Hello , I'm interested in joining , i qualify , i was very struck by the fact that they have a paguina own and are governed by a system of points and achievements , I think porder provide more of a good non-bundle game :) I am looking forward to your response
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Stole the formatting from other applications but I think this makes it a lot cleaner :3
We're looking for members who.. | I am.. |
Fulfill all of our requirements (rules) | ..fulfilling all of them, yes! |
Like our group concept | ..in love with it. When I first noticed the website and all, I was like: OMG, this is exactly what I would like to do if I was a group owner, had too much time and more knowledge in coding :D The achievements, the shop (with the avatars and stuff, aww) - love it! That alone wants me to join and give gifts to the group, not even thinking much about winning any :0 |
Enjoy winning and giving away games in a nice, small group of friends | ..an |
Being active in our Touhou group chat will be a plus | ..not sure if I can promise that, I think I will never be active due to time management but maybe dropping by from time to time to see what's going on. Or if there's an event going on I guess it would be easier to talk about in chat, but I'm not really chatting on Steam in general. |
Being "recognized" on SG forums will be a plus | ..not in the position of judging that. |
Having good ratio of giveaway won/created on SG will be a plus | ..having a 6.3 ratio, I think that's good. My profile looks like crap right now with all the bundle games but I decided to slow down with trading and just giving away all my spare keys to the public. My real CV sent is still worth checking in case of uncertainty, the non-bundled CV is way higher than the bundled one :) |
A recommendation from our member will be a plus | ..hoping there's some that would recommend me. ೭੧(❛▿❛✿)੭೨ I definitely "know" some of you and know I'm on their whitelist for example so uh.. Oh that reminds me of that Madumius let me know about the last open recruitment in November and encouraged me to apply but at that time I was new in other groups and didn't want to make it stressful. |
Thanks for taking my application into consideration ヾ(^∇^)
PS: I'm 4 easy achievements away from 100%ing 100% Orange Juice, be aware of me :O You know, you always have to tell weaknesses of yourself in interviews. That doesn't mean I'm losing tons of games still XD
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Well, I'd like to join, dunno if anyone will vouch for me though. But I think that I hit all the requirements.
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Did i read the rules? Yes, point system iis familiar to me from other private groups.
Like the group concept? Yes, its bunch of people making other bunch of people happy, count me in.
Enjoy winning and giving away? My real cv of 3 will say im giving away too much.
Being active in steam chat? Can be, cant promise nothing. last time Ive been there We killed and resurected archibot basicly.
Being recognized? Seems like I do, dont ask me why, im not that fabolous.
Having a good ratio? See above.
A recommendation? This are the people I made some interaction other than thank you with on forums/steam, ask them:
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Hey Archi, I'd like to join too. :3
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Error 525 Ray ID: xxx
SSL handshake failed
I would like to read these rules
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Hello all,
Just two noob questions for all members of private groups, how many real money did you spend to reach level 2+, because I want to join great group like your but I don't satisfied the rules :-( I have not got lot of money nor someone who can provide me free AAA game key.
Second question : lot of gamers have got their steam inventory full of card sets or CS:GO keys, how they do that ? Trading, market exchange, buy, finally that join the first question It's an endless loop ;-)
Sorry if my english is not correct, I will try to improve with your help :-)
Don't blame me if I didn't post in the right section, perhaps I must open a new discussion.
Thanks for your answers, please lead mo to the light (and level 2) ;-)
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Are You New to SteamGifts?
-> List of all CV Levels and their corresponding Real CV + MASTER LIST of ONGOING BUNDLES
for level 2 you need atleast $2
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@1 Well, you have to look at this from another perspective. You want to join grups, but don't want to invest? Why would groups pick you then instead of person who will invest into the group? If you're not willing to invest into the group group itself gets nothing from you being member of it and you're the only one getting something, which is not really fair, because you also lower the chances or other users who do invest their money to get something.
@2 Trading, playing CS:GO/TF2 (what a twist!), idling/farming cards. With the last one it's the simple case of rich becomes richer ;) I for example having a pretty big library, winning quite a lot and getting quite a few bundles keep getting new cards all the time (depending on month, sometimes less, sometimes more, usually at least 5$+ worth of cards per month, this month thou I got 14$ already ;p), then I can use tghese cards to buy even more games for GAs and for myslf, then get even more games which will also give me even more cards and so on and on ;) Heck - since I lost my job at the end of 2015 I stopped really spending my actual real money on GAs, bought just one more expensive bundle since then, and yet simply because of cards, leftovers, systems like tremor, GMG credit and others I was still able to make GAs for 96 games (even if vast majority of them are bundle games) so far this year even while being broke :>
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I really appreciate your answer, I’m impressed by your steam game collection for five years!
