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9 years ago

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I ll just wait for the GOTY/Ultimate Edition.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Wrong. Λάθος. :P Buy it now and avoid waiting. :P

9 years ago

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Why play only half the game now when you can wait until the entire story is out? Unless you get hooked enough to replay it a few times.

9 years ago

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Hmmm, when you do the final mission, the game ends or you can keep playing other missions?

9 years ago

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My last info is that you can play after the game ends; after all, the sandboxing is important in Bethesda games. (Even if allegedly one of the ending choices is to eradicate the game world…) Or, more precisely, it is what they are all about.

9 years ago

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Nice. Because you couldn't in Fallout 3 (I think). And I have the season pass, so I wouldn't like the game to end before playing the dlcs. xD

9 years ago

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Not originally. But since the ending was so bad even by Bethesda standards that their blind fanboys couldn't swallow it, they retconned it out entirely with the Broken Steel DLC, which also let the game continue indefinitely after the main storyline expansion ended.

9 years ago

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It's a little of both. Avoiding spoilers, many of your missions can disappear very quickly depending on your choices. That being said, your character doesn't die at the end of the story or anything so you still have full reign of the map and any non-faction-based side missions.

9 years ago

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So, you mean that I won't be able to play some missions if I decide to support some specific individuals, like in previous Fallout games, right? That's ok. I just wanted to be sure that I'll be able to keep playing, even after I finish the main missions. And I hope that my progress in the main story, won't affect the dlcs.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Don't forget the at least 30% discount

9 years ago

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That's the right way with Bethesda's games.

9 years ago

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Waiting for:
-mod that turns it back into an rpg as it should be, instead of a shooter

9 years ago

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Oh, that would be nice. The heavy shooter elements are what turned me away from playing FO4. I just so suck at it and die all the time. Stopped being fun, which is sad, because I liked to explore the world :__;

9 years ago

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Use VATS instead of shooting in first person :)

9 years ago

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I tried, I still fail. For some reason the miss rate is very high.

9 years ago

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You can mod your weapons for increased stability, less recoil, and better accuracy.

If you don't like the game, then you don't like the game. Just trying to be helpful is all :X

9 years ago

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Actually I appreciate the help. I really liked the game up to the point where it was more frustrating than fun.
I was standing in front of a workbench for modding my weapons several times, but there were so many options and I had no idea what to do...
I'm a terrible noob when it comes to shooters.
I'm using VAT and I'm wearing that big heavy armor suit now, but it's almost damaged and I feel huge and clunky compared to before. Just not fun to play :(

9 years ago

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Yeah, maybe shooters just aren't your thing. :(

I'm that way with puzzle games, but tirelessly subject myself to them. It's verging on masochism. -_-

9 years ago

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(I didn't expect this game be to be a shooter tbh).

9 years ago

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considering this game wasent a GOTY anywhere i boudth it will be a GOTY one xD

9 years ago

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Yeah, I want to play it, but realistically my backlog is insane. I'll work on that and pick this up when I can get all the content at once.

9 years ago

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I mean, it's decent, but who even cares about Fallout anymore?

9 years ago

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The 54,313 people playing it on Steam right now?

9 years ago

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It went down from over 400 000, but thanks for looking it up. :)

9 years ago

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Oh, you mean the 400k at launch ... last month? ;)

You may not care, but others do.

9 years ago

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For a game of Fallout 4's level to go down from 400k to 54k in a month it's pretty bad, to be 100% honest. But yeah, people do care. It was intended as a joke, but obviously Fallout fanboys get butthurt. ;D

9 years ago

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Butthurt fanboys? rolls eyes Just a lame cop-out.

Half a million people buy a game, and there are surely others out there waiting for a deal on it.

9 years ago

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As I've previously stated, IT WAS INTENDED AS A JOKE. Of course, some people don't understand when to stop. So, let's just carry on then. Half a million people? Look at the bigger picture. There are probably tens of millions of gamers, if not hundreds of millions. Fallout number of buyers? Insignificant. Was the game somewhat of a letdown at the start? Hell yeah. I mean, I was part of the people waiting for a better deal on Fallout, but it hasn't matched my expectations, such that I won't be purchasing it until it goes on 75% off, at least.

