Uploaders on YT got money from the ads? I assumed it all went to YT itself.
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You thought people like Angry Joe do it because it's a hobby? lol
If you're sufficiently successful, you can make a living from doing youtube videos alone.
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Just gave it a random try on a popular channel...
And these numbers really don't seem like they're in the right ballpark.
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Thanks. Looks like PewDiePie gets huge income thanks to his videos...
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Yea they have a system that works like that.. I had an awesome Spore creature of a Scrab from Oddworld and it got 40,000+ views, however, since I didn't make Spore I couldn't have the ad payments. They are very small amounts but that's why they depend on you to generate massive views on your page.
This is very sad indeed... my son dropped the DS lite and cracked the screen after I had replaced the touch screen myself so I just intend on taking the games into Gamestop and nothing Nintendo has released has interested me since it all has become the expensive console that you buy your child as if that sort of stuff wasn't cheap already they want your kids to have one... I dunno they have just lost their cool for me sometimes when they revisit older games that were epic on Nintendo it has it's moments otherwise nothing has changed.
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wait, so nintendo is taking ad revenue for people who just sit and record themselves playing their games, and this results in your son's gameboy games getting pawned? how does one follow from the other? It doesn't punish nintendo not to keep their games, they already got all the $ they were ever going to see from them the moment a store stocked them on a shelf.
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No body on youtube gets 5 dollars per view. That would be ridiculous for the company paying for the ad. What really determines how much you get paid for an ad view on your video is the demographics of your viewer, not the popularity of your channel. Meaning a US company interested in US customers will pay more for a view from the US than from a view from another county. How popular you are only affects the number of views you get.
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I think it's a typo since he previously said 1-5 $ per 1000 views. He probably means 5$ per 1000 views. Just a thought.
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No, you can. It just means that Nintendo gets your porn-related advertising dollars.
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Well guess what games we wont be seeing any Let's Play anymore... yes you guessed it NINTENDOs. So they basicly are killing free addvertising on youtube just to make some small cash (and by small i mean reaaally small, from what i know one view is like 0,02$).
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The top 10 youtube uploaders account have each made at least $100k+ in ad revenue, so with millions and millions of view hits - you can make truck loads of ad cash. Most just don't have the traffic, but if they take it all... it's like leeching off the traffic others have already established! Those greedy sods will make a huge profit from it.
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meh, not getting the hate, greedy? the people you're pissed on behalf of were making a profit off nintendo's product just by adding a commentary while they played through.
they weren't creating anything or really doing much of anything other than a thin layer as an excuse to make ad $ by having people watch Nintendo's game, so in that scenario I totally get nintendo doing this. How much more do the random youtubers deserve it than the ones who made the game?
Personally I find it odd anybody makes $ off lps...I mute the commentary 9/10ths of the time because they always have such annoying voices and pointless comments anyway.
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Go and make a good quality video then. Play a game well, and record some good, entertaining commentary. Balance the audio, cut out the boring bits, add in some transitions, eliminate any noise from the mike, add in any graphics you want, add in additional video to emphasis a point and then finally produce it. Tell me that is an "easy" thing to do.
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I don't want to get into a full rant here, but LPing is a lot more than simply "adding commentary over gameplay". Most of the time, LPs are probably about 50% production value, 40% commentary and 10% gameplay. Gameplay almost always takes a backseat. The problem with a lot of smaller LP channels is that they do believe that it is all just "adding commentary over gameplay", and therefor don't bother with any editing (which takes many LPers 4-5+ times longer to do than the gameplay they recorded), or with quality commentary ("oh, I am climbing stairs..." "I shot a guy..." "I shot another guy..." "What is through this door?").
The LPers who are successful because of their commentary, are sucessful because it is so unique. Take OverTheGun for example. He is a guy who, while playing a game, will often just enter the pause menu and rant/ramble on for 10+ minutes on a specific subject. Yes, that means that those who just want gameplay will have to fast-forward, but the commentary is why so many people watch his channel. For his videos, it is like vlogging while gaming (and hey, lots of youtubers make money off of "just" vlogging too)
Then there are LPers who are successful because of their production quality. They take the time to splice their videos together in such a way as to make them more interesting, otherwise you would be sitting through long stretches of monotonous traveling, load times, repetitive battles, etc..