To be more precise @1 We can invest not only money to group, can we?
@2 it's clearer, I try to exchange card but there is lot of people who want 1:2 or 1:1+gem with my too litlle collection, it's hard :-( I don't give up...
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Not for your group, as you do this yourself - but for other groups I can imagine (and seen it at least 3-4 times) someone investing their skills - making group page, with intregrated Ga platform, automated ratio checker, group checker etc ;) Or organizing group and running group events ;) But really doing so - not just posting "Let's play XYZ", but organizing tournament for example, keeping tracks of leaderboards, prizes, finding contributors for prizes.
I don't think it's the case here, but yeah - there are other ways to invest yourself into GA group besides making GAs, and I don't mean things like "I can come into your chatroom" ;p
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That's why I asked specifically what he can invest.
I know that there are various ways to help the group, as I'm not doing everything alone in 2hus - I have many friends who invest their time into doing awesome things for the group as well. Thing is, all of that is an extra, hence, even our 2hu chat is an extra, because after all we're giveaway group and every member should follow the same rules, it'd be non-fair if I rewarded e.g. with points members that did not obtain them the same way as everybody else, hence I don't really imagine a situation where we would have one guy who doesn't create any giveaways, yet he keeps winning. I don't know if there is such guy in ANY group, at least in those ratio-based.
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I fully agree, but like you said - there's always this added value ;) You would not keep the guy who doesn't give away anything, but you would keep a guy who gives quite less compared to rest of the group (while also entering and winning less maintaining his ratio) who helps a lot in managing group / organizing group activity ;) And the same if such a guy approached you saying "I won't give much, but also won't be entering a lot, but I will make some other awesome things for you guys." and he had something to back this promise up I imagine you'd be much more willing to invite this guy over someone just saying "I won't give much, but also won't be entering a lot." :>
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@1 Unless you're really skilled in other fields - like capable to make a group automated spreadsheet bot, group website etc there's not much other actual and most important unique value you can offer. Because what? "I'm nice to chat with", "I can play games with you" - there are hundreds of other users who can do the same as well ;) And quite a lot of ones who can also make GAs for the group while doing the same ;p From purelly pragmatical point of view - why would group choose someone who will only take, not give, but can chat and play with them, while they can pick someone who will be able to chat, play but also give away games? :> Ofc it does not mean that whole activity happens in such groups - you have loads of public, not GA-oriented groups you can join (just keep in mind your chances while betetr than in public GAs will still be lower than in any private group), you have forum activities like trains, eventa and puzzles (the last gives you really good chances to win, if you invest your time into them - to get started let me reccomend you my begginer's guide for puzzles: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/TLR8m/zelgh-magic-guide-to-basic-sg-puzzling-update-march-2015) etc.
@2 Considering your library size, you're on lost position. Most of serious card traders are people with thousands of games thus thousands of cards and because of that they can dictate the rules. You with your library size unless you get some really rare foil card for really niche game that is very valuable have no ledge - so at your lib size better avoid getting into trading as finding valuable deals will take you way to much time considering the profit you make. Just sell the cards you farm, gather these little profits and in time you will be able to buy something extra. From your position if you really have no access to any money or job (because maybe you're a minor) and what to contribute nonetheless it's better to inverst your time into offsteam platforms that let you earn games - like writing reviews on GreenManGaming or doing tasks on tremor - it won't be much, but still you can get a free game every now and then :>
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What zelgh said above ^
In addition to that, I know that it may sound kind of weird, but spending 1-2$ monthly on a bundle is really not that much, even if you're extremely poor. If you can afford PC, steam gaming platform, steamgifts and the internet, then you can also afford very cheap bundle with loads of games for giving away.
And there is really no argument against that, if you >wanted< you COULD do that, as somehow you got those games being required to register here. If you can't invest anything into the group - that's fine, nobody forces you to, but don't be shocked that you're on lost position in any ratio-based group.
