8 years ago*

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I could care less if somebody blacklisted me , they are probably nintendo fans if they did tho lol

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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No. I wrote it in the comment, learn to read.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago*

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☐ Not REKT


☑ REKTangle


☑ REKT-it Ralph

☑ Total REKTall

☑ The Lord of the REKT

☑ The Usual SusREKTs

☑ North by NorthREKT

☑ REKT to the Future

☑ Once Upon a Time in the REKT

☑ The Good, the Bad, and the REKT

☑ LawREKT of Arabia

☑ Tyrannosaurus REKT

☑ eREKTile dysfunction

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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best comments i've seen all day.

8 years ago

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You're understanding person. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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My got

8 years ago

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I call misogyny on your comment!

yes, that was also a joke ;)

8 years ago

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This is the internet, not school , get a lyfe nub

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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ty , i did not deserve for rekt. Press 8 to pay respect.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Aww =)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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ROTFL ahah :D

8 years ago

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I've been blacklisted for not being able to use a service that was geolocked before. The person wanted people (in a public giveaway if I recall) to go to the website, sign up and upvote them or don't enter more or less. I replied nicely that I couldn't because it was geolocked and didn't enter the giveaway. Their reply was "Seriously?" and blacklisted me. Fun times.

Other times I have been Blacklisted from being a Developer, which is fine, but P2 is a bundle list game and actually gives pretty much no Contributor value! The 100 copy giveaway didn't even shift me a fraction of a point as far as I could tell which I was actually happy about Postal 3 wasn't made by RWS and I actually bought those to give out because people kept asking me to. So those are no different than anyone else doing a giveaway of a non-bundled game! Factoring out all the P2 Giveaways, I would still be level 5 or pretty darned close to it! Yes I am sure, when I give out more games which I will in time, tried to give out Hatred before it was bundled, but I accidentally posted the key publicly so figured I should cancel it tiny little slivers of CV will come from the P2 giveaways then, but still, minor impact in the grand scheme of things. No exploiting of "free keys" as I don't get "free keys" for P3 or PL which are the only non-bundle list titles that would have any meaningful gains in CV.

With all that said, people who blacklisted me for whatever reason they had is fine if they felt it was fair. I don't really enter much on here any more as it is. My Backlog grew, thanks to bundle addiction, to the point where unless a game is on a fantastic deal or I see a giveaway of a game I desperately want to play, I don't really try to collect more games any more. I have even stopped watching bundle sites after finally kicking my bundle habit. Went cold turkey, 3 months and counting.

Plus I am incredibly busy lately. I work a full time job (terrible pay), I am a College Professor part time (which also pays terribly oddly enough), moderator of a large site I won't name (but I have the same user name there too and it doesn't pay at all) and all that is on top of the stuff I do for RWS.

Anyway time to finish off this blog post... wait this isn't Blooger?!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Well, then fuck those people.

8 years ago

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True I suppose. I could fix that with a ton of bundle games (like I won) but I usually drop those off in the forums and random groups I have won from rather than worrying about gaining CV for them. Mind you it would make my ratio look so much better if I started doing that. I've probably given away around 500 bundle keys in drops this year alone! I really am glad I curbed my bundle addiction though. "Hmm, I have everything in this bundle except one game that looks crappy and I have no interest at all in.... maybe I will just buy one copy of it today."

8 years ago

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ppl should know the difference between actual Developers and admins of some shitty groups who beg (or in some cases blackmail) devs for keys to make countless promotion GAs for their group. Or even better - we should have different ranks "Developer" and "Mass GA Spammer" :D:

Jokes aside - accusing actual member of dev team that his GAs don't come "from his own pocket" is shitty move imho. He works on these games, put his work-hours into bringing them to life - same way I or you work for our monies we buy games for GAs with. As long as he worked for the game he's giving away - I don't think we should say he got it for free.

8 years ago

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See I just Whitelist you for being funny, hard working, dedicated to the series you love and I fear Uwe Boll coming after me. Saves so much trouble.

8 years ago

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Uwe Boll coming after me frightens me as well.

8 years ago

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What if he wants to find the wet spot?

View attached image.
8 years ago

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The person wanted people (in a public giveaway if I recall) to go to the website, sign up and upvote them or don't enter more or less.

If you haven't yet, you should report them. This is definitely something that isn't allowed on Steamgifts.

8 years ago

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I didn't and it was so long ago now. SG 2.0 was barely out of drapers at that point. I don't even recall the user's name. Their creepy avatar I remember, but that is about it.