And the people who are successful because of their gameplay, usually don't have any commentary at all. Why? Because it is honestly a lot harder than you would think to commentate live over a game and still manage to output quality gameplay. While there are a select few who have managed to do speedruns on Twitch while commentating with viewers, they will always be in the minority. But for those youtubers who just focus on gameplay and do no commentary, those aren't LPs - those are simply speedruns/walkthroughs/playthroughs.
...I just ranted more than I thought I would...
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I agree with this. One thing is reviews and stuff of the sort. LP are plain stupid.
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Yes, but let's face it. How many BIG youtubers do videos on Nintendo games? Not a lot. And the Youtuber can delete the video if they want to. So let's say Nintendo makes 1-2 milions AT MOST from videos on youtube (i doubt they will do even that much), but now let's look at what that costs them - NO MORE VIDEOS OF NINTENDO GAMES on youtube. Yes that's right, i doubt anyone would play/review or do whatever on anything that is related to Nintendo from now on (why? well they are trying to make a living off of videos and if they dont get money for it, why would they make the video?). So you might ask "Why would Nintendo care about that? ". Well it's simple, Youtube videos are a free advertising for games. A LOT of people (including me) look up a review/let's play or whatever of a game before buying it, to see if it's any good.
TL:TR Basicly Nintendo just stopped a free advertising for their games and products on the biggest video sharing site on the internet. YAAAAAAAAY FOR STUPIDITY.
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You are jumping into conclussions too eagerly I think.
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Well, that sucks. Wonder if that means they will be going after all the Super Mario World romhacks as well. The community for that game alone is freakin' huge. Guess that means I will be staying away from Pikmin 3 until this is settled. Was planning to do that game when it launched, but now... Nope
Reading more about it, it isn't as bad as it seems for youtubers. The videos can remain up, and will just be counted as Content ID matches (which has no effect on your copyright status). It just means that the ad-revenue you may have gotten on the videos, now goes to Nintendo. For those that may not know what that means exactly, more often than naught, the Content-ID Match only occurs during cutscenes in the game, where the player has no control over the game. So if you have 2 episodes, one of pure gameplay, and the other of the ending cinematic, odds are just the second one will get an ID match.
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SONY entertainment (music branch) did it for parodies a while back and the embargo on everything SEGA related should've made it obvious it would eventually happen to Nintendo IMHO...
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Man people are even pulling the bit about comparing Commentary over a movie to LPing. A movie will always have the same outcome no matter how many times you watch it, but a video game can have many outcomes and variations. A movie has only one outcome.
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confused....do you really think the order you grab the items in matters to the ending or plot of mario or zelda or pokemon or the lp somehow adds more than a movie commentary? I don't understand the argument you are attempting to make here
Also...who with?
well me I suppose. but you aren't supposed to begin with a reply...
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A movie's plot will not change. The characters in the movie will perform the same action, always, no matter how many times you watch it.
On the other hand, what can occur in a video game can vary drastically from one person to the next. This is most noticable in open world, non-linear games, where you are free to chose where you go. No let's play is the same, despite being the same game, due to the actions performed by the characters changing depending on who is controlling them. One Let's player might be a master at the game, another might be average, but discover a trick that the master won't know about. In fact, the reactions one can have to a video game can be more diverse than one watching a movie due to the fact the actions won't always be the same. It's not so much about the plot of the game as it is what happens between the games beginning and its end.
You could argue that the plot will never change for a game, but that's often not what people come to see, its moreso the reactions the Let's Player can have to the game than it is the plot.
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variations yes, but it is a pile of small pointless variations and even then the lp player isn't creating those, they're only playing out actions nintendo made available, its like saying each reading of a choose your own adventure book is new and different and you deserve coauthor credit for picking the page numbers you did. Msybe in the lp the hero favors an axe while in another he uses the sword and magic more. maybe he talks to a random npc 3 times instead of 4. maybe he skips a sidequest. maybe he dies a few times. maybe the final hit on the final boss is a lightning spell rather than a stab wound. do you really think this changes the game in any real way?
I the end a game's plot will not change. The characters in the game will perform the same action, always, no matter how many times you play it. The games are on rails for like 90% of it. An lp IS little more than movie commentary when done well, when done poorly people watch it on mute and its all nintendo's work.
But really I don't understand this argument at all since you act like you're on the defensive when you brought it up yourself for no reason lol. before this post nobody was making that comparison here.