9 years ago

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Yep, 12 million copies at launch are completely insignificant

It'd be a lot easier to buy the "intended joke" bit if you hadn't immediately resorted to calling people "butthurt fanboys" simply because they like something you don't. ;)

9 years ago

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''Oh, you mean the 400k at launch ... last month? ;)

You may not care, but others do.''

This is the sort of reply any butthurt fan would give. It was intended as a joke. :D

9 years ago

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Lmfao. Actually I thought the game was alright or even good, but not GotY material or anything, so I'm the furthest thing from a fanboy of the game. I put about 60 hours into it, finished it, and moved on. If you want "fanboys", you might want to talk to the people with 300+ hours in the game. Just goes to show you really have no idea what you're talking about. ;)

Regardless, others might be interested in the new sale price, whether you like the game or not.

9 years ago

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Also, people consider the fact that I made my reply based on your statistics, that stated ''Half a million people buy a game'', didn't really look on the internet for the ACTUAL statistics. :)

9 years ago

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Took me all of 10 seconds to google it shrug

9 years ago

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it's a singleplayer, people buy it, play it, finish it, uninstall it

9 years ago

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that's how it works for most.

except me, still playing over 350hs :3

9 years ago

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I played FO3 for more than 100h :O
are you replaying it or it's... just long ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ?

9 years ago

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still the first playthrough, there's too much stuff to explore. (●´ω`●)

9 years ago

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Gotta find 50€ somewhere ç_ç

9 years ago

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The reason I dislike purchasing singleplayer games in general. :D

9 years ago

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wrong, with fallout it's mostly like: people buy it, play it, finish it, mod it, play it again, mod it even more

9 years ago

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True, but it's too late for heavy modding.

9 years ago

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actually it's too early, since something like project nevada for fallout 4 isn't out yet

9 years ago

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that "late" :|

sorry I'm already drunk

9 years ago

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Why bad? It's not a MP game, and even if Bethesda mostly makes shallow sandboxes disguised as semi-role playing games, even the Skyrim players mostly play it through once to a degree, and just be done with it. FO4 is a single-player open world shooter. For many, this means the replay value is at zero. So they play through the story once with one faction, and that was it.
I'm more surprised that even 54k are playing it, but it is most likely people finally finding time during the holidays to get around it. Until the first DLC and the release of the new GECK (SDK), it should be rather quiet.

9 years ago

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Ya that game was so November :)

9 years ago

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True story. :D

9 years ago

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Of course it's worth it, great game. Do not listen to all the haters.

9 years ago

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F4 is great if you're into exploring post-nuclear world. I wouldn't recommend it though if you didn't played/enjoyed New Vegas or Fallout 3 prior to that, especially because NV is rather cheap now and F4 is nearly the same game, with the same concept.

Story-wise, F4 is a total disaster and it can't be even compared to e.g. Withcer 3, but it's a bit different RPG. Witcher focuses on the story, quests, history and everything story-wise, while Fallout is more like "X happened, now go explore and try to survive". Moreover, they actually took very much portion of the freedom compared to NV or 3, so you don't have a much of it regarding choices. A good example is when game doesn't give you a choice what to do with yours wife murderer, you must kill him regardless of the circumstances. Basically game must be played exactly as it's meant to be, and apart of some final story choices such as which faction to support, you're given the same linear history.

It's good game, definitely, but it's some kind of specific and if you're not that much into RPGs, you'll most likely either get bored by the game, or disappointed by the quests. As I said, I highly suggest to try NV, it's cheap, and is a good measure on which you can decide yourself if you like the concept or not.

9 years ago*

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F4 is great if you're into exploring post-nuclear world. I wouldn't recommend it though if you didn't played/enjoyed New Vegas or Fallout 3 prior to that, especially because NV is rather cheap now and F4 is nearly the same game, with the same concept.

Agreed. Good game, worth the money, but a typical Bethesda game all around.

9 years ago

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NV was so f**king stuttering that I have to uninstall it. Talk about optimization...

9 years ago

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Nope your pc sucks :P

9 years ago

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That, I know fully well. Just cannot accept that Oblivion runs pretty smoothly on it, while NV doesn't.

9 years ago

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Well, Obsidian is pretty much infamous for managing to make the biggest of messes even out of the best gaming engines. The only examples were the engines made by BioWare… somehow Obsidian's sequels worked great there, compared to their track record.
Anyway, there is an anti-stutter DLL for New Vegas. Does what the name implies and does it well.