8 years ago

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Not that it really matters but anyway ... I've blacklisted only users who have blacklisted me and users who were flaming against the community unreasonably.

8 years ago

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may i ask, how many people you have on your blacklist?^^

8 years ago

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does it matter?

the number is equal to the number of blacklists i am into

8 years ago

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users who were flaming against the community unreasonably - so did you blacklist yourself as well? :D:

8 years ago

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i have never flamed. i speak only the truth and nothing but it. that's why i have not edited anything

8 years ago

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Please make sure that I am on your blacklist then.


8 years ago

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+1 that

8 years ago

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you were from the first

8 years ago

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So thats why i added him to the list
Cant believe he still has the nerve to come to the forum, completely delusional.
Then again, he is forgettable, i doubt many of us even remember him.

The funny thing is that the guy accused me of flaming, which now im assuming its his way of telling me i was very flamboyant

8 years ago

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you blacklisted me brah! probably because I blacklisted you. reason? I don't remember.. so I will unblacklist.. can you do the same?

8 years ago

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done :D
you can see the reason why i was blacklisted by many in this community in the comments above

8 years ago

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I remember seeing that I was at least on one blacklist for some reason unknown to me.

I usually only blacklist people that are regifters, but sometimes someone might end up there for some other reason.
After reading this, I almost completely emptied my blacklist to give everyone there another chance.

8 years ago

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I tried to resist the temptation, but I can't. As far as I know I've only been blacklisted by two people. One of them took me off for some reason, but the other hasn't. I have no idea why they blacklisted me and it is eating me apart. I lie awake at night wondering what I did. I don't really mind being blacklisted, but I just wanna know why. If it's because I'm a dick, fine. If I broke a rule, fine. Just tell me why D:

8 years ago

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Are you serious? If so, your post for some could easily be the perfect reason to blacklist you. You're like the easiest target for trolling ever.

8 years ago

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Completely serious. No argument there :P. However, it probably wouldn't get under my skin as much since the main reason this guy's blacklisting does is because I had checked and I wasn't blacklisted. 2 days goes by most of which I'm not even on here and then I check again and I'm blacklisted. So I can only assume something between that time period is what caused it. Which led to me going back and trying to figure out the reason why. If he had blacklisted me and I didn't know how long ago or anything then I wouldn't be as curious I suppose.

8 years ago

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If I blacklisted any of you, you may ask the reason or ask for redemption here.

8 years ago

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I blacklist for a multitude of reasons most of them being:

  • Not saying Thank You after winning a GA

  • Begging/ReGifting/Non-Activation/Multiple Wins of the Same Game

  • Racist, sexist or hate filled posts or threads started in the forums ( I'm sure everyone knows the threads I mean )

  • Referral Link posting

  • Showing you are here for greed ( Not gifting anything with multiple wins, mass entering everything you can, posting something acting entitled to games, etc.)

  • Being a Fan of the following teams: Denver Broncos, Oakland Raiders, Mexican National Futbol, Ohio State or Duke.

Ok that last one might not be true...but I would really really think hard about it.

If you find yourself on my Blacklist and feel that it is in error please let me know, I do a good job of marking people's names with the thread link to why they were blacklisted or the reasoning behind it.

8 years ago*

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How good is peyton manning

8 years ago

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This year? He's pretty much being carried by a defense and lucky plays. I think most Broncos fans that aren't Manning bandwagoners would say bring in someone young because he's going down like a horse with a broken leg.

8 years ago

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I remember the Superbowl a couple years ago against the seahawks. Omaha

8 years ago

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I have a big party for the Super Bowl every year, that year I had two die hard Broncos fans. They came wearing jerseys, hard hats, talking so much smack...by half time they were in the corner of the room drinking by themselves wondering what happened. Ahh, good times.

8 years ago

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LOL that sounds like a good party ;)

I strongly dislike THE Ohio State University too

8 years ago

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I refuse to put THE in front of it, really annoys the fans when I bartend and I call them An Ohio State university.

8 years ago

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Yep. I was mocking the way they say it. It's silly and gets downright annoying after a while.

If you've bartended for some of their fans I take you are at a fellow BIG 10 University?

8 years ago

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Nope, just in the Midwest. From South Dakota which just recently went Division 1, so most people here are fans of other programs - Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio State and Michigan are the big 5 here I would say. Duke and UNC come basketball season.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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No, it's not buried. In fact it's usually the last comment because it comes after the GA has ended. I don't go back and look to see if the winner said Thank You when they entered, I only care if they thank after winning.