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No, I don't think you're quite getting it.
It's the commentary and the actions performed within the game that are special, along with the production of the video, the cuts, transitions, the audio balancing, the video inserts of missed secrets or odd things that occurred, that make it far, far different than a movie.
Edit: I was referring to a comment within an article that compared someone putting commentary over a movie being equivalent to that of putting commentary over a video game.
Also comparing an adventure book doesn't quite work as well because it has only a finite, and unchangeable, series of actions, whereas a Let's Play can have quite a few diverging actions, depending on the game.
For example, in say Megaman 4, one LPer might opt for the normal strategy of playing any boss in any order, another will do it in the weakness order, another will do all of them with only the mega buster, and another will perfect run the game. In that case, the story is the same, but the actions performed are quite different. In some more modern games, the capability for divergence gets quite immense, with the most prominent being Minecraft. In the purest sense, you can have people just messing about for a long time, some going for the ender dragon, some creating a goal to reach, some playing adventure maps, of which there are many, and some adding mods to change things up.
As you can see, things can change quite a lot in a video game.
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the actions preformed in the game are irrelevant to your movie metaphor. At the largest impact maybe its like somebody changed up the dialogue so all the instances of "it's" became "it is" and maybe the car in the chase scene is green instead of blue. thats about all the difference those actions really make. it is not as if they rewrote the whole movie as you seem to claim.
The rest: the commentary, the production of the video, the cuts, transitions, the audio balancing, the video inserts of missed secrets or odd things that occurred ect are all things that are done with a movie commentary. Your point makes no sense.
and again I point out how it came out of left field reading like a reply to somebody. Nobody before you said anything about movie commentaries. but even if they had, the reply is still a stupid one.
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maybe in skyrim. but we're talking nintendo here.....anything like that in mario? zelda? picmen? pokemon? no? huh.
and even for skyrim I refer you to the "choose your own adventure" metaphor. you aren't writing anything, you aren't creating. its simply playing out something nintendo wrote and owns not you. If you chose a quest that closed off another its because you flipped to page 33 instead of 47. If you destroyed the dark brotherhood vs joining then you flipped to page 20 rather than 83. your reading will be different than another's, but you still didn't write those pages you merely turned to them. It is still the same book and you didn't create contribute or really do anything that would give you any rights to or money from uses of the story. if you recorded yourself reading it you couldn't sell it without the author's permission.
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deleted scenes? commentary generally has them. ever see "suicide kings"? it has 3 different endings(I think two of them actually played in theaters at various times or locations). thats at least as much "different" as an lp can have.
And even if you do have differences, you did nothing to create them. its still nintendo's writing. nintendo's game. your differences mean nothing to the discussion of lp vs movie commentary. a discussion you seemed to have started by yourself 3 or 4 posts into it....with a stupid premise, a silly main point.
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So then is every video of Super Mario world the same?
Did everyone have the same reactions?
Tell me, did everyone take the same path?
No, of course not.
But if you where to put commentary over a movie, I can say for sure that the movie will end the same, and that there will be many, many similar reactions to it. Yes someone can add in deleted scenes, the other endings, but nothing they do will affect what actually goes on in the movie. They cannot have the actors do something else, they cannot have the villain win when he normally dies. On the other hand, you can do that in a game (should it be a kind of game where that occurs.)
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Then what of No coin runs in super mario sunshine?
Speed runs of Super metroid?
Hacks of Super Mario world that significantly change the game itself?
What of someone playing RE4 and attempting to complete the game with minimal items? Or no healing items?
Are you that close minded that you cannot realize how much things can change from one thing to the next?
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do you really believe it does jack all to change the plot of those games as you claim? sunshine always ends the same, metroid always ends the same, ect.
Whatever you do they are the same in the beginning, the same at the middle, the same at the end. maybe there are minor differences between those points based on how you play. but you can't refuse to save the princess without running into a "but thou must" line. and nobody shows any reaction that you had attempted to turn it down. it affects nothing. die all you want the game just pretends story wise that it never happened.
hacks are a bit different, but still derivative works so nintendo still has a right to (stop? I think just stop, not sure about taking the $ but you certainly wouldn't get to have any) anything that would be used to generate money based on them because thats how copyrights work.
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no, you don't.
