Early greetings with upcoming Christmas for all of you, my dear brothers and sisters!

For me, Xmas time is not only Jesus birthday, as iā€™m not a Christian, but a beautiful, cheerful and heartwarming holiday, that can unite each and every of us, not regarding race, skin colour, political views, nationality or religion.

Please remember next year, that there are far more things that are uniting all of us, than things that are dividing us from each other.

May the universal power of Love ā¤ļø protect souls and homes of each and every of you šŸŒž

P.S. A little holiday suggestion: let's clear our blacklists before Xmas šŸ˜‡

Feel free to board my humble Christmas šŸš‚šŸš‹šŸš‹šŸš‹šŸš‹šŸš‹ (lvl 0-2, basic SGTools protection)

šŸŽ…šŸ»Second, auxiliary narrow-gauge šŸšƒšŸš‹šŸš‹šŸš‹ added on 19th Dec as a bumpšŸŽ…šŸ»

ā„ļøSome mood musicā„ļø

Do not forget to check this thread with an amazing Steamgifts Community Christmas Calendar 2017

6 years ago*

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Thanks for the giveaways, IcePick. :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thank You & Happy Holidays !

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6 years ago

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Happy holidays!

6 years ago

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Have my Bump !

6 years ago

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Bump :D

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Bump. Thank you!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This time a classy one šŸ˜

6 years ago

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There's also a brown version. šŸ˜

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6 years ago

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Ohh.. There is maker logo there...

I found them on Amazon. I think I'll order one. Or two šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»

Thank you for the heads up, buddy šŸ˜

6 years ago

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You're welcome buddy and yes they are listed on Amazon and that Japanese ice pick too. šŸ˜‰

6 years ago

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Happy Holidays!

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6 years ago

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Happy xmas :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thank you for the nice ride, IcePick!
Merry Christmas!

6 years ago

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Thanks so much, and happy holidays IcePick!

6 years ago

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Bump ^_^

6 years ago

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happy early merry christmas

6 years ago

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Thanks for this train!
Bump :D

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I like typing, so I hope you won't mind this. Some relates indirectly, and I guess some is more direct. Maybe some of us have done a little research on the whole issue at hand though! I research in TREES and MUSHROOMS mainly. I have boarded the Mothership. Not really.

People are so busy protecting the lie, they miss the Truth when It shines Its Light the brightest.

I've been on a little roll lately with controversial posting. I don't really use the forums a ton, but it's fun once in a while. Soo I will speak on xmas or christmas or Christmas, or any other holiday pertaining to giving spirits and doing good for others that could be based on a deity. Well, I'll go with it, but I am too poor to have a home. It's sort of an invisible "locked" caste system if you are too ill here. Every nation or area or time in history has the ones that get the shit end of the stick. Either contribute to the machine or be crushed is the rule here. Take take take. Saving isn't allowed here as long as I am in need of the system's help without offering anything in return first (yet, until I pay it back as debts owed... lol). Instead of giving to get, it's only formulated on greed. Rich get richer, and everyone else is held down as much as possible so that certain groups can monopolize everything with less interference. Government here doesn't allow us to save for nice things if we are using programs (I think it's around a 2k in total asset limit for SSI where I am, or one doesn't get any help), like working people get the opportunity to have. I am grateful I have enough friends to support me, since my country will not.

I don't practice any religion, but I do lightly celebrate Christmas for what it is intended to be about, and not the gifty stuff so much. Still, I like the holiday, and I can even understand the commercialism of Jesus. Hey, people started doing that waay back in the day. I mean, we're talking Mosaic Laws here back in the day. So yeah, humans are good at finagling moneys for themselves in the "Name of God" ever since humans invented the idea of their own conception of God. Worse still are people stuck believing only their idea is the true concept, and all others are lies. Arrogance of the highest calibur. How do you know... AH! Unless you're god! Now I see why it's so easy to condemn everyone else! Meanwhile I'll condemn their condemnation and shine a light on that crap. It's unjust to make humans do stuff and say it's because God wants them to do it. Thanks for telling me that God wants me to do that, god 2.0. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I need to meditate on some things with my Personal Jesus. :D

Many blabs... All I want for Christmas is for people to be able to have the basics... since they could be easily provided tenfold to those that are going without. That's it. All. Nothing more and nothing less. As long as reverse-Robin Hoods run everything, stealing from the poor and giving to the rich, there is no room for any Christ figure anywhere... He's being crucified to this day by these evil people that pretend to believe in the doctrines this possible figure suggested... yet they follow only the ones that are convenient when they are. Though shalt not kill, unless you are fighting in wars, for instance. Gotta love that one... wtf? hypocrisy? What am I missing here with my logical human brain?! More importantly, what are they missing? D: Scary bunch of folks out there I live on this rock with. Let us hope there is no judgement day, so they will not have probs in a potential afterlife.