It also doesn't have to be on the comments page. If I add someone to steam to send a steam gift, there's no reason they can't just send a message saying "Hey just got "Free Game Name Here" I activated it and marked it received! Thank you!"

Marking the gift as received is not thanks in it's own sense, in fact you'd be amazed at the amount of users who click that button and then ReGift, Giveaway or Trade their key away from said Marked Received.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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I think you are the one that doesn't understand. It isn't about entitlement or gaining praise. Having someone thank you for giving them something is just etiquette. It's as simple as that. Same as I wouldn't let my dog eat at the table because he can't keep his elbows off of it.

8 years ago

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I know this is a blacklist thread, but it's little things like this that get you on whitelists.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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So it's about me not understanding when you are not understanding my point?

When I want to feel satisfied, I go coach for the local Special Olympics in town or I volunteer my time to the public theater, I don't donate bundled video games to a bunch of kids who can't sell cards and buy their own.

What am I not understanding? Your points, therefor it's about me being wrong - oh I'm sorry I mean not understanding. I understand your point - You feel it's useless, do you understand my point that I don't? See that's the beauty of this place, the person giving away the games gets to control somewhat who has the chance to win them.

It has nothing to do with fishing for praise, has nothing to do with entitlement issues it has to do with common courtesy and expecting someone to be well behaved and say Thank You when they receive something for free. if you do not do that, I feel that you are the one who needs to look at entitlement issues.

8 years ago

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No, gifting is about being freaking grateful for the gift, if you win it. We're not charity organization here, people spend their own money on that, and you receive it for free. If thanking is too costly for you, don't be shocked that you'll get blacklists. I always post my generic (though unique, made specially for me) thank you gif image on every giveaway I win, so winner can enjoy it at least a little more than generic thanks message.

Nobody here requires being praised for giving away 0.10$ games, although you should be grateful because you're still getting that for free, and saying thanks doesn't cost you anything, but 5 seconds of your life.

I don't blacklist winners for not saying thanks in my giveaways, especially if those are very cheap games or bundle leftovers, but I wouldn't mind blacklisting a guy with 1 sent 40 won games, winning my Mad Max for instance, and not even bothering saying thank you.

8 years ago*

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I'll agree with the last part of your statement here Archi, if it's just bundle fodder or a random key I'm sending it doesn't really bug me without a thanks.

If it's a Steam Gift that requires me to add you, was group or whitelist giveaway or is a highly wanted game like This War Of Mine or Ori & The Blind Forest, I'll be a lot more apt to blacklist for it.

8 years ago

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Looks like we agree on one thing at least, so high five for that \o

8 years ago

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I agree on that too.

May I get a high five as well?

8 years ago

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Sure, from different angle though o/

8 years ago

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Awesome! \o

8 years ago

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o/ \o/ \o

8 years ago

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Wait, wait, I've been wrestling with this in my head for awhile, but I think the three of you have clarified a good policy for me that I feel comfortable with and is not overbearing. I think manners are important. But on my bundle stuff, I suppose it's less so, but I still appreciate it, because you got something for free.

However, if in this instance of me going out of my way and spending on something more than a bundle (Which though rare is happening a bit more often) I think a BL is justified if you can't even bother to thank me/someone else who goes out of their way in such a way.

8 years ago

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Ouch. For Mad Max? I would have sweet talked you and brought you a nice dinner, if it meant even slightly higher chances. Those movies are glorious, the last one, my mouth was agape the whole time. I don't mind people not sating thanks for cheap bundle games, but i always like to thank them anyhow, and then send another message once i've actually played it a lot, sometimes months after. Just seems like the right thing to do. A few moments of my time conveying my gratefulness can really brighten their day.

8 years ago

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this is truly a topic of wonders - yet again I find here someone I don't like yet that at least with one of his statements I can fully agree :D:

So +1 for you :>

8 years ago

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Wow I should institute that last rule but replace Raiders and Broncos (whom I don't care about) with Panthers and Patriots.

I'd keep Ohio State there and Duke though... I can't for the life of me understand how OSU can still be #1 after squeaking past the weak ass schedule they set up.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the Skyrim

8 years ago

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Ouh, I blacklist for many different reasons as well, but that's mostly cheating, leeching, not playing fair, BL4BL (blacklist in return for blacklist), and sometimes unique cases where somebody acts like a total idiot or moron.

