Hello i am new to Giveaways and i was hoping if someone could help me understand how the bundle giveaways work cause i read the faqs but still feel lost. So what i want to know is how many bundle giveaways can i make before they stop give CV and what should i do to reset it, also is the list posted in the faq actual cause currently there is a serious sam bundle but it havent been entered in the faq so if i make giveaways for all the games will i recieve full CV ? thanks in advance

11 years ago*

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I'd like to know as well, if you guys don't want to explain again perhaps you can link towards a thread that explains well ?

11 years ago

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u can get 30$ worth of contributor from bundle games giveaways .. if u giveaway any non bundle games.. ur bundle game contributor limit increases from 30$ to lets say 35$. and if u make more non bundle giveaways it will keep increasing

simple as that

Bundle games are games which u can get in bundles like indie gala , humble bundle , and other bundle sites

11 years ago

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You can get up to 30$ CV from bundle games alone. Anyone game marked with an * in the giveaway drop down list is a bundle game. Sometimes it takes some time to update the list but changes will be made retroactive so any give that was made after the bundle started wil be considered a bundle game. Hope that helps.

11 years ago

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I see people are making replies to a comment I made, turns out I was wrong about the whole bundle thing, so just ignore everything I said :P

11 years ago

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I'll give an example that will help with it.

So let's say you give bundle games X and Y that are both $25 each after you join. If those two games are the only games you give away your CV will be $30.

Now let's say you buy a copy of Fortix and give it away. Fortix adds about $1 to your CV. But since you have $20 still not gained from bundle games X and Y, you actually get 120% of Fortix's value, or $1.20, so that brings you up to $31.20 (approximately)

However, if you give bundle game Z, your CV doesn't increase still. After you hit the $30 mark, you only get CV for bundled games if you give away non-bundled games and then 20% of the non-bundled value, so about 20 cents for each dollar of non-bundled games you give or $1 for every $5 of non-bundled games given.

11 years ago

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that seems to explain very well

11 years ago

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Glad to hear! I know examples tend to work better for me to understand stuff.

11 years ago

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At some point you could reach $30, and then you would only get 20% of the value of the bundled games, am I right ? And then it changed. Am I still right ?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by SnaikBG.