How do you know it will be cheaper? And how much cheaper?
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I was going to suggest gifting it to yourself but it seems they wont allow you to buy it as a gift. I am sure another offering will come soon when they need more subscribers.
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if you buy it once and gift it to yourself, within 9 months left, it will take you to 21 months so you can only buy it once as you will reach the limit.
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I am sure they will do this offer again so I wouldn't risk it.
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So did you try it? I'm tempted to get the gift link, my current sub (bought yesterday) expires Jan 2020 and on checkout it says " You currently have an active subscription which will be billed again on January 31, 2020. Change Your Subscription Plan or Complete Checkout to Purchase a Gift Plan.". I wonder if I could redeem it right away or simply keep it in the inventory and redeem on my account later.
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No i did not try it. But in theory it should work i think. You could probably even store the gift link in your email and wait to activate it when you drop back to 20 credits if they don´t allow you to add it twice right away.
I decide just to buy it once. I already activated January early and now have 21 months in credit. I have been very happy with the monthly so far. Every month there has always been something in there to make it worth my cash. This December bundle i already had Metal Gear and Cities, but almost all the unlocks i had wish listed. Never had a month that i would have paused if i knew the contents. But with IGN now taking control i don´t know where the ship is going. I´m still optimistic, but 21 months is enough for now and there will probably be more deals when i´m close to running out.
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Yes, it says $132 but the -33 discount is applied before checkout.
No idea what insta buy is, do you mean the green paypal button? If yes, then you're safe, I also used it and it was only after I saw the order summary (132-33=99). But of course I don't take any responsibility if it works differently for you. :P
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How many months you have left of HM. A year is 12 months/12 credits.
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When you purchase a subscription, a year sub will get you 12 monthly credits. Each time you get a Monthly bundle, it uses up one credit. You can redeem one a month over 12 months, or you can skip some months, or you can skip all the months and horde them until next year like some crazy person. The choice is yours. :)
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Well, my sub has just ended so for me it's kind of a xmas gift, but I can see how you can feel differently. Still, if you have some months left, I'm pretty sure they will have similar offers throughout 2019 as well, it's just that most of the cool ones seem to be targeted at new users so it can be a PITA to wait for another one like this.
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Lol. I think your bigger font might have scared him off. Haven't seen/heard from him on the site for a while.
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For a brief moment I felt totally free: I canceled my subscription!
And now they try to lure me back in........
And doing so pretty convincingly......
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so it's already $8.25 per month and people still consider it expensive?
maybe humble bundle should release a new deal:
*** if it's $240+ people will complain it's bundled on sg, play it safe, HB!
will people stop crying? 🤷🤷🤷
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No email I think, the deal should be available to everyone (with the unclear 20 month credit exception). Just scroll down the monthly page until you see the prices.
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$1 for idling for profitz or 12$ for some +1 cause you dont have the time to play all the thousands of games in your library... what is better?
99 bucks for some +1 are too expensive for me... even though the games are pretty decent, i will get the games i want to play cheaper with group buys and dont need the +1
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"Desperate" comes to mind.
One thing to keep in mind when you offer special promotions or deals... don't do them too often because it'll be painfully obvious that sales are down and that customers might get even better deals if you wait. :D
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Yeah, I am pretty sure they want as many active subscribers as possible so that they can deals with big publishers easier.
"With 450,000 subscribers and counting, Humble Monthly has created a new kind of buying club." (from the HB Monthly Page)
I am pretty sure that is also their sales pitch to developers.
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It's more about volume. If I come to you as a developer and say that I want 1 million copies of X at $1.50 each. That's not a small amount of money. Approaching the same developer with 450k copies of X at $1.50 is far less attractive. Especially if you consider that the majority of those people wouldn't buy the game anyway. The only problem is the reselling of keys. I can see something like a time limit on key activation becoming the norm because the last thing that same developer wants is 500k keys floating around on the second hand market.
For the bigger companies, it's more about follow on sales. Look at this months bundle. Getting 500k people into JC3 is very likely to generate some JC4 purchases. If Humble approach with more subscribers then they can push for better stuff.
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Some people who still have subscription said that they cannot use this promote.
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I asked him again. He paid and got refunded. He don't know why.
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Just got this. Not bad considering a monthly is ~7,50 EUR. Now I'm settled till August 2020. Shit
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Nope, I have 19 months paid for already, and this is a one time offer until 15th December.
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Just got this myself. Considering I was currently on a monthly subscription and never once paused (curse my FOMO) this meant a $45 in saving for me over the next year. Might regret it later but hey, I've bought dumber stuff before for more than that.
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My annual sub was until feb 2019 and just a few days ago I switched to monthly because I got pissed that everyone got special deals when they didnt have annual. But with 33 dollar cheaper I bought it again because it was a pretty good deal :)
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I bought 12 months plan for $132 just before first $99 promotion and then I found out about it I was furious. I expressed my dissatisfaction very hard when I demanded refund. I wrote that I feel cheated as loyal member (I subscribe Humble Monthly since the beginning). I wrote that I want my money back and that I'm canceling my subscription until they will treat loyal members equally with new ones. Today is the day I see :)
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I have a question. I have already unlocked this month games. So if I buy annual plan, would they again unlock this month's early unlocks as a separate purchase or 12 monthly credits would be added to my current months?
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I have a question as well if you can answer I had a 3 month plan which would end this month but I paused it since didn’t care for the early unlocks. Now if I take this deal will I still be paused or will I automatically get this month then add the 12 months or will I still be paused and then just have 12 months added to my other 1 month I have remaining?
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Yeah so I've read from others, I ended up just unlocking this month anyways with my last month and will probably take this deal so then I will have 12 months remaining and then if I don't like next month I can easily pause it.
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If they can go this low, there's probably a catch. I fear, this won't improve the overall quality of the Monthly bundles to come. And those games may not even be good for giveaways considering there's been some non Steam games already and a lot of stories of folks being accused of trading by Humble support. Nah, I think I'll just pass, I'm fairly sure that I wouldn't play the majority of those games anyway.
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Not eveyone have annual subsciption. The offer is limited time and not everyone can use the offer. So I hope not.
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I am thinking of doing this myself since it seems like a pretty decent deal, but I have a question that I hope can be answered sooner rather then later since I only have till what the 15th to decide to by it.
I currently have a three month sub, which will end next month (would have ended this month, but I paused it) and I am wondering if I would get the 12 month will then I automatically unlock this months games or will it just add on to my current month and still keep this month paused?
I really couldn't find this info online, most info said that you cannot by a sub then pause the same month you buy it, but if you already have a sub and are paused not sure how that works?
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Well thanks for this and after reading it I seen that it did, but for me it didn't matter since I unlocked this month anyways before buying the year sub. but at least I will know in the future.
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Pretty much my thought on this. The CAD/USD rate has been shit for the past couple weeks so I'm trying to reduce the amount of USD I spend. HB seems to have a promo every other week now for the annual sub, so I doubt we would be missing out.
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"Limited time offer. Purchase a 12-month plan subscription for $99 ($33 discount). This offer is available to users who purchase a 12-month subscription between December 7 at 5:00 p.m. to December 15 at 11:59 p.m Pacific time and do not currently have more than 20 Monthly credits on their account. Promo subject to Humble Bundle Terms of Service. Promo is subject to change."
Great timing as my previous annual plan ended this month. Finally something to loyal subscribers, too!
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