Well it depends how important gaming is to him. Relationships can be hard to manage, if one part constantly spends all the time on something the other is not a part of. As such being able to game together would improve the relationship a lot. I lot of girls don't understand why guys wants to play computers instead of spending time with them, so a disharmony is created in the relationship.
I'm with him on this one. Having a gf who understands the importance of gaming might be key to a good relationship. That does not however mean, she HAS to be a gamer herself, but if gaming means a lot to a guy, he wants to share that with the girl he loves.
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I agree. It is fucking ridiculous to say gaming isn't important for a relationship. It IS something you to can do together as an activity, and that is always a good thing. Relationships wont automatically be impossible without it, but it is like anything else. If gaming is a hobby of yours, it would be ideal to be in a relationship with someone with similar interest (gaming). I don't know, people are stupid now a days. People get married now even if they have no similar interests, so no surprise when they think gaming is irrelevant. I guess it is for some, but not for me :/
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I know right? Dating someone who shares interests and hobbies with you? That's crazy.
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There are no girl gamers. Only gamers as one collective group.
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There is a lot of gamer girls, if you have played some mmorpg there is always a thread or two of a couple meeting in a game and ending up posting a pic of their newborn baby, including friends of mine.
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Why do we call our selves gamers just because we play games? I watch movies, does that make me a movier? I guess I'm also a booker and a hardcore fooder. I'm a person (not a girl btw, off topic I know but frankly the topic was unoriginal and a little bit offensive and childish), I happen to play games but that's a small part of who I am, why is it the only label that society see fits to give me, give all of us? Although questions like the one the OP posed are not helping. /soapbox
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You are correct sir. But the majority of people do enjoy food and books and etc. My main question i guess i was searching for is how many girls play games, i know the a vast number of men enjoy them and i enjoy their company and playing with them. But its also 3 am after a 12 hour work day and i have been drinking a little so im probably not makin any sense
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The average person who regularly plays video games is probably a 35 year old female. They're probably only playing Angry Birds and Farmville but they are gaming whether they like it or not.
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Film buff. Cinema geek. Moviegoer.
Bookworm. Avid reader. Bibliophile.
Foodie. Gourmand. Epicure.
Never underestimate humanity's ability to create labels for themselves. Most humans love to be part of a group.
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Right labels are necessary but a true bibliophile or bookworm is mostly defined by that aspect of their life. Everyone eats but not everyone is a foodie. Right now anyone who owns a console or plays games on a PC is a gamer which is ripe with negative connotations stemming from 12 yearolds streaming profanity while playing CoD. Even if that person has never played a single online match in any game they get that label. Even if they are vaguely interested and only play for an hour or two a week. If some one reads once or twice a week you don't call them a book worm.
As a professional in my mid-twenties I'm getting fed up with people saying "Oh, your a gamer then." when it somehow comes up that I play video games. I'm guessing the average person who plays video games is a 35 year old female. It may only be angry birds but it's gaming.
Either the term needs to only apply in the same set of circumstances as a term like bibliophile or epicure or the connotation needs to change. Probably a little of both.
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My fiancee is a hardcore gamer. We met in an online browser game called The Ninja RPG. few months later we started to online date. couple of more months later, we met in real life and it got more serious :) So now, almost 4 years later, I've proposed her and she said yes without any delay or regret :) And also, she plays all sorts of games - FPS (Battlefield, Medal of Honor, L4D2, Dead Island...), Third person shooter (Mass Effect, APB:Reloaded, GTA series, Saints Row series), Strategies ( Total War series, Anno) and so on and on. Even MMORPG's like WoW, Aion, Rift, Tera, Guild Wars, Elder Scrolls Online.......... She's pretty hardcore gamer :P
and to answer your question in her name - She is not happy with a non-gamer boyfriend. Therefore, she's insanely happy that she has me. (Her words!) She also uses Steam Gifts so maybe she replies here later today :P
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well im very happy for you its always good to hear video games are doing good things other than provoking others to violence. I honestly dont think i know any girl who plays those sorts of games. i know who few who play dota but thats about it. thanks for your post gl
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Yup as my man said x3 I would die without gamer guy. I know that love is about different things but honestly, if I ever had a man who would be a pain in the ass every single time I turn on game, I would most likely push the keyboard up his ass and show him doors. I guess I am one of a few girls tho who are fine with spending day by siting on PC playing together with bf but oh well. There is nothing better than sit beside each other and yell mean words in a joke when being raped by mobs and NPCs in the game :D Or in PVP and make out later. That's just awesome :D And by that I don't mean that we are no lifers, we also go out and when we do so, it most likely ends up by thinking of zombie apocalypse and other shit, geting lost in the forrest and making out survival plans etc. SO...yeah...can't imagine doing all this with anybody else but my Wolfie x3
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Ah! The mythical June that is always referenced in group chat!