Even if your argument was unconditionally accepted, that the changes caused by the player are significant enough to differentiate a lp from movie commentary they are at absolute best unlicensed derivative work based on a copyrighted item and nintendo was completely within its rights to do this. It should never have been possible to make $ off an lp in the first place. And imo they fall a good deal short of even getting that much credit. its just a recording of nintendo's work with a layer of commentary. I'd save the derivative work thing for rom hacks. so even if you won you'd still lose. so why start with that position in the first place? especially when nobody else brought it up that I'm aware of.
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It's time to get a real job instead of profiting from other's hard work.
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Fuck it, let's ban all these remix music videos on youtube. Let's ban all the channels that are uploading trailers, they didn't make them! And reviews too! Some people are actually working on these videos and they deserve all the help they can get.
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Actually I do think that making a remix a cover or a review involve more work and content provided by the submitter than the average LP. Also it's quite different to upload a trailer than a complete game.
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Why? Because I don't like people exploiting other's work?
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I think I do recall Wii being like the 5th best selling ever console and DS being the 2nd. So I would think they are far from being dead.
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I hope they are ready for the massive backlash they are about to face...
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I've always been confused how this wasn't always a thing lol You are just showing gameplay made by someone else, i can see putting up free content, but simply showing gameplay is technically copyrighted material. Reviews are obviously fair use, but let's plays have always been a gray area, I'm shocked no one's done this.... Square-Enix would have been the one I'd expect to do this XD
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You make it sound like every other company out there wouldnt jump on the chance to do this. Nintendo is just following the trend. Notch was offered this chance and said he was considering it. This has to do with the copyright laws and less to do about the companies themselves.
I mean, if someone came up to you and asked if youd like to earn a few dollars a day for doing nothing, how many people would decline?
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I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Go and make a good quality video then. Play a game well, and record some good, entertaining commentary. Balance the audio, cut out the boring bits, add in some transitions, eliminate any noise from the mike, add in any graphics you want, add in additional video to emphasis a point and then finally produce it.
Tell me that is an "easy" thing to do.
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That does not hide the fact that you are not creating any content. But using other to your own benefit.
Also the fact that I'm not able of (not interested in) creating a quality video (I'd love to see your stardar for quality BTW as IMO LPs lack of any whatsoever) does not mean I can't critisize other's actions. With that reasoning. I could never blame Beckham for a missed shot, right? Or DiCaprio for a bad acting or LeBron for a failed dunk...
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The commentary/production values are your content. I said it above, but the gameplay usually takes a backseat. If done right, people tune in more for the commentary than the game you are playing. If you are successful, it doesn't matter what game you are playing. Look at LethalFrag over on Twitch. He "just commentates", but thousands of people watch him every night still, and it doesn't matter WHAT game he does (Doing Risk, he was getting a consistant 4k+ viewers).
Just because it doesn't interest you, it doesn't mean there isn't a market for it. People enjoy what they enjoy, and yes, there are terrible LPers out there who over-react, or make shoddy videos, but there are sub-par forms of every piece of entertainment available.
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I did not really understood a word of what you try to say here. Also I'd love if you stopped qualifying my critiques as crap. Thanks. I think I never insulted you or your arguments.
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This is a good point. In line with this, it is worth noting that if this practice is available (and especially if other companies are doing it) and Nintendo doesn't take advantage of it, then it could weaken their copyright in general. In copyright law the question is often raised, "How vigorously did you defend your copyright?" as a means of determining to what extent you remain legally entitled to it.
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This is pretty much the problem in a nut currently with copyright laws. I mean, there are others, but companies are forced to use every little loophole and back alley to protect content that they "may" profit from. Things that havnt seen the light of day in 69 years, are suddenly important and cherished brand names/trademarks and such that need protecting from thieves because copyright protection is about to expire.
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I consider rather fair that they will get the revenue from their content. And for what it seems it only affects LPs which, sincerely, I do hope they disappear rather sooner than later. They are just leeching from others creations and adding stupid effects, screams and that bullshit. So I guess if it was my content I'd do the same.
Moreover I did not really manage to ever find the sense to LPs I mean, if they actually did something worth praise, such an speedrun or things involving skill. But I do know how to bitch around in Scribblenauts or Skyrim too, and so does everyone else. Seriously I never managed to see what on earth can you gain by watching some random (and most of the time stupid) person on the internet playing a game for you.