9 years ago

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From my 15 minutes experience, I think I like the game. I will look for that DLL when I try downloading again later :3

9 years ago

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New vegas runs like butter, fallout 3 on the other hand runs like trash.

9 years ago

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In my experience troubleshooting for people in the NV boards, that is the rarer case. It can be made run better than Fallout 3, but with some work and 3rd party plug-ins.

9 years ago

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the best game ever!

until i get bored and never touch it again :3

9 years ago

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Great discount for a new amazing game that offers hundreds of hours of entertainment. and caters to PC fans. "No" beats "Yes" 5:1

No wonder despite being a bajallion pcs developers push towards the consoles.

9 years ago

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Saying it in the year where a number of Japanese devs started to move a good number of console-exclusive titles to PC…

9 years ago

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Many of which are just copy paste ports, not optimized, and even worse missing features. Seriously why does Koei hate you guys lol.
I am glad it's improving but I just wish PC gamers weren't treated like second class citizens. But like I pointed out with my original comment it doesn't surprise me why they would do it when a developer that goes the extra mile gets a "Will wait for even bigger sale" from majority.

9 years ago

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Terrible that other people think different about entertainment and "great discount" than you, isn't it?

9 years ago

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It affects me to some degree so yes I suppose.

9 years ago

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Well then I don't like fanboys who jump on a new release and successfully gave birth to the monstrosity called preorder system. Or the 60$ games while digital distribution should have lowered the cost of a game, not raised. (every coin has two sides)
But my biggest problem is that Bethesda making their games more streamlined, more stupid, more simple, to get it as much people as it's possible. Even Fallout 3 had more RPG aspect than this game, and this is the main reason I refuse to buy it as long as it won't get into 20$-ish price range (not to mention Bethesda's DLC system which punishes early buyers). I'm intrested in the game as - at least in it's name- if the next game of one of my favourite franchises, but it's terrible what happened to the abundant RPG features of New Vegas.
Not all of us want it cheap because we're entitled - some of us just not supporting an ongoing trend. 33% off from a very recent game is a fantastic discount, but still costs much more than I can afford to pay for a game, even considering that I would break my usual 10-15$ limit for the sake of a Fallout.

9 years ago

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i'd also add why not wait a year for the complete edition instead of paying more for less of a game?

9 years ago

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Because Bethesda brown-nosers accept everything that's being put in front of them

9 years ago

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Saldly it's just not bethesda fans, video game fans for some reason enjoy anti consumer practices.

9 years ago

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What does pre orders have to do with anything? You do get games cheaper on PC. This is a much bigger discount then console users have had. As I said they even cater to you giving you more options the console gamers. I can nitpick some things but by large and far this game is whooping it's predecessors on all accounts so I have no idea what you are getting at (counting F3 and NV not FO1&2) . How does there DLC punish early buyers lol. Get the game the pass and get all content for a discount or choose not to and buy it separate like has always been possible. Sounds like them giving more options is something you don't like. Some people don't want to wait an extra year to play something already out. Don't worry I don't think you want it cheap because you are entitled, by the way you are willing to drop all complaints when it hits a certain price makes me think you are just cheap.

9 years ago*

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lol, are you trolling or really you're so out of the picture? FO4 better than predessors ON ALL ACCOUNTS? Joke of the year

buy it separate like has always been possible

Yeah, you can buy any Bethesda GOTY or 2 DLCs for the same price. If you buy base game + separate DLCs you're paying about 2-3 times of a GOTY's price
The fact that you can't even cope with game worth different amount for someone... that's beyond me. It's simply too fukcing cheap for being an open-world soulless shooterfest - being a franchise getting gutted from it's RPG content surely don't decrease it's value in one's eye who loved the RPG part. If I'd want to shoot stuff in the desert, I'd play mad max. Get your head out of your ass fanboy, and look around.

9 years ago

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Lmao the real joke is you haven't even played the game but are here trying to tell me what it's worth. Please.

9 years ago

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And I assume you haven't eaten shit, but you probably don't really looking forward to it, don't you? Why, you can't tell it's bad until you taste it!

9 years ago

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Apples and oranges mate. When you finally get enough cash to play it you can message me back but right now you just some random guy who talks shit about games he hasn't played.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I wasn't talking shit. I was just telling what my impression was about the game, plus information from official statings, gameplay videos about the game's base concept. I guess I have the rights for not like a game for being what it is, and don't buy it if I don't feel it's price adequate for my expectations. Like you said, apples and oranges. If Bethesda provides a game I want to play, and not only mildly intrested in, I'll pay their 60$ for them. I'm not a charity.