But I'm always happy to remove user from my BL if I see a valid reason, such as understanding the mistake. So if anybody sees himself blacklisted, just let me know either here or in private.

And if you happened to blacklist me, I'd be grateful for stating reason and if you feel like we can change that.

8 years ago*

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I cheet in orange juice by making it 300%

8 years ago

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You never play with us, neither join our chat :(

8 years ago

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I win every time

8 years ago

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Nooooooooo.The thread to guess which person say what its over,ending?Oh i miss it but i have to admin that i like it pretty much.It was funny ;)

8 years ago

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I tend to blacklist for

1.General rudeness
2.Blatant disrespect of site rules not simply not knowing them however
3.Flagrant misuse of site/authority, or only regional GA's (Has high level ONLY from dev. GA's, etc.)
4.Has level ONLY because of low-number GA groups (2 open GA's, 300 group GA's with 1-10 entries)

Any questions, feel free to ask.
Also a general query if anyone knows why i'm blacklisted by them. I've only seen it a few times, but i do like to rectify mistakes, intentional or otherwise.

Mandatory Blacklist Check

8 years ago

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Don't have anyone in my blacklist. From what I've seen, it seems I'm generally blacklisted for a "bad" ratio, despite being level 5. I don't mind so much, I guess. Seems silly to harass someone to try and get them to remove me from their blacklist.

8 years ago

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I was blacklisted in the past and I totally deserved it.

I regret of my past sins and I search for redemption

8 years ago

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How would someone know they are even blacklisted?

8 years ago

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you can click on someones nick and you will find all the public and whitelist GAs. if you click them, you can see, if you are blacklisted or not^^

but i bet, most people see it in the threads, if someone creates a private ga for the forum^^

8 years ago

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Ah, makes sense. No worries, I've notice folks blacklist for the strangest of reasons so I've learned early on not too worry about it much. I read yesterday folks blacklist others for commenting "thanks" in their give-aways.

8 years ago

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I blacklisted you because you didn't know how to find out if you've blacklisted by someone. see.

You live and learn : )

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Now I have temporarily white-listed you to help balance out my karma : ) see

8 years ago

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I only know of 3 people that blacklisted me..

1 of them the exact same reason as many of u.. Not reading the description of a GA when i entered it... Completly my fault..
I usually read them but there are times that i am too tired and I didn't really have the energy to go though a wall of text when i see them..
don't really care about getting out of blacklist But if you see this.. i am sorry man.. A few us made the same mistake and you left group because of it.. WE are very sorry.

1 of them is already completly banned for related and none-related matter...

Last is a friendly guy to everyone else.. but somehow I ended up on his BL.. Can never find out why since no random invite and stuff.. but if you happen to stumble upon this.. please let me know so i can improve..

8 years ago

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I know I'm on at least 2 blacklists because one person I found rude on the forums so he BL'd back and we got this symmetry going.

Another one I'm pretty sure was because of an infraction I committed and didn't really know about.

I've actually cleaned up my blacklist then certain drama happened here and certain individual's responses weren't very nice to say the least so my blacklist 2.0 happened.

There were some carryovers from my old blacklist that I didn't remove because I also had them blocked on steam to remind me that they really did/said something terrible.

8 years ago

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Something terrible like what, drank your last beer and didn't replace it?

8 years ago

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Drank my last beer, with my mug, and just left it on the sink! The nerve!!

But seriously, it's something forum related. I don't know the details now since I didn't have tags then but my steam block was my reminder.

8 years ago

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Funny story time -

A guy I used to work with is in love with Stone Brewing Company, which does not ship here, so when I was in Florida I found a limited one team release of their 12/12/12 and picked it up for him. Was a $30 bottle of beer, made to sit and age for at least 2 years before opening. He gets it home, his roommate is out of beer and decides to open it because he thought "it had spoiled" so he wouldn't mind if he drank it.

Yeah forum stuff leads to a lot of blacklisting I feel like, thank god for tags so I can keep track of why people pissed me off. If there's no tag I was probably drunk and the blacklist wasn't needed lol.

8 years ago

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Ahh roommates. Always a coin toss with them :/

8 years ago

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People should try harder not to piss off green dragons. Poison gas is probably the least fun way to die :<

8 years ago

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thought of you as really rude on some discussions.

8 years ago

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Interesting. I thought it was because I BL'd you first. I admit I can be rude to certain types with a certain mindset.

8 years ago

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you didn´t - you revenge blacklisted, but hey i wasn´t going to assume you would stand for that.

