PC, you could always upgrade to stronger parts to get better VR performance, but with a console, you're stuck with whatever hardware the manufacturer chose (and if it doesn't work well, you're screwed).
And a disclaimer: when I say "#pcmasterrace", I don't mean to say consoles are bad (although their manufacturers are).
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Same as PC... The 'power' of PC is dependant on your budget.
VR users: 0.18%
Other resolution (also 4K): 2,08%
2 cores: 47%; 4 cores: 47%; 8 cores: 0.28%
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I'll get a PS4 soon enough. I got enough exclusive games now that it is worth getting one, just waiting for an acceptable price.
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did they announce the price, consider me surprised if it is around 400$ im expecting around 550$
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I'm too hyped about Forza Horizon 3 coming to PC in 2 weeks to care about PlayStation xD
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I still play most of my games in 720p, so the higher resolution doesn't matter to me at all. When I finally buy a PS4, I'll just go for the slim (still a lot of exclusives I'm interested in)
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So Sony has just announced the PS4 Pro and PS4 Slim (link).
The PS4 Slim is a replacement for the original PS4 and has a thinner, lighter body. Also an updated controller. Available 15 September.
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