9 years ago

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You are making exaggerated claims about a game you don't own. Hate to break it to you mate but you are in fact doing what I said you were doing. Also lol at the deleted message, I saw what it said man, no need to get your panties in a twist on message boards.

9 years ago

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Yep, I realized that I went over the top.
But still, I don't understand you hate. Fallout 4 has SPECIALS and derived statistics, all previously existing in the games. But the 12 skill of Fallout 3, 13 skill + Trait options of New Vegas are all missing. Call it judging or not, these missing features decrease the game's worth for me. There may be redeeming points, but as far as I can judge without actually spending my money on the game, it's not worth my money. ( Not to mention how ridiculous that you first called me cheap for not getting a game YOU like and I'm not intrested enough, then flamed me for daring to point out common-knowledge things of the game I don't like.) Do I really need to buy a game missing my favourite features only to have a legit arguement in your eyes, to be "worthy" to tell you: Yes, indeed the features are not in the game?
Skyrim was also enjoyable on it's own way, while being barebones in terms of mechanics even compared to Oblivion, not to mention Morrowind, and you only need to take a glance at the combat systems to be perfectly aware of the thing. Similarly, I don't need playtime with a 60€ game to know what I loved, is not in the game. I had time to find it out, I was follwing it's news since the announcement.

9 years ago

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So they replaced features with ones you are not used to and added a bunch of new stuff which in turn you ignore. This conversation is going nowhere, I don't care what you or the other guy do or what you guys think is worth I just stated why the rest of devs will gladly treat you guys like second class citizens when a game polished for PC's, has extra features for PC's and is just genuinely a huge awesome game (Yes I get you haven't played it and think it's not awesome) gets a majority NO despite being cheaper and superior then the console versions.

9 years ago*

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I will say this very slowly. I loved the skills and discussions, not the shooting. They removed skills, dialogues got simpler, and the better shooting is not a big plus enough. Neither the building part, I never used mods for building - I was playing with quest mods, mainly, because that's what I enjoy the most. New stuff, that's not for me won't make the game more attractice, sadly. I can't just spend 40€ and hope that the feature will turn out fine.
Btw do you see that the questions is "Buy?", not " is it a great deal?" ~30% off is HUGE for a new game, it's a fantastic deal! But people are after christmas, probably out of money, got and bought their presents, winter sale is up since more than a week, people could buy it from there and past the refund time - there are various reasons not to buy a game.

9 years ago

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You should learn to read more slowly because I just told you this conversation is going nowhere and I don't care a few minutes ago.

9 years ago

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Judging =/= stating the obvious, to be really short.

9 years ago

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I voted no because i think it's wise to wait for the GOTY/complete edition, not because the game is thrash or "not worth" the money.

9 years ago

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If you are ignoring a great game for a great price that will easily trump the value of most products for 40$ because it doesn't have all the extra content in it yet then that does mean it's not worth the money to you.

9 years ago

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I guess i was not clear. I meant that while the game is worth the price i think it's better tow ait for a year or a bit less for the complete edition for mainly 3 reasons:

  1. Patches will have corrected most if not all game breaking bugs
  2. For the same price you are paying now you will get all the DLC content which generally speaking doesnt receve as much discount as the Goty editions
  3. The mod scene will probably have launched interesting stuff by then.

I don't feel the game is not worth the price, i feel that they offer a much better deal if we wait a year. If you buy the vanilla fallout 3/TES its a great game but for a´bit more you can get the complete edition; especially when both are at discount. Look at skyrim, up until now it was cheaper to buy the GOTY edtion then the DLC in separate.
In short what i meant was that waiting for a GOTY edition is the wise choice since bethesda enjoys "overpricing" DLC when compared to their base game.

9 years ago

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How is it overpricing when you don't even know what the content of the season pass entails? All of there DLC for the most part has been worth it and added to the base game for their other titles. Regardless of what logic you want to use, the end result is the game is not worth your money right now.