8 years ago

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Hmmm. Like I said, interesting. You're a unique situation if that's the case.

8 years ago

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Fine, fine... Since all the cool kids are doing it I'm gonna join in too ;D
As I've said it before, I blacklist for:

  • Not saying Thank You after winning a GA, especially if you haven't said it in the comment section earlier (I've had 7 gibs end yesterday and, while all of them were marked as received within a couple of hours, it really hurt my feelings to only hear back from 2 of them so BLed were the other 5..) yeah, if you're one of those five and you're reading this, it was really uncool and made me sad that you decided to just click received and move along, really shows how happy you were about winning...
  • Begging/ReGifting/Non-Activation/Multiple Wins of the Same Game and other forms of intentional and repeated rule-breaking
  • Any type of racist, sexist or other hateful behavior in the forums

As for me being blacklisted, I talked about that too before: a couple of my fav people here BLed me, I just had to know why as I try hard to be nice to everyone so I asked them and we realized it was just a silly misunderstanding and we keep on loving each other <3
The other 3-4 I know of are the ones I got into a very heated argument with once and their level of communication was such that I truly don't want to be liked by them and prefer to have no contact with them.
If there's anyone else, I truly don't know, but do hope that anyone I've unintentionally insulted (and that goes for anyone reading this who hasn't recognized himself in the aforementioned "the other 3-4 I know of" will come forward and say what I did to hurt their feelings so I might apologize (regardless of BL) as I'd hate to be responsible for making anyone here feel sad.

8 years ago*

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You better not be sleep deprived.

8 years ago

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Hahahha, I do hope you're not implying I'm gonna be staying up late because of a sudden flood of grievances xD

8 years ago

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That and getting back to being addicted with the rest of us.

8 years ago

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Just you wait till I get a normal connection again and it doesn't take me a couple of minutes to load a single page of a discussion here... xD
I'm not even exaggerating! While I sometimes manage to catch my connection in a good mood and it loads a page in an acceptable amount of time, it sometimes takes well over 5 minutes to load. :'(

8 years ago

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You need to find someplace that has public wifi you can leech off of!

So I shouldn't post these then?

-Edited for Luxy's Crappy ISP©-

8 years ago*

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I hope the amount of time it took me to reply answers your question.... 11mins because of 4 gifs/images...
EDIT: and additional 5 to add my comment...
Now be a doll and delete those xD

8 years ago

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But the cat cuteness!

8 years ago

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I know, thank god it wasn't a Supernatural gif, I'd be crying right now O.o

8 years ago

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A what?

8 years ago*

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A paddlin' waiting to happen if you keep it up xD xD xD
But I did load the gif in another tab as I just had to see it xD

8 years ago

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Are you threatening me with a paddlin?

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Even my dog is looking at the screen annoyed right now so a paddlin' with a couple of bites isn't out of the question either xD

8 years ago

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Ok the gif is gone but I'm leaving the picture. I take my chances.

8 years ago

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You have made a wise choice and been granted mercy. Rejoice! xD

8 years ago*

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If it gets me mercy then well...no dice.

8 years ago*

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Only managed to load the last one and since the last word is not "naked" it wasn't worth it.
But seriously, please delete these and don't do it any more, it's really hard to load the page as I have to keep reloading if I see it's getting into an infinite loop that won't end up with the page being loaded, and if I don't time it precisely it gets stuck and never loads so I have to try and open it in another tab. That's a lot of work to try and reply to a comment, and sometimes I have to try to post my comment more than once so... Yeah, the fun of it is wearing off rapidly xD

8 years ago*

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Don't worry it was just gifs talking about Halloween and an Orgy with Dean. Nothing missed.

8 years ago

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You see... I loaded this page after you deleted those soooo amazingly fast that I'm still in shock! :D
Also, about the gif descriptions.... I hate you xD

8 years ago

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It ended with a close up of a tear rolling down Dean's face as he took off his tshirt and rubbed himself in baby oil.

Idk why you hate me for sharing.

8 years ago

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I'm just gonna go now and... I don't know... Take a cold shower I guess xD

8 years ago

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I can't imagine you being in a heated argument :P You're always so nice!

