Remove the link, no calling out here.
Do not mark the key received. Ask the GA creator for the correct key. If you do not get a correct one, mark the GA as "not received" after 1 week and report the GA creator for a fake GA.
Make screenshots of everything (key activation, conversations with the GA creator,...).
Edit: I don't think you will get a working key. The GA creator seems to not like the rules around here. Let's see how long they will stay ....
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They won games then gave them away instead of activating them. Combine that with one of them being under the wrong name, and they have a lot of trouble coming their way.
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Considering OP won "30 Impossible Levels" before even entering for the "Deadly 30" he should have been well aware of that game and would have probably figured out that the giveaway creator could be giving out a wrong game if he read the description.
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Still, the GA doesn't say that it is the game "30 impossible levels". Deadly 30 is 30 levels long, so it's a possible fitting description. The description isn't very descriptive. :P
It's like making a GA for the game Dream, and just put "Dreaming" in the description. That doesn't mean I mean it's for the game Dreaming.
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Exactly. It makes perfect sense - especially for someone who is not aware of the other game/giveaway.
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Yeah he was aware, but that doesn't change that "30 impossible levels" description wasn't accurate enough to assume that it will be the game he is going to get instead of Deadly 30. You are acting like one of those who are wise after the event.
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I know some people make wrong giveaways because the game they want to giveaway isn't on the list. And I know some of them write the name of the game they're actually giving away in the description.
So if I have seen the Deadly 30 giveaway it would be obvious to me what's happening. I see those fake giveaways every now and then and I avoid them, lots of people don't. I assume they don't read the descriptions.
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I see those fake giveaways every now and then and I avoid them, lots of people don't.
I do the exact opposite. I join fake giveaways, because at least that way you won't get some new user who don't know that you're not supposed to mark the game as received if it's the wrong one winning it (still not won one of those though)
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You'd be surprised how many hoarders/collectors have no idea what they own, even if they bought it a day ago. I have traded with a few people who managed to get a key from me for a game they actually had. Happened to me as well, when I was looking for stuff for my alt. It's especially difficult with cheap indies, since many of their titles are so generic and similarly-sounding. (Heck, there are two different games called Dark Matter, to name a notorious example.)
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You may want to remove the link, I believe that's considered calling someone out, which is against the rules.
Anyways, my best guess is that the user won 30 Impossible Levels, but didn't want to get in trouble for regifting, so they intentionally listed it as another game. It could be an honest mistake though, since they both have "30" in the title and maybe they mismatched the keys.
Either way, send a support ticket, and state that the user created a false/misleading giveaway if you can't get ahold of them. Might be a good idea to include a screenshot of you attempting to redeem the key, and that the key was for the wrong game.
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You weren't kidding, just checked the dude's profile, he's regifted three times, and possible now too ._. I saw your comment above that you reported him, so I won't send a report (don't wanna back up the mods with multiple reports for the same thing, ya know?) q:
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third? you mean fourth ;)
but we still dont know, if he realy regifted or just didnt activated them but bought a new copy to give it away... i hope the support will proof him and if he did something wrong, he will get his punishment...
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I don't know how much it is considered calling out what you say there, just saying to be careful. ;)
Well what does make me wonder, i had someone attacking me here a few days ago, he got suspended. but continued some more abuse privately on steam, in which i made another report (still open), i wonder if several people send in a ticket to support about someone it might go up in que and get more priority?
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Good point, thank you for the save ;) I edited a bit, so it doesn't sound like I'm accusing him this time.
Hmmm, that's a good question. I assume every report gets separated, but maybe they have it categorized in a way that multiple reports for a single user go directly in one place? Or something similar. I wold hope they have some sort of system for that.
By the way, are you okay now? Or is that user still abusing you? :/ I'd suggest sending a report on Steam, but it seems Steam support is just horrible and never replies to reports >.<
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For the moment i am fine, thanks, he blocked me after his whole tirade, but otherwise i would have blocked him (i added him to try a discussion, out of the forum, but i forgot i added him, it's why he gotten a chance that way). He got suspended for a week (i even felt sorry for him it was so "long") before he made the tirade. No telling what people sometimes do after they get unsuspended though.
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Good, sounds like he deserves getting suspended. Maybe his time "behind bars" will shape up his attitude, and when he comes back, he'll be nicer q: It's unfortunate that people can be so mean...
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Potentially a typo on his behalf
i have done it
message him and tell him.
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I am thinking the difference in giveaways is intentional because the giveaway creator is regifting 30 Impossible Levels. I am sure the giveaway creator regifted in the past, so he knows he gets punished for regifting hence intentionally make a Deadly 30 giveaway but will actually give 30 Impossible Levels. My 2¢.
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Do you mean 2 - 3 years ago? if so, wow thats a long wait.
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Remove the link as people said. The good thing to do here is to contact the GA creator and tell him the problem but, as you can see, in the ga description he said "30 impossible levels". So he knew he was making a giveaway with another name. I'd contact anyway and ask for a key, if the can't provide (he will not, i think) then mark as not received.
And report.
I just checked, 4 non-activated and his 4 giveaways are those 4 games. Four regifts ._.
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Before you contact support or anything. Did you check in your acccount
history on Steam when the copy of the game you already owned was first activated?
I'm asking this, because it could also be a error in Steam. I've had this before, that
the Steam connection is so slow, that it activates your key but fails to report back
confirmation while still trying to activate ... resulting in a product already owned because
you managed to activate the key just fine.
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It's cool because they are still 30. If you win a GA for Three Dead Zed and you're given A Boy and his Blob, then it's punishable because you're one short. Obviously the worst case is when the GA is for Hero Siege and you get Not A Hero. That's a permaban.
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That giveaway creator also regifted all the games he won besides making a fake giveaway
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Problem kind of solved. I think you can close the thread now.
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