9 years ago

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it's not that the DLC is overpriced; it's that the DLC is overpriced when compared to the GOTY edition of the game.
Let's take a look at skyrim. If you bought everything at launch date you would pay 50 (game)+ 15+15+5 (for the DLC). The last DLC was released in February of 2013; the GOTY version as released on June for 50. In just 4 months you could get the complete edition; which was released 1,5 years after skyrim released.
Let's go back to fallout 4 say you grab the deal now and pay 40, if you want the DLC you have to pay at 30. If you wait for a year you can get everything for 50.
IMO a year goes by really fast and i'd prefer to wait for a better deal when we know (for almost sure) that it's coming.
Let's consider that the deal was having fallout 4 AND season pass for 40. I'd bite that.

9 years ago*

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Right back to the original point of why PC gamers are treated as second class citizens. Stop being cheap. The game is easily worth 40$ now regardless of whether or not they added in 50 expansions after launch.

9 years ago

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i'm really sad at being called cheap. I have wasted thousand of euros/escudos on the gaming industry , i have around 1800 games just on steam, not counting on every console above sega saturn generation (excluding xbone and wii u which i have not bought yet). I'm really sad at being called cheap, i'm supossed to pay for 80 euro for a complete game when in just a year that game will be sold for 50 or less. I'm sorry but i prefer to save 30 euro by just waiting.
Look, i get it you like bethesda games, i like them too, just on skyrim i have 70 hours, however the truth is that bethesda screws early adopters. Oblivion burned me. I won't touch fallout 4 until the complete edition.

9 years ago

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Bah vast majority of those 1800 are bundled games or games heavily discounted. I want pictures of your other game collections now. Seriously though, me getting to enjoy a game totally worth the full price paid a year before you do does not screw me over in the slightest. Do you feel you are screwed when a game you buy on Steam goes on sale a year later? I would hope not lol.

On a lighter note. Pfft at 70 hours. I got 176 on one character on the PS3 and that's suppose to be the worst version. (Hugely exaggerated.)

9 years ago

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I don't have the patience to organize my "collection" here you can see a bit of what i have.
You clearly don't mind paying more for less game; Maybe because i'm older i just don't want to pay more and receive less. At most i play 40-50 euros for a complete game. If a game has microtrasactions and/or DLC that surpass that i'll probably skip it.
I'm form the time where i'd buy a complete game for 30-40 USD and at most 1-2 years later i would buy an expansion that had similar amount of content to the base game.

9 years ago*

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No patience to organize. No patience to provide a link. Plenty of patience to wait to play a game.
Legit Mr. Old Wise Man.

Also I don't know what cheap expansions you were buying as a child but nearly all the ones I bought Zoo Tycoon 2, Star Craft, Diablo II, Black and White or Sims (Not sure if it was one or two I owned). definitely didn't add to the base game near as much content as the original had but cost nearly or exactly the same price.

Edit: Real talk though if you do have a picture that isn't set to private I would like to see. I love seeing what other games people enjoy..

9 years ago*

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3 weeks here and you are already making friends...

9 years ago

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Yeah I have. I just probably won't be adding the two above to that list anytime soon though lol. It's cool though, maybe they can become friends since they have something in common.

9 years ago

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IMO it's from a civil discussion that you learn to view the world. He's not making an "enemy" of me just because he doesn't share my opinion. I prefer people that discuss (even when they use personal attacks) than those that ignore.

9 years ago

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i think i got the linking work.

9 years ago

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No patience to organize= i'm not going to go take all my old games from the boxes or take photos from alla round the room to just show what i have; it's pointless "work".
No patience to provide a link= i made a mistake, my fault here. But why would i put a link if it weren't for you to see the photos?
It's clear we won't see a common ground but i kinda hoped you would stop attacking my persona and started "attacking" my arguments but i guess moderation is not part of you.
I'm tired and i'll go play some video games before bed time; my farewell.

9 years ago

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Rather then get the link working and sharing a common interest you would rather write another two and a half paragraph rant an hour after your first reply. That's a shame you feel like that especially when you are complaining about it being clear we won't have common ground when I offered you a clear common ground. I really love how you think you are on some higher ground too. This whole time you can insinuate you are more intelligent because of age or I am an anti consumer it is cool, I call you cheap I am "attacking" meanwhile you continue to try to passively insult me by saying I lack moderation in the very next line. You are so full of yourself lol.