8 years ago

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That's so sweet of you to say <3
I find most people here very nice and easy to get along with, but those few... Oooof!
It's one thing not to agree about something with someone and discussing it in a polite manner, but using nasty vocabulary, trying to start a fight and intentionally being aggressive because you perceive someone's politeness as weakness really sets me off xD

8 years ago

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I blacklist for the same reasons MysticAarrgg does (thanks man for the nice template, I edited a bit to fit my needs). I blacklist for a multitude of reasons most of them being:

  • Not saying Thank You after winning a GA
  • Begging/ReGifting/Non-Activation/Multiple Wins of the same game/Gifting free games
  • Racist, sexist or hate filled posts or threads started in the forums or general disrespect and rudeness
  • Referral Link posting
  • Showing you are here for greed ( Not gifting anything with multiple wins, mass entering everything you can, posting something acting entitled to games, etc.)
  • People who blacklist me first

If you are on my blacklist and feel like you don't belong there, get in contact with me, I'll gladly remove you as soon as we talked it out.

And if you happened to have me blacklisted, I'd be grateful if you'd state reason and if you feel like we can change that.

8 years ago*

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I never paid attention to the free games gifting until recently, it's quite disturbing to see how many people quickly flood the site with throwaway keys, also you're welcome! Things just look so much better when in line haha.

8 years ago

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If only you'd posted this earlier, I could have just copied yours instead of thinking about editing MysticAarrgg's and then deciding to rant on xD

8 years ago

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Oh, but we all love to read your little rants :)

8 years ago

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Awwww, I knew there was a reason why you have a little blue heart next to your name ;D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I agrees with ya on the reasons above. Was too lazy to add them myself on the previous page. (@=

8 years ago

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Couldn't care less. Just giving my regards to the creator of this thread, thanks for the entertaining lecture :)

8 years ago

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I really don't care much about things like bad ratios or breaking site rules. If you're on my(relatively small, ~20 people) blacklist, it's usually one of two things:

  1. Posting very mean-spirited things to other users
  2. Posting bigoted opinions

As you can imagine, it's much easier to earn redemption for #1 then #2. (Unless you're willing to change your entire world view for a few free games. In which case, cool! You can start by wearing this as your avatar for a week.)

8 years ago

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LOL, I'd have this avatar if I already hadn't one :D

8 years ago

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Hmm, I am unsure if I have made anyone's blacklist in my short time here, but if I have this is me apologizing for my past transgressions.

I try to get along with everyone and be a generally nice guy, and if I have upset or offended you in anyway I am sorry... Now if I can just find a decent bundle to giveaway because the new indiegala one isn't really the greatest...

PS. How do you know if you're on someone's blacklist?

8 years ago

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The only person I currently have blacklisted is Marshal (for obvious reasons).

I only blacklist for one of two things:

  1. Egregious disregard and/or abuse of other users.
  2. Serious ethical violations which are not punished by permanent suspension (e.g. scammed a user on another site).
  3. (This is here simply because I like odd numbers.)
8 years ago

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  1. No longer odd. :D

Edit: Pewp, defeated by formatting changing my 4 to a 1. :(

8 years ago

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I'm sure this thread will be popcorn worthy in time. But for now, can you actually tell if you are on a blacklist?

Edit: I don't have anyone blacklisted and a few whitelisted. Thought I should share since it seems to be a thing and maybe someone is curious

8 years ago*

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I don't have that many on it, yet. Might purge a bunch during new year's. Redempt away if you notice you're on my BL.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I blacklist for:

  • Abusing the rules
  • Abusive language

I may get on board with this blacklisting people who don't say thank you after winning idea. It feels a little harsh though, so I'll have to ponder it a while.

I don't like the idea of blacklisting people for ratios because you don't know their situation. Someone with 10 wins and 0 giveaways might be a greedbag, or they might just not be able to afford games. And at least they're here getting honest copies rather than just pirating them. It's kind of an odd mentality for a charity website, as in most cases people who don't give back are the target, because they can't. You wouldn't donate clothes expecting to get a bag handed back to you, so why donate games with that expectation? People are free to use whatever guidelines they want, I'm just explaining how I feel.

8 years ago

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Just an interjection, which anyone may disagree with, not that I'm interested in discussing it, but thought I'd try to help contribute.
I BL'ed at one point for ratio. Typically I was irked about people who had won things, but never given away anything, or only given away one thing. Then I realized, I can just shift the level up. Because occasionally I do things like puzzles. And if they earn their way to the prize, why should I have them BL'ed? :D

/end hanrangue

8 years ago

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Because occasionally I do things like puzzles. And if they earn their way to the prize

that's like having me blacklisted...

8 years ago

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Only for those GAs. ;)
And besides, if you decided to actually work on them... you'd earn your way back in.
Besides, what do you care, you're already on the other list anyways. :D

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Deleted-8888821.