then dont complain when people who are give stuff away on their own terms
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I like to thank them for the opportunity, but both sides raise valid arguments here.
Some people can't afford games, so they look for the generosity of others on sites like these instead of pirating. They don't beg (because they're banned pretty quick), and usually say thank you when they win.
On the other hand, people are allowed to do what they will with their disposable income, and if that means giving back to the people who (may have) gifted you in the past, then reciprocity is their style.
It's a tough call.
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Did I just read this right, you think gifting a game to someone else here is wasting your money?
If so, wow.
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Ah, ok. While I don't have time to read all of the responses here, I don't agree with your first post on how the site should or shouldn't be used. I think it's a nice feature that can be used as the gifter sees fit. It's their money / game to give away; they can do it in a way that they see fit.
I doubt you'll see every giveaway going contributor only so I wouldn't stress too much.
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I'm certainly not rich, I'm a student with a shitty job. But I still give stuff away whenever I can.
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Its the thought that counts. And Fortix speaks to many. It shows manliness, guts and glory.
I'd play Fortix Roulette.
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If you cant make money for games then you shouldn't have the free time to be playing them. If OP spent the time it took to put 800 entries into the site he could have worked long enough to buy any game he wanted.
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I'm voicing an opinion, not crying about how I haven't won anything. Honestly I enjoy steamgifts mostly because it gets me interested in games I haven't heard of before. Don't know why instead of discussing the topic people resort to ad hominem to discredit it.
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Its a non issue. I don't see any other reason why we're discussing this topic other than leechers wanting more giveaways, or wanting to get into other exclusive giveaways.
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its not releveant to your opinion but its relevant to us to know that you arent even making the time to thank the people that make giveaways that you entered
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I've only done one contributor giveaway for 2.99 to pay it forward after a win.
I personally see it as a great tool that makes public giveaways a viable option again. A majority of the time one of my public wins goes to someone who barely appreciates it or doesn't play it. I've also had people win entire collections just for a few DLCs or just trade their wins off. This is why I ended up starting my own group which puts an emphasis on entering for stuff you want rather than everything under the sun. At least those that have contributed to the site have a better chance at understanding how things work here.
If people want to make giveaways with extremely high contributor amounts, it is their prerogative. Honestly, I forgo buying some things for myself and would rather buy multiple games on sale to give away here. A lot of people don't realize or don't care that regardless of the gift, a person's time, effort, or money went into acquiring it. It is nice to have generosity appreciated by fellow community members.
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Although I've only given away to $0.00, $0.01 and $50 so far, I'm planning on doing a few higher giveaways in order to reward those that give things away to others. Perhaps they'll join for a game that they wouldn't normally buy from themselves which they'll then go on to enjoy?
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I just don't like them because I've given away nearly $100 worth of games on other sites like reddit and TF2r- and can verify them- but because it wasn't on this site I get labeled as a leech and can't enter some giveaways. frustrates me a lot
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If I want to give away a game that I own and there are different options on how to make it accessible, then it is MY decission, what options to pick.
Having said that, I also respect that I can not enter some giveawas, because I do not meet the criteria, even though I would really like to enter.
Accoring to your logic, it would also be unfair to make group giveaways if the group is not public or private giveaways if the link isn't publicly posted.
Simply respect the decission of the giveaway maker, because he has no obligation to make a giveaway AT ALL in the first place.
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Because like contributor giveaways, private and group giveaways are also only "a option to be considered".
Instead of making them private or for a group, the creator could just make them accessible for all.
It's the same as making a contributor giveaway - you are limiting the amount of people that can enter.
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If someone makes a private group for "top contributors", invites all of them and then makes group giveaways, that's basicly the same as creating a contributor giveaway, don't you agree?
You simply save yourself the hassle creating the group and inviting everyone.
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Copy & pasta:
If someone makes a private group for "top contributors" and then makes group giveaways, that's basicly the same as creating a contributor giveaway, don't you agree?
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After 8 months you leeched here (thank God without any win), contributed zero value. When I say value I don't point only to creating giveaways but to contribute in discussions in forums. Now after 8 months you are restricted to enter approximately 10%-20% of all giveaways and now you have a reason to speak/comment/QQ - take a pick. I will continue to make only contributor giveaways because of people like you.
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Maybe he/she doesn't want to chat with ignorants like you, who judge people based on giveaway stats?
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Or people blind like you? I'm talking about posts and not "thanks" posts. Here, specially for you: "When I say value I don't point only to creating giveaways but to contribute in discussions in forums." The part about contribution in discussions.
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And I was talking about posts as well, thats why I wrote "chatting". Read carefully next time, I said nothing about "thanks". For now, my point in calling you an ignorant still stands.
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"After 8 months you leeched here (thank God without any win), contributed zero value." I guess that I judge based on stats... oh no, wait, those are your words!
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I have a Dell Inspiron 15 and I use my neighbors wifi (legal in NY). My bad.