9 years ago

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i think this time i got the link working. You still think i made a link to mess with you. you think i was insinuating i was more intelligent because of age. It's just you taking the conclusions you want from what i wrote. I didn't even called you anticonsumer so i don't know where that came from.
Saying you having lack of moderation is not an offence IMO since you were all about trying to offend me but i guess i was wrong. It's clear you think i'm just messing with you. This discussion started because i didn't explain myself correctly yet you attacked me, for trying to make myself understood. The reason i talked about my age is that i'm used to having more content for less money than this deal. I real don't get why you need to be aggressive instead of understanding?
Answer me these Questions if you have the patience:

  1. Why would i create a link if it was not for you to see?
  2. Why am i cheap when i don't agree it's worth buying the game now?
  3. why i'm a Legit Mr. Old Wise Man?
  4. Did i ever indirectly mean anything else with what a i wrote (i remind you to read my posts and how the conversation started)? WHY am i on higher ground? I don't get this at all. All my posts were about the difference of my thoughts to yours; Why am i so full of myself when i'm explaining my thoughts? Am I supposed to doubt what i want?
  5. Why buying fallout 4 now is a better deal than waiting a year for the GOTY edition?
  6. Why just having 300 games doesn't make you cheap yet having 1800 makes me cheap?
  7. why the need to try and offend me?

I'm sorry for being an old gamer that has different tastes than you. Unfortunately i won't have much time to comment on your asnwers so i'll just conclude:
I'd rather wait a few months after the last DLC and buy fallout 4 Goty edition for 40-50 while you prefer buying fallout 4 for 40 now and pay 30 more for the DLC. In short this is a good deal for you but a bad deal for me.

9 years ago

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Stop. I didn't read a single word. This conversation already ended.

9 years ago

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I thought so. can you at least confirm he link worked this time?

9 years ago

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Yep it is working now. Nice pictures, I am glad you delivered. I can't make out the DS games but I love the diversity you got going on with your gaming tastes only thing missing is the Nintendo games. Are you not a fan of them? Or are they all hiding in boxes with the others? I am terrible for keeping my stuff with every new generation that comes, especially when it comes to original boxes for games so it's cool to see guys like you stay on top of it. That spinning thing you got holding your games is pretty neat, any idea what those are called?

9 years ago

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Here in portugal nintendo games are rarer then Gold. Unfortunatly i only learnt that i could import games (cheaply) a few years. My nintendo colection is my shame. Once i get a more stable income i'll add more to my collection. I'll take a photo of my recent nitendo collection, give me 10 mins to find my phone

9 years ago

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Added 2 more photos of my small amount of nintendo games. Those stands, that rotate, were a gift from my parents. We never found more and i have no idea what they are called.
This new generation i'm missing a wii U and a xbone. I just can't find the wii u at an acceptable price or bundled with a game i want. The only bundles that i have found out are the mario kart and splatoon ones which i don't have much interest. I don't have an xbone because it has only 1 game that interests me (for now) and that is forza.
Edit: if you know a place where i can get the wii u for an acceptable price that ships to portugal i'd enjoy that.

9 years ago*

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Nice, you got a good size with some nice games in there going already. I can't help you out on finding a place just yet because my mouse broke last night and everywhere is closed today so it's a pain to browse and open multiple conversations right now. I'm using the number keypad for mouse movement. I can definitely look into and ask around tomorrow though. What games were you interested on it anyways? I don't own an Xbox One either. Pretty much for the same reason except the only game is Sunset Overdrive. Dead Rising 3 is another but I am planning on upgrading my PC eventually so I can get it here. If you would like I'll add you on Steam after instead of having to bump this thread if you want.

9 years ago

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I'll just wait until it's $5, thanks.

9 years ago

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ill wait until modding has been doing its thing for a while.

9 years ago

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These are the usual response the people here give but then again what do you expect from people who just want free games. I bought it for this price at launch so it's not a great deal but it's good for those who don't own it yet.

9 years ago

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i think it's one of those rare gems that is worth not just $60, but the preorder risk. :3

9 years ago

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Agreed, after Fallout 3 and Skyrim I was confident enough to preorder Fallout 4 and the season pass and I've never preordered anything on PC. In fact, I've never spent more than $20 on a PC game.

9 years ago

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As a wise man once said : " Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game" .

9 years ago

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I remember that quote! it from captain Picard in the new star wars movie right?

9 years ago

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He wanted to be a captain but a pirate one. :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I won it already from other community event. ;P

9 years ago

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definitely not now

9 years ago

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