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Hmmm, I might have gone a bit over the top with my comment. But yeah, most of the LPs I've seen is that ERMAGARD!!!!!1!!1!!ONE!! kind. Which I personally profoundly depise. D:
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Numerous reasons. I'd rather watch 20 minutes of gameplay, than read/watch a review of the game). I'm curious about how other people are handling some parts of the game. I'm new to the game and am not quite sure how to even begin (FTL). Picking up tips and tricks (Isaac). Also ASMR for some people.
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I'd watch a walktrhough. Or even better, read a written guide on it so I don't have to go through stupid commentary and a bunch of other senseless things.
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A guide or a walkthrough wouldn't explain something as well as a voice commentary with corresponding visuals. Go to somethingawful forums. Most of the LPrs there actually know their shit, they research stuff, make entertaining and educational walkthroughs. But I'd have to admit, pewdiepie kind of LPrs make me sick.
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I don't know. As I've said I personally have never liked videoguides. And to be honest I don't disagree that there might be LP that do their shit well, but when you first hear LP what comes to my mind is not that, but a stupid guy screaming and overacting to his 11-y/o audience.
Anyways. I'll check those forums. Never been there tbh.
Cheers! :D
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I take that you've never watched AgentJR, ProtonJon, Chuggaconroy, NintendoCaprisun, Nakateleeli, ChipCheezum, SlowBeef, or any good Let's Player.
Edit: Pewdiepie and the like are literally the shit of the shittiest Let's Players, pretty much every other good let's player knows that its pretty bad and its all an act.
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As I've said I do really have better things to do than watch someone else play videogames.
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Like debate on the forums all day.
I'm sorry, this is a joke. I love you.
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Half of the time I'm like that and the other half I just state obnoxious claims around. :3
I wub u 2.
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Just out of curiosity, where do you stand on TB and Northernlion?
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Are they bad? If I'm not mistaken they get one of the highest shares.
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Some of them on that list are the loudest, if that's your thing.
I know a few less popular ones that do minimal commentary, only talking to provide gameplay tips and thoughts. Never talking over in game dialogue or cutscenes. And there are plenty that don't do commentary at all, just 1080p HD gameplay of the hottest games, uploaded within a week or so of release.
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Man, I agree with everything you've said in this thread so much that I resent you. I think you've made great points, but some people have their minds made up.
I guess it depends on your early experiences with LP's, because I used to not 'get it' either. Some LPers really don't do any more than play, make the occasional obvious comment, and yet they have hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Some of those types succeeded just because they got on YouTube early. Others? I don't know.
Those that have started within the last couple of years have generally had to prove themselves to get big though. As you said, their videos have production values, they're skilled, or something else. I just found out about ChaoticMonki yesterday on this forum. He doesn't edit much at all, and he isn't particularly skilled, but he is FUNNY. I find myself watching parts of games I've already beaten just to hear his comments.
I don't know why Football or other sports commentators get paid to do what they do. All they're doing is leeching off of those that make the actual content.
There is severe sarcasm somewhere in this post.
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I know that is sarcastic. Answering anyways.
The difference is that those sports broadcasters actually pay them for that. THat's what Nintendo wants let'splayers to do :·3
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Can't comment on the others, but a lot of the appeal of NakaTeleeli comes from his voice and his partner ElementalOgre. They make a perfect team and don't have an annoying voice or way of commenting their videos.
Which I can't say for a lot of other LPers I'v seen so far. Especially the vocal part...
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personally I usually watch them to get an idea for how a game actually plays before buying(generally only watch first level and a random mid and/or late game section of game play with no cutscenes or bosses to avoid spoilers) because sometimes trailers mange to lie.
No idea why you'd watch the whole thing though, if you haven't played it spoils the plot entirely, if you have you'd be watching only for the commentator but most commentators suck and babble to fill air, you can read the same amount of content a review in like 20 seconds vs 20 minutes to watch as well as skip around or search easier with text than video, and any secrets are either highlighted in their own videos elsewhere or easily enough found and read on gamefaqs or the like. I infinitely prefer a written guide to a video and if no guide exists I don't waste my time with a video and just figure it out myself.
I'd watch speedruns or challenge runs though. and there is the odd possibly accidental lets play thats had entertaining enough commentary to watch most of. its still just commentary though(@cyowolf).
