I believe you're calling out an instance of calling out, which is bannable.
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With nearly 20K gifts this was written in the stars that it would happen.
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Im just waiting for the dev to start revoking keys
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Doubt he got suspended for that long just for calling out.
A 3 days suspension for a joke thats been beaten up to the ground seems ok with me. Its not has if we hadnt laughed at this "accident" before he was even a member of this site anyway.
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Seems like somebody is angry daddy took away his favourite toy he was never going to play with :D
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This is my first time entering for this game I:
i thought going through gleamio for this garbage was a waste of time
Im sorry maybe i should applaud the attitude of revoking keys to sell them in a bundle, that sure is an awesome thing to do
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As far as I know the situation was a little different: First the game was in a Lazy Guys Bundle and apparently the dev wasn't aware what he signed because there was a clause in the contract that the game can't be given away for free for a certain time. Unaware of this he made a deal with Deduction to promote the game through Gleam. Not very professional but so be it. Then I assume Lazy Guys made the dev aware of their contract and thus he deactivated all the keys from Deductions GA. So he didn't deactivate those keys to sell them in a bundle. As far as I know devs have the ability to generate unlimited keys without any costs or fees from Valve so there is no point in using the same keys again. I'm not really sure why the game can be given away in such a large scale now, probably Lazy Guys denied payment because of breach of contract but that's just an assumption.
If you read the chatlogs the dev definitly comes off a bit naive and doesn't speak english well while Deduction starts cursing, insulting and threatening him. Also in my opinion it's pretty hypocritical how Deduction changed his attitude toward the game from "We have this great game to give away for free" to "That game is shit anyway. Write negative reviews and report the devs to Steam".
Also the dev gave everybody the opportunity to add them on Steam and exchange the revoked keys for valid ones. And in my brief interaction with the dev he appeared to be way more professional than Deduction judging from those chat logs.
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I didn't mean he had to sell the same keys , just that he revoke them before selling the game on Lazy bundle. I just had no idea which one came first, which makes his decision a little bit less awful
And yes, Deduction makes him look better by comparison. although understandable, since the ordeal ended up making him look worse than the person who revoke the keys
Anyway, i saw a chance to make joke about it and i took it, because thats pretty much what i do around here, not realizing it has already been done before
rest assured there wouldn't be an hint of frustration if this game where to disappear from my library
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No, let them regift. You don't pre-emptively dish out punishments, you have to let them deliver the proof first ;)
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First of all - until they deliver and 7 days since their own win passes - they cannot be banned, because you need actual not circumstancial proof. And they have 7 days to activate their wins.
Second thing - it would be waste of time to catch them 1 by 1 now. Let them regift for a few days now until all who intended to regift do so, then quickly mass delete all GAs and mass ban all of them - much better than hunting few of them day by day every day. Especially considering support load.
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If somebody doesn't have a won game activated on his account and shortly after is giving away the same game it's easy to put 2 and 2 together.
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You can also search for the names of those you suspect in the won list on the big giveaways. It will show them as a single anonymous user even if they haven't marked it as received.
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its against the rules to do that , if they didnt want it then why join the giveaway ?!!
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From ToS:
If you enter a giveaway, and are randomly generated by the Website as a Winner, you understand that:
any Gift you receive is for personal use, and must be activated, or redeemed by the Steam ID associated with your SteamGifts.com account. The Gift should not be used for other purposes, including by not limited to, trading, selling, or regifting.
From FAQ:
Can I enter a giveaway for a friend?
You should only enter to win giveaways for yourself, and if you win a game, it must be activated and redeemed to the Steam account used during registration. If a friend is interesting in joining giveaways, they'll need to register for their own account.
From Guidelines:
Won gifts should be activated to the Steam account used during registration, and they should not be regifted, traded, or sold.
So it is mentioned almost everywhere - by registering everyone agrees to those rules, whether they like it or not.
There are many problems with regifting, but mostly from community and this website side.
Let's take an absurd example. One guy got an AAA game for example latest Doom, he have a small group of friends, he makes a giveaway to them, his friends are regifting this game in this group. Everyone is at level 10 in no-time thanks to one game and can take part on the giveaways that only best contributes have chances at.
This is a small game, but it is enough to get one from level 0 to 1, and the quality of games in giveaways is really big between those two levels.
From the contributors perspective - look like that, you are poor, but you want to give a game(s), you are not buying something that you badly wanted, but buy games for others, and then you are finding out, someone else got the same effect without any fatigue or costs, how would you feel then?
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+1 i blacklisted so many people in just 20min lol bunch os assholes
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each time someone ask me why i almost punch my self lol XDDD
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I had no idea there was a rule about regifting until I did Drunk Wizards. I deeply regret my actions and would have ended my giveaway if I found out before it ended. I hope I don't get banned.
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If you regfited, go buy the game outright. Its the only way.
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Oh thats much better than other punishments i have gotten on some websites. I thought it was all over. now i can have a permanent reminder of my inadequacy as well!!!
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Suggestion: On the giveaway creation page, when the user clicks on the "review giveaway" button, check whether an user has won a giveaway of that game in an awaiting feedback / received state and whether he has the game on his account. if both of these are true, notify the user to sync his account with SG to check for a win's activation (or do it automatically). With that, regifters would have to misuse giveaway feedback to regift.
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Calling out = ban
Regifting = ban
You are welcome. :P
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In some cases, "accident" is the closest thing they could think of to "didn't know the rules."
In other words, even though they should know the rules, that doesn't mean they knew the rules when the created the giveaway and only deleted it because they got caught. IMO, of course.
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LOL, that's funny. Well, human nature says we're more likely to say we made an "accident" as opposed to we broke site rules and regifted a previous win. Either that, or they just pick the first one that seems accurate enough. But yes, there are more accurate choices available than "accident."
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13 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by VahidSlayerOfAll
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188 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by CupcakeDollykins
It seems to me that people who won copies of the 19,000 Drunk Wizards keys are regifting them. Isn't this against site rules? The gleam contest was the only other place I know of where keys were given away, and all of those keys were revoked. The game is priced at $7.99, so it's fair to assume people didn't buy gift copies. And even if their friend won the game and gave it to them, I'd still consider it regifting since it's the same key from SteamGifts.
List of current Drunk Wizards giveaways that coincide with the ending of the Drunk Wizards mega giveaway:
Ideally, the mods could investigate and remove all of these giveaways from the site. But maybe they could just zero out the value of Drunk Wizards so nobody gets credit for regifting in all current and future giveaways?
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