These are in many cases civilian families with children; that is... as long as they don't wipe out the children too. Kuwait and Iraq for instance, from an American standpoint. I have heard a lot of stories about the atrocities some of my friends did, but they're not really supposed to be shared, so I can't say more. There is a great book in particular from a military intelligence expert, William Cooper, in the states here though. He died in an entrapment setup in '01 though for knowing too much. Was it true? Some was prophetic later, so I think it fell in line mostly with truth. Anyway, he wrote a book to share stuff after he was almost killed once by what were probably governmental authorities here. First attempt was unsuccessful, but sadly the next got him. He's dead. That's fact. So off-topic though....

Needless suffering, war, pain etc. Get rid of that for Christmas! If there is a God, this would be the way I would picture a Creator wanting things to be... Do unto others became due unto others, sadly. I have no right to kill the Creator's creations. Well, especially if I practice religion. If I believed in a Perfect God kinda deal, then all his creations must in turn be. ::drumroll:: **PERFECT!!!*** Damn, what a concept! Other people have VALUE! There are rules about that killing stuff in most of those religious texts anyway. Either follow your writings, or change them! For instance, The Bible has been completely revamped and gutted.

So far at least something in the neighborhood of 50 books were removed from biblical scripture since 100 A.D. or so. So much for the word of God! Let's just... burn parts we don't like, and make a new one! They added some nice little psychological triggers as well about heaven, hell, created a new form of God - control and fear tactics during Rome's dominance as Christianity was splitting apart after the Nag Hammadi texts, Dead Sea Scrolls, various codeces, etc. If I do not follow the teachings, in a way, I am arrogantly placing myself above the Creator then... placing personal human agenda over what that Higher Power may actually want if I took a more higher . I don't think we should get in the way of that stuff. I was somehow created afterall, right? All or nothing approach for me. God either is (everything) or is not (nothing). Kill all of us outright so we can no longer harm ourselves and other people, or stop killing anybody just because you do not agree. Why can people not just choose to disagree and be okay with that? Egos get in the way of everything with silly humans, then they forget and pick the bad stuff up again - if they were ever mindful enough of the inner to drop it in the first place!

Lots of could be this or that conspiracy stuff. Sorry, but the lies I see fed to people that they are supposed to accept as "truth" usually caves in on big issues when you find out why they're doing it on the underground level. What are they protecting? What do they not want you knowing? Why are they keeping it from you? Easy answers, and easier choices to lean towards believing when I arrange factual pro and con lists, or note things that do not add up in the local papers/news/radio/press in general. Before anyone blasts this out of knee-jerk religion fanaticism, tread carefully. Do research, find sources, and sources of sources as far as you can back, and think about it... People are so busy protecting the lie, they miss the Truth when It shines Its Light the brightest.

tl;dr (probably not too accurate) - Wisdom or bitterness? Hell or Paradise? Make your choice (thanks Helloween!) My only regret will be that I could not change it on my own. If we give because of the spirit of giving, it's nice. Giving because a rule tells us to is not very genuine. Good people do not need rules, and bad people only find ways to break them anyway, or the criminals at the top that make decisions legalize new mandates as needed/criminalize individuals that do not follow them to make them priority in x or y society. When will societies start to evolve towards a yearly Christmas spirit of sorts, rather than devolving.

Thanks for the giveaway train!

NOTE: I almost erased the whole thing, but I like making stuff a little different than the usual. ^_^ If creator does not like this post - if it feels too dark and dismal or confrontational, I will gladly remove it. When the flood of thoughts comes, I let it happen. The self-proclaimed psycho-prophet has spoken (or typed rather).

6 years ago*

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I have absolutely no problem with what you wrote. And in your message I see a lot of common sense, but also a lot of disappointment in people... A person does not necessary need a religion to reach God, there are many roads that leads to Him - for this he/she needs just to be a real Person (with a big "P") and look deep inside himself/herself. And if you keep the positive mood, the world around you will definitely improve, because similar things are attracted to each other.

I wish you the best of luck and a Merry Early Christmas!

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

6 years ago

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