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I'd use a first impressions video for that if I'm not really sure. Or actual debating over the game.
Completely agree on the second part. I hate people not writing guides anymore and instead making shitty videos.
I'd watch speedruns and challenges too, or maybe competitive play of a game.
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As for why people watch the entirety of playthroughs, it's to see other people's reactions to a game. I keep bringing up examples in this topic, but the Binding of Isaac is a perfect one here. After over a hundred hours in that game, is is refreshing to be able to watch someone LP that game from scratch and watch how they progress through the game, watching there experiences. To see how quickly they adapt to things, or to see what they find challenging, as opposed to what I found challenging. Then, when they finally beat the game, you get to somewhat experience the joy again of watching someone beat it for the first time.
The same can be said for many other games, where you are watching as a comparison to see their experiences vs your own...
Now, as for watching a game you have never played before, I would agree that it spoils it heavily for you, and it is up to the person watching to decide when to stop. Some may not have the console the game is on, and still want to experience it, some may be impatient and not care about spoilers. It really varies.
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I don't know. Consider Let's Plays as watching porn. You are watching others do it and getting small excitement yourself. I don't know you, but if possible I'd rather get laid myself than watch others do it. Even if it wasn't the first time.
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It's just Youtube ads. Block it, and donate to the LPer directly through PayPal if you really want to support them financially.
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people shouldn't defend murky copyright laws and shitty precedents. copyrights and patents are fine to some degree but mostly they're a lot more invasive and trite than they need to be. nintendo is obviously grabbing for cash
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sports commentators get permission and pay a fee for the right to broadcast games before they're allowed to make money off it.
nintendo isn't stopping anybody from making videos, nor uploading videos. they're taking nothing down. they aren't going after anybody. you're completely free to do a lp. ...you just won't be seeing $ off basically an uncut recording of Nintendo's product is all.
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That is quite frankly just utterly stupid. If I had make any videos from their games I would delete them all - I am doing advertisement for them and they are even stealing money from me for it? That is not how it should work. I really hope people will delete their videos from the site, because that is what they deserve for such move.
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No, but watching someone play the entire game on youtube is unfair.
As I said before people who have no interest in buying the game can just look up a Let's Play and experience the whole game.
Gameplay videos are alright since this is only targeting Let's Players.
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So you think if I was watching the entire gameplay of some game on youtube then I should pay for it the full price of the game? I don't think watching a game and playing a game is the same thing. You can hardly have the same experience from watching a game and from playing it. Those videos on youtube are even promoting the games in them. Nintendo knows it, that's why they didn't want to delete those videos, they just want to make even more money from them, besides money from advertising their games. But this is not the right way of doing it, because it clearly discourages people of doing any more videos of their games which ultimately leads to less advertisement for their games and less money for them.
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Watching the entire gameplay of many games is actually quite close t the experience you get by playing them. So yeah. You should buy it. Or at least people should not be profiting from that. Don't you think?
And that other argument is like the Piracy promotes sales!!!!!!!11!1. Whatever. They are not just wanting to make more money, they are defending their copyrights. People are leeching from their work.
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No, people are definitely not leeching from their work. People are creating their own creations based on their products. If the company is stupid enough to not understand this then it deserves to be poor. Creating videos of games you love is not leeching and definitely not pirating a game! Watching a video of a game is also not pirating a game at all!
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Yes they are. They are doing nothing but talk about their game and how they beat it to make money. That's leeching, they provide no original content whatsoever.
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They cannot create any original content from your point of view, because all what they can show is gameplay programmed by the creators of the game. Still every gameplay video is different, some are better, some are worse, but every one is unique. The people are investing time and skills to do this videos and at the same time are promoting the game with them. And now Nintendo wants money from their work and for promoting their games voluntarily in their free time. That is just stupid.
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So now Let's Players are martyrs lynched by the evil Nintendo. Good-doers that all they wanted to do is to promote Nintendo's work disinterestly.
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No, they are criminals which should be tortured for making any video with Nin- in it. No, I have better idea, let's make them pay for videos they do to us. They bought our games and now they should pay for promoting them. Great idea, let's do it!
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Whatever, continue asslicking your LP heroes ass if you want.
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Well, if you tried to actually discuss instead of spurting bullshit out of your mind I'd do that too. It's as easy as that.