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Good tip: try befriending girls who are in your friends circle, learn that suprisingly they are human beings with their motivations, dreams, wants, likes and dislikes, and maybe from friendship something more will blossom. But maybe. Don't cheat faking friendship to beg for affection or n00dz, and don't stalk female gamers, letting them win in competetive, trying to add them to friends despite not even knowing what to talk with them about, and being creepy, because this is will cause an indestructible fedora to grow out of your scalp.
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I know one that is a real candy in the eyes of many and she's taken. the guy she's dating is just fugly (yeah, just my own opinion but I also heard same thing from others)
but I do not consider gaming in the criteria of a good girlfriend (just don't annoy me with all the FB game requests then I'm good)
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well gaming is part of what i do. im not terrible but im not like 1337 either. its simply a hobby and interest of mine, and it is enjoyable to share your hobbies and interests with other people and if a girl enjoys games then its simply another thing to enjoy with them. and FB requests annoy me o much. thats why i has no facebook
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As a woman who enjoys gaming I find stuff like this really annoying. I don't even care if this thread isn't serious. It's still annoying. There are lots of women who play games but a lot of the ones who aren't attention seekers stay quiet and often don't reveal the fact precisely because of stuff like this. "LULZ girl gamers don't exist", "There's no such thing as a girl on the internet they're all just dudes hur hur hur". Let's not even get started on the sexual harassment and dumb jokes. So if you want to find a woman interested in gaming, please don't start with "is that even a real thing?".
Why is it that so many guys want women to get into gaming yet treat them like shit or ridicule them when they encounter them online? Grow up. Teasing girls for being girls is something elementary school boys do. "FBI agents"... ugh.
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I did not mean to annoy you or make fun of any girl who games, im trying to keep it a little more on the lighthearted side, i am not by nature an all serious person. I do understand why girls don't advertise themselves. It wasn't my intent to offend you. Just trying to ask a few questions in a more fun way ( so i thought) and thank you for your post
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it's not like we get to meet female that are actually passionate about gaming everyday. The kind who I usually see is girls coming over my house to play some kinect dance games, not the type that sits down and play some GTA or GOW with me.
eventually, it's the generalization and the make believe stereotypes on the internet that brings harm to both sides.
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Ehh, I don't take it personally. Even if we're not as much of a minority anymore, anyone that has ever been part of a minority is going to cop flack (and that wasn't really flack as much as it was joking around). But I have to agree that the girls who play the most games usually are the quiet, hidden gem type. Personally, I don't like being referred to as a 'gamer girl' since nowadays that seems to be a title claimed by every girl that's ever touched an xbox in their life, rather than people who have an honest interest in games.
I also don't tend to cop shit from males on the Internet. For being a girl who plays games, anyway. I think society (read: the male gender) is much more accepting of girl gamers now, definitely more than ever before - and the ones getting bagged on are the ones who make an ass of themselves for exclusively playing COD and then crying about not having a boyfriend yet.
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I suppose i use the term gamer girl too loosely. My interpretations of a gamer girl is a girl who enjoys a large variety and scope of games ranging from different platforms to genres and enjoys playing them on a semi regular basis. I consider myself a gamer guy because i like many games and many genres and enjoy playing them with other people and sometimes by myself. And i have no problem with a girl playing games. If i enjoy it why would i not want someone else to enjoy the same thing whether it be a guy or girl. Thanks for the insight
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I'm totally supportive of female gamers, and think that it's mostly the immature ones who just troll them for the sake of trolling. It's just that I for one (probably much like the OP) wish I had a girlfriend who enjoys computer games just like I do.
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+1 but please remember that not all male gamers are the type who will demand nude pics as proof any time they find out that someone is female. Most of us find that type of behavior just as disgusting as you do.
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Ok so after everyone insight here i decided to edit my post. My question then is how prevalent are girl gamers. By girl gamer i am referring to a girl who play all types and genres of games and enjoy them. And would it be something you look for in a guy. Would it be an important part of your relationship or would it make no difference if he almost never plays a game. Also why is the rum always gone?
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