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well - while I partyially agree (I always said to all these leechers saying they cannot contribute that there are other ways - card farming, GMG credit, tremor, other GA sites allowing regifting etc) you gotta keep in mind that people situation can change and you cannot judge their wealth just by the fact that they have a gaming PC, massive library etc. You have great job, earn above average, can buy games, build a PC, then one day you lose your job and you cannot afford buing lots of games anymore. But you still keep your PC and games you bought before. Or for a minor - then the same scenario but one of the parents lose his/her job. What a person owns shows only how wealthy they used to be, not neccessary how wealthy they are atm. But yeah - even having no monies at all doesn't mean someone is not capable of making GAs nowadays - not with the crazy amount of various ways to earn free tgames over the internet. You won't be able to get GTA5 every week, but some bundle or discounted game every now and then - very easy nowadays compared to just 3-4 years ago.
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Many thanks for taking the time to answer.
At last but not least, I have some money but not too much for gaming ;-), I can participate for giveaways (I think I don't say the contrary) I gave some look at my profile(hum...ok only 12). I'm not a kid but I have got 2 :-) (and there are gamers).
I've got no special skills in development (web or programing), sorry :-(.
Like any other (I think) I just want to convert giveaways in happiness and by the way, can buy far cry 4 with my cards and lastly found some foreign friends.
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Good point
Oh also I play 100% OJ from time to time not that good though
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Well, I feel like I have to try again this time, but I still don't think I'm cool enough yet. Especially since I don't have muneys for much giveaways... I'd probably be able to do a few, maybe enough for a while, but not enough to feel like I was really contributing... If I ever get motivated enough to get a job or something, I'll definitely be ready for this, though.
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Hi, your group sounds great and I think I fulfill all your conditions. Little something about me: I'm a girl, I'm 25, I'm from Poland and I've been looking for a group to giveaway some games and talk with people about games sometimes. I have a disgusting habit of playing few games at a same time ; right now I've just finished Arkham Knight and still haven't finished Dying Light, yet, I am already ten hours into Fallout New Vegas :/ I'd be happy if you have me, greetings guys!
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Yea very smooth and nice try but I'm very much taken ;D you are on my whitelist somehow, I must have seen you at some discussion or something :)
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I think to have understood the rules.
Anyway what are 2hu coins?
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I'm interested ! And very curious about the Touhou Giveaways website.
All I lack, I guess, is some recommendation and maybe being "recognized".
Cheers !
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Hi, I've read the rules and am quite sure that I fullfull the requirements for this group. I'm a casual player from Sweden trying to beat my backlog, but every day my backlog beats me instead. Ive only been here for 3 months but I'm really enjoying this community... I'm very interested in your group as it seems like a fair model.
Since I'm writing this on my phone I can't really look up if any member would be likely to recommend me, but one or two may have participated in one of my puzzles that I've created.
Can do a fancier application if you'd like ^^
If you have any questions, I'll happily answer them asap.
Even if it's about my nickname.... XD
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I've read the rules and I'd love to join your group. I've been making a lot of giveaways lately and I'm pretty active here on the forums in the Deals section.
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Recruitment closed for now
Will be re-opened on as-needed basis
What is Touhou Giveaways?
I don't know, ask ArchiBoT.
The Touhou Giveaways group was founded by Archi on February 18th 2015. We're a small, ratio-based group, sharing the spirit of giving away and winning games on SteamGifts. You might already recognize us from awesome events that we organize from time to time.
We have implemented many unique features into the simple concept of a private giveaway group, and today we are one of the most "technologically advanced" group that exists on SG. The objective is simple: the group should be a nice addition to the SteamGifts community and should require no extra effort from the member.
All group giveaways are tracked by our bot, which automatically adds new giveaways to the database, track winners, calculate points and ratio, detect current/finished giveaways, calculate statistics, and even reward members with our very own touhou achievements! Our group is fully automated, and thanks to that, our members can focus on creating and winning giveaways, instead of being forced to manually add them through the website or post links in a group thread. This way everybody is happy to make giveaways the same way as public or private giveaways, and ArchiBoT does everything else.
To make the precious data gathered by the bot available for the members, we also coded our very own Touhou Giveaways website, which acts as a "frontend" to the data gathered by the bot. Members can check their stats, ongoing giveaways, giveaways won and many other useful information we provide in a nice, fancy and modern way.
We're still actively working on improving our group even further.
We're looking for members who:
This is VIP recruitment thread, which will be opened/closed on as-needed basis. If you're interested in joining, tell us why by writing your application, and we'll get back to you after evaluating it. There's no time-limit now, spots are limited.
Website | Members | Rules | Introduction | Steam group | SG stats
BTW, consider joining us on the chat if you want to get more info, ask a question, or simply talk with us.
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