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Don't normally step in in stuff like this, but saying "you have a pc and internet, stfu" basically is overkill. 5 years ago a pc and internet wasn't something everyone had. Now the vast majority of the US anyways have a pc and internet as something set up as "essential". Plus factor in there are students who have ramen money and that's about it, along with other situations, and well..... the theory is flawed, and is rather arrogant and presumptuous.
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Skyrim, Black Ops, Skyrim. You honestly gonna claim that PC's that can run those games are "essential"? If you were on a PC that could only run old flash games then yes, you'd have a point, but you're not, you're arguing that being able to run new games is essential and it's not.
Yes the world has changed and more and more people have PC's/consoles and play games. Poor people, actual poor people, don't tend to play the latest PC games on a decent rig though. And having no money for GAMES is not a sign poverty either. Not even by the most socialist standards.
Also, Trinity has 1500 games on his account.
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In our household, I own no computer. The ones that are here are used for video ediiting and assorted other work my gf does for people online. So in our household, yes it is. And who said anything about new computers at all? I was speaking computers in general. I never argued anything outside of a computer period. Most comps will run a decent amount of games these days. I have no money, and that's not a joke. My situation is strange though. I was speaking in GENERAL though. Having said that, Gaming PC's aren't that expensive anymore, on the low end. Hell most out of box comps from a store will run a bunch of games nowadays. And most people have internet. I fail to see where I said anything argueworthy here.
mutiple edits (If you were speaking to me, as I do have Skyrim. But not Black Ops. If not, my bad)
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I think contributor giveaways are awesome , if you're giving you'll most likely get some. Only thing is ... it should be separated somehow , like group and private giveaways are. Anyways ... you should be thanking that everyone that even makes giveaways for public . Cheers !
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The man has a point. I think the contributor giveaways that are lesser than or equal to $50 are great. I cant join em but I know some day I will. Then there's the giveaways with crazy high thresholds that only the elitists can afford. And its kind of insulting. Know what I'm saying? But on the other hand I do think that the 1% should be able to have their own giveaways that us serfs cant access (not joking) as long as it doesn't get saturated. Giving more than you get is the steam gifts spirit (don't bash me look at my stats). Equal return is not the intended idea of this web site.
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What I would suggest is making a feature where you can make non-contributer giveaway only. Would be even great if you could limit it by a value. Meaning you could put a value like 0,01 on it and anyone who has given away more than that amount could NOT enter.
I want to be able to giveaway those who are really in need, not to those circlejerks! ;)
And like you said, you should be able to limit and make a giveaway like you want it!
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That would propably be too exact, also not all have the time to be here posting thoughtful comments. Surely there are always leechers and abusers, but wouldn't it be worse to have thousands of entries, 0 comments and tens of wins.
Funniest part of this feature would be the part where you can combine these two features. Limiting the entries both ways. Let's say like letting members who have contributed only between 0,01 - 50 dollars. I'm sure this feature would be handy(read fun) in some community groups.
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I hate to say it, OP, but most of the time people who don't create give-a-ways do so because of selfishness. Not because they can't.
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I dont see this as a problem. Every gifter has his/her own method of doing giveaways. Whether its a public one with many announcements to the private ones that have very limited access. With contributor givaways, the gifter can make a giveaway that is not meant for those who have not contributed, and thus weed out leechers. So, in other words, the gifter gives the game to someone who he/she things deserves the game in a random method that may or may not increase your chances.
I don't think you should worry about contributor giveaways. Its not like its an impossible puzzle.
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Need moar choices. Do you play inverted controls?
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There's a browser addon that does exactly that, among other things.
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Wasn't that always the case on this forum? I'm guessing displaying stats was meant to give credibility to contributors, but instead, it became a way to determine who's opinions to take seriously and who's not.
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I understand what you mean but you do realize people giveaway games when they are on sale for like 4 bucks and they show up for 20 - 30 bucks (maybe more) on their account, so in actuality they probably have spent 15 dollars in giveaways but their account shows 80 or more.
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Yes it isn't about being costy indeed. However everyone doesn't have the chance to contribute due being too young or not being able to have a credit card. It is rather sad really, specially as many get marked as a leecher or something else similiar so easily.
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Leechers aren't people labeled as people who don't give, notice that most people that doesn't do giveaways also barely have any comments so they are a leech. A leech is someone who doesn't contribute, rather it be in the forums or with giveaways.
It's one thing when you can't afford to do giveaways, it's another when you just plain don't contribute.
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Ok, maybe the title goes a little too far, I understand the logic behind consumer giveaways with a threshold of up to $50.00, they are to show appreciation for those who participate in both giving and receiving in (somewhat) equal amounts. However, anything above that is a complete waste. The point of steamgifts (in my opinion) is to allow those who can afford to buy games help out those who can not, and when you make a giveaway exclusively for highly valued contributors what's the point? They have obviously shown they can afford the games they want and have some to spare, so chances are if they do not have the game you are giving away they are not that interested in it, and wouldn't appreciate it as much as someone who wants the game, but can't afford it. Not to mention that many of the contributors are companies/websites rather than individuals.
In no way is this post meant to detract from the top contributors, you guys are awesome, generous people. Each of you deserve a medal.
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