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I actually wasn't most of the time to be honest. But at least I don't try to disguise as if I were.
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Do you really don't see them. I've acknowledged mine,Jeez. I knew I was not discussing from my point. Specially since you started with the "they are volunteers helping poor nintendo part"
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RE"The people are investing time and skills to do this videos and at the same time are promoting the game with them. And now Nintendo wants money from their work and for promoting their games voluntarily in their free time."
nintendo isn't charging them dick. they just won't be getting any $ from youtube ads is all. You seem to be under the impression that lp aren't doing it for youtube $ but instead out of a desire to show off nintendo's awesome games, Nintendo has no problem with this and allows them to continue unhindered.
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"So you think if I was watching the entire gameplay of some game on youtube then I should pay for it the full price of the game?"
No, I'd say if you'd are interested in a game go buy it instead of watch some dude play the whole ruining the experience.
"I don't think watching a game and playing a game is the same thing."
Seeing how games are put emphasis on story now
"Those videos on youtube are even promoting the games in them."
The Let's Players never asked Nintendo formally to advertised their game. This is against the YouTube ToS if I recall correctly.
"Nintendo knows it, that's why they didn't want to delete those videos, they just want to make even more money from them, besides money from advertising their games."
So you think deleting unauthorized videos is worse than making it an official promoted one with ads?
&&"But this is not the right way of doing it, because it clearly discourages people of doing any more videos of their games which ultimately leads to less advertisement for their games and less money for them."**
So it's discouraging them because they wont make any money from it? They didn't make the game, they didn't get Nintendo's permission to upload the video, and yet they want money for it? Honestly this is not as bad as people make it seem.
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1) If someone wants to ruin his experience that is his problem.
2) If someone watches games instead of playing them I am really sorry for him.
3) If it is against YouTube ToS, then those videos should be removed.
4) So now they are gaining money from videos they didn't make - instead of their authors. You think that is a better approach?
5) You are forgetting they made the game, but did not make those videos. They received money for their product and now they want money for products they didn't make (like walktroughs etc.). I can imagine some people are doing it for the money, now they will probably stop. If this is what Nintendo wants, then it will probably happen. I disagree with such approach. But Nintendo can do what they want, it will have impact on them. You think it is a positive thing, I think the opposite.
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No, they really won't.
Watching =/= playing.
I've played Don't Starve. I've also watched people play Don't Starve. I got two completely different experiences from both.
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There are games where the experience is rather similar tbh. IT's true than it other it differs a lot.
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Stealing? I doubt that any of the yt users lose money in the process ;)
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They were leeching from Nintendo content without paying any fees. Now they aren't. Nintendo was losing money.
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Were they? Point me to the market study or the figures that say so instead of making blind assumptions. Please.
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The assumption that Nintendo was losing money is completely based on assumptions, and I don't really follow it. I think it's much more credible to suggest that footage of a good game would be contributive to sales while footage of a bad game would be detrimental. I also don't like that Nintendo is grabbing for cash - I could understand if they said "we'll take an amount of money for every sale we think you've deprived us of", but instead it's just a blanket value of "all the money you make". Seems more than a little extortionate.
Anyway the main thing is that I do actually think an LP of an entire game could fall outside of "fair use", but in the case of the majority of LPers the added commentary justifies (and legally at that) the uploading of LP videos.
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I'm sincerely asking. Do they fall under fair use? This guy here claimed otherwise and I'm not really familiar with the Copyright Laws.
And they are not taking money from them. They words were, now every video with nintendo content will have ads so that we can get a revenue from it. We could have blocked them but we chose not to.
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He didn't actually say anything about fair use, so I assume he doesn't know what it is. In short it's legal to make parodies and commentaries, and other similar derivative works, as long as you adhere to fair use. I think as long as you're only using portions rather than the whole game, there's a strong case to be made in defense of LPs.
My problem with the whole ad revenue thing is if Nintendo were genuinely worried about sales impact and not grabbing for more money, they would have sued, banned, or asked for concrete fees rather than simply re-routing revenue to themselves. This is just my opinion on this issue though.
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Oh. Well but I though that LP do upload games as a whole. I mean complete ones.
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All late-night talk show hosts do is make social commentary (most of the time with mediocre jokes) and talk with celebs, I don't see why they should earn money from that
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That's an invalid argument. Have you even seen the sort of videos that make Youtubers money? Most of the time they make inane videos with negative brain cells. And they make millions. You don't just make laws based on random opinions.
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So you are saying, my argument is invalid, because LPers make stupid videos. But that is exactly what I said. I said LPers do nothing more but do videos with close to zero self made content and make an insane amount of money. That is exactly what bothers me, that is exactly what I tried to say.
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lol ok your argument is perfectly valid but i have a problem with your premise that bad videos shouldn't make money. like i said lots of people who make subjectively "bad" videos do make money. it's obvious that people who make money are those who manage to appeal to a large enough demographic. LPers also obviously have a large enough demographic to command revenue. this also means a large amount of people are willing to tacitly support LPers. what makes your opinion more valuable than theirs?
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oh no, they've pissed off the "big youtubers" they're screwed now.
cause "big youtuber" means anything. I always consult the big youtubers before making a purchase and would gladly avoid a product I want on their say so if they ever told me not to buy it.
not like theres a million other slightly smaller youtubers who'd probably still do it anyway for the epeen hit count because they weren't aware they could make $ off ads in the first place.
and I'm 'certain' that they were primarily advertising through potential customers doing youtube searches for their game's name after this game came out, or seeing a "you may also like" video on somebody's youtube page while watching them run through dark souls... that makes sense, not like I've ever seen a commercial or any online ads that saturate the name well before release or something. they never try to get you to preorder anything which even if they did preordering totally doesn't requite you to both know about and want it long before any lp could possibly happen so they wouldn't be working twords that goal...
oh gods I can't watch pewdipie play pokemon gen6, guess I'm not buying it.
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Well, Nintendo just lost a bunch of respect. No one likes a greedy bully. Especially one that hides behind copyright laws.
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If you were robbed and you sued the thief. Would you be a greedy bully?
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But they aren't being robbed. The LPers payed for the game (assumingly. If they were pirates, then there might be cause for alarm). Nintendo already got their money.
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They payed for the game, right. Not for the right of broadcasting it. Those are different thnig. For example I can't upload a movie to youtube if I'be bought it.
I dunno, I consider them diferent things.
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They are only discouraging Let's Players. Everything else is still not under Nintendo control. Let's playing is pretty much broadcasting a movie from my point of view.
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Many video games feature engaging stories these days which are a big factor in convincing people to play them. If you watch a LP you can get this whole story experience for free. Yes the LPer adds a little value by playing the game for you and perhaps making witty comments but the bulk of the value you are getting is from the game itself.
Also, I expect some of the concern is over lost revenue for videos like trailers, publicity events, etc where people just re-upload something they recorded from Nintendo (perhaps with a little commentary).
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Yes, but I think it falls under fair-use, since LPers usually chat endlessly while playing the game.
I read somewhere that if you bring a critical view of the game, it's considered educational ( like reviews ), thus you're allowed to show ingame footage and not be fucked over by copyright.
I'm not entirely sure about the above but you law school folk out there might know better :P
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I see. But one thing is being critical over a game and showing the footage necessary for that and the other is just uploading the whole game. I don't know.
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Even if it is fair-use, there are still countries were there's no such thing and Nintendo isn't an American company.
Example: Fair-use images on wikipedia of TV series on the English site can mostly not be used on the German site, because of copyright violation (fair-use "license" just does not apply).
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Maybe, however Youtube is an American based company, and as such must follow American laws. It has the option of follow foreign laws or not, with the only backlash possible is the site being blocked from within the country.
Also, the US has the strictest copyright laws afaik.
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Fair use is a myth now. The video, widely regarded as a prime example of fair use in law schools in the US and across the pond, was itself taken down for "copyright infringement". It was used by the US government to inform people on proper fair use and acceptable examples. Supreme court even cited it, and yet it ended up being taken down.
If that doesnt tell you all you need to know, then I dont know what will.
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Basically any video on Youtube that Nintendo claims that has anything that relates to their game (Mario, Pokemon, whatever they own, such as audio, images, or just the game themselves) won't be removed, but will not only receive ads during the beginning of the video, but the money goes to them instead of the uploader. This means that LPers that focus on Nintendo games will get no money from it and Nintendo will have it all to themselves.
Looks like the sales of the Wii U was not satisfying them, so they are attacking their fans for their money now. Nintendo has